39 2018-03-22 by TropicalStormJim
1 finnanut27 2018-03-22
1 incelbeast 2018-03-22
Hahahaha oh God no
1 riPEEMYFARTBOX 2018-03-22
I thought you were using a thesaurus
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-03-22
Even spell check knows it's a stupid term
1 a7madib 2018-03-22
Can someone explain to me why you guys use the word femoid? I don’t get it
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-22
My guess it's a portmanteau of "female humanoid", which was a term used on the old subreddit.
1 Idalah 2018-03-22
dehumanize females is what I thought but I could be wrong
1 v101girl 2018-03-22
Spellcheck knows it’s not a word
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-03-22
1 finnanut27 2018-03-22
1 incelbeast 2018-03-22
Hahahaha oh God no
1 riPEEMYFARTBOX 2018-03-22
I thought you were using a thesaurus
1 GiraffeMasturbater 2018-03-22
Even spell check knows it's a stupid term
1 a7madib 2018-03-22
Can someone explain to me why you guys use the word femoid? I don’t get it
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-22
My guess it's a portmanteau of "female humanoid", which was a term used on the old subreddit.
1 Idalah 2018-03-22
dehumanize females is what I thought but I could be wrong
1 v101girl 2018-03-22
Spellcheck knows it’s not a word
1 IncelistanWillRise 2018-03-22