"i'm not ready to settle down guys"

49  2018-03-22 by incelbeast


Yea i remember reading that. It was life fuel. even her parents told her that she would regret it

how much did she actually love him if she left him, that doesn't add up

Oh she loved him lots I bet, only thing is, she's a disgusting degenerate.

love to her is 'best looking guy I can get at the moment'

cope my friendo

I left the Chad of my life because I thought I could do Giga Chad. Now I'm Chadless and alone at 42.


Extermely good explanation

Chadless women are just as oppressed as incels. Its obvious she has suffered just as much as incels have.

"....I was in my first junior role at a women's magazine...." [ALARM BEACONS!] It is bad enough if they even read those rags.

“I was shocked when my wife, who works at a feminist publication, decided married life wasn’t for her.”

I don't know why you wouldn't sui when you hit your thirties as a normal woman, you go from being a minor celebrity to used up trash in the eyes of society.

There are plenty of MILF hunters, you just have to embrace your niche.

The MILF thing is only for attractive women in their thirties. I'm talking about plain Jane who went through her 20s fucking every guy in sight.

Hairy chest pig woman's inbox blew up on POF. If she can get it, weatherbeaten plain Jane's life is smooth sailing. You'd have to be some sort of mythical monstrosity to be a truecel woman.

I'm not talking about being a truecel. I'm talking about going from being a minor celebrity fucking all different chads to being stuck with ugly beta beta-bux who you don't find sexually appealing at all.

pretty much. these 30+ yo roast beef whores are completely worthless.

Its a violent transition

Only in your imagination.

Have anyone of you read the story? It ends pretty happy for the husband tbh.

So idealy you would not want to go with a women like that, you can be just like Matthew(her old husband) who have a little up and down(you probaly call him a cuck) but end up happily married.

AWALT if sub 8 looks

sluts are literally obsessed with searching for biggest chad in the universe.

Its their top priority

I understand searching for good looking guys, but even when they have one, stupid cunts will think "mby I can do betta thehehehe"

Its because looks are subjective and they NEED to prove to THEMSELVES that they are hot. Its a self fulfilling prophecy.

Now that was a good read.

Not sure if this is sui fuel or life fuel....



Just too dam picky she was

Some stories do have happy endings

Well that sucks

lmao serves her right

Good job, Chad.

fuck this bitch. she got what she wanted.

Wahhh I can hardly get a chadlite now. Cry moar roastie!

Bitch, got what she deserved.