List of things incels are:

46  2018-03-22 by RippedRichAndGod

List of things incels ARE:

  • Lower bodyfat than average population
  • Gym-goers
  • Clean
  • Hobby-havers
  • Well groomed
  • Well dressed
  • Funny
  • Kind in public
  • Outwardly respectful
  • Facially hideous
  • Short

Things incels ARE NOT:

  • Fat
  • Unclean
  • Outwardly misogynistic/disrespectful
  • Rude in public
  • Hobbyless



why do you think people think those things?


Stereotypes come about for a reason..

All blacks are thieves


Many incels shower and go to the gym


Personally I think stereotypes against any group are bad.

There's no denying they're bad, but it's true the come about for a reason. Sure it's easy to go to the extreme spectrum of it, but "you're the milkmans baby" is what I think of. It came about because it was increasing happening.

increasing happening.

Maybe, but it's still a minority of all cases.

I suppose its true to say that some incels don't shower, in the say way it would be true to say some women, or some men don't shower. But the vast majority do.

Telling an incel to shower would be like a black man asking you advice on how to be successful and you telling him not to steal bikes

what happened to NiggerTears??

Was shut down, but not for breaking the rules! It was shut down for having no moderators.

RRI back at it with the black pills.

Because tinker players are brain dead

You are right. You are a volcel if you aren't looksmaxxing.

Incel for untreated mental health conditions including but not limited to depression, anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADD,ADHD,BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER, AND BIPOLAR DISORDER.

You're a volcel! Get treatment! I have all of those, take meds, therapy twice a month.

I Hab no money

Also no money. And the free mental health care in my country is an absolute joke.

“Just get treatment xD! Wait, you don’t have baby boomer daddy’s credit card?!”

Don't forget massively depressed but it's still ok to bully us since we are ugly subhuman men. I had a nightmare that I got raped again

Reddit hates making fun of or even not fully appreciating depressed people...

Except when they're ugly virgins. That's ok.

I cannot wait to die

Ugly toxic virgins in full denial, to be clear. Normally people don't care if you're depressed and ugly. But if you're outwardly malicious and just unable to accept responsibility for your own actions,... Yeah it will rub people the wrong way.

But if you're outwardly malicious

Things incels ARE NOT:
Outwardly misogynistic/disrespectful

Some are.

We literally stay in our own forum and post either depressing testimonials or silly memes. We aren't outwardly malicious at all. It's all normshits coming in here harassing us.

I never said you all were. I meant to keep imply the ones who deserve toxicity are those in particular.

Are you a man?

I think that's clear.

Have you been raped before? It's just a dream my bro.


Story? Call me on discord some time I always listen, at least for a while.

I've already talked to people about it

Well okay

Dumb normans think we're like /r/neckbeardthings /r/niceguys their stupid hamster sized brain can't see the clear differences in our behaviour

please sticky this /u/AnathematicAnarchist

It's a good reminder to ignorant normie brigaders.

Not all Incels are everything on one list or another. There are Incels who are overweight. There are Incels who talk about not showering. There are Incels who are tall. There are Incels who talk about being rude in public.

I don't think it's correct to say that Incels are all one way or another, just as it's not correct to say that all women are one way or another.

Incels are all one way or another

Huh. So that's why you made that incel bingo for IT.


Holy shit lmao. If you have a link you should post it.

Won't that get taken down for brigading or does that only apply to posts? I'll post some screencaps in a bit if that's the case.

Won't that get taken down for brigading or does that only apply to posts?


Hold on a sec.

I'll go with screenshots to be on the safe side (if anyone wants to verify, it's in her post history):

Incels can't be overweight or filthy unless they decided to LDAR after trying their best. Involuntary celibate. Involuntary.


Depends. I gave up, so i have a beard.

90% of numales have shitty beards, they can't complain

Shit post

"Listen, if you stop calling women 'roasties' and 'femoids' in public it might help you get laid you virgin loser" - what an actual roastie thinks and said yesterday lmao.

They are brain dead.

Saying 'roastie' or 'femoid' in public would just give stares of confusion.

The fucking imagination of these people.

Nah, you guys have been meme'd to fuck. Everybody knows what you are when you use a term like that.

Everybody knows what you are when you use a term like that.

Go out in the street and start having conversations with those terms then.

Already have. I live in a small town in the Scottish boondocks and my impression of the incel strereotype usually gets a good few laughs when I break it out at the sesh.

Good for you! I don't use any Internet slang offline because I don't have any reason to make incel discussions in real life.

normies cannot make the logical conclusion that we don't act IRL how we do in this sub. It's too much of a intellectually leap for them. They genuinely believe we say "cope", "femoid", etc IRL.

Nah, we know you don't. But your misogyny still shows through in a thousand little ways. Same as any other bigot. Most people who experience some form of bigotry get good at spotting the people pushing that agenda. Women are no exception.

So much this. The uncanny valley exists for personalities and people can tell when there is something off about a person. The difference is most people are just awkward so we put up with it because they aren't filled with hate.


I did not say that. I implied that you are a shitty liar, not that good liars don't exist.

Keep moving those goal posts cunt

I haven't moved shit.



So you're not socially awkward with women at all? hmm

Outwardly misogynistic/disrespectful

Do you think that pretending to not be misogynistic in real life makes up for the fact that there are people on talking about how they want to throw acid in a woman's face?

Do you think that pretending to not be misogynistic in real life makes up for the fact that there are people on your college football team talking about how they want to actually have gang raper and sexually assaulted real women?

What's your point? You didn't really answer my question.

With a bit of comprehension skill, I think you will find the answer somewhere in there.

Nope. It just seems like you're using someone else's behavior to justify your own. Which doesn't really make sense, logically.

Which doesn't really make sense, logically.

You mean like how you're using the behavior of a FEW people on the other incel board to paint a generalized picture of all "incels" "doesn't really make sense, logically"?

Or how your "question" is a strawman intended to attack "incels"?

You mean like how you're using the behavior of a FEW people on the other incel board to paint a generalized picture of all "incels" "doesn't really make sense, logically"?

Your original sub got taken down because there were so many pro-rape threads. Doesn't seen like it was "just a few" people doing it. And the only reason there aren't more pro-rape threads on this board is because board_gaming removes them all. Plus, why does it matter which Incel board it's on? Are you saying the guys on braincels are somehow less overtly misogynistic than the incels on the other boards?

Or how your "question" is a strawman intended to attack "incels"?

How was my question a strawman? I'm not trying to argue the point that Incels dont act like the same in public as they do online. I'm sure they dont act like this IRL. What I'm asking is if one's public persona makes up for the things they say online.

the fact that there are people on talking about how they want to throw acid in a woman's face?

lmao they are minority (4 or 5 guys) and they post it on OffTopic. I am active on and this not what we discusses.

1.) I was talking about the new incel website that just got launched, not

2.) While we're on the topic of though, I saw a thread there the other day where users were polled about their thoughts on rape. 31% said it was agood, justifiable occurrence. What are your thoughts on that?

Do you think that pretending not to be a heightist, lookist, racist piece of trash in real life makes up for the fact that your underlying behavior, attitudes and beliefs don't reflect that claim based on society's mistreatment of unattractive, short and non white men?

Do you think that pretending not to be a heightist, lookist, racist piece of trash in real life

Please show me where I've been any of these things.

non white men?

Are all incels non-white?

I know good looking guys who are actually openly misogynists and disrespectful but get attention anyways because as a male you are your looks.

inb4 Normans bombard us with muh pher-son-litty and muh muh-suj-knee radar!


Are there really people that don't have any hobbies? I mean if you work all the time and working is all you love and do I might understand that, but otherwise?

What do you do if you are not working and don't have any hobbies...

Post on /r/inceltears

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

#1: r/incels is now banned | 2340 comments
#2: Sir, you need to leave | 251 comments
#3: We should care more about rapists than their victims. 😡 | 453 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Video games and Netflix don’t count as hobbies, so no, most people do not have hobbies.

an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation

Going by the texbook defintion those two activities do count as hobbies.

I mean those hobbies are not very conductive to meeting new people, but they are still hobbies...

I always cringe when people say videogaming is a hobby. Major cringe, most normies will consider you as a neckbeard manchild if you play videos (with the exception of mainstream games such as COD,bf,fifa and fortnite)

The second biggest incel sub on this site is /r/pcmasterrace, holy fuck i bet most incels here are in a a better situation that those creeps

Depends what you play, tbh. I mostly stick to games like Homeworld and Total War, most normies don't have a problem with them.


This is actually pretty true. If you're an "incel" and you haven't looksmaxxed and tried all options you are volcel. I hate people who claim to incels but are fat slobs in fucking minecraft shirts and cargo shorts. If this is you, you aren't one of us.

Does leg lengthening and Le Fort III includes looksmaxxing? Thus if you haven't LLed and LeForted then you officially volcel?

Tell me who you know that has gotten both of those procedures and remained incel.

From the way a lot of you bully board_gaming, this is already untrue.

Boardgaming is the only person i abused this year, and maybe some ITcucks. I am not an incel but im pretty fucking sure most keep the verbal agression for reddit only unless confronted by a realife dipshit.

"I've only abused one person this year"

Not a statement to be proud of buddy. More to the point, that aggression is going to show on your face whether you want it to or not.

I guess that is why handsome serial killers and real abusers slay.

People who do things like that put an extreme amount of effort in to not come across like that.

If you had the kind of social skills that'd allow you to get away with something like that, you'd have the social skills to get laid.

Its far easier than you think you autistic oiece of shit. In online games like league of legends there are tons of toxic people. Everyone knows a friend who is a toxic shit online only. Being online has an increased chance of making someone more toxic. I cant believe you are so fucking dumb to bieve the bullshit you just said.

There's a difference between trash-talk and genuine hatred. I trash talk people online, part of the fun is the bant. Unlike you though, I'm not a bigot. I don't hate people because they exist, I hate people because they post shit like that.

I dont hate people because they exist eitherm nice try though.


Doesn't hate people because they exist.

Hey you hypocritical piece of shit, judging by your post history you're an abusive person yourself, so how about keeping the virtue-signalling to yourself instead of judging others for things you're guilty of yourself?

Not in the slightest. The only things I abuse are drugs.

From your post history:

WaylanderTS • 0 points • submitted 31 minutes ago Does this retard think he is a frog? Or does he think he's autistic?

WaylanderTS • -4 points • submitted 42 minutes ago We ban people and subreddits because the majority of people don't want anything to do with you, or your rhetoric. I don't want to see it. I can't think of anybody else off the top of my head that wants to accidentally click on your bullshit either.

WaylanderTS • 0 points • submitted 1 day ago Don't write stupid shit, and people wont treat you like stupid shit.

Let me guess: it wasn't abuse because it's "true" (according to you), right?

You are a piece of shit, full stop. Fuck off with your virtue signalling. Hypocrite trash.

1st comment: User makes obvious reference to autism meme. I call him autistic. Being autistic myself, I think I'm in a slightly better position than you to gauge whether that is abusive content or not. I'm not offended, neither should you.

2nd Comment: The shocking revalation that people don't want to come onto reddit to listen to rape apologists.

3rd Comment: Dude is complaining that IT mocks them. I point out that, if they didn't keep making posts defending abhorrent behaviour, people would not be inclined to mock them for it.

Way to make excuses for yourself, you fucking cunt. I don't give a fuck what the reasons were. You don't have the right to accuse others of being "abusive" when you're a confrontation piece of shit calling other people's opinions (which they are entitled to, you hypocritical shitstain redditard) "bullshit" or otherwise.

It doesn't surprise me that you're an autist. I don't give a fuck either. I don't care what you "think". What you said was offensive, you're an abusive piece of shit, and you don't have the right to judge others. Eat shit.

It sounds to me like you're grasping at straws to make me out to be a bad person. You can try and vilify me if you want, but I'm a pretty popular guy. There's a reason I go out to the pubs on the weekend while you're still sat here.

I'm not going to take personal criticism from a guy openly admitting to be less than the rest of us. Why would I care? You're beneath me.

It sounds to me like you're grasping at straws to make me out to be a bad person.

You mean like what you're doing to posters here, fucktard?

You can try and vilify me if you want, but I'm a pretty popular guy.

Being a "pretty popular guy" with cringeworthy autistic vermin redditor shitstains is worth less than the dirt on my shoes

There's a reason I go out to the pubs on the weekend while you're still sat here.

Way to assume I spend

Newsflash: "Going out to the pubs on the weekends" doesn't make you a winner, wageslave cuckold fucktard. A billion other failures of life live for the weekend like you. You are a nobody. Get real.

I'm not going to take personal criticism from a guy openly admitting to be less than the rest of us.

I've never once said that and don't believe it, but way to lump all posters who disagree with you into the same category of self-denigrating loser

Why would I care? You're beneath me.

LMFAO. You're a redditor shitstain cockroach. Dogshit rotting on a sidewalk is worth more than you. Like hell I'm "beneath you". Fucking imbecile. I make more money in a week than "snarky" failures like you do in a month.

1 - I don't work for wages. I'm a self employed "Do whatever I can get paid for" type of guy right now. No IT work around here so I end up fixing a lot of computers and building a lot of furniture.

  1. I might be a nobody, but I'm a happy nobody. Can't say the same for you or you wouldn't be here.

  2. You are less than the rest of us. You're an Incel. Bottom of the totem pole, waiting to LDAR. You're human garbage man, not even the landwhales want you. Normally I wouldn't be so cruel, I've got more patience for the people I used to be than the person I am right now truth be told - but you dragged it out of me.

  3. You're a redditor. Now I come on here while I'm working because its something to do while I'm waiting for glue to dry or for diagnostics software to do its thing. You seem to come here for the sake of coming here.

I'm a self employed "Do whatever I can get paid for" type of guy right now.

In other words, a fucking loser. QED.

I might be a nobody, but I'm a happy nobody. Can't say the same for you or you wouldn't be here.

LMFAO. What an idiotic cope. Being "happy" with being a fucking loser redditard is pathetic.

And did you forget that you're here too, you fucking worthless loser? LMAO. Let me guess, it's different for you, because you're here to "LAUGH" at the incels, right, bitchboy?

Do you think successful people sit in their whore mother's basement bragging about "hitting the pub" with their loser friends while holding down some loser "self-employed" job that barely pays shit, posting on incel subreddits for fun?

You are a FUCKING LOSER in every way, shape and form. You're no better than the regulars here. The only difference between you and them is you're a self-righteous faggot.

You are less than the rest of us.

I am wealthier than you, more educated than you, and altogether more successful than you. You're a worthless shitstain "self-employed" loser who works for a living. I don't need to work at all.

You are INFINITELY beneath me, fucking cockroach. The only way you could potentially beat me out is in the opinion of women, if you're tall and good looking (which I SERIOUSLY doubt, as good looking, tall, successful people don't know what reddit is)

You're an Incel.

Wrong. They may have been 3rd world, 80 IQ green card seekers who weren't conventionally attractive, but I've fucked plenty of women (before you cope: CIVILIANS, not whores)

Bottom of the totem pole, waiting to LDAR.

Redditard shitstains really don't have the right to say anyone is "bottom of the totem pole", you pathetic neckbeard paunchy faggot. You are a living punch line to normal people, fucking clown. Reddit is a site for virgin nerds in real life. You are a JOKE.

You're human garbage man, not even the landwhales want you. Normally I wouldn't be so cruel, I've got more patience for the people I used to be than the person I am right now truth be told - but you dragged it out of me.

LMFAO. Do you seriously think I'm offended by your pitiful 3rd grade level insults, you shrimp dicked autist cretin? Fucking LOL. You're totally delusional.

Your whore of a mother would lick the shitstains out of my drawers if I flashed my money at her. I can't possibly take you seriously knowing you're a fucking "self employed" loser without a dime to your name.

Thou doth protest too much.

Concession accepted. Thanks for playing bitchboy, try again never. Don't forget to go fuck yourself, because women definitely won't

Come back when you're a man. I don't take shit from boys.

So you ARE autistic. I guess that is why you think its hard to have a different personality online vs offline.

Nope. I never actually said that. What I said, is that your core personality is going to show through no matter what you do. Because people fuck up from time to time, and an out-of-place word, or a sudden facial expression, can be quite revealing under the circumstances.

I can spot bigots pretty easily. You can see the flash of disgust when I start stimming. Of course, I haven't stimmed unintentionally in years, but I still do it around new folk to sound them out.

We got a sherlock holmes over here LMAO. Problem is, my "core personality" doesnt exist online because online i dont care.

This is basic social interaction man. What I just described is called a freudian slip. Its a common-as-fuck social phenomenon that nobody is immune to.

Most people also have a lot less control over their body language than they like to think they do.

Ok sherlock holmes. Please dont expose the real me to the world.

Literally everybody can see this when you do it. I'm autistic, and I see when people do it.

Good thing i am seemingly so awesome regardless that "everybody" generally thinks i am a decent person.

If you were that good at lying you wouldn't be single. End of story. Just because you don't know what it is that you are doing to give away your malicious designs, doesn't mean that you aren't doing it.

I'm single because i don't approach. It seems it all comes down to the fact that you somehow cannot believe that a person who is rude online doesn't have to be rude in realife. If you want to be that delusional, be my guest. There is no way i can convince you otherwise, you seem to be too determined that you are some type of sherlock.

I've never made that claim. Quite the opposite, I'm autistic, I'm worse at this than most people. My point is that if I can see it, odds are that everybody can see it.

This conversation is over. I'm not going to talk to somebody who seems content to speak for me. What would be the point?

"Someone who is rude to me online cant possibly be a decent person in realife according to my paradigm REEEEEEEEE"

I'm not concerned with how people act in public. I want to know who they are in the dark.

Thats so awesome and totally not cringy!

It gave me autism after 2 sentences.

but im pretty fucking sure most keep the verbal agression for reddit only unless confronted by a realife dipshit.

Careful with that logic there. It'll be dismissed!

Horrible person, deserves to be bullied.


board gaming posted on cucktears, deserves more bullying if anything

You post here. Should I bully you because of that? I can sic my spam bot on you if you like.

I don't give a shit, you probably bully anyways

Says the bully. What you do to her falls under harrassment. You can actually go to jail for your stalkerish, obsessive behaviour. Not this board, you.

She 100% deserves it for posting at that place

Sounds to me like you're one of the sexists. Bully other people, and people are gonna bully you. I don't feel any sympathy for you being exposed as a sexist.

ok great now that you have this information what next, who cares.

lol, are you seriously implyng that incels aren't bullied on here?

I can sic my spam bot on you if you like.

litearlly shakign rn

You sound more pathetic than the people you like to make fun of

Well, I was going for light. I can do some pretty heinous shit armed with time and an internet connection - its just what he's doing is a little on the mild side for that. Not being able to use reddit for a couple of days because all your notifications are pictures of dongs fits his actions pretty well.

At least thats what you think, but not what the general public thinks.

Its called halo effect.


lmao get to the back of the line and take a lap GDI

Won't that get taken down for brigading or does that only apply to posts? I'll post some screencaps in a bit if that's the case.

please sticky this /u/AnathematicAnarchist

It's a good reminder to ignorant normie brigaders.

I'll go with screenshots to be on the safe side (if anyone wants to verify, it's in her post history):

"I've only abused one person this year"

Not a statement to be proud of buddy. More to the point, that aggression is going to show on your face whether you want it to or not.

Not in the slightest. The only things I abuse are drugs.

but im pretty fucking sure most keep the verbal agression for reddit only unless confronted by a realife dipshit.

Careful with that logic there. It'll be dismissed!

I dont hate people because they exist eitherm nice try though.

Literally everybody can see this when you do it. I'm autistic, and I see when people do it.

You're a volcel! Get treatment! I have all of those, take meds, therapy twice a month.