When an incel starts respecting females and starts taking showers.

111  2018-03-22 by AbuIncelAlAustrali


That’s not an incel boyo

yes it is

Looks normie imo.

he would not get matches on Tinder

A truecel doesn’t use tinder because he recognizes it’s over.

A truecel tries Tinder to know his place and extract a black pill.

Ah well, mogs me by a couple of points but sure you can call him incel.

he mogs me too, I'm a currycel. He is defs incel though.

Yeah he would

Lol dude on left can still get bitches bro quit coping fakecel

nah, it's definitely over for him unless he beta buxes or plays the just be white game in south east Asia

Damn I wish I could change my bone structure like that

you need to start respecting females bro and it will happen, I promise

I get advice like be more confident unironically from my Norman friends who all have girlfriends smh

Inceltears are right. See what happens when your personality grows by a few mm's. Unlike the misogynistic alt-right pig on the left, the good progressive feminist on the right has a personality that lights up the room.

my bone structure is similar to the guy on the left.

fucking brutal

I will pray to St. Blackops2cel for your soul.

The bone structure on the left, not too dissimilar from mine... it's over...

showers would chisel your bone structure to Chad

Is this photoshop or did he get surgery?

showers and respecting females, try it and it will work wonders

Lol r u srs

I actually prefer the one on the left teehee

If he would do something about his fucked up hair he’d look fine. But instead all of you would rather cry about how your personal tastes aren’t well received by others and wonder why no one is attracted to you.

Obviously when you don’t put an effort into bettering yourself you’re going to appear ugly on the inside and out.

Holy fuck this sub is cancerous, do you guys really believe this shit or is it just for jokes?

Shut up normie, we are doomed - fuck off and please don't give us stupid advice that is already verified not to work

Have you really tried it?

Tried what nigga? Tried growing a jaw??? I've been trying that for the past 10 years and it hasn't worked.

No tried growing a personality.

le personality maymay xDDD

I grew a jaw man, it's called upper and lower maxillofacial surgery and it hurts like nothing else you've ever felt before, you also have to drink nothing but Ensure and smashed peas for 6 months and look like swollen version of yourself. Also if you need the surgery (like I did) and are unable to get it approved through your insurance you end up loosing all your teeth ( I know because I lost some). All in all I wouldn't suggest it because in the end I looked no different and had two less molars that make it a bitch to eat chips.

I would still go for it. I've seen some pretty amazing results from maxilla surgeries. I got nothing to lose anyway.

Hey if it will make you happy I say go for it, and if you get lucky with your insurance and they don't consider it a cosmetic surgery then you don't have to pay the 100 grand out of pocket. It's a win-win not counting the months of excruciating pain and the fact that my jaw pops louder than a 747 now.

just grow a jaw bro

I can tell you with absolute certainty the reason you’re an incel isn’t because of your looks, but your personality. Your reply is the equivalent of a child covering their ears and screaming “I can’t hear you”.

You’ll skim over this comment, downvote it and continue to hate women because you have issues you’re not willing to work through. I hope you get the help you so desperately need, and if you can’t because of finances or transportation or whatever let me know and I’ll see what I can do - no judgements. I’d like to see you get better before this mindset consumes your life and causes you to harm someone.

ok man nice now gtfo this is a sub for incels

Tl;Dr, fuck off

dont hate women, i will listen to anyone who can help. Still incel though :(

What don't you get about "IT'S OVER"?

Prove it.

It's just for jokes.

My jawline is worse than the guy on the left's. It's over.

you mean you have no jaw

Dude on the left has the same jaw as me but mogs me everywhere else. Fuck it's over.

Dude isn't even an incel in the first pic

Is the guy on the left honestly someone you guys find unattractive?!

No, but that wouldn’t stop him from getting constantly rejected

Is there anyone who has never been rejected?

Not at the level that incels do

That guy would definitely benefit from jaw implants

I don't really get the point you guys are trying to make here... This seems to be sarcasm and implies that in some cases it is not possible to become what most girls think is attractive just by changing your way of thinking/living. So are you then saying that you should NOT respect women and shower? I mean it's only coming off as hateful and petty, is this sub a joke? Am I missing how funny it is to pretend to be an incel in the worst way possible? Am I losing my mind?

They genuinely believe women can only be attracted to guys who look like the guy on the right. This is a joke to them in the same way people in the_donald post jokes about Obama's missing birth certificate.

I just realized there's no downvote button. Like I upvoted you anyways but there's no downvote button if I wanted to.

unclick "use subreddit styles" on the right sidebar to view the page as a normal reddit page with downvotes

Hmm the only one I see is 'Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:"

Trust the IT user to make an unbiased statement on incels.

Inside joke based on comments people give ugly people about how to reduce their perceived ugliness.

All incels do shower and whiteknight females irl when they have a chance to get pussy

You're just dumb

Lol if you shower more than once a week

You're trolling I'm sure but... I shower when I need to and anyone can tell when they need to. You don't have to schedule it.

They are saying that is the shit advice they get, that is supposed to make incels look better. When in fact it isnt a matter if cleanliness but just purely a fucked face.

Then I say you're not listening to the spirit of the advice given.

Imagine believing this

It is sarcasm, it's not so much an indictment on the notion of not respecting women but the idea that it makes you more attractive.

Guy on the left is above everage.


Yeah he is

Not even close

Just bad haircut. He'd look good with shorter sides and longer top

The shape of his skull is very unfortunate


4/10 low tier normie. I am a 2.

you fucked the facial structure so bad in your photoshop that he doesn't even look human anymore. lmao

Jokes aside is the dude to the left actually incel?Weak jaw and skinny frame are his only downfalls.

Weak jaw

That's one of the worst traits a straight man can have. Having said that, I'd say he's definitely a normie and not a truecel.

Guy on left isn’t incel though, his face isn’t sub2.

nice try norm

Jawcell life.

Just having a better jaw can make our handsome https://goo.gl/images/6vyzUi

this thread is being delusional

if this guy would be gay he'd be hauling ass everywhere

if he isn't a total aspie and maxes his looks a bit he could get girls

I bet he is probably not even an incel but just a random person who got photoshopped by somone

Too much ifs, don't you think? Somewhere on par with incels suppositions that the person in picture is an incel.

I just don't know IF this guy is gay or IF he isn't ¯_(ツ)_/¯ IF you know, please englighten me

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He did max his looks by taking a shower and respecting females

Didn’t you guys say a guy with the same jaw was a chad-lite?

no, he's incel

That’s not the same person

It isn’t. But it’s more or less the same kind of jaw.

No it’s not

How? Not even being sarcastic or smart, its a genuine question.

How? Not even being sarcastic or smart, its a genuine question.

It's not even close to the same jaw. FAIL. By the way jaw is just a small portrait of what makes a guy good looking.

They’re both longer than they are wide.

I agree, it’s not just the jaw. But I’m seeing a lot of people saying it’s over just because of his jaw.

It's not the same jaw. Also the Chadlite in that pic you provided is he was chewing something. His jaw definitely looks a bit wider if he had a neutral face.

Also his eye area is garbage. He's a 5/10 normie.

Maybe slightly wider, but it definitely looks longer than it is wide. I guess we don’t know for sure unless we saw it more neutral.

It's not just that. The Chadlite also has a better jaw, far superior eye area, and overall looks better. The guy on the left of the OP looks like a dweeb. The guy who is average at best but not ugly, but would still rejected by a vast majority of women (that's how fucked society is now a days, especially in the West).

That guy is chewing.

And it's still not the same jaw

He looked like weak fuck but respecting femoids magically raised his power over 9000

It take a strong and powerful man to respect females

Did they made his face wider and thickened his neck?

They didn't do anything, it was all him. He self improved


He went to a therapist and started using the American southern version of the 2nd person plural pronoun.

This dude isn't even unattractive to begin with wtf.

I also like how he looks, but he isn't good enough for the femoid. He would get no matches on Tinder.

Idk. I'm not a woman, but I'm a fag and I'd smash.

femoids would swipe left because they are terrible and evil

How is it evil to swipe left?

Maybe not evil just have unrealistically high standards

nope, they are evil


That isn't the only standard, you know. Women on Tinder =\= women.

It’s a good way of seeing if you are ugly

what a fucking game changer

Why do you disgusting animals worship male anatomy so much. Do you really claim everyone likes the right more than the left? Do you think the left is ugly? Delusional imbeciles, you creatures deserve little more than a merciful euthanasia.

talk about triggered cuck, hahahahaha

Photoshop much?

You don‘t say

Any1 know a tutorial how to photoshop incel into chad like this?

Looks normie imo.

Hmm the only one I see is 'Show my flair on this subreddit. It looks like:"

Then I say you're not listening to the spirit of the advice given.

Maybe slightly wider, but it definitely looks longer than it is wide. I guess we don’t know for sure unless we saw it more neutral.

femoids would swipe left because they are terrible and evil