Most men are effectively incel
59 2018-03-22 by Detoxification-
If you're a sub8, non-Chad male, then you are effectively an incel.
"You pathetic coping virgin, the vast majority of men eventually get laid."
Yes, they do, but, contrary to what you think, the mere act of engaging in intercourse does not imply that you are a non-incel. Any incel can get sex from a hooker, but that does not mean anything to us.
Most normies are effectively engaging in more socially acceptable forms of prostitution. Betabuxxing, cucking, "open relationships". Effectively, there is no difference between an incel fucking a hooker and a "normie" cuck getting a monthly transactional starfish fuck from his "girlfriend".
If you are a sub8, women do not desire you. They fuck you because they feel they have to, not because they sexually desire you.
Only Chad can have women truly wanting him as opposed to wanting what he provides.
"You bitter incel faggot, my loving girlfriend loves having sex with me. Ha, you're just mad you'll never have that"
Does she, cucktear? Does she truly? Or are you just coping?
Will she still offer you sex if you stop providing her material and emotional resources? Will she let you fuck her whenever, however, and wherever you want, regardless of the circumstances? If you punch her in the face and give her a black eye, will she call the cops on you, or will she forgive you and bed you that same night? Does she gleefully let you engage in any kinky sex act you desire, like anal, without asking questions? Does she take off your condom in the middle of intercourse because she has a primal yearning to be inseminated by your Alpha semen?
Chad is allowed all of these things. Chad does not have to give anything to obtain sex. That is because women want to have sex with Chad. They yearn for sex with Chad. Sex with Chad is validational, whereas sex with the beta-cuck is transactional.
1 N0Taqua 2018-03-22
JFC dude... most normies are not in cuck or "open relationships". The vast majority of people end up in healthy, loving, monogamous relationships.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
What are the divorce rates in the US again?
1 N0Taqua 2018-03-22
extremely inflated due to people's 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on marriages. The people who do get divorced skew the stat up to "50% or so of "marriages end in divorce", but it's misleading.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
Twice-divorced people are generally much rarer than once-divorced people. It skews the numbers slightly, sure, but not 'extremely'. Can't refute the hypergamy dude. It's ingrained.
1 anincelforlifelol 2018-03-22
The divorce rate...ha! which of the two genders initiate the divorce the most? LMFAO @ normies.
1 IWISHIWASCHAD 2018-03-22
Normies alway btfo'd by statistics
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-22
1 militantcel43 2018-03-22
those aren't beta buxxed relationships, you don't think?
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-03-22
Lol at this coping faggot
1 mindmonkey00 2018-03-22
You can't say shit if you're doing nothing to refute his claims. Are we just supposed to think what you're saying is valid because your covering your ears and screaming like a child?
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-22
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-22
Yeah, so healthy and loving that half of them end up divorced.
1 undeadcel 2018-03-22
fucking bravo
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-03-22
Congrats on a top tier post
1 Madeon929 2018-03-22
I had to fan myself while reading this.
Fucking hell...
1 finnanut27 2018-03-22
Can confirm
1 alec7491 2018-03-22
This sub gets the blood pumping
1 Hopecel 2018-03-22
I’ve thought about the same thing in the past few days, glad you made a post about it.
Any girl can have sex within an hour if she wanted to but how many men can do the same? Effectively every male is incel to some degree, some more, some less. There is no equality between men and women in the sexual market place.
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-03-22
True, I've mentioned this on the old sub
No female on earth can be incel for longer than approximately 10 minutes
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-03-22
This is where all these memes of "relationships not being about sex" come from. You know, even though sex is literally the only thing which separates "the relationship" from any other kind of relationship(acquaintanceship, colleagueship, roommateship, etc)
Majority of men will end up betabuxing for women who are just not attracted to them. If the physical attraction is not there, we are essentially talking about roommates. When picking a roommate what is important? Well, how "easy they are to live with". Cue all the normtard advice about how important it is to find someone "nice" who shares your worldview and beliefs.
Since this happens to majority of men, and what is normal is simply decided by majority vote, this becomes the new social norm.
1 asdlkjpoiqwer0981234 2018-03-22
Boom. Marriages were historically more about convenience than true passion, only in the past 50 years have we attempted to redress the same process as a selection of grander things since the addition of personal choice tricks people into thinking the calculus behind finding marriage partners is any different.
1 sleepingforever1 2018-03-22
There is some truth to this, but tbh it's also cope.
There are couples out there that are looksmatched and stick together for life, they're just rare. I've seen way to many of them to find this sub8 thing to be a decent cope.
1 incels_kek 2018-03-22
Doesn't mean they're satisfied. They would all jump ship given the opportunity.
1 Cock_Demon 2018-03-22
That's the legit truecel life, and a lot of guys on here aren't actually at that tier of ugliness. I remember some pictures from the old sub.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-22
Chad always wins. Normies think of us as pathetic virgins. Chad thinks of normies the same way.
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-22
I was very surprised some of the brigading normies actually posted comments below supporting your OP. This proves that the blackpill just needs to be presented properly, and the normies will see the logic in it.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
Most of the brigaders are women. They have no problem with posts like this mocking white knights and /r/ihavesex cucktear numales.
They get their panties in a bunch when we say anything about women, though.
1 sneakpeekbot 2018-03-22
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#2: At the age of 13 | 289 comments
#3: On demand! | 459 comments
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1 Jcart105 2018-03-22
Cucked subreddits like IncelTears, that constantly brigade male spaces, are the epitome of how the Gynocentric female imperative will always rise and come to fruition, even if there isn't any real purpose for it (nobody here is going out and brigading female/Gynocentric subreddits, and we usually just keep to ourselves). Those retards literally call their subreddit a "watchdog" subreddit -- basically a euphemism for "I have no fucking life, so I make myself feel better by making fun of other people with nothing going on in their life and try to demonstrate moral superiority by pretending to care about them and provide them advice.
1 incels_kek 2018-03-22
This is too much for coping normies.
1 OldDryCum 2018-03-22
"Effectively, there is no difference between
"Will she still offer you sex if you stop providing her material and emotional resources? Will she let you fuck her whenever, however, and wherever you want, regardless of the circumstances? If you punch her in the face and give her a black eye, will she call the cops on you, or will she forgive you and bed you that same night? Does she gleefully let you engage in any kinky sex act you desire, like anal, without asking questions? Does she take off your condom in the middle of intercourse because she has a primal yearning to be inseminated by your Alpha semen?"
Yes. Yes. I don't know, I'm not an assuole who abuses people. Yes, but I make sure she's okay with it. (Cause I'm not an asshole) and lastly, yes.
And no I'm not a Chad, I'm just not sure socially awkward fuck who stereotypes women.
1 IWISHIWASCHAD 2018-03-22
Fuck brutal black pill
1 flixlogix 2018-03-22
The confirmation bias is real lol
1 AnthroBuL 2018-03-22
1 Jcart105 2018-03-22
One of the most annoying things about Gynocentrists is their sheer reluctance to deny that women, on average, have significantly more sexual capital than men do. The grand majority of men would never even get a date if they weren't the ones initiating all of the action, think about that for a moment.
Even contrary to the popular belief here, Chad still does have to do a lot of approaching on his own (though his success rate will be significantly higher than the average man) and putting himself on the line in all his engagements. Women, not even ugly women, have to do this at all, and even the lowest-value of them all will eventually find someone to ask them out -- in which they usually reject, because of their heightened requirements caused by unrestricted hypergamy.
1 bdoderdb 2018-03-22
Sometimes you guys are a little hard to understand. There are 13 year olds who have been incel for a long time and other guys just having difficulties finding a girlfriend. But you decided for yourself that every woman is a piece of shit that isn´t worth your time. That is a totally fine viewpoint to have, especially fine for the women you won´t talk to, but what makes you think that your celibacy is involuntary?
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-22
Wait 13? Does a child/teen/underaged person count as an incel?
1 SoTiredOfWinning 2018-03-22
How can you even have been an incel for " a long time" at 13?
1 r4risbullshit 2018-03-22
There was a thread days ago about suggesting high schoolers who think they're incel to avoid this place.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-22
I're not really an incel if the law kind of prohibits you from having sex, and you're not mature enough to have it.
1 1964spiderman 2018-03-22
What about average looking dudes who are single and just hook up with women w/o wanting a relationship?
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
There's two things to note here.
First, consider Tinder. Tinder is effectively a hook-up app, so we can use it to gauge which sort of men women consider to be hook-up worthy. Now, which type of guy succeeds on Tinder? "Average looking dudes"? Hell no. Chad succeeds, and Chad almost exclusively succeeds.
Second, in many cases, hook-up sex isn't validational sex. A woman may hook up with a man casually without finding him sexually desirable if he has other resources she desires. A college slut might hook-up with the professor to get the grade. A sugar baby might sleep with a rich but ugly guy to for his material resources.
1 1964spiderman 2018-03-22
I mean, I'm an average looking dude, not tall, don't go to the gym, but I've been pretty successful pre-tinder and with tinder. And I have friends who are also average looking, who admittedly put in more effort, and also have a lot of success. Recently I've even had to break things off on a number of occasions because they wanted a relationship and I preferred to keep things casual.
I'm not saying looks don't matter, because they do to an extent, but what I'm trying to get at here is the notion that every normal dude is just some betabux or whatever is pretty misguided. And I'll stress that I'm pretty fucking average looking, imo, and in none of those cases was there anything they would be getting out of sex in terms of money or status.
1 itsover99 2018-03-22
True. If you don't have my face or height it's literally over, unless you want to be a betacuck
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-22
It helps tremendously to not care.
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-22
You seem to care enough to join IT
1 Supreme_Salt_Lord 2018-03-22
I think, nay, i know this is false. How do you determine that most guys are “betabuxing”? I have never done that and i have had sex with 7s+. I offer nothing but good convo and great company. No money, no favors.
1 mindmonkey00 2018-03-22
It's a coping mechanism. They're not comfortable feeling like they're at the lowest rung of society based off of their failure in life.
1 Supreme_Salt_Lord 2018-03-22
Its hard getting them to see they only their cause they kinda wanna be. Some of them atleast.
1 TropicalStormJim 2018-03-22
1 whambamclamslam88 2018-03-22
What is betabuxing and cucktears?
1 Madeon929 2018-03-22
Alpha fucks/Beta Buxs.
Look it up.
CUCKtears is incel tears. The subreddit
1 whoareyou31 2018-03-22
So many things wrong with this post lol ive seen nonchads who arent rich slay thots and get girlfriends throughout all of college, esp in my frat.
Ive seen dudes constantly cheat on their gfs time and time again at parties. All non rich and non chads.
1 not_good_looking 2018-03-22
Because they are good looking
1 whoareyou31 2018-03-22
They werent 8+. Google any fraternity group photo. Majority of frats are just full of sub8s. Yall coping too hard
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
No, only the Chads consistently get laid. Every single Frat boy certainly does not get laid. I'm a university student. I know how Frats are. It's really a grossly inaccurate. stereotype that they're all slayers. You have to be delusional to think this.
When an unattractive Frat boy does get laid, it's just him getting massively lucky. The chick he's fucking couldn't get a Chad, so she lowers her standards to, say, sub7 instead of sub8. Doesn't mean she'll enjoy the sex. This is just a situation wherein luck and environment were massively helpful.
You want to know what sort of guys college girls like? Read this. They like Chads, plain and simple.
1 whoareyou31 2018-03-22
Majority of frat boys who arent chad or rich do get laid on a yearly basis. I think frats give you access and opportunity which is over half the battle. When youre exposed to hundreds of girls a night in a 2:1 female to male ratio, sometimes even 3:1, it certainty makes it easier.
Idk why you think she aint enjoying the sex. Why choose to have sex if you aint gon enjoy it? Thats the only delusional thing that’s said so far.
If all women want chads then all men want stacys. Im ok with your blackpill theory but i dont like the gender hypocrisy.
Ofcourse it's a bit extreme but there is a solid core of truth in your post. Thanks for sharing! The problem with people is that they believe they are not animals. No, they are some magical being that is much better than a monkey or a deer. Incels or strong believers of the incel philosophy (me) realize that we humans are just animals and our relational behaviours are just based on being that animal.
1 bonusfruit 2018-03-22
So you've changed the definition of incel from involuntary celibate( literally someone who cannot obtain sex no matter what he does), to any man who isn't intensely desired by women. Why move the goal posts? Just to further add to the misery? Or to artificially boost the number of "incels"?
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
Being desired by women has always been what we wanted. It’s the validation a man feels when a woman wants to be intimate with him. It’s about more then getting our dicks wet. It’s about real, pure and genuine human intimacy. And that is something that cannot be bought or negotiated.
1 bonusfruit 2018-03-22
I propose using a different word than celibacy then. That's the source of a lot of outsiders bothering you guys. Sex can be gotten easily. Validation is reserved for the beautiful, no one will argue that
1 JohnPerera 2018-03-22
I will save this post in my blog. This is the best post I ever see from Black Pill philosophy.
1 iFeelGlee 2018-03-22
Do you think maybe YOU'RE coping? By extending your definition of Incel so that it includes other people? Making the assumption that most of the populace that claims to be in a loving relationship is actually deluding themselves seems far-fetched.
1 BlunderSiege 2018-03-22
Misery loves company. These guys will bend over backwards to pretend the rest of us are all somehow as miserable as them.
“Doesn’t matter if you’re in a loving relationship! You’re all coping because every woman alive isn’t lining up for you hurr durr!”
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
The men often are. How in the world does a man go from being in a "loving relationship" one day, and end up getting divorced raped by that same "lover" the next? "Love" is just a beta illusion. Women are not driven by love; they are driven by their hypergamous instincts. The only men a woman can truly love are her father and her sons.
1 mrThesselrot 2018-03-22
1 DankIncel 2018-03-22
Disagree. Being an Incel is about being an looksmaxed man (man = adult) who tried his best with at least 45+ women below his height and lookslevel but failed to get sex out of any of them. That is what an Incel is. An Incel is an involuntary celibate. Most men aren't Incel. Only a tiny minority are.
1 zenerat 2018-03-22
I mean treating women like slot machines and hoping to get sex out of them might be part of your problem.
1 BlunderSiege 2018-03-22
What’s wrong with tall women? They look great in heels.
1 DankIncel 2018-03-22
Nothing. But women are attracted to height. They'd hate to be with a short man. More particularly men shorter than them.
1 BlunderSiege 2018-03-22
Not really though. Depends on the woman.
1 DankIncel 2018-03-22
Depends on the guy* And wither he has an attractive face or not.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-22
Cope, I'm sub chadlite and my gfs smash everyday, and they usually pester me for more.
1 thief1434 2018-03-22
loooool, fuck is wrong with you?
1 zenerat 2018-03-22
This is in an insane post and shows such a disattached view of women that it's fucking disturbing. Get some therapy whoever you are.
1 insanity_wow27 2018-03-22
Incel means involuntary celibate. If you are able to get laid you arent involuntarily celibate. Women just have more choice in the matter because men will sleep with anything.
1 FluffyGalaxy 2018-03-22
I watched a video once, saying that humanity would be more successful if it was 10% male and 90% female, because then people would multiply faster and all men would get laid
1 awkwardinclined 2018-03-22
Do you really think every woman on earth requires the man to provide for her if he’s not really hot? I can understand being frustrated and even depressed due to a lack of relationships, but I just can’t fathom thinking this poorly of half of the population.
Also, when you say emotionally support, are you referring to just actually being a good partner? Like, as a woman with an emotionally supportive fiancé, of course him being emotionally supportive is important? I’m just trying to understand here.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
A "good" partner is normie terms is not nearly the same as a desirable partner. Being your partner's emotional tampon is not at all sexually attractive, sorry.
My post isn't really directed towards every woman on earth. It's mostly directed to American women. A large part of this has to do with a gynocentric culture that either supports or shrugs off hypergamous behaviour.
1 awkwardinclined 2018-03-22
So even if I tell you I both desire my partner and consider him to be a very kind person, you won’t believe me because you have this rigid view of American women?
Also, my partner being supportive doesn’t mean he’s an emotional tampon. You’re deliberately changing the meaning of something to fit your world view.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
Then there's two scenarios:
(a) Your partner's a Chad. (b) You're lying to me to win an internet argument.
Absolutely I have this rigid view of American women. It's based on my lived experience.
Look, women like cold, narcissistic men which treat them like shit. They don't want "support". They don't want "emotion". That's really what I'm getting at.
1 awkwardinclined 2018-03-22
So a chad is any man who has sex? Ok, that’s new to me, I must have misunderstood the vernacular at some point.
I am a woman telling you that I don’t like men who treat me like shit. But okay. I guess you can believe whatever you want about women even if it’s blatantly untrue.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
No. You completely missed the point of the post. Chads are those men (8+ in physical attractiveness) who women want to fuck because of pure sexual desire.
Lady, why the fuck do you feel the need to make this about yourself? Typical female solipsism. This isn't about you personally, you dumb cunt. And frankly, when women say they like a particular sort of man, I don't believe them. No women acknowledges preferring scumbags and thugs, because there's shame in that.
My views are based on science. It is scientifically proven that women prefer men who are disagreeable, uncompassionate and narcissistic.
1 awkwardinclined 2018-03-22
I know it isn’t about me, dude. I was using personal experience, same as you. I hope life gets better for you in the future. Peace.
1 mindmonkey00 2018-03-22
Take it easy man. You're just arguing with someone over the internet.
1 incelrageboner 2018-03-22
Or scenario C: you're an idiot.
1 StupidassMotherfoker 2018-03-22
Saying any sub8 male is an incel is COPE.
1 SuperSandwich12 2018-03-22
1 StoopidSeksyFlanders 2018-03-22
You really think most relationships work that way?
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
Yes, when the man is sub8.
1 incelrageboner 2018-03-22
Then you clearly don't understand how human adult relationships work.
1 CMXV 2018-03-22
This is cope and hot bullshit tbh LMAOOOO.
JFL at other incels taking this serious.
1 JohnPerera 2018-03-22
I 100% agree with this. In other hand I think sex with a woman is not essential for men. There are a lot other way to enjoy the life without penalties. I'm MGTOW for that reason.
1 myfriendsmixtape 2018-03-22
TIL: I'm far Chadlier than I though
1 Cock_Demon 2018-03-22
Ohe of my best friends is a curry Chadeep (yes the brown unicorn does exist lol), and he literally barebacks every single one night stand he has. He finds ways to take the condom off or never use it to begin with, and by the time the girls realize they just want the dick too much to care.
Shit like this is why STDs are so prevalent :/
1 Surt_Heiniger 2018-03-22
Okay lemme see... I'mma try and deconstruct this post real quick. OP is an incel, which means:
1) He's never had any form of sexual intercourse before. Therefore he believes good looking people are automatically and exclusively able to provide good sex. I assume this comes from the fact that visual arousal is the key component of masturbation. That's why he cannot comprehend how a chad can be a trainwreck in bed and a "roastie landwhale" could rock his little Incel ass six ways from sunday.
2) He believes women nowadays are dependent on their male partner financially or would deliberately enter such a dependency. I would say that comes from the OP being far removed from the current economic situation (perhaps because he's a teenager or being provided for by his parents) and therefore has no grasp of the sheer necessity for young couples to share the financial burden of a relationship. Needless to say, his complete lack of personal interactions with women also leaves him oblivious to the fact that financial independence is perhaps the quintessential goal for modern women in our "cucked feminist society"
3) He has some seriously bizarre thoughts on how women would act during what he calls "validational" sex with men they truly desire. This I believe can mostly be explained in porn being the only point of reference OP has for what sex looks like in reality. The amount of harm women are ready to inflict upon themselves in his thoughts also point to a latent sadism fetish.
4) He thinks attractive people don't need to provide anything to a healthy, stable relationship beyond their good looks. This is a staple believe of many incels and comes of course from never having been in a relationship themselves and only ever seeing the polished outside surface of couples in public, without any insight into the hard work and compromises both parts have to make during the daily routine.
5) The lack of understanding that good chemistry and emotional support are more desirable than goods looks in a serious relationship. That one goes hand in hand with the general inability to differentiate between lust and love that almost every incel shows. Pretty much like back in high school, when everyone is "in love" with the girl that gives him the hardest boner. So in other news, incels are emotionally and characterwise still in their puberty.
Did I miss anything?
1 tweeepp 2018-03-22
Oh shit man you came hard on him lmao. This is the true blackpill; incels have a wrapped idea about sex because they've never gotten close to having it, but for some reason think they are experts on the way relationships work. As a woman I'd like to chime in and say that I do want fuck men, and have wanted to fuck quite ugly guys (by society's standards) without the promise of "material and emotional resources". It's biologically wired into women to want to have sex with guys, otherwise there's no way we would have reproduced for hundreds of thousands of years. More than that, women typically choose to have sex with average looking guys, not chads, because otherwise everyone would be a Chad.
1 Detoxification- 2018-03-22
(1) Sorry, I think most men can agree that sex with a beautiful Stacy with subpar sexual ability is preferable to one with a roastie landwhale in virtually all circumstances. And most women can agree that sex with a typical below-average dude is not preferable to one with a sexually incompetent "trainwreck in bed" 10/10 Chad. There's a reason Chads get laid. It's because women want to fuck them.
(2) Betabuxxing occurs when a women is in her thirties. It is entirely possible that a young, twenty something couple can be such that both partners are making roughly the same amount of money. In fact, the man might be a complete deadbeat, and the woman might be the only one working. But the man is always a Chad, in these scenarios. Relationships in which the man is both of average or below average looks and he does not provide the women with more material resources than she independently has the means to obtain are both rare and extremely susceptible to hypergamous instincts (e.g., cheating).
You will never find a female doctor marrying a male nurse, but you can always find a male doctor marrying a female nurse
That's hypergamy.
(3) Fifty Shades of Grey sold over 50 million copies. Women love being abused by Chads.
(4) No, they don't. Why do women stay with abusers and deadbeats? "Compromises", "hard work" is typical bullshit. What compromises, exactly? Be concrete here. What hard work? These sound like pretty generic platitude-esque claims. Everything boils down to looks and masculine-dominant traits. Human sexuality is, at its core, very primal. You make there out to be more complexity than there really is. Ad hominems don't help your case. Incels are better at assessing the reality of human relationships, because we can study them objectively from the perspective of an outsider.
(5) No, when I was in high school, my (always unrequited) love was never reserved for the girl who gave me the hardest boner. Many of the girls were attractive, but it was an obvious false hope. I went for the average-below average girls. But of course, I bet you feel very /r/iamverysmart sneaking in those cute ad hominems. "Chemistry" and "emotional support". Again, typical blue pill euphemisms. "Lack of chemistry" = not Chad. What does a 'chemistry' even mean? Do sociopathic manipulators have 'good' chemistry with most women, given that they consistently get laid? No, stupid. Chemistry = Chadiness. That's all it is.
1 kysacademy 2018-03-22
Not sub 8 uniromically,more like sub 5-6 id say.
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-03-22
I think we forget around here that second to looks is power -- dr, lawyer, politician, actor, etc. You can be sub8 and get women wet if you have power.
But that is still very few men.
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
Explains the fuck out of my dealer. Dude legit looks like a pug.
1 WaylanderTS 2018-03-22
I'm sub-8. I really don't get what you're talking about. I've never had this experience, and the only open sexual relationship I've ever been part of (FWB with a bi chick, she wanted pussy and I don't have one), largely worked out in my favour. Because threesomes.
1 derivur2 2018-03-22
This needs to be cleaned up and stickied.
1 mindmonkey00 2018-03-22
You can't say shit if you're doing nothing to refute his claims. Are we just supposed to think what you're saying is valid because your covering your ears and screaming like a child?