Incels do not exist because of incel subreddits; incel subreddits exist because of incels. Banning the subreddits will NOT make incels go away or solve their problems.

140  2018-03-22 by throwaway12438748142

This is the stupidity of redditors, normies and especially IT. Hypergamy is real, male attractiveness is distributed on a bell curve and largely genetic, and so by definition there HAS to be a "low end" of that curve, i.e. incels. Incels are a REAL biological and social phenomenon that exists INDEPENDENTLY of the internet (or people's feelings, thoughts or good wishes).

Banning the subreddit will not do anything except further isolate and censor people who have already been rejected by society in most other ways. Incels will just find another way to connect, whether that's making a new subreddit, or finding another website, or something else.

Why don't people understand this? What do they think they'll accomplish by banning the subreddits?


Can't argue with your logic OP.

Do you think an incel can eventually end up with a woman?


just wanted to let you know that you're a worthless faggot

Aww, thank you.

I am not an incel

Stop coping mate. Accept your fate.


You sure you're not an incel? You sound like an incel. What's wrong with being an incel? Just admit it already.


reddit pushed some more faggy guidelines about subs today. Gundeals was banned I think. Another anon pointed out that trying to reason with admins is a cuck move. They aren't looking for reason. They want to humiliate us and ban us, just on a whim, just because they feel like it. Since the rest of reddit hates us, no one will miss this place and no one will object.


I still love destroying shit

What makes you think Reddit is trying to get rid of late virgins, that "biological and social phenomenon that exists independently of the internet", and not incels, as in people who spewed the misogynistic BS that populates this sub ?

What makes you think Reddit is trying to get rid of incels, and not their association with incels and what they say ?


Ok, let's take it as if he meant those few bad apples and address the issue at hand. Let's say reddit sees you as this hate filled, violent community because of those select users. The problem is you're still letting those posts run wild. A new one is featured every day on various subreddits. I think the solution is to gain reddit's trust by distancing yourself from the rampant misogyny and radcalism that represents a portion of the users here.


misogynistic BS


What do they think they‘ll accomplish by banning the subreddits?

Keeping toxic incels out of reddit.


There's plenty of other toxic subs on this website, but you choose to waste your time on the virgins who aren't hurting anybody? What about the people who like to watch kids dying, that seems a little more concerning to me.

But those subs don't offer outsiders anything to come in and feel superior about.

Seriously, the only reason anybody brigades is because they are emboldened by pussycumcums. No other "toxic" community has to deal with these retards on a regular basis, even the much bigger and more aggressively brigading ones. Who wants to go stand up to the big meanies that can actually defend themselves, when they can come to the zoo?

"virgins who aren't hurting anybody"

Incels got banned because there were people advocating violence towards others, and listing ways of how/where/etc to do it.

There are plenty of fucked up subs, incels just so happened to get the spotlight because of it's members going too far.


Advocating violence =/= actual violence. It is not hurting anyone.

You're right. Discussing the means of something on an online forum, in detail, definitely is different from actually going out and harming someone.

A+ work, proud of you, good contribution.

They're both bad for different reasons, obviously talking about violence isn't "literally" hurting anyone.

Then stop crying faggotboy


Good one! You've definitely proven me wrong with your well thought out rebuttal!

Bwahaha, if anything, that encourages especially fucked up people and trolls to keep trying.

Right. They want to focus on us because we are weak. They don't go after other subs. Fuck the people who want to push us out, it's like they want us to snap or something.. hm.


The reason you guys get targeted is because of the outlandish shit some of you post (praising Elliot Rodgers, calling for women to be slaves, etc.). Obviously these types of posts are going to trigger and rile up the normies. If you guys had been more subtle and restrained with your misogyny like /r/theredpill and /r/mgtow your sub wouldn’t have been banned.

Normies making smurf accounts to smear us, smells of desperation. I’m sure some of you normies on /r/pics have said some weird shit, doesn’t mean we assume everyone on /r/pics shares the same opinion. I guess because one weirdo on /r/pics said disabled people should be euthanised then /r/pics should be banned for controversial opinions!!!!

What do they think they'll accomplish by banning the subreddits?

Less whining.


Braincels was created well before incels was banned actually.


Over half of the incel subreddits have been banned, and most in under a week, so, in actuality ? Probably kinda hard.


It was created 17 days before the ban, not well before.

Really? I thought it was already up in running quite awhile before.

Yes, you can check the dates of both. r/braincels was created October 10, 2017. r/incels was banned November 7, 2017.

Yes, you can check the dates of both. r/braincels was created October 20, 2017. r/incels was banned November 7, 2017.

You choose to come here.

You choose to come here.

That should be the Mantra of incels everywhere....

because I want to be here.

You're coming here to whine about our whining on our own sub


"just don't worry about never getting any affection bro"

"never ever talk about being treated like trash all the time"

"never vent on Reddit about it because someone might stalk you and get annoyed about it"

Oh look, toxic masculinity.


Yeah, it got up to 37 comments! They´re shaking in their boots.


Being "incel" is a state of mind.


It can't be that simple.

No its just a perverted version of natures law strong over the weak. Good lookin over the bad lookers. If guys made an effort to go to the gym, read up, travel and get cultured. Sure they'll eventually find someone but is that someone worth it if she wouldnt bat a single eye at you when you walk past her in the street with your pimple littered and nerdy glasses or that short stature. But thats assuming these people don't have baggages they need to take care off or any psychological hurt they've been through.

You know that's not true.

why aren't all the boyos migrating to the safe haven already ? it's been up for more than ten hours i think

It really is a zoo but instead of petting the goats u fucking punch them in the throats. Keeps things spicy.

There obviously isn't an issue when people of any type gather together.

As always, and as with the incels sub, they got banned when they started to advocate violence towards others.

Hate yourself/complain to feel better as much as you want, but when you start feeling you need to hurt others, and want to convince people to do the same...

Get the fuck off the internet, and deal with your censorship.


If you think you are going to snap, get help. Don't look for an echo chamber online, that will make it worst.

Do it for yourself, unless you enjoy feeling like shit all the time. We are all dealing with bullshit, at least some of us try to do something about it instead of looking for pity online.


Of course you´re not, you only took a small break from all the sex you have to post this.


Calling him a retard is an insult to actual retards.

I'd rather a guy like Elliot Rodger come on this subreddit and talk about blackpills than to actually fucking kill people. Wouldn't you? Is that how much this safe space means to you soyboys?

I'd rather neither happen?

This is why both behaviors are reprehensible?

Goodness, imagine that!

Not sure what a "soyboy" is, good job confusing me, I suppose.

Can't repress both because they're both outlets to the blackpill rage. If you don't know incel terms you're a fakecel so fuck outta this sub normo

Anyone who has the mentality that they need to hurt others to justify their sad existence deserves both help and to be monitored. Repression is only necessary if they start to spread, like cancer.

I don't need to know your bogus-ass terms to frequent this sub, bud.

Have yourself a good one.

bogus ass-terms

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

Additionally: "soyboy" isn't an incel term, you wannabe.

It's some edgelord bullshit that was made up long before whiners like you began to congregate in "incel" safe spaces on reddit.

Let me remind you that whenever something "nasty" is posted, a common courtesy of Reddit is to link to /r/aww or /r/eyebleach to make people who experienced it feel better.

You think this kind of people gives half a fuck about what is real? About what is true?

They just want to live in their happy delusional bubble. They don't want things that could burst that bubble on "their website". This is the extent of their reasoning; their philosophy. If it can even be called that.


Saying everyone else uses reddit as a circlejerk, the irony is palpable

Normies outnumber us here and nearly every incel post had them arguing against us, hardly sounds like a circlejerk.

Fair, though if normies really did outnumber incels I'd imagine normie comments would be getting more upvotes than incel comments, but I dunno. Maybe reddit works differently here

They didn’t ban /r/incels in order to “make incels go away,” they did it because they kept breaking Reddit’s rules. What makes you think it was about getting rid of incels?

Nobody, including the reddit administration team, cares about the reddit rules.

They care about repeated doxxing and shit.

Jfl if you actually think this. Azavii removed everything that broke rules, the one true goderator. Admins just hate ugly subhumans.

Not true. Stop playing the victim.

They actually changed the rules specifically so they could ban it.


Well let me rephase that, it wasn't just incels that was targeted by it, it was several subs like fat people hate and coontown.


It was one big virtue signal

No it’s not. Stop throwing random buzzwords out because you’re upset.


Is that all you’ve got? :)


yes it will because you all have a place where you can go and hide while bitching about women not fighting over who's gonna sleep with your pervy ass..... so banning incel safe spaces will cause you all to hide in your dark room jerking off to porn wondering why girls hate you.

There are many other places we can still talk if it was banned

yeah but they will find that and ban it too. is running on an offshore host. Unlikely to get banned


Moronic stereotyping, congratulations.

stereotypes always have some truth to them.

When a racist, misogynistic homophobe tries to shit on incels, LOL.

lmao an incel calling me misogynistic? not only am I racist or homophobic.... one of my best friends is a gay black guy......and misogynistic? meanwhile on r/braincels.

one of my best friends is a gay black guy......and misogynist

How can I hate women when my mum's one?

you're mom hates you

You're boring

and you're a women hating virgin and will die one too.

You come across as really mentally unstable. Not going to take a swipe at you for that because I'm not that shitty a person. I'll just block you and wish you the best of luck in life. Bye 💁‍♀️

so bothered.

I agree, freedom of speech, but the subreddits get deleted due to the crazy hate speech and nonsense spewed here. I browse for entertainment but the hate here is strong.

The moderators remove that stuff though.

Actually, banning subreddits that have a lot of hate speech/violent terms actually helps with reducing toxicity in the overall community.

No offense, but you're an idiot. Go and reread the OP's post again, slowly, before quoting random studies.

The post is claiming that banning incels won't make them go away as they are a "natural phenomenon." It then goes on to ask what's accomplished by banning subreddits. There's statistical evidence that banning subreddits leads some users to stop posting all together. It also reduces hate speech terms such as "Soyboys" all across the Reddit platform. Is there a misunderstanding somewhere?

The OP's post is much broader than a narrow discussion of "hate speech" on Reddit (soyboy is not a hateful term by the way - how sensitive can you be?). It's discussing incels in a much broader sense, and how it's purposeless to ban us from here or any site as doing so won't get rid of us. We're not a niche ideological movement on Reddit, we're a real sociological phenomena, a genuine class of people.

? I'm not arguing that incels aren't a genuine class of people? The community of r/braincels however does not represent all incels, as they're their own class of people. And that's the point. The subreddit itself is home to a specific class of incels who exclusively use hateful/violent terms. And banning that subreddit (r/incels) has reduced the number of active reddit incels. That's statistically proven, not much room for fighting that or changing your argument. OP asked what's accomplished by banning subreddits. I provided a link stating the exact consequences.

The conversation is not about Reddit or braincels specifically. This is why I called you an idiot.

What? My conversation is about proving this guys point wrong with evidence. His point, as stated by him in the title, is "banning the subreddits will not make incels go away." He further expands this point by saying, "banning the subreddit will not do anything except further isolate people and censor them" and then he ends his post by asking what is accomplished by BANNING SUBREDDITS. This whole post is about Reddit and incel subreddits??? Read the title again, slowly. Read the last two paragraphs, slowly. There's one sentence, out of 8, that mentions the "natural pheomoenon" of incels. The other 90% of the post is about Reddit and incel subreddits, and why banning them is "pointless."

You are retarded. If you still don't get it: we are discussing the garden, you are discussing the pond in the garden.





Wow, this is a really smart thing, whining to reddit how reddit dislikes you :( But I guess the "low end" of this curve HAS to hit the bottom somewhere.

This is false, you know.

Group cohesion and mass illusion are things.

If a guy feels lonely and shit, this can blow over.

If that same guy happens to be find a group of people who tell him that she-devils are the root of all evil and he's just doomed to rot in living hell forsaken by God and her Angels, he might have problems leaving that group

When does it blow over? It's been six years.

Life is shit, accept it.

If you never change anything, nothing will change. Most people are shit, the only person you can do anything about directly is yourself

I find the apparent lack of self awareness by "normies" to be a bottomless well of proofs of why humanity is a writhing tumour on nature.

"Group cohesion and mass illusion are things."

Followed swiftly by, "most people are shit."

Honestly the last person I would expect to understand the nuance, and the loneliness, of our circumstances, is someone like yourself.

The simple fact is that society is a reflection of human psychology, which is a consequence of biology. Economics, social circumstances, physical appeal, all go into whether or not you'll ever find one person willing to engage with you, romantically.

And by what exactly do you mean by "change"? Do you think your average person is in a constant state of flux? No. He gets up, goes to work, and goes through all of the mundane obligations of his daily routines. And that's the rub, isn't it? We do the exact same things as you people do. The only difference is that we haven't been as lucky as you have in certain other categories, where it matters. So don't patronize us.

Ah, the same shit again. Do you honestly believe you're the only one who's alone? The only one that's special in his crushing dread?

Seriously, the sooner you stop seeing everyone else as NPCs, the faster you'll be at least on the way to recovery.

"Do you honestly believe you're the only one who's alone?"

Yes, because my repeated use of the words we, us and our clearly leans in that direction, doesn't it?

But speaking for myself, who's own happiness and well being is top priority (or should be), life and all the algorithmic variables and the tracjectorial projections, doesn't involve the type of meaningful epiphanies, or the catharsis, that comes in cliched Hallmark movies. Life doesn't unfold in the same way for everyone. At twenty eight, I've seen enough and been through enough to realize a lost cause when I see one. Some nobody on the internet playing life coach isn't going to change that.

"Some start earlier, some have a headstart for numerous reasons."

And some lose. Period.

I can only speak from my experience. I used to be an extremely shy weird virgin guy until life forced me into a job where I had to interact with new people every day.

I hated it so fucking much, but after a few weeks, I suddenly didn't. And at your 28, I have almost ten years on you. Ignore whatever you want, I'm not here to be your life coach, as you so amusingly wrote. I can only tell you my own experiences.

Your life experiences aren't absolute and objective truth. Keep that in mind and you'll be golden.

this can blow over.

Hey, dipshit who is likely far younger than I am (35), can you tell me when it's going to blow over? Been waiting a while and I have less than half of my life left. When is my escape?

Im 37, dude. I can't tell you when, but I can tell you it will never blow over if nothing ever changes, even if that sounds like an empty platitude.

What did you do to change your circumstances?

Im 37

I don't believe you. No 37 year old is stupid enough to believe in the just world fallacy, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the intelligence of degenerate trash who spend their free time bullying incels on reddit.

I would call myself a born again incel. I lost my virginity to an 18 year old when I was 16 in 1999, breaking my dick in the process, and then had slept with 4 girls (all gfs) by the time I turned 19. Actually even had two girls fighting over me at my 18th birthday. Never had sex or a gf since that time save for an escort in 2013. Prior to 1999 (97-98) I was relentlessly bullied and beaten up at school by both sexes because of my cystic acne. It cleared up by 1999 and suddenly everyone wanted to be my friend or girlfriend. It was the biggest red pill I'd ever experienced, to go from one extremity to the other, and not one platitude or appeal to the overall supposed general good of people will change my mind otherwise. Looks are everything. It was easy as fuck to get a girlfriend back in the 90s before you entered the big wide world of college and the workplace. There was no social media that suddenly made available the new dating opportunity of every single person on the planet at your finger tips.

I wasn't lucky enough to find anyone on MySpace, which I believe and would strongly argue was the heyday of internet dating. Actually, did find my soul mate on MySpace in 2007, and me hers, but unfortunately she found a 6"4" literal magazine model who she dumped me for before we started dating. What the kids here would refer to as gigachad. Looks were unfortunately more important than having the exact same interests and beliefs.

Between 2001 and 2012 I went to bars, clubs, live shows, parties etc every weekend and even wed nights too. The usual college and work as well but had no success whatsoever.

Since then my health has deteriorated and I suffer from GI, heart disease, severe anxiety, suppressed ptsd from my highschool bullying (I jump when touched without warning) and severe depression. I'm actually too sick to study and work these days. I was expelled from my college in 2013 for my illness not being compatible with my degree (that's how my faculty advisor put it).

Been on Tinder and Bumble for years and receive no matches whatsoever.

So yeah, there's 1% of my overall story but I'm not revealing any more for the sake of my anonymity. Do not make any assumptions regarding work, social life and studies, because they will be made through an Americanised lens and these assumptions are incompatible with with my country.

I've been from one extreme to the other and then back again. I sympathise deeply with everything these kids say. They're right about every analysis of human interaction they make.

Looks are everything.

Even when you write out a fucking essay incelqueers losers still see fit to downvote because fuck your lived experiences and responding. Downvote and hide the truth instead.

They do it all the time because they clearly do not read anything longer than an offensive sentence from an incel.

Sorry to hear about your health, man.

"Don't worry, dudes. Just stick with 20 more years and crippling loneliness and you might get a gf."

No, more like "either change something, or live on like before"

I've changed plenty, my friend.


I meannnnnn complaining on a subreddit also won't solve incels' problems lmao

Why does our complaining matter to you?

neither will complaining about incels on an incel subreddit lmao :o)

not enough n's

Incels are weak. We are worthless, contemptible, disgusting, and our executions would make many people happy. We are cross culturally and universally disgusting to all human beings, our faces are the representations of sin itself.

They want to repress and brainwash us to pretend our experiences of the world are delusions. Keep working and when people call you ugly blame yourself for it. They will probably succeed in dominating us. Suicide is probably the only way out of this situation for us. And as long as they don't feel responsible they will be much happier with incels as rotting corpses than walking, talking, genetic filth in their world.

Both are true Incels exist because they’ve listened to this sub, and this sub exists because other incels made it

Most normtards think incels is some kind of group or cult but its not . Most incels dont even know about the word incels, no one wants to be incel if this was a group no one would be here. A lot of the people that criticice us are incels themselves but they just dont want to admit it.

It got banned for inciting violence and breaking Reddit rules, not because people want you to go away.

Except r/incels always stuck to the rules, even when they changed them.

Except that they constantly encourage suicide and doxxed people.

Constantly? Got some proof of that?

I would link you to a few discussions but the sub is banned. But you already know that don't you.

Not any screens? I mean it happened constantly according to you, so there must be something right?

I'm sure if you head over to Inceltears there's plenty. I won't waste my time on a worthless chud.

Right, so no proof.


I guess IT will be banned any minute now, then.

As it should.

The admin's last response pretty much says it won't happen though.

I dont understand why we can't have a welfare system that provides escorts/sex workers for us incels and disabled because dating and relationships doesn't suit everyone. Apparently in Germany, they're are doing it for disabled. Imagine also if they were a charity dedicated to us

They want you banned because you hurt their fragile feelings.

SJW thinks that if you forbids people talking about a problem, the problem will go away. 1984 as manual, etc.


It’s like trying to squeeze a zit too early, all you get is blood and scarring, whereas if you just waited another week, you’d get a ton of pus leaving your skin, and no scar would be visible

Whining about it all day on the internet wont solve your problems either you know. The reason they banned Incels was because a lot of people there apparently think that women deserved to be raped and more.

Nobody gives a shit about your whining on here other then to get a chuckle out of the weird shit you guys post.


I heard a quadriplegic on Howard stern yesterday that had a girlfriend. What’s your excuse?

im not a quadriplegic

JFL if you're not a quadriplegic in 2018.

Thought attractiveness does play it's part in the formation of incels, I have learned that attractiveness really doesn't have that much to do with getting girls. Only some



Just don't advocate violence or condone rape and we'll get along fine. I get it, life dealt you a shit hand. It's nice to have a place where you can talk about with people going through the same shit.

Normazis have demonstrated time and time again that they desire our elimination from this world. In 2017, we are censored. In 2018, we are metooed out of the workplace. I think we all know what will happen in 2019.

Incels are a biological reality.

In every single society of all, there are incels. They are the lowest value males that no female wants to stoop to. And considering that the top percentage of males would more than happily spread their seed to tons of females, the females will flock around them.

Just look at lions. The top males that are lucky enough to have a pride will have tons of women that are literally slaves for him.

WHAT NOBODY THINKS ABOUT IS: what about the other male lions? Clearly the ratio must be 50/50, right? Where the fuck are the lions that don't have flocks of females? They're either dead from lionchad, or they're lioncelling.

look at this lioncel. His entire life goal is to find a mate, and he cannot. If he fails to, he will have failed at life.

You can think that humans are much different, but you are coping. We are primitive animals just like lions, birds, cats, and what not are.

It's not the incel they are banning it is the toxicity of the content of the subreddit(s).

Damn did the soyboy get offended at what an stranger said on the internet?

Well they made a whole post about it so I assume so haha.

The banning is to remove a Subreddit that fosters violations of the TOS or actual law. Not to silence a group for no reason


Not from an objective standpoint


If you intend merely to disagree isn't everything debatable

Silencing a group for no reason would be an unjustified loss . silencing for a breach of TOS is a prevention of negative attention

Many subreddit have been banned for not violating anything. You're right about the negative press, but It doesn't matter if there's a breach in TOS. If they get bad publicity then the subreddit in question is going bye bye.

Breaching the TOS, even without public scrutiny, generally ends up with action against the account in question, or the whole sub

What sub has been banned without violating TOS?

Silencing a group for no reason would be an unjustified loss. Silencing for a breach of TOS is a prevention of negative attention

Adjusting the TOS so that groups that don't agree with your leftist narrative conveniently fall outside of it and can therefore be banned counts as being silenced "for no reason".

It's incredible how you can't see how idiotic what you're saying is. It's like if I create a law silencing homosexuals and when they try to complain I say it's justified because them speaking out is against the law.

The problem is the TOS aren't tweaked against anybody. They all essentially relay the message of "don't be a dick" and "don't misuse the site"

If a community finds it too hard to not violate those basic rules then the ban is really their own fault


I hope you guys don't get banned, you're a great laugh.

Says the guy who gets off to huge dick porn to compensate for his 2 millimetre peter

Please see sidebar, links to other subs threads are comments are not allowed (even "np" links). If you wish to share content, use screenshots. The usernames in screenshots should be blurred, blacked out, or concealed to prevent harassment.

This is really true and I'm glad someone finally put this thought to words. I don't know why pretty much every normie I encounter believes this subreddit is either creating incels or is making incel's situations worse.

This couldn't be more false. We came here because we are incels, not the other way around. Even if I never found this sub, I'd just be lost in the real world coping even harder.

Banning subreddits isn't intended to stop the creation of incels. No one really cares if incels exist or not. It's just about Reddit coming down hard on prejudice and misogyny as a private organisation.

Incels looked like a cesspit of misogyny and it made Reddit look bad. They don't want that image. It doesn't matter if the majority of posters weren't sexist.

it made Reddit look bad

LMFAO. As if this pathetic shithole full of soyboys, SJW shitstains, and other disgusting elements could look any worse to non-tumblrinas.

Maybe, but I'm not judging either way, I'm saying that Reddit wants to look a certain way and they will police their own site (to an extent) to keep up that appearance.



We ban people and subreddits because the majority of people don't want anything to do with you, or your rhetoric. I don't want to see it. I can't think of anybody else off the top of my head that wants to accidentally click on your bullshit either.

Nobody gives a fuck what you want to see. You don't have the right to censor people or deprive them of their freedom of expression just because you don't like what they have to say.

That's why leftist trash like you are despised in real life and why Reddit is considered a hugbox echo chamber shithole outside of the site. You're hypocrites. You want "freedom of speech" only for those who agree with you.

Nah, I want freedom of speech for everybody. But freedom of speech doesn't actually apply to reddit.

But freedom of speech doesn't actually apply to reddit.

Because it's a hugbox SJW shithole full of pieces of shit like you. That doesn't mean "nobody" wants to hear the things incels want to say or agrees with the central tenets.

It means you and your shitstain kind don't want to see it.

Freedom of Speech only applies to government owned spaces and products. It has never applied to reddit and never will.

Man, you're a total fucking idiot. What I'm trying to point out is that Redditards being fucking hypocrites who claim to be in favor of "Freedom of speech" and other leftist horseshit doesn't reflect the beliefs or attitudes of EVERYONE on planet earth.

Just because YOU retards don't want to hear the things the people on this board have to say doesn't mean NOBODY does, which is what you implied, you fucking cretin

We are in favour of freedom of speech. The difference between you, and us, is that we actually know what that legislative term means. Because you still seem to think it applies to reddit. It was never intended to, nor does it, apply to reddit.

It was never intended to, nor does it, apply to reddit.

"We're in favor of freedom of speech, but you can't have freedom of speech where we are"

Lmfao @ your cognitive dissonance. An autist through and through. You genuinely can't see the hypocrisy in your conflicting beliefs

You have freedom of speech here, right now. You do. It just isn't doing what you seem to think its doing.


Ok "rightist", youre in favour of free speech. If there was a "shooting up american schools" or "Lets bomb the shit out of New york" subreddit would you be defending their free speech? Probably not.

Same as you can talk and complain about being incel all you want. Start talking about how you want to rape and murder all women and they deserve it, you can fuck off reddit


Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences. You post shit expect tgo get shit.

And what does leftist have to do with anything? I love watching people throw that around like an insult... in reality it makes you look more and more like an ignorant, sexually frustrated, high school kid.


So why come here to shit out your thoughts?

Because once in a blue moon I run into somebody who is actually receptive to help. I have a soft spot for cripples, bastards and broken things.

That was me at 17. Not exactly, replace ADD with dyspraxia and you're pretty much there tho. Back then the closest I got to social contact was getting into fights.

These days I get mistaken for a normie, IRL and on the internet, because I got past those issues.

You have autism?

Technically its Aspergers, but that diagnosis is falling out of favour. Now everybody is just autistic and some are more autistic than others.

There are definitely people who think they have no chance or are incels because of this subreddit and would probably have been fine otherwise.


You're a sad, sad man. I hope you manage to get a life one day.


I'll rephrase for them, you're a sad, sad angry man.


So true. I saw some posts about late-teens escaping the incel sub and saying how they were sucked in to the toxicity, and now realise how bs 90% of it is

You people are toxic as fuck, that is why your subs get banned, not because you don't have sex.


Banning the subreddit will not do anything except further isolate and censor people who have already been rejected by society in most other ways

"Cry me a river faggot. wah wah wah"

Incels got banned for making toxic, disgusting, pro-rape, woman-murdering comments. Avoid that kinda shit and you wont be banned, noone gives a fuck if youre incel

r/incels, now r/hookers. I'm really starting to think there is a conspiracy designed to keep incels and betamales mindless drone workers

Over half of the incel subreddits have been banned, and most in under a week, so, in actuality ? Probably kinda hard.

Can't repress both because they're both outlets to the blackpill rage. If you don't know incel terms you're a fakecel so fuck outta this sub normo

JFL if you're not a quadriplegic in 2018.

I would link you to a few discussions but the sub is banned. But you already know that don't you.

Damn did the soyboy get offended at what an stranger said on the internet?

Banning the subreddit will not do anything except further isolate and censor people who have already been rejected by society in most other ways

"Cry me a river faggot. wah wah wah"

Incels got banned for making toxic, disgusting, pro-rape, woman-murdering comments. Avoid that kinda shit and you wont be banned, noone gives a fuck if youre incel

Well let me rephase that, it wasn't just incels that was targeted by it, it was several subs like fat people hate and coontown.

Normies making smurf accounts to smear us, smells of desperation. I’m sure some of you normies on /r/pics have said some weird shit, doesn’t mean we assume everyone on /r/pics shares the same opinion. I guess because one weirdo on /r/pics said disabled people should be euthanised then /r/pics should be banned for controversial opinions!!!!