Just think it only took 4-5 year's

59  2018-03-21 by incelbeast


Mogs me

poor dog ;(

It's like a jumbo hotdog instead of a normal hotdog.

yea šŸ˜‚ poor thing

Still a good boy regardless.

but yea obviously!!

ikr? poor thing is a butterball himself, but he looks like he can't even escape out from under that hamhock she's resting on him

Getting wedged into the couch cushions like a lost remote by that fat arm




Only in america.

i read somewhere that the size of a women's arms can be a sign if she's more prone to gain weight in the future. dunno if its true but in her case it is

fat people should be rounded up and killed for fuel

"I love my hubby this much" - femoid 2012

I wonder what she looks like in 2018 lol

some things are best not imagined

Probably just a casket.

Fucking kek

I think bloating up a bit is just apart of being a mother. My mom bloated up after she had me and now that she's done having kids she is working out more and is slimming again. If my wife suddenly gained weight while raising my kids due to not having spare time I'd consider it a good thing. Better to stay at home and give all your attention to the children then to hire nannies and that sort of thing. I rarely saw my mom growing up because she always had to work and now our relationship is ruined.

No, it isn't. Only lazy women get fat after having kids. All the hardworking Stacies I knew from school post photos on social media how they are the same fitness level a few months after giving birth as before.

The stupid cunts though gain 30 kilograms per each child. I wonder if anyone has done a study how GPA affects obesity rate later in life.

No it isn't.

Go back 10,000 years and see if the mothers there were fat fucks. Spoiler alert: they weren't. Why? Because they couldn't sit on their fat asses and stuff their face with big macs, pizza, and ice cream all day. They had to actually work. They had to actually take care of their kids and make sure they were hunted. They had to do survive.

due to not having spare time

That's not how you gain weight, idiot. I'll be the first to admit that I am a fucking unfit idiot. I haven't exercised for more than like 10 casual minutes in...ages. I'm still skinny. Because I don't stuff my face.

Better to stay at home and give all your attention to the children then to hire nannies and that sort of thing.

Better to stay at home and give all your attention to the children then to hire nannies and that sort of thing.

You need nannies to stop you from eating 3 cups of ice cream? lol

Just fucking lol at the downvotes. Fat roasted mad at biology

Damn I was getting downvoted for this? What has this world come to when you think that gaining weight happens because you "dont have enough spare time" lol. It's literally the opposite. If you do the bare minimum in time needed, you just eat enough calories to maintain

You'll be skinny without muscles lol

That's completely true. My grandmother stayed skinny af even after her two pregnancies.

I fit back into my pre-preg jeans 2 weeks after giving birth, but I also didn't gain any unnecessary weight during pregnancy. Women who put on 100 lbs just for fun because they're "eating for 2, hee hee" are really going to regret it afterwards.

Would incels fuck that land whale 2012?? Be honest

Meh. As fucktoy maybe because I am desperate. But I'd never marry a landwhale or have a life with a landwhale. Being obese is completely a choice. I'm not a landwhale, and I think that it's fair to expect the same from a potential partner. It's not like being obese is a trait that cannot be changed (like, you know, our problems with our bones).

Unless she has a medical condition, yeah, you're right. More cushion for the pushin!!

Even the dog is fat at fuck. I wonder what that kid looks like now 6 years later.

So you're mad at women for not wanting to date you because you're ugly but you wouldn't date a woman who is fat?

Do you not see he cognitive dissonance here?

I said I would have sex with her.

She won't have sex with me.

And no I really don't. Being fat is a choice, Being ugly isn't. One is a life choice, the other isn't. It's not even close.

And I'm mad at women for far more than not dating me. I'm mostly mad at them for being shallow, hypergamous, parasitic, narcissistic, and liars.

If I was a woman I wouldn't date myself either, I would just ride with the stupid free pass that all women have and go fuck with chad.

Ok, so let's just say that hypothetically, you found a woman who legitimately liked you as a person and wanted to be in a relationship with you. She's overweight, but is trying to lose weight and get in shape. Because, like you said, being overweight is something that can be changed.

You'd still reject her?

You literally changed the story.

The story in OP is:

Attractive woman who clearly doesn't care about her husband gains a ton of weight and stops taking care of herself because she's now married.

Would I marry that? No. Because I'm not a fucking cuck.

Somehow you got "cognitive dissonance" out of that because I'm ugly?

No, you're a moron.

An actual comparison would be if I married a woman and then quit my job, gained 150 lbs, and never took a bath. If I did that, my wife should divorce me.

Ok, so let's just say that hypothetically, you found a woman who legitimately liked you as a person and wanted to be in a relationship with you. She's overweight, but is trying to lose weight and get in shape. Because, like you said, being overweight is something that can be changed.

She's trying to change. I wouldn't reject her.

I know I changed the story, the scenario I was presenting was supposed to be a completely different scenario. I'm just trying to understand your logic, is all.

Somehow you got "cognitive dissonance" out of that because I'm ugly?

Yes. The cognitive dissonance is beyond real in this sub. You're angry at women because they won't look past your perceived flaws but you seem unwilling to look past the perceived flaws of others. You say it's completely different because "being fat is a choice and being ugly isn't" but in this day and age, you could save up your money and get plastic surgery. So doesn't that mean that being ugly is a choice too?

She's trying to change. I wouldn't reject her.

That's good. That's a rational way to look at the scenario.

Being fat = eat less. Makes you healthier.

Changing bone structure = pay ten thousands of dollars for surgery and take health risks.

Almost the same thing, bruh.

I never said losing weight was easier or cheaper than getting plastic surgery. But if you're judging people based on their flaws and whether or not they're changeable, being ugly is changeable just like being overweight is.

It's not like some kind of severe brain damage that you can't change no matter how much money you have.

You are making a bad comparison.

If you are fat you can easily lose fat by just eating less. Itā€™s not complicated and itā€™s free. A more fair comparison would be an ugly person can make themselves more attractive by changing their wardrobe, hair style etc. Surgery is on a different level.

You know what else can be changed though? Your heinous personality. Just gotta work at it a bit. Not that you will of course.

Degraded to fucktoy because she had a kid and let herself go. Jesus fucking wept.

my personality is significantly better than yours.

Sure, GeneticCleansing, let's go with that.

You're right. Women can see that I have a reddit account called GeneticCleansing IRL.

That's also why women never get in abusive relationships, because women have an infallible creepdar.

Just like you have an infallible ability to accurately generalise 50% of the population based on your resentful, echo chamber projections of how you feel and what you think you deserve? Or do I have the wrong end of the stick

reality and science says if a landwhale is that fat = her personality sucks

Link me the science please.

Question-I used to be obese but now I am not...does my personality still suck or have I magically transformed into a human being in your eyes?

echo chamber


Instead I have to deal with people like you coming in this damn sub to harass me 24/7. Worst echo chamber ever.

Way to respond to the actual point there bub

Nah, incels have varying opinions anyways, so an incel only sub will have lots of discussion and debates, but at least we agree on many fundamental things.

But this is a literal debate subreddit that is brigaded 24/7. Not an echo chamber, and it's p annoying.

Also, yes, you are able to generalize 50% of hte population when you get things like this. It wasn't even the top 20% of men that got laid back then. More like top 5%.

"It wasn't like there was a mass death of males. They were there, so what were they doing?" asks Melissa Wilson Sayres,

Another member of the research team, a biological anthropologist, hypothesizes that somehow, only a few men accumulated lots of wealth and power, leaving nothing for others.

By analyzing diversity in these parts, scientists are able to deduce the numbers of female and male ancestors a population has. It's always more female.

If you look at humans as biological creatures rather than personal people with unique lives, you can 100% generalize. I try to look at humans the same way I would with, say, birds. You would have no problem with me saying: "The female bird is bland in color, but she is extremely picky." ...Because it is true in the grand scheme of things. It doesn't matter if 1 exception occurs. Female humans are very similar. They follow the same biological patterns that they were naturally selected to follow, which isn't all that different from that of other animals. They want a strong, attractive (big sign of good genes), and secure male with lots of power (wealth counts as power). That's the ideal man. No matter how civilized we get, we cannot rid ourselves of our primitive roots. And sexual relationships are one of the ways that those primitive roots show through the greatest.

They can smell your personality through your screen

sniff sniff

Yep definitely misogynistic virgin rapist serial killer

take a shower bruh

Sorry my jimmies just love rustlin' around over some grade A prime hypocrisy.

Fatties mad at obesity bring a choice lmao. You fat fucking IT users are MAD at the truth

My mom is a mogs her lol and I am 26 lol.

JFL if you dont acquire a prime virgin femoid when she is skinny & innocent

Itā€™s her job as a woman to keep herself attractive. She failed. Yes she has alimony and child support but you get more out of men by being sweet and sexy than being ā€œthe bitch ex wifeā€

Women kill with seduction and femininity.

Who told you itā€™s a womanā€™s job to keep herself ā€œattractiveā€ šŸ˜‚

In truth I am feminine but born with the wrong body and unfortunately canā€™t pass because of it. I waited too long and now I am in the body of an incel.

I am sure some will enjoy this.

you just have problems in your head man. get therapy.

All incels are born in the wrong body.

It's a man's job to work himself to near death to provide and also look good. Either everyone has to be high-standard, or nobody has to be.

I agree. Maybe ā€œjobā€ isnā€™t the right word. ā€œDutyā€ might be more appropriate, at least in the confines of marriage.

A woman becoming a disgusting blob is akin to a man becoming an unemployed drunk.

God, she looks like my gran in this picture.


Poor dog. Getting wedged into the couch cushions like a lost remote by her fat arm.

the dog looks like its about to die



These are the people who successfully reproduce, and you guys think you don't deserve to live because your genes are sub par... wut even

These are the people I get rejected by. Hundreds of them.


5 years, and 5 chins.

from stacey to roastie in 5 years

What a transformation

Wristmogs me brutally.

Reminds me of how today we had a meeting at work and while everyone was busy with the meeting stuff i couldnt stop looking at my wrists and marveling about how pathetic they are.

What field of work are you in

automotive. We had a meeting concerning some defects on parts we produce. Thank fucking god people cant read minds yet.

she has more arm hair than me too.

Iā€™m older than most of the guys here. You guys will see this happen first hand. Those cute girls in high school will be on top of the world for about 10 years max, and crash hard.

Every girl I met in my youth is fat now with the exception of two, both of whom were extremely thin (by late 1990ā€™s standards, not current year standards). Even my oneitis crush, who was 95lbs in high school and college, weighs almost as much as me now, maybe more (Iā€™m 175). Thatā€™s an extreme example. The average girls became average women, and the average woman is fat.

How do women deal with that? Antidepressants.

but if you look at a class photo from 20 years ago there were very few attractive girls, ugly clothes and ugly hairstyles

Life fuel

life fuel.

maybe they'll eat some skittles too

The DOG mogs me

I mean... she does appear to have just had a baby.

I got enormous with both pregnancies but lost every pound within the first year. No joke, I gained like 50lbs. But also, my husband was 170 when we got married and he's 220 right now so this isn't solely a married woman's issue. Couples get chubby. If you're not married to them then what do you care?

Just LOL at this roastie.

So you're married(to a ugly beta cunt most likely), and have children, yet you still have time to come on here and bully virgins? Is your beta bux not satisfying you?

Fuck off landwhale.

Triggered much?

You seem to be the bully btw. I'm not the one calling people names and making assumptions about your appearance.

My husband is 6', totally hot and we own a construction company. He's a great father and husband. I spent the first 10 yrs of our marriage working 2 jobs and paying bills. The fact that we have a nice home and a business and i get to raise our children is a luxury we both worked hard for. Plus we have employees now so he does the bare minimal because that's the great part of being the boss. Your definition of ugly, beta and landwhale are really exaggerated if you think for a second you can touch me with those terms.
You are literally making fun of a woman that just gave birth yet have the audacity to act offended for being bullied. Pot meet kettle.

The fact that you chat a load of shit and make stuff up on the internet says it all about you, you fat landwhale piece of shit.

You are going to suffer in hell for eternity and maybe that still won't be enough to burn the calories of your body.

Any incel is worth 100 sad pathetic cunts like you, or any incelqueer retard.

So much edge for a man baby.

"you're the one bullying me because I'm harassing you on your sub, but lemme just make fun of you. Man I am such a victim"

K nice story woman now GTFO woman's opinions= trash

Wow I wonder how you canā€™t get a woman. You seem lovely.

Yes I I'm now GTFO woman's opinions=trash simple equation really

Oh god, the cringe. The bloody cringe.

Just following protocol soz

you come to OUR sub to bully US and you get mad when we tell your fat ass to GTFO?

please. leave. if the mods in this place weren't literally on your side, you would be forced to leave, but it is what it is.

Yes I am triggered by a fat obese bitch.

Obese, ugly lacking of femininity,moody,entilited has a beta bux bf bitter she can't get Chad because she is a ugly whore.... Ok then kys please

Was that supposed to be in English?

Do you have like a bucket of blocks with all your incel slang terms on them that you dump in a pile and then type out however they arrange on the floor? Beta-cunt-whore- bitter-moody-piss-cry-mommy-issues

Yes learn the language normie or GTFO

the fuck are you posting here for? go back to IT

Blowing up 50 pounds after having a kid is something you can mitigate and control. Good on you for losing the weight but it doesn't have to happen

I mean 35 is average and I only went like 10 or 15 above that. My Dr was never the least bit concerned. People gain a lot more for a lot dumber reasons. Celebrities gain 60 and 70 and they have personal trainers and the contents of Whole Foods at their disposal. Pregnancy is the hardest thing I've ever lived through.

Lmfao. Keep comparing yourself to the worst to feel better about yourself.

Lol. And the whole point of you making fun of a woman's body after giving birth is so you can feel better about being alone?

Nice try asshole.

Can you point out my comment in which I made fun about a womanā€™s body after giving birth?

Just because its the average doesn't mean that it should happen, or that we should be content with that. The average American is obese for example, this should not mean that being obese should be expected of someone.

I think the reason why gaining 35 pounds during pregnancy is the average (just going off of your word since I trust you) is because women have a preconceived notion that massive weight gain during pregnancy is normal. Women will see that 35lb average and think oh its okay for me to eat tubs of ice cream when I have a kid since its normal and I think that this is wrong on so many levels. Shit, I mean, the average weight gain during pregancy in japan is like 15 pounds I believe.

Ok Pregnancy Police. Keep mansplaining all of this to an actual woman who has lived it. Maybe you should become a Doctor it seems like you already think you're half way there. You didn't even know that 35 was the recommended amount for the average woman yet somehow you're still arguing that it's too much. I don't remember worrying as much about it as you seem to be right now. What a hero you are saving all these woman from ice cream and your perceived idea of over indulgence and weight. You seem so concerned with my health just so you can sleep well tonight I'll just tell you I have 2 extremely healthy perfect children and I myself am the picture of health. I somehow miraculously survived that extra 15lb weight gain.

Triggered much? I have a mother and sisters that have been pregnant you know... I'm not "mansplaining" anything, and I don't think I've seen anyone use that term unironically until now.

I myself am the picture of health


Ok dumbass... 400 calories over 40 weeks is 112,000 calories. There are ~3500calories/pound, so that's 32 pounds of weight gain total. How much under 35 do you want someone to gain??

God forbid you ever get someone pregnant, you'd starve her and the kid to death.

Alright jackass, I said 200-400, you are not going to be eating 400 excess calories in the first 3 months of pregnancy when the baby is tiny.

This is why you went 15 over your 35 pound average you fat fuck

I don't have children, and I certainly don't need a stupid high schooler explaining pregnancy to me.

Thought you were the other person

Anyways lmfao you've never had yet you feel like your opinion is more valid than mine. How dim are you?

Did you read my comment before spewing bullshit? I decided to take the number you provided as "fact" and did some simple math for you. Clearly whatever school you go to never taught you anything about multiplying or dividing. Nowhere did I provide my own facts or opinions. Being a highschool is the only reasonable explanation that I have for your idiocy.

Nah, your brain just thinks so linearly that you think you need 400 calories right when a guy inseminates your smelly cunt

"You've got nothing else to say to me so you try and demean my [gender] by calling me [insert generic insults here]"

Just trying to go down to your level and comment something you would understand

Pregnancy is the hardest thing I've ever lived through.

Sounds like an easy life. Most women, who've experienced both, admit that pregnancy/childbirth FAR easier and FAR less painful than passing kidney stones.

Ok. I guess you get a gold star for picking out the things you want to hear to make your point. I've never had a kidney stone or a broke bone or a gunshot wound so I'm not sure what your point is. Pregnancy is different for everyone and I had a horrible time. But I guess your opinion is worth more than mine on my experience. "Most women" Are not going to ever say that birth was anything resembling easy. What rock do you live under. Only an Incel could make the argument that birth was just a fucking breeze. Haha You have no idea the medical problems I endured. But anyway, you're trying to make the argument that I've had an easy life... I guess compared to a hoast of things like War, homelessness, cancer, knife fights, prison, bear attacks or whatever else I've never experienced that means indeed my life is just so easy. No one suffers worse than an Incel. You win. Jesus, collect your participation trophy. I didn't know everything was a competition in who has it worse. But thanks for mansplaining pregnancy to me. Fun times.

What is average in obese America lol. Average is a sad, sad place to be.

holy fuck is this place cucked.

You're getting downvoted for this


Gotta respect m'lady

Yes you are a fat bitch no GTFO my sub whore

She gained like 3 trillion pounds, not 50.

Couples get chubby.

Because two people get into a relationship they get chubby? Nope, not if they don't want to, same as anyone single. There are copious couples out there who share a passion to stay fit & healthy not just for themselves but for each other. It's just about how much you're willing to prioritize it.

Tbh I would just kill my self if I was the husband, imagine all the work getting a good looking girl and you lose it all so fast just because she is lazy and selfish(doesn't care about your happiness)

Being with someone isn't about looks. Personality is a huge factor in relationships. If you think it takes work to get a woman and that she is lazy for bearing a child which btw is the least selfish thing because it take 2 people to make a baby then you seriously need to seek therapy because your views are extremely twisted and not normal at all

Being with someone isn't about looks.

Itā€™s a deciding factor. You can say some shit like no duh thereā€™s a threshold and all that but not mentioning it is highly manipulative and damaging to people who have barely any at all. What Iā€™m trying to say is that you have adopted herd mentality, you seem to not be able to think from our prospective and assume that if something works for you, it should work for us. Youā€™re making assumptions based on your own experience (by not giving credit to the importance of looks, just assuming weā€™re all barely below average to slightly above).

Personality is a huge factor in relationships.

No fucking shit, who said it didnā€™t. A relationship wonā€™t last if someone in it has a bad personality. Yeah sure a woman will allow herself to be taken advantage of by some sexy sociopath but eventually sheā€™ll leave and saddle up with some average looking guy with more money.

Hopefully you wonā€™t just read this and dismiss it because the thought seems ridiculous or makes you uncomfortable. If you donā€™t entertain ideas radically different from your worldview then you might as well give yourself a lobotomy, you donā€™t need a brain anyway.

Actually, if you can convince me otherwise from what Iā€™ve stated, Iā€™ll listen. Iā€™d like to be able to grow as a person.

//forgive me for writing this much Iā€™m fucked up on stimulants//

Trust me when I say this I will never think from your perspective because I don't suffer from mental illness

Being mean to mentally ill people makes you pretty scummy

Heā€™s right, though. I hate myself for being born the way I am.

Thatā€™s a good point actually. Maybe you should keep to your own kind then.

But how will I learn about incels and how will you learn about functioning people in society?

how will you learn about functioning people in society?

Iā€™m not a NEET.

But how will I learn about incels

You donā€™t need to. Incels are on their own journey and shoulder the burden alone.

Do you even reddit bro? Site is filled with people dropping their fat SO and encouraging others to do so lol

being with someone is always about looks, unless you're ugly af and have to sacrifice looks for personality. i would fucking divorce her if she got that fat, anyone man would and should.

That ideology is exactly why you will forever be single

you're right, there's no guy ever that would divorce a fatass that gets laid.

I'm sure the top tier male models of the world would totally be fine if their model wives pigged out and went from an 8 or 9 to a 1 within 2 years.

I'm sure they totally wouldn't divorce them.

Personality AND looks, both are equally important... same shit happens when a dude has a great personality but when he marries and gets comfortable with the girl he starts hitting her/ being violent, both are equally bad in my point of view. If your SO changes so much because he/she doesn't care anymore about you anymore then you should leave

LOOKS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...] >>>>>> pErSoNaLiTy

Nothing wrong with bearing a child. Also nothing wrong for criticizing someone for blowing up 100lb. after bearing said child

If you think itā€™s acceptable to become this fat in such a short time span with the excuse being bearing a kid... I really donā€™t know.

Ever been in a relationship? Looks obviously aren't everything but you need to be attracted physically to your partner. This sort of weight gain isn't fair unless the guy was okay with it.

4D cope

you're sitting here typing about how you totally love your wife's personality while she's out lusting for chad

Staying in shape is driven by many positive personality attributes.

Holy shit the fucking dog

Even the dog is fat

So these dudes are really here talking about how disappointing/disgusting this girlā€™s appearance is in the SAME SUB theyā€™re declaring theyā€™re ā€œsubhumanā€ ā€œforever aloneā€ ā€œuglyā€ and basically begging ANY girl to speak to them. Amazing.

Yeah, what's their point here? Since looks are the only thing that matter they should be cheering that there's one more woman out there closer to their level in attractiveness /s

Ayyyyy NORMIE lurker cuck is here howdy



God I miss him. And the sub. Fortunately...refer to my flair ;)

Look at these people just invading our sub. 29 fking upvotes.

fat is always disgusting, goddam fucking white knights

Apparently a lot of you are too. Can't you just get over that hurdle and date people on your level.

no, fatcels are volcels.

Not sure if you are serious. Nobody wants to date an incel.

Shitposting is a warm and enjoyable action to take in such lows that the people of this sub a subjected to. Your opinions are as empty as my soul, waiting to be filled with fucking nonsense.

she was never attractive to begin with prob a 5/10 then demoted to a 1/10 land whale

She is so fucking disgusting. How the fuck can you let yourself go like that and in such a short amount of time? I might have a subhuman face but I'm a proud gymcel. I'll never let my body go to shit like this pig has.

inb4 "but she's pregnant". My sister barely put on any weight when she was pregnant and she immediately lost it and went back to normal after giving birth to my nephew. These roasties spend their 20s whoring themselves out and as soon as they find a betabux they blow up to the size of a small house.

That's a lot in a short time span. I suspect her partner is a "feeder" or a really awful enabler/sabatoger. One does not always gain weight like that on their own....

I donā€™t know bro a lot of chicks I knew when I was 16-17 are all bloated whales now that we are all 20-25. Youā€™d be surprised what having a Stacy mind set can do when you have the genetics of a tub of butter.

But so what, she was a 5/10 before, none of you would have fucked her anyways.

Thats why you never let them get to comfortable , her husband must have been a soft lad ,slap a girls ass once in a while ,cheat and would it kill you to call her a fat pig.

Better to stay at home and give all your attention to the children then to hire nannies and that sort of thing.

Better to stay at home and give all your attention to the children then to hire nannies and that sort of thing.

You need nannies to stop you from eating 3 cups of ice cream? lol

I said I would have sex with her.

She won't have sex with me.

And no I really don't. Being fat is a choice, Being ugly isn't. One is a life choice, the other isn't. It's not even close.

And I'm mad at women for far more than not dating me. I'm mostly mad at them for being shallow, hypergamous, parasitic, narcissistic, and liars.

If I was a woman I wouldn't date myself either, I would just ride with the stupid free pass that all women have and go fuck with chad.

You're right. Women can see that I have a reddit account called GeneticCleansing IRL.

That's also why women never get in abusive relationships, because women have an infallible creepdar.

Just fucking lol at the downvotes. Fat roasted mad at biology

That's completely true. My grandmother stayed skinny af even after her two pregnancies.

Oh god, the cringe. The bloody cringe.

"You've got nothing else to say to me so you try and demean my [gender] by calling me [insert generic insults here]"