Ever realize how men are always "lucky" when they get a good looking woman?

32  2018-03-21 by GeneticCleansing

Just more subtle and casual female hypergamy that we all see every day.

I've seen guys that were better looking than their wives talk about how lucky he is that he got someone so beautiful.

If a guy somehow gets his looksmatch, you can guarantee that the woman will act like she is some virtuous being for marrying such a hideous man, and the man will act like a beta in order to prop her up ("Wow I'm so lucky").


Galz get lucky too 😊

As in, a woman marrying up in looksmatch? It happens so often that it isn't even luck anymore.

Generally women say lucky of the girls guy treats her well Guys say lucky if the girl the guy marries is hot Biological lol

You and I both know that you're being disingenuous.

It isn't a 50/50 match. 1 woman says that to every, what, 10? 50? 100? men.

Idk... I know my gfs friends have said it to her and my friends have said it to me... if you’re in a stable relationship, most people will say it to either side

"Chad only beat me up twice today. I'm so lucky teehee"

Only thing that makes chad more likely to beat em up is that he actually gets near em 🤨


Truth. You never hear femoids say they were ''lucky'' to get a man so good looking, even if their man mogs them to oblivion. To them it's just expected that they date multiple points above their looksmatch.

Your title is not wrong. I do say that I’m lucky. I guess that makes me a beta.

I hope I get lucky too and a bus hugs me aa I walk across the street



I think this only applies to some people tbh, and you have to take into account someone’s personality when you’re talking marriage because you can date a hot slam piece (man or woman) or they can date you if you’re better looking, but that doesn’t mean you’re gonna stay with them forever.

Well written. Good job brother.

Wow, that's a great post.


What's the matter with that? Aren't people allowed to be happy about finding attractive partners?

Try being a 2/10 male who is destined to live life alone before commenting. It will help your perspective.

Try focussing less on looks. Ask out a 2/10 female, she might surprisingly turn into a 3/10. It will help your perspective.

I have been rejected by 1.5's and 2's already. I shoot low. So try again.

Try thinking about other reasons for rejection.

Looks is the most important and I have a rejection count in the hundreds. So....try empathizing with men who are subhuman to women before commenting maybe.

How did you get a rejection count in the hundreds? That doesn´t sound like you ever fell in love with anyone, but asked out every femoid you ever met.

Because I am 26 and have been trying since 16. Ten years. You lack empathy.

"it's just a numbers game, bro. there's someone for everyone, bro"

I don´t, but maybe I´m just from a different culture than you. Where I´m from, we ask people out if we like them and want to be in a relationship. If you ask someone else every two weeks, nobody will take you seriously.

2 weeks? This has been going on for 10 years, moron. You're going on block. Painfully stupid.

I don´t know if you blocked me already, but I definitely didn´t mean your bad time went on for two weeks only. Hundreds of rejections in ten years means LOTS of girls being asked out, and that makes it easy to not take it seriously...

But if we don't approach women then how the hell are we supposed to get the chance at a gf? What the guy was saying is, usually you have to approach a lot of girls until you find one that will even give you the time of day, and then from those you have to narrow it down to the ones who will date you.

Incels like us narrow that down so much that finding anyone in the second bracket is impossible, hell, most of us struggle with the first.

No. No way. You get it all wrong, just asking a random to love you doesn´t make sense. I want to give a way to improve your chances, but no, just asking your female friends to suck your dick doesn´t work either. Well, getting a female friend without sex might work, so try that.

Nobody is saying we just go up to females and ask them for a quickie. I have female friends. It's just that even having female friends and not being an aspie, we're too ugly for chicks to want to date us.

You just think you´re too ugly, they just don´t know why you want to be their "friends"

I hold a friendship with an 8/10 Becky that I don't expect anything to come out of.

I want to date, yes. What should I tell women when I want to date them, then?

You could start by not thinking of her as an 8/10 Becky.

It's a useful descriptor and I don't want to date her anyways.

It´s not.

It´s great you have female friends! Of course you´re way prettier than them and don´t to have uglier friends, so fuck off.

What the fuck is with you, you mental fuck? I've explained a billion times, ugly women hate ugly men the most. I've found attractive women much more approachable than ugly women - uggos don't even want to associate with unattractive men.

Yes, I think you´re right.

You're mental.


That depends on the way you approach these women. If you only talk to them because you want to spit in their asshole they will notice.

can't get a girl

Ask more women out

asks more women out

wtf you are asking too many women out and aren't in love

Really? You don´t get it?

The reason why incels believe this is because it is much harder to crack the seal then it is afterward.

Even just recently a fellow black pilled incel woke up and detoxed to find this to be true:


Of course if you think that as hard as it is to enter into your first relationship will be as hard as it will always be, you'll think that things are pretty bleak.

That's why you imagine normies are all desperately clinging to their women or something. Even the former incel in the screen cap ended up DUMPING his first girl to pursue the next one.

You're disgusting and amoral for pulling the poor bastard from the community and propping him up just so he can fail again.

If that wayward brother ropes I'm blaming you.

Fuck you dude. You can never win. What's seen can't be unseen

You really have that little faith in other people?

It's not that I don't have faith in others. Nobody here is a Chad, and a very, very small fraction of a percentage of men here could maybe become a Chad through grueling effort. Those who cannot will eventually find themselves in the same situation they were in when they first came here, but without the support and understanding present here.

Nope that is a scam. Like I mentioned before no one reverts back to an incel once the seal is cracked.

Then ebtire basis of so many of your myths is that men who struggle to get laid the first time will always struggle.

That's why you have all the copes about how normies must all be beta buxing and desperately groveling or something.

I mean, nobody is saying that after showering and being confident you’ll have a harem of women flocking for you next week. There is a healthy medium between incel and “Chad,” where you’re a desirable option to women who you find attractive, where you’re able to confidently approach and land dates with women you’re interested in. From the limited pictures I’ve seen incels post here, the vast majority can get to that point.

Nobody, and I mean absolutely nobody, is immune from rejection. It happens. It’s part of everyone’s life. What you do afterwards is what’s important. Failure isn’t permanent.

And girls are lucky to have funny, intelligent, passionate, handsome, successful boyfriends and husbands. Never heard girls congratulating each other on that? They do, probably more so than guys.

Yep, and guys are lucky to have any woman. No disparity there.

Nah. No one thinks in those terms. No one is going to call you lucky if you are dating a whale with crumbs in her hair. Men are judged by who they date more so than women. If a guy gets a hot girl, even if he's ugly, ESPECIALLY if he's ugly, that automatically means he must be something about him. Women are judged by their looked period.
This is the entire thing on how you look more attractive with an attractive woman. Do you think this applies to women? Nah

money is only hope, thank Jesus I'm not a femoid

Welcome to the real world where money is and has been for thousands of years the most important quality in getting females. For females it's looks. For males it's financial status and ability to provide for her and her offspring

I'm obv not talking about oNS, FWB, hookups. I'm talking about meaningful relationships that last.

I'd prefer not to enter into relationshit where I'm only $$ provider for chad's children

Why provide for someone elses children? do you not have a dick

I have turbo dick, but other guys have too.

Women are judged just on their looks.

Not very harshly though.

lol k m8

No, in incel mythology women only laugh about their partners (unless they are Chad) and how pathetic they are compared to the real alpha men they used to fuck. No woman has ever felt lucky to be with a sub-8 men.

Which is of course nonsense. But that's what they believe!

You must read any women's forums, then. I suggest you start with reddit's own, r/TwoXChromosomes/ and r/TrollXChromosomes. Although r/TwoExtraChromosomes is a suitable moniker for those.

I went through the first page of twoxchromosomes and saw almost exclusively stuff related to abortion rights. No husband bashing joined enthusiastically by every woman on earth.

I’m gonna be real with you: when people are in fulfilling relationships, they’re less likely to go to forums talking about how lucky they are. It’s more common to seek help rather than seek congratulations

Well, maybe these guys just love their wives. That would make her very beautiful to them.

I don't think it's possible

It is.

And that seems to be your problem.


Lmao wtf. I tell my gf shes lucky shes pretty or else i wouldnt be fucking with her.

Wow. You're an emotionally abusive asshole. Hope she leaves you.

Lol wtf? Im just being honest with her. She is so lucky to be blessed with beauty. Theres nothing wrong with me being superficial. I like pretty girls and the first criteria to date is to be pretty. Whats wrong with that?

"I only like you for your looks, and am only staying because you're hot. Your thoughts, emotions, interests and opinions aren't relevant to me whatsoever. you were to become ugly one day, I would leave you because you no longer have value to me."

Would you prefer to be lied to?

Interesting strawman but thats not what i said. I said the first criteria is beauty. Think of it as a screening process. If a girl aint beauty enough then we dont even have to assess anything else because i aint interested in regards to dating/LTR

Anyways arent you an incel? Dont you you just preach about how women only care about looks?

Nah, I'm what the Incels call a "roastie" on their least creative days. I guess I had a knee-jerk reaction. Most Incels here have a one-track mindset, and I assumed you were one. My bad!

Im not an incel...

Which, is clear to me now. Again, my bad.

are you chad



Lmao wtf. I tell my gf shes lucky shes pretty or else i wouldnt be fucking with her.


and I assumed you were one

Also you:

Reading comprehension isn't that great either, D- see me after class.


You're shallow and an emotionally abusive asshole

I can't wait to go out and swallow Chad's cock teehee he is so hot like I just can't even

Fucking hypocritical bitch

You know insults don't really hit when they have no grounding in reality. C- for lack of effort, see me after class.

Lol wut

Reading comprehension isn't that great either, D- see me after class.

i'll give you the d after class ;).

I don’t understand why people get angry over being superficial when it comes to dating. Like why should a girl be entitled to my time? Im gonna choose who tf I date.

Bro, everyone operates like you when looking for a dating partner but on reddit everyone acts holier than thou saying personality is the most important factor.

It's abusive to tell a women you like her personality as that doesn't matter

its over

Would be funn if all men become hypergamists right now.

Will never happen. Too much testosterone, too much lust. To much social pressure to "be a real manl" and do whatever it takes to convince an idiot whore to let you put your dick in her.

And women that get with old men are told the same thing because he is established and might have equity and assets. Toxic gender roles/stereotypes aren't cool.

Telling men they have beautiful women on their arm is as big a complement to the man as it is the woman fyi. It's congratulating him for being so suave and study to attract such a hot piece. It's putting women at the same level as property to be attained and not a living breathing person. It's really toxic behavior.

Damned right. Sometimes I get lucky because I never know wtf I'm going to get. Most hover around similar smv, but it's a fucking crap shoot. You can sometimes catch me yelling out "NONE OF THIS MAKES SENSE" during one of my episodes.

Nah. No one thinks in those terms. No one is going to call you lucky if you are dating a whale with crumbs in her hair. Men are judged by who they date more so than women. If a guy gets a hot girl, even if he's ugly, ESPECIALLY if he's ugly, that automatically means he must be something about him. Women are judged by their looked period.
This is the entire thing on how you look more attractive with an attractive woman. Do you think this applies to women? Nah

You just think you´re too ugly, they just don´t know why you want to be their "friends"

It´s great you have female friends! Of course you´re way prettier than them and don´t to have uglier friends, so fuck off.

I'd prefer not to enter into relationshit where I'm only $$ provider for chad's children