We have every right to be pissed off.

31  2018-03-21 by genetic_scrap

Make no mistake about it, anyone who tries to tell you how to feel is a fucking hypocrite.

The game is decidedly tilted in women's favor, it's as if the only logic that matters is theirs. They get away with far too much, and the endless sea of beta males who make excuses for them drives me nuts.

Further, you have an entire subreddit dedicated to exactly this. Shaming you and making you feel bad about your very real and valid feelings.

r/IncelTears never really bothered me before, but the very existence of that sub is shame and guilt you for these very real and very valid feeilngs.

Newsflash, most women suck. Most women aren't shit. Even the ones that claim to "not be like the rest". Fuck you too.

And fuck all of you beta-male excuse makers.

I'll proudly wear this chip on my shoulders.

I can already hear you now:

"Yeah, well you'll never get any pussy/Yeah, well good luck being alone."

If the 3.5 billion women out there are anything like you, maybe I'm better off alone anyway. Besides, what kind of life is one to live where you tiptoe around women carefully because you're honestly afraid that they won't give you any sex? Sounds like bullshit, and suddenly I don't feel so bad for avoiding women and all the games that come with them.

Not sure where I was going with this free-floating rant, just needed to get it off my chest.

I have every right to be pissed and you can eat shit.


We have every right to hate, brother. We have every right to lash out, to destroy, to bring retribution to those who have wronged us.

However, we must not. We must refrain. We must cope. Because if we do those things we give those who mock us exactly what they want. They say we are dogs, and doing all of that would be barking at them.

Bear it, brother. The weight on your tired shoulders you can share with all of us. We must not hate, but draw on the example of Our Lord and Saviour St. Blackops2cel, with his friendly eyes full of compassion, and his smile full of warmth. Eventually, brother, eventually, something might come along. Maybe it won't. But if we hold together, and we support eachother, we can make our days until the rope bearable.

Do not give IncelTears what they want. They don't deserve it.

The only viable solution is suicide

Removed for encouraging suicide

No, you don't. You don't have any right to lash out at anybody. They haven't wronged you.

On the contrary, they've wronged me plenty. I have every right to. Yet I do not, because I'm not an animal.

Leave this sub an it's inhabitants alone. You do not, nor will you ever, understand our plight, as such we do not need nor want your sympathy or advice.

Begone, normo.

I'm not a normie. And if you'd care to point out a specific action undertaken against you with intent to do you harm, lets hear it.

A lifetime of bullying and social ostracization, coupled with several unfair accusations that have gotten violence directed upon me, a general feeling of scorn and a refusal to treat me like a human being by something like 80% of females is enough.

Just so you have something to relate this to, imagine if I were a Jew, and this was happening because I'm a Jew, and this was NOT Nazi Germany. The difference is that one can stop being Jewish, but I can't stop being ugly or awkward.

I was set on fire in highschool. Not my hair, not the corner of my shirt as a joke, they made my jumper go up like a roman candle while I was still inside of it. That is one of my funny highschool stories - the ones I tell for a laugh. You don't want to hear the bad.

You're bitching to the pound mate. I'm autistic, and a beanpole because I'm dyspraxic. The difference between you and me is that I didn't grow up to whine about my problems, I grew up to solve them. And I have, for the most part. I still put my foot in my mouth occasionally, but I'm pretty successful with people. Sometimes I even get laid.

That happens for me because I solve my problems. I work on my issues. You seem like you just want to bitch and moan all day - and that my friend is the strongest pussy repellent you can get short of genuine malice.

The fact that you've gotten laid means you're probably attractive. And that's fine, autistic Chads deserve the pussy they get, after all the won 2nd place in the genetic lottery.

Get out anyways. This sub is for incels, not for normies or proto-Chads.

I'm not. In the slightest. I'm a junkie, I look like shit. I pull in spite of that, so can you if you bother to learn how.

If it includes any of TRP theory I can't do it because I'm not an emotionless bastard + not attractive enough.

TRP is bullshit. I mean, if you want to learn how to stalk and abuse somebody they're the people to go to. But I really would prefer that you did not.

JFL @ stalk somebody, I already get accused of that without even doing it what makes you think I'd want to even give the hint that I'm doing it on purpose

Under what circumstances do people accuse you of stalking them?

My house used to be in the same direction as a girl I didn't know's back in middle school. I literally only walked the way I was supposed to, but because I "followed" her (we left school at around the same time, the path to my house split after some 5 or 6 blocks).

Then there was the one in early high school where I told a girl how I felt, she turned me down but told me we could still be friends. Since I was young and retarded I actually believed that and tried to just go back to the way it was before. Hanging out with her eventually got me labeled a creep and a stalker.

Then there was the one in college where I asked a girl to a dance, she said no, then by pure fucking coincidence I happened to have to walk down the same hallway she was standing in to get to my club. First time I said hi, second time I kept my eyes glued to the floor. Get to history class one day and woops guess I'm a stalker now according to everyone.

Yeah, there are conspicuous absences in that story and I honestly do not believe it.

Because every incel is an irredeemable creep, right? Because women never falsely accuse people they don't like of all kinds of shit just to make others people's lives shit, right?

It's your choice to believe that or not to. Won't change the fact that it happened, nor will it make the people who bullied me as retribution suddenly like me an apologize.

No, for you normies, every story where femoids aren't the epitome of niceness and compassion and charity must obviously be false. Can't blame you, to be honest. It must be nice going through life knowing half the population on the planet doesn't hate you and wants you dead.

Nah. I can just see some pretty obvious gaps in your story. I dress like most people's idea of a school shooter and I've never had this problem.

Hey normie here. Just wanna say props on doing things the right way. Sucks that you went through all that shit - no one deserves it. Thank you for not using it as an excuse to become a shitty person. The world needs more people with your level of perseverance, self-respect, and respect for others.

It’s the cognitive error that thinking market forces imply entitlement.

Oh look, someone doesn't know the definition of the word entitlement, and is throwing around another otherwise empty platitude.


Oh look, someone who’s an idiot on the internet.

Oh look, someone too chickenshit to post on their real account.

Moron. Stick your "entitlement" and your mangled sentences up your ass.

It is the pretty people who feel entitled, not incels.

...what definition are you using? Because the other guy's seems to agree with the dictionary

Wherein my post did I explicitly say that I'm entitled to any special right or privilege.

Like anyone else, I have the right to feel any way I see fit so long as I don't hurt anyone.

If that's an entitlement, then you're entitled to.

Something about glass houses.

You feel you are entitled to sex, that's the whole reason you're in this sub.

Learn how to read. Go find the definition of entitlement. Smack yourself for being full of shit.


So you don't think you are if sex by women? You don't call yourself an incel?

Eat a dick then maybe you can finally say you got laid.

You make no sense, fam.

In your mind maybe, homie.

Lol. Nice.


Calling an incel entitled for asking for sex is like calling a starving beggar entitled for asking for bread. Entitelement is when you believe that you deserve favours and privileges for merely existing. Incels work hard to get what they. We careermax, looksmax, showermax, personalitymax, all to no avail. The true entitled ones are the femoids. There is no sense of accountability or responsibility in the modern American femoid. There is nothing that the femoid gives the world except the used up hole between her legs. And at the same time she believes that she is entitled to everything she desires.

We careermax, looksmax, showermax, personalitymax

This is a lie because if you actually did all those things you wouldn't have this issue. Especially that last one, a lot of you guys personalities are shit.

Lack of sex will not end your life. Lack of food will end your life. False equivalence.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology proposed by Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper “A Theory of Human Motivation” in Psychological Review. Maslow subsequently extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing the stages of growth in humans. Maslow used the terms "physiological", "safety", "belonging and love", "esteem", "self-actualization", and "self-transcendence" to describe the pattern that human motivations generally move through.

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Yup, and there's a reason its tiered. Some levels are more important than others. The one you struggle with is one of the least important. So trying to directly compare it to the most important, when you clearly know better, is intellectually dishonest.

So shut the fuck up.

But it's a need. That's the main point. Whether or not it's the most important need doesn't detract from the analogy.

Yup, but you don't need sex even nearly as much as you need food. To compare your plight to an unjust and cruel death is not ok when your plight is a bad case of the frownies.

it's most important hence at the top

Nope, least important is at the top. Most important is at the bottom.

The position and value of sex on the pyramid has also been a source of criticism regarding Maslow's hierarchy. Maslow's hierarchy places sex in the physiological needs category along with food and breathing; it lists sex solely from an individualistic perspective. For example, sex is placed with other physiological needs which must be satisfied before a person considers "higher" levels of motivation. Some critics feel this placement of sex neglects the emotional, familial, and evolutionary implications of sex within the community, although others point out that this is true of all of the basic needs.[19][20]

I want to hear what you have to say. Not what wikipedia has to say. And come on man, if you're gonna source shit to back an argument, don't do it from wikipedia. That right there is a freshman mistake.

same thing. you can go 3 weeks without food, about 3 months without sex before going insane

Really? I last got laid back in September. I'm doing fine.

no you're deeply depressed, hence bully here to help yourself feel better. if doing fine you'd log off and go outside.

I can't go outside right now. Sun is still up and I'm out of weed and out of benzo's. I'll come back with a migrane.

Then leave you attention whoring bitch

Reminder that the average IT poster is an ugly land-whale.

Doesn't that just prove a better point.

that women are hypergamous?

ugly land whales shouldn't be getting easy lays, but it's 2018.

Look at the all knowing.

From another explaining why this is true.

You know if you convert to islam and go to one of those arab countries, you could just buy a wife.

The ultimate phyrric victory. Yeah, sure.





Ooh so edgy, I might cut myself on that edge.

Cool, means you'll kill yourself. :)

Because that's cool to promote!

I don't think I'll ever stop being enraged and depressed over this shit. I was never meant to be happy, so fuck it. Maybe I should drive into the woods on my way home and find out what the barrel of a gun feels like.

Why so angry? What have women done to you? I dont get all the outrage here. Still tryna get after all this time.

Most of the people here have done nothing to deserve a lifetime of loneliness and bullying other than being born with suboptimal features and being into nerdy shit.

The vas majority of the outrage at normo society also come from the double standard practiced on unattractive me, where everything we do is tainted into wrongness by the fact that we're ugly. As an example, albeit an anecdotal one, I've had security called on me at malls for "being creepy/bothering women", while literally doing nothing but standing in line for frozen yogurt - I even take precautions to remain a step or to behind femoids in line so this doesn't happen. Meanwhile Chad can rub his dick on a chick while riding the subway and the girl will smile, thank him and giving him her number.

We're lonely and hurt that they won't be with us, that as a gender they have unanimously decided that men like us do not make for genuine romantic partners, but, in the best case scenario, future betabuxes.

A lot of women have a scathing contempt for us as well. They've bullied us in the past, accused us of being "harassers" or "creeps" because we committed the crime of trying to start a conversation with them as sub5 males.

Our misogyny stems from a lifetime of rejection.

why is this sub a thing? jesus just chill man take the L

Please don't condone suicide

no no, i don’t wish suicide upon anyone, i’ve had my share of that life. this sub is just pretty degrading to women i don’t understand

You're not helping, just leave please.

Women degrade themselves.

This sub is one of the few places that we can go and feel connection with others. Nowhere else do people understand.

Says the person with the username GeneticCleansing.

Good luck and all that!


You are very much condoning suicide. Leave.

How dare you say this to me. Fuck off, honestly. I haven't don't any condoning.

I was talking about the other guy. I was agreeing with you.

Oh, okay. You replied to me wich is why I took it so hard.

You don't like it, leave.

I am a man. My logic informs me that I am to avoid you. Does that matter?


Please follow your logic.

Have any of you guys ever:

Sent more than five messages a day to someone who didn’t answer back?

Worn a fedora in public?

Attempted to start a conversation that shows that r/iamverysmart?

Skipped bathing although you fully well knew you were going outside today?

Watched anime or read mange and fantasize about a life with a perfect waifu that does exactly what you tell her?

Well, if any of above apply to any of you, which of fucking course they do, there you have a reason. It is not because you are by default unwanted by women. It is because you are disgusting individuals, just fucking look at what you wrote, op, you utter shit.

Have a nice day.

I like you. You're my new friend.




no, but I have data showing a lot of women do


It was nice to read your helpless rage of a post though

Then maybe it’s just because you write about how much you hate women online? Ever thought that might just sink into the way you behave around them?

Ever thought that might just sink into the way you behave around them?

No, because that's ridiculous.


It is because you are disgusting individuals

wearing a hat makes you a disgusting individual now

fantasizing about having a waifu makes you a disgusting individual now

To be honest, I just made an account on here to say that whenever someone says something along the lines of "what's wrong with fantasizing about having a waifu?" I feel one of the purest forms of disgust I can possibly feel.

And I also wanted a reason to go back to Reddit.

you're kind of a cunt aren't you

Debatable, but what I said is not the worst thing to be said here, is it? :)

Worn a fedora in public?

Lol, look at that, shaming men for their personal choice of clothing. Another thing women do not have to worry about.

Seems like there's a million of arbitrary rules men have to follow in society to avoid being shamed and mocked, and none for women. Allways noticed that.

femoids hate it when ugly men don't follow their retarded "fashion rules" or whatever

i've never worn a hat but i'd PROUDLY wear a fedora and go unshaven just to stick it to the 'moids

They hate it when ugly men do follow their fashion trends, too. No matter what, ugly men can't win.

The fedora thing works if you’re attractive like JT, or me.

Funny how none of them applied to me and I'm still suffering. Shows how easy women have it in life. Why would they be angry when everything is handed to them in a silver plate? They can be ALL OF THE ABOVE, and men would still orbit them. The world is their little oyster.

I have a deformed face LITERALLY, and the only reason I'm not loved is because I'm a supposedly fat unshowered neckbeard? Even when I have a fit body? LOL Sorry that doesn't match with your narrative. Shows how little empathy you normies have and are clueless as fuck.

Fuck off.

And take your all of your stereotypes and shove them up your ass. If you actually knew ANYTHING about me, you'd be eating a giant pile of a shit with this post.

Flush yourself, you turd.

Someone could use a Snickers


Dude, what if really does need it? Are you assuming my jokes? ARE YOU?

Yes, you can rant. However the generalization and gross oversimplification in this place is almost satirical. Not all women people are the same, FYI. Let's just get that out of the way first. Don't believe me? Allow me to paint a simple example:

You know how you find some women attractive but not others? Women also find some men attractive. Some. Not all. No number of good deeds with change someone's physical perception of you.

Approaching a woman person with a sense of entitlement toward her their body is grounds for an immediate and well-deserved shut down.

Just because you haven't had sex in three months (or ever) does not give you the right to seethe with hatred when someone else finds your advances unappealing or off putting. Women and men will shoot you down for any number of reasons, from being physically unattractive, unlikeable, pathetic, or simply because you acted like a twat. They didn't like it. They didn't like you.

Life is full of rejection. Tough beans. Write that down. Get over it.

If sex is your only goal, you deserve every single rejection that comes your way. Besides, what in the world would having sex with someone do to help your toxic insecurities? You'd be straight up objectifying the person for your own gain. In this case, fuck your feelings.

TL;DR Treat relationships like a game and you're going to get played.

I thought this was all common sense until I saw this place...

The generalization and gross oversimplification

The irony.

Except the r/incels super squad is dedicated to this mindset.

Either way, I'm not wrong.

And this somehow means you get to completely disregard the guys just down on their luck who don't say the hateful shit and shit on the only place they have?

So you're at least somewhat wrong, as well as kind of a prick about it. Peace out, as I learned on here, talking to people like you is pointless.

Then that doesn't make you an incel. Later man.

Fuck it:

Read the flair.

Anywho, you don't get to decide what they call themselves in order to have some sense of belonging after being socially rejected in their lives and shit on them for opinions they might not even hold to begin with because of your preconceived notions. That makes you no better than the hateful twats.

Case in point, talking to you is useless indeed.

I wouldn't be talking if I hadn't been in those shoes at one point.

Follow the patterns, dude. If people in public are consistently shunning or disassociating themselves with me, there comes a point when I need to consider the issue is not with other people. It's me.

I'm the twat. Maybe my vibes are out of wack. Is it hygiene? Is it my clothing? Are my conversation starters unsettling? Is it the people I associate myself with?

I promise you, no matter how down you are on your luck, there are better places to find support and genuine friendship than this place.

It's ridiculed by Reddit for good reason.

Reddit ridicules people for the worst reasons possible. This place is great for hive minds, for people who think like you. You’re someone who doesn’t want to admit that some people are born with a shit life, because that makes you look bad. It implies that you were born into a better life, and that your accomplishments were basically given.

It’s very easy to tell someone to “try harder”. It’s easy to tell someone to “stop being toxic”. “Just be yourself bro”. “Just stop hating on women”. There are women abusers out there who fuck girls every week. Don’t tell us that personality means shit. There are guys on here who have done more self improvement than any retard normalfag, and they’re still alone and depressed.

The advice of “just pull yourself up by the bootstraps” is proven to be bullshit. It’s something that successful people say to make themselves feel better. You’ll never admit that you have an easier life than the rest of us. Instead you’ll convince yourself that we aren’t trying hard enough.

Maybe you should off yourself tou worthless cunt

I stopped reading at the word "entitlement".

You are exactly the kind of person this post is directed at.

YOU get over it. I owe YOU nothing.

Fuck off, moron.

You blew any chance at sympathy when you said "game".

So you've been "playing" your whole life. Judging by your little rage fest, there hasn't been much progress. What then counts as a win condition? Getting your dick wet? If that's the case, here's a newsflash for you: women people can spot your intentions from a mile away. If anything, you are the basic bitch.

I'm willing to bet that if we could read them, your texts and messages would be the cringiest shit. Lay off the dick picks, rub one out, and then try again my man.

TL:DR You tell yourself you've put in the time and nothing has paid off. This makes you upset. You blame everyone but yourself. Entitlementhing to do with your frustration.

You're an idiot.

Sheesh. Look at your posts.

Until you shape up, you're going to continue being lonely.

If women aren't working for you maybe you should try men. I recommend it ;)

Heh. Nice casual homphobia. Try explaining that to your friends, bigot. Says more about you than it does me that this is the first alternative that comes to your mind.

For me, it's women or nothing.

Maybe YOU ought to give it some thought. You cared enough to say it after all. :)

Nice try. I'm bisexual.

If you're a woman: typical female shaming tactics. Doesn't make you any less of a bigot.

If you're a man: typical cuck shaming tactics. Same as above.

Lol don't think you understand what bigot means

It was a suggestion. Try men, dude. However you've made it clear that they aren't your thing.

Keep being an angry person then!


Sounds like you're already used to shoving things up your ass, so make space for your shaming tactics and empty rhetoric. People like you are why this sub exists as an escape/a place to vent.

And yes, I will. Chip firmly planted on shoulder.

"the jocks beat me up in the bathroom again after I was caught looking down one of their girlfriends shirt again"

Nothing creative to say here except you are a monkey's anus.

here take this L

Here, drink this bleach.


don't you have some girls to catfish into sending nudes because no girl in reality wants to be within 3 feets of your sorry fat ass?

And don't you have to go watch your girlfriend go fuck some other guy because you can't get the job done in the bedroom with your .5" micropenis, you faggot cuck.

lmao that was even remotely true, you wouldn't be an incel dumbass.

All natty. Although I'm interested in using them. I'm looking forward to being a jacked incel.

I'd rather be incel and look good from the neck down, than be anything like you, faggot.

so you're delusional?

I'm about as deluded as you are a cuck.

lmao do you know know what cuck means? then again all your porn you're addicted to, I wouldn't be shocked if you yourself was.

I know what a cuck is, enough to know that you perfectly fit the profile of a cuck to a tee.

From your micropenis down to the fact that your woman probably openly cheats on you because you're lame.

I'd rather be incel than a lame faggot piece of shit like you.

Fuck you and your life.

what are you just mad that no girl wants to fuck you so you insult all the guys who have actually had sex and are in active and healthy relationships? I bet you where that guy in High School who sat in the library mentally jerking off to magna and cringing at the pep rallies watching all the football boys pass by you wishing you where one of them having a cheerleader for a girlfriend, have parents that where proud of them, tons of friends, and going to all the parties.... while you (hypothetically) watched thru the window of all the guys at your schools having fun knowing you will never be one of them. oh yeah you might have had those 3 people that tolerated you long enough to allow you to sit at the lunch table and may have had a slight convo at lunch about pointless stuff, but they where just an incel as you. so now it's your senior year of HS, you're walking down the hall depressed mentally, but put on a fake face walking down the hall watching all the "normies" (as you put it) talking about going to college, going to parties, having fun their last year of their teen life.

now it's time for college "guys who where losers in school, are always cool in college" you remind yourself, but then it's a few weeks in and the frat boys are reeling in the sorority girls are now you resent them for being the chads of your college and you're now still depressed watching all the chads walk thru the quad of your college and having a good time while you're only friends are on your discord that you met thru Reddit.

Lol, you typed all that up for nothing.

U mad, faggot?

Good, good.

Let the jimmies rustle through you. :P

just read it and mope about your depressing life and try to actually fix it.

Nah, it's a bunch of bullshit that doesn't apply to me at all.

I'm gonna laugh at the fact that you got mad enough to type all that out.


nah I wasn't mad, I am mad that I don't have a beer in my hand yet.

Heh, just bought an 8-pack of a local pale ale called "divided sky".

Beer + weed + shitposting = win.

weed lol....congrats on being even more incel.

Helps me relax and cope with the antics of normshits like you.

lmao no.

You're probably one of those people that still thinks weed is bad for you. Lol.

Willful ignorance.

well i'm on spring break and it's been fun going on and on about who is the better guy..... but I actually have a life to live outside of trolling losers on Reddit.

Dude. That's a sick idea. Lmao thanks.


Oh look, someone doesn't know the definition of the word entitlement, and is throwing around another otherwise empty platitude.


Calling an incel entitled for asking for sex is like calling a starving beggar entitled for asking for bread. Entitelement is when you believe that you deserve favours and privileges for merely existing. Incels work hard to get what they. We careermax, looksmax, showermax, personalitymax, all to no avail. The true entitled ones are the femoids. There is no sense of accountability or responsibility in the modern American femoid. There is nothing that the femoid gives the world except the used up hole between her legs. And at the same time she believes that she is entitled to everything she desires.


Dude, what if really does need it? Are you assuming my jokes? ARE YOU?


If you're a woman: typical female shaming tactics. Doesn't make you any less of a bigot.

If you're a man: typical cuck shaming tactics. Same as above.

To be honest, I just made an account on here to say that whenever someone says something along the lines of "what's wrong with fantasizing about having a waifu?" I feel one of the purest forms of disgust I can possibly feel.

And I also wanted a reason to go back to Reddit.