The Hypocrisy of CUCKTEARS

154  2018-03-20 by RippedRichAndGod


Is there anyone with a brain in this sub ? Or incels are just another name for morons ?


t. cuck

It sure as fuck isnt you

You need to step down and close the browser, if you're being this mad over a post on Internet.

Second option

Yeah, lol... because there is no difference between a person's body/sexuality and money/economic choices.


Being lonely, abused and assaulted most of your life because you were born genetically inferior is unfair

Being lazy and not working then complaining about not being allowed to steal enough money from working people is fucking bullshit.

Income is mostly determined by intelligence and attitude. Intelligence and attitude are mostly determined by genetics. Therefore Income is mostly determined by genetics.

There is also the issue of inheritance which while not determined by genetics is still determined by birth and is just as out of your control.

What’s the difference when sjws talk about power and privilege? Is there sexual privilege and power or not? Fucking idiots man. You guys are straight up like religious people

Socialism is low quality trash.



Im libertarian/anarchist and i think females should be free to fuck whomever they want.

Same as i should be free to (not) give my money to whomever i want.

Taxing men is like forcing females to upload their nudes to public.


A lot of the people here seem to be.

It does. I’m not sure where I am, I have no positions frankly except rope. But I don’t protest like sjws


How can you tell that they all browse both?

I've seem multiple people from there say that they're Communist.

So then it makes sense that the two are just 100% interconnected right? If some people are on both, then EVERYONE is in both.


...It's called a joke, and has obviously rustled your jimmies. And you used /s for obvious sarcasm, you're retarded.

Get the fuck out of here, commie.

Yet another account made to circumvent an account ban. Shit, would be a shame if someone reported this one, too...

Don't you have something better to do Norman? Like spend 20 hours on r/cuckold?

Our hyper-capitalist society is the reason we are incels. Capitalism and hypergamy go hand in hand.

This might be my favorite thing I've seen on here yet. I don't agree with everything you guys say here, but this one is spot on.

I'm going to throw the dumbest comment I've thought of in a long time.

Elliot Rodger was to dating what Hitler was to the world economy. "Other people are really successful and I am rotting here with nothing, it must be that they're evil and they're stealing what I deserve, taking it away from me."

I don't know if you're kidding or not, but holy fuck are you spot on.

"WAH! I am perfect and other people disagree, so they're evil, how dare they ask that I self reflect or realize my own flaws :((("

What's the point of criticizing Rodger in that silly exaggerated voice? He had a serious mental illness, he was chronically lonely and tormented by his inability to relate to people.

I mean the logic is sound, that's how I feel about everyone else.

Those are 2 different subreddits with different communities that serve different purposes.

Wow, thats your excuse? You are even stupider than I thought.

R/Braincels, r/incels and r/latestagecapitalism are 3 different subreddits with different communities that serve different purposes

Yes and?

You called me an idiot a second ago but deleted that comment. Why?

His point is that liberals support economic communism but not sexual communism.

Those don’t necessarily contradict each other. Money is physical and is independent from the body. Sex is an action that legally requires you to give consent.

Also liberals and communists aren’t inherently the same ideologically.

The point is you do not see the fallacy in your comment, I changed it around for you and you still do not see it.

What you said didn't contradict what I said because the incel subreddits are also different from the last stage capitalism reddit

Try harder..

Having a female mod isn't an ideological difference. Regardless of that I'm not gonna say that incels and braincels are the same. Despite the many similarities I think it would do meddle up my argument.

Lol you are too far gone

Listen I can’t reason with someone as delusional as you if I expect this kinda cultish “ you’re lost” response.

Do me a favor and fuck off now.

Lol you are in our sub, I think you should be the one fucking off

You don’t belong to this sub anymore than I do.

So suddenly this is not an incel sub anymore even though you said it’s the same as r/incels a moment ago? Lol you are fucking stupid.

I didn’t. I even said stating so would do a disservice to my arguments. However, just because you’re an incel doesn’t mean you have priority as a Reddit user on this sub.


Are we done now?

Tell me cause I know I'm gonna have a good laugh at the parallels you're about to draw.

Read the edited comment

Economic Communism = seizing the means of production

Sexual Communism = seizing the means of reproduction (aka roasties)

How is that different??

No one on IT wants either of those and both are bad.

Money is secondary to both the labour marketplace and the sexual marketplace. Labour is an action that legally requires you to give consent, else it would be slavery.

Yes. In communism you are also required to work. That violates consent too.

You've never seen a elusioned feminist complain that it's sexist to not have sex with her? l o l

Liberals support "communism" but not rape, fucking hypocrites

Because everyone already knows you are an idiot

Clearly not cause OP seems to think otherwise

Yeah whatever you say boyo

It's called an analogy

No an analogy cannot contain the same explicit content/idea that it refers to.

What it's actually called is a strawman.

So that’s how it is huh? You just picking and choose the ideas and interpretations you like?

an analogy compares two different things by using two other non related things. Taking quotes from laststagecapitalism and attributing them to IT isn't an analogy.

Lol you just pick and choose your own interpretations

Lol no wonder you can’t see the blackpill in your own life, you have a restricted and uncreative mind, completely incapable of seeing non obvious Analogies and cross referencing ideas. You are the very definition of “square”. Sorry dude.

Using words properly=square

That’s new

Your definition of smart = respecting women

Not really

Instead it’s constitutes using intellectually honest arguments

Using words like “intellectual” doesn’t make you an intellectual

Never said it did

Got any casual synonyms for intellectually dishonest? You could use it as your flair.

It's called a comparison then


It's a strawman.

So explain what in the comic is something they don't say on latestagecapitalism?

No I'm talking about saying that the IT users are hypocritical for stuff that latestagecapitalism said is a strawman.

An accurate one


That's like me calling you hypocritical by taking a contradictory statement someone else said and attributing it to you.

Whaddya know, I used an actual analogy.

Are you high or something

Excellent rebuttal /s

Can't make a rebuttal because you don't make any sense.

"Whaddaya know, an actual analogy" reaffirming your own comment is really lame and sad, you could have just waited for another IT member to do it for, and sarcasm is one of the lowest forms of wit. Youre not clever funny or smart, your last comment makes no sense.

You literally did that by asking if I was high. Furthermore there was more substance to my comment before the waddya know bit. Shows how selective you are in addressing my points.

Retard. Finish college.



If men complain about sexual iinequity - "It's you, improve yourself!"

If women complain about men in power - "It's oppression, improve the system!"


Can you read basic English?

Yeah just doesn't make sense to me. Easy boy.

Oh, so your problem is understanding basic concepts lol.

No, I don't the post itself is "logical". Worm.


No I just thought it was a poor analogy but if someone offers a different viewpoint god forbid them or they'll crucified by hostile incels.

I'm not an Incel but keep assuming it's really working for you, also you never offered another point of view. All you said was you didn't understand.

Never said you were an incel although you are on a sub for them. No I said it was a poor analogy and really I'm the one assuming? Who called me a troll or said I couldn't understand basic concepts?

if someone offers a different viewpoint god forbid them or they'll crucified by hostile incels.

You and I are the only ones talking here, so this most definitely implies that you are referring to me "crucifying" you. You said you believe it to be a poor analogy yet offer no real rebuttal or reason. You also claim you don't understand the point. Your inability to understand the point doesn't make the analogy any more incorrect.

When I said it didn't make sense to me I didn't mean I couldn't comprehend it I meant it wasn't a logical argument.

Are you going to expand on your point or just say "it was illogical!" and beat your chest?

You never asked me to elaborate. You just stated that I wasn't progressing on my point and been passive aggressive for some reason. I also corrected you on what I meant. Do you really want to continue this silly argument?

You never asked me to elaborate. You just stated that I wasn't progressing on my point and been passive aggressive for some reason.

"You never asked me to elaborate"

"You just stated that I wasn't progressing on my point."

Sorry must've missed the point where you said "Hey can you please explain why you think it's illogical?" /s

I'd imagine someone who assumes as much as you do that you may pick up on me clearly implying for you to do just that.

That's not asking me if I can elaborate. It's asking me if I'm going to.

Which you still haven't done. You need me to hold your hand?

No just correcting you. If you would have asked I would have done so earlier. I believe it's pretty ridiculous to compare certain men not being able to have sex due to certain characteristics to Men having higher positions in "power" more than women. Due to the fact that men not being able to have sex and the problem concerning women are not comparable conflicts.

Women are more privileged in the western world than men are.

In terms of What?

Multiple different things.

Women on average receive more child custody rights than men.

More homeless shelters for women despite men being more than 80% of the homeless population, many of the shelters being government funded mind you.

More reproductive rights. The ability to give up all responsibility of a child by utilizing abortion, dropping children off at safe havens or relinquishing rights to the father while men can't do any such thing and risk wage garnishing or prison time if he doesn't make payments regardless of if he wants the kid, sees the kid, or can afford it.

Women on average receive less prison time than men even while committing the same offence.

Women are automatically considered the victims in most domestic violence instances despite in many cases having evidence to the contrary.

Women can make money simply by existing. Selling nudes, used underwear, or 15 minutes of her flicking the bean.

Female rape is taken far more seriously than male rape. Go on r/pussypassdenied, look at the hundreds of females convicted of such. The media calls it "sexual assault" or "sexual misconduct" when a female is convicted, but when a man is it's simply called rape. Also look at their sentences, it's a slap on the wrist by comparison.

Need I say more?

I agree with everything but things to note that women are raped more than men ( Also please note that these points are not to deter men's problems in the west) . Men commit more crimes than women including domestic violence. Women can make money through sexual services but so can men ex. pornography but not to the same standard as women and also women are more subject to human trafficking. The reproductive rights is a little controversial since the whole debate about women and their body also determining when it's considered alive. Additional notes Gender wage gap, not able to obtain certain postions men have and sexism.. Alright worm I'm going to sleep I wish we didn't get off on the wrong foot but if you choose to reply I will view it sometime today gd.

I agree with everything but things to note that women are raped more than men ( Also please note that these points are not to deter points about men's problems in the west)

The amount of rapes is irrelevant, and a lot of male rape goes unreported due to societal shaming or the aforementioned "not being taken seriously" thing. Plus, if you factor in prison statistics the male rape rate is much higher than what people think. So.

Men commit more crimes than women including domestic violence.

Doesn't excuse unequal sentences or favoritism.

Women can make money through sexual services but so can men ex. pornography but not to the same standard as women and also women are more subject to human trafficking.

Only incredibly attractive men or men with bigger than average dicks can make money doing porn or cam shows. Practically any woman can by comparison. The human trafficking statement you made I agree with and should be dealt with and taken seriously but it shouldn't be considered a "woman's only" issue. (Not implying you think it is a woman's only issue but the sentiment for a lot of people does seem to imply that)

The reproductive rights is a little controversial since the whole debate about women and their body also determining when it's considered alive.

I personally believe a woman should have every right to have an abortion. But what I'm focusing on here is child responsibility. If women can opt out of said responsibility then men should be allowed to as well. Anything else is giving privilege to another class.

Additional notes Gender wage gap,

The wage gap has been debunked by economists for years. The original concept of the gap came from simply totalling the average salary of men and the average salary of women and saying "look! There's a gap!" While they do NOT take into consideration the differences between men and women's work values. Women on average demand more time off, whether that be for kids or for their own social lives. Men normally work longer hours, subject themselves to tougher, more undesirable jobs and don't require a 6 month maternity leave. These problems are not the fault of the business, any woman that wants to dedicate more of their time to working will make just as much if not more than a man in the same position.

not able to obtain certain postions men have and sexism..

You mean like affirmative action which pushes gender and race quotas alienating men from positions they are more than qualified for? I've experienced this first hand where I was denied a job because the business needed to reach a diversity quota. This dehumanizes people and you should consider it insulting.

Alright worm I'm going to sleep I wish we didn't get off on the wrong foot but if you choose to reply I will view it sometime today gd.

"Worm" lmao I'm fairly convinced you're a troll at this point.

comparing money and sex is why you're not getting laid

Spotted the cuck

yall are insane. have fun being alone

Have fun getting cucked in ten years

i'm sure your misogynist ass assumed i'm a man

assuming an anonymous poster on a forum of incels is a man is mysoginistic? lol.

i know youre a woman now, cause youre retarded

being apart of this toxic incel community was proof enough that you're misogynist. you're so bitter. you're gonna be an incel for life if you keep up this bullshit. enjoy your wanks to these "retarded women" you hate so much.

women arent retarded. you are though. i am enjoying it, youre a fucking idiot why dont u go get a life instead of arguing with incels in their space.

It took a while, but I finally found the most retarded comment on the front page

Comparing incels with misogynists is why you’re not getting laid

I was always fascinated by this. Most of these social justice types love, and promote socialism (aka Communism) and would love nothing more than to have it implemented in the west.

At the same time dating works alot like capitalism (something they hate) but they are perfectly fine with it.

Complain about CEO's hoarding wealth, but Chad hoarding women gets a pass.

SJW have "fuck you, got my mentality", it's just many of them didn't get theirs yet.

The disgusting hippy free love 55 year old bitch with the cuck husband is also a NIMBY

The type of socialism they implement also extends to body positivity, bridging the gap with female beauty standards etc where any whale can become high fashioned models. But fucking hell do they cover their ears and sing "la la la la muhsoggyknee" if you do dare to bring up any form of sexual inequality in the dating market.

If it wouldnt be for double standards they wouldnt have any standards at all.

Well i am for socialism in all areas both to restore equality in dating and to redistribute money to the poor. Without socialism if we had pure capitalism, there would be no regulations, companies can deceive and trick and put up prices for important medicine. They can mix cardboard into food and the free market would have to somehow fix that. Oil companies would pollute the ocean etc and there would be no government power to stop them.

redistribute money to the poor

Yeah, no...I dont consent to that.

Theft is a crime. Even if its to help someone.

That is why chad wins and incels lose: the government doesn't help incels but rather lets the free market decide.

I mean, there are some differences between incels and the capitalist system.

Yes, there is more hope for the poor than for the incel

Yeah you can actually work towards earning more in a capitalist system

You can do that in both.

Haha. No

I think there are more incels who are for the economic right than there are tears who are economically left.

Because capitalism is an incels only hope

communist incel checking in

that is at least coherent

You misogynist incels, this is why you don't get any pussy!

Tips pink pussyhat

No one should worry that the top 1% are constantly increasing their share of the national income in western countries since the 70s since you can ‘just work your way to the top’ lol

My parents were, at best, middle class. I am in the .1%. It's possible.

What do you do for a living?

Nothing anymore,. I used to work in finance, first in equities, then in derivatives.

How did you get a job in finance?

I starterd with an unpaid internship, and then I got a second paid internship. I have to thank my ability to socialise for that.

What do you think about Martin Shkreli?

My parents were also middle class. I am a top 5%er, which is fine for me for now. I’ll make all the money I want soon enough. We have access to the world’s knowledge in our pockets, it is easier to build wealth today than ever before. Like you stated, it is definitely possible.

My parents are lower middle class. I'm hoping to build more wealth in the future. I just need to find more motivation and proper direction.

Good luck to you. Feel free to PM me if you ever have ideas you need a sounding board for.

The top 5% make $215,000/year or more.

Is this a question to me or a statement? I'm well aware of this, and so is my tax bracket, unfortunately. This is also by households, I don't make over $215k but combined with my wife's income and our 3 rental properties we do.

It was just a statement. Good on you and your wife. Hope you both are profitable and live a great life.

Thanks. As with anything, there is a balance to be found.

I've been coming to this sub for the humor since I'm just a normie, but I'm honestly impressed with your willingness to take the crap the people here sling at you. Hopefully you don't let them get you down. You seem like a good mod to me.

They may sling shit like little monkeys, but I've got the dodging skills of Neo.

I dig it. Stay cool, u/Board_Gaming

The exception that proves the rule.

Maybe I can shower my way into the .1%

Top 1% = $394,000/year

Top 0.5% = $611,000/year

Top 0.1% = $1,900,000/year

Good bot

And then they said, the sex would trickle down!

BEAUTIFUL POST. Make sure you post it to the new site, brother.

will do!

What new site?

If you're interested, I'll pm you when it's up, some time later today.

That’d be nice, thank you.

Sure bro. No worries.

The trickle down sexconomics pushed hard by the republichad party

Basically sexual Liberation is free market capitalism and marriage is communism applied to the marriage market.

You literally did that by asking if I was high. Furthermore there was more substance to my comment before the waddya know bit. Shows how selective you are in addressing my points.

Doesn't this go the other way as well?

This is a really good post. The reality is money is power, sexual power is also power. The left talks about power dynamics in the context of race, money, class, ableism, ageism, a boss/underling, fucking everything. Except sexual power. Fuck those deliberately avoidant emotionally driven cunts

Agreed, they don't talk about it because women have an undeniable sexual power advantage so to admit that would go against what they want to push.

An advantage that is completely negated on a strictly sexual level. If youre in a western nation you can usually work for 4 hours and get enough money to have sex.

The benefit isn't being able to push your penis into a vagina, it's being able to be held in the eye of another person as someone who provokes the feelings of love and sexual desire.

It isn't about sex... And unlike men they don't have to pay for sex.

thats illegal.

You do know there are other countries? Yeah exactly a power men have on average more than women ya daftie.

insane levels of cognitive dissonance and retardation.

once again

An advantage that is completely negated on a strictly sexual level.

is a stupid fucking statement.

Yeah exactly a power men have on average more than women ya daftie

you said 'completely negated'

now you're throwing out words like average..

i agree with you, men have more. they also strive for more and spend it on women, women make up the vasty majority of consumption decisions and receive way more money from the government. neither here nor there anyways, just more stupid shit added by you to the conversation.

we can start over, what exactly are you trying to say? sexual power isnt a real power? women dont have it? some women have it? wtf are you even arguing

You can buy sex tho, you can't buy wealth

But you can trade sex for cash (if you're attractive).

Basically it's that saying: Everything in the world is about sex except sex. Sex is about power.

There's leftists who care and talk about sexual hierarchies, just not in the formal online spaces.

only sharia law will work


Statistically, you're more likely to have sex in an economic downturn/when you're poor than when you're rich. The rich tend to be more focused on accumulation and maintaining wealth/have high demand jobs (ie, doctors, lawyers, business owners, etc.)

And ugly people have sex too. How do you think incels were created? Osmosis with a turd host?

My parents were very attractive highschool sweethearts. All three of my brothers are Chads, I am the unlucky result of genetic recombination.

So do you hate your brothers? Are they aware you joined a cult because you deemed yourself less attractive than them?

What's the idea behind this post? You're not trying to have a conversation with me.

I'm just curious. Do you feel they hate you for being ugly? Do you think your parents have always been attractive to each other or do you think their love is only skin deep?

Obviously my family doesn't hate me for being ugly

Then why would anyone genuinely hate you for solely circumstances outs of your control? And even Then, women don't like cookie cutter men. When we say one man's trash is another man's treasure, it goes both ways.

I know a man who had polio and was paralysed in a wheelchair for most of his life and met his wife as she nursed him. He passed a few years ago but she supported him as he got his PHD and they had 2 awesome kids together and built a long, beautiful life together. His name was Gary McPherson and he was a professor at the University of Alberta and my soccer coach (he had assistants). His wife hasn't even started dating yet and it's been over half a decade already.

Sometimes women want a man who takes responsibility for himself, not just others. As in, someone who is confident enough to grow with them and hold themselves and others accountable for their actions.

Iunno, something to consider.

His name was Gary McPherson and he was a professor at the University of Alberta

He looked pretty Chadly

Lmao, he was a handsome kid when he was like 8, well before he contracted polio. By the time he was like 18 he was like one step away from the iron lung or something. He used to fill like a fish because that's how he taught himself to breath unassisted for periods of time. He could move his wheelchair with his chin. He's an author of a couple books so they took some artistic liberties like removing all the things he needs to keep himself alive in the photos. And it's not like he can apply makeup everyday for a professional photoshoot when he can't even wiggle his pinky.

But I'm sure I could show you a burn victim with 98% of his body scabbed over and you'd still call them a chad.

Incels calling people cucks insultingly when they have been cucked by the entire female gender make me chuckle.

Are you a cuck?

r/braincels but every time they say 'cuck' it plays the entire godfather trilogy

Why do you think incels are so angry? Having to pay taxes to uphold a system that largely benefits women, without getting any advantages for yourself, is extreme cuckoldry.

No sex = getting NO advantages for yourself. Lol

I'd be perfectly fine with paying zero taxes, or just enough taxes to uphold a police force for protection. I don't give a shit about other people in society at all, why would I? Nobody ever gave a shit about me.

That's untrue. There are plenty of people out their right now fighting for your rights to sit on Reddit all day and bitch. Chill out man

lol if you think anyone cares about anyone but themselves, btw

If I derive any benefits of any actions somebody does they are only accidental.

A lot of people really truly do care about others.

Also called "exploitable idiots". Nobody that matters cares about other people.

In my experience that's not true. I've observed very important people be incredibly altruistic for no reason than to help others

You should consider antinatalism.

Honestly if I couldn't make it with wymyn I would just give up entirely. I wouldn't work out, I wouldn't work, I wouldn't keep my drug use in check and would do more heroin. I mean what's the fucking point if I can't even be close to happiness.

Only teenagers and immature adults actually call others cucks.

And Trump supporters

imature adults Oh never mind.

You could've made the perfect rhyme if you wrote 'cuckle'

Did you have to add a bald patch


Exept that

Sex ins't a ressource

There isn't a hundred of people having half of the sex in the world

The comparison just doesn't work

The two things are different, it doesn't mean the comparison doesn't work though.

Indeed it can be considered a resource, just as labour, time, and money are resources. It's just that sex is the most abundant resource on the planet.

But I think you're misunderstanding the point. We are criticized for thinking we are "entitled" to certain luxuries, by people who think they are entitled to well paying jobs and civil liberties. The double standard is simply egregious.

In fact said luxury is aviable in an illimitate amount in the palm of your hand.

Sex can be used as a resource though.

Except by setting up entitlements for material resources you are also entitling yourself to emotional labor: e.g. the emotional labor of doctors

Women create artificial scarcity

This was reaching at best. Economics and financial divides created by unfair systems just dont compare to problems having sex with women you want. If pussy was money you can have as much as you want if you consider the women below a 4 by your standards.


End Your Life Faggot

Wow really shows how great and supportive this community is

Hey dumb cunt where did we claim to be supportive? I'll support you necking yourself though.

He and you literally told me to kill myself. That's a big reason why people don't like you.

Why would I want a dumb cunt like you to like me


It's almost as if....

These are two completely different things.

Please elaborate

You dont get a government base amount of sex while you're out of a relationship for a start. You can't legally get a sex wage or buy a house with sex either

Neither should you get unemployment benefits. It’s a sad communist retardation.

Alright have fun never getting sick ever

My company pays 15 days a year in sick leave according to our contract.

buy a house with sex either

What's marriage and divorce?

A scam


well i don't think the financial hierarchy should be any different either.

Fuck socialism.

So the point of this is to not be a Whitney CUNt like an incel or socialist.

Funny how they can everyone who has sex a cuck, then chad is some imaginary deity

Not understanding how relationships work and how capitalism works. That's a twoofer.

Hey fucker, the system has and has always had a Zipfian distribution. Even though we live in a positive sum game capitalism works as if we don't so the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer. There's no "working your way to the top" without either massive insight or massive luck, or both. Most other people remain below the top.

We can keep the thing and make things better for everyone if a baseline is provided by the state. I guess explaining this to you people is about as productive as telling you to shower.

the poor get poorer

This is simply objectively wrong. The gap increases rapidly sure but both classes have an objectively better quality of life thanks to advances in technology. The poor are getting richer just not as fast as the rich are. How about we give everyone an equal playing field and allow them to target areas in the system that would garner a profit? Oh wait, we do that already. Most poverty in the first world is attributed to single motherhood and the family structure that creates only creates more poverty in the children.

the poor get poorer

How to spot a retarded communist 101

Did you read the last part or is your head so far up your neo liberal ass that you can't even see my point?

I did, you're just wrong. The United states has massive income mobility compared to other countries, you just want more government handouts so you can quit your job and live on Universal Basic Income.

You got a source for that claim?

I'll provide sources when you do lmao

The rich getting richer isn't really something that needs to be cited. The US having very good social mobility compared with other developed countries is.

"I'm too lazy to prove my own claim but everyone else must have sources"

There. Now show me the amazing social mobility the US has.

I don't have any sources, I pulled that out of my ass tbh. You win

As a communist I apologize for this retard IT user

Woohoo, I've been called a communist by two clueless incels. I went into your post history to see what kind of a person you are and holy shit you're not ever going to get anything with anyone like that.

I'm a communist incel

El prefacing your comment stating that you're a communist it's pretty clear that you meant to apologise for me as if I were a bad representation of a communist.

You repeating yourself really shows just how good you are at picking up things.

I am leftist incel

Are you a bot?

Capitalism sucks almost as bad as the sexual market

i highly doubt that any remotely serious communist would be an active redpiller.

you know, because of how communism believes in the equality of all humans no matter what...?

Poor and rich people have sex all the time. This analogy is asasine.

Dumb fuck that's because we're comparing economic advantages to sexual advantages (being more attractive). There are rich and poor normies. Obviously

No. Still retarded.

capitalism in US L o L

"You aren't owed anything"

"Give me free money, free birth control, pay for my abortions"

This is a great comparison. I wouldn't mind some communism in the female intimacy market, perhaps all ugly people are given female intimacy vouchers which you can hand to a female for sex and she can claim cash from the government for that voucher redistributing from attractive to ugly people.

Basically every medical problem a woman has can be treated by going to Planned Parenthood, where they will do it for free. Men on the other hand...

You can get treatment for cervical cancer at Planned Parenthood? Breast Cancer?

I don't know, it wouldn't surprise me. You probably have the answer so why don't you just reply to get that sweet "1-up" you're so desperately waiting for?

Because it's more fun to point out how unthinking you are at 'brain' cel :-)

Because it's more fun to point out how unthinking you are at 'brain' cel

Reread that entire sentence and tell me if you think it sounds like fluent English or not.

Let's get constructive here for a moment. When people talk about economic inequality they talk mostly about taxes, social safety net which already exists and implies a quantitative change. What sensible changes do you propose in the area of sexual inequality. Something like accessable and legal prostitution coupled with universal basic income makes a bit of sense.

The only way for there to be true equality is if there are no more humans here to suffer. Check r/antinatalism

It's hilarious that you guys call people that actually have sex cucks. Aren't you guys the ultimate cucks? Don't you sit and watch as every girl you like goes out with and fucks other dudes?

go look up cuck

Jump off your balcony

A cuck is someone who allows his girlfriend/wife to fuck other men without confronting/divorcing her.

Your logic says that a celibate priest is automatically a cuck, which is false.

That place banned me about an half a year ago and ever since i have send them a message every day asking why i as banned but they arent answering. They are just jobless people who want money without working

I like how they compare peices of paper being given out to women being given out, they already think women are objects so it's no big deal for them to demand sex slavery.

Yes and?

You called me an idiot a second ago but deleted that comment. Why?

Try harder..

It was just a statement. Good on you and your wife. Hope you both are profitable and live a great life.

Thanks. As with anything, there is a balance to be found.

I've been coming to this sub for the humor since I'm just a normie, but I'm honestly impressed with your willingness to take the crap the people here sling at you. Hopefully you don't let them get you down. You seem like a good mod to me.

Can you read basic English?


I'm not an Incel but keep assuming it's really working for you, also you never offered another point of view. All you said was you didn't understand.

if someone offers a different viewpoint god forbid them or they'll crucified by hostile incels.

You and I are the only ones talking here, so this most definitely implies that you are referring to me "crucifying" you. You said you believe it to be a poor analogy yet offer no real rebuttal or reason. You also claim you don't understand the point. Your inability to understand the point doesn't make the analogy any more incorrect.

So do you hate your brothers? Are they aware you joined a cult because you deemed yourself less attractive than them?

No. Still retarded.

I'll provide sources when you do lmao

Because it's more fun to point out how unthinking you are at 'brain' cel

Reread that entire sentence and tell me if you think it sounds like fluent English or not.