RippedRichandGod for mod NOW

46  2018-03-20 by birtopia

Tfw a female IT poster is mod but this legend isn’t






I don't have anything against the guy, but he did get his own sub banned in, like two days. Not exactly a hot commodity.

Lol the admins are so cucked. At least you managed to keep this sub up, so major credit for that.

He didn’t post anything bad. The only reason this place is still up is because there’s less than 50 incels subbed here and I’m not exaggerating. He’s a fucking legend.

Make him mod or I ree

Maybe If I were under a different name, so the admins wouldn't know it was me?

Dude, you wouldn't be able to go two days without telling everyone how much money you have and giving yourself away.


He got the sub banned because he's too blackpilled.

He didn't break any rules.

You should make u/salvador66 a mod then. He is well known here and very reliable

Yes, I second that. It should be an honor to mod here.

You'd make a decent mod, although you do humblebrag every once in a while.

That is because despite of having a decent face, I am extremely short as a man which makes me a truecel. Also, my woes were proven on the Amiugly sub. All the normies there agreed that my height is terrible for attracting women. I don't deny that.

Also who wouldn't want to have a mod who has at least shown his own face here? I am the most transparent user here.

Tbh it's because all incels subs except this one are getting nuked on sight.

how do members become mods?

Be in the right place at the right time, tbh.

i am the right place

Be a spook. Have knowledge of PsyOps.

Youre foreign bro

You can shortcut your way if you're a woman, even if you post in IncelTears.

Make me mod tbh

I'm sure no one was ever considering you.

first board gaming comment that I unironically 100% agree with.

I hope your first time was as special for you as it was for me. 😉

Looool foh fakecel

I fully support this.

Internet forum mods are scum of the earth


Massive modpill. Too big to swallow.

it ok :)

Yeah they're nothing in real life alright..

Dont worry hes setting up a replacment as we speak.

as we speak. literally ;)

Can I be a mod?


go away



didn't he get banned?

Nope he's back

Isn't that against the site wide rules! I mean, I'm not a narc, but maybe you guys should try to keep that a little hush hush.. you know what kinds of people browse here

Incelcuck snitches, no doubt.

i love him so much

The feeling is mutual, brother!

You are a legend bro

Welcome home, brother!

He doesn't need mod status here. We just need our new site.

It's up. Just finalising some things!


VERY soon now!

The owner of this sub is not an ally to incels - he's just a guy who wants to run a big popular sub, which in the case of this one means allowing IT to run free and abuse the incel posters.

Don't write stupid shit, and people wont treat you like stupid shit.

Practice what you preach then, and shut the fuck up.

give him god mode powers


Dude, you wouldn't be able to go two days without telling everyone how much money you have and giving yourself away.

Massive modpill. Too big to swallow.

Yeah they're nothing in real life alright..

The feeling is mutual, brother!