How females see different heights

32  2018-03-20 by RippedRichAndGod


XD Every men under 6' is invisible to females.

I mean I’m happily dating/considering marriage with a guy who’s 5’10” so

You probably were dating and having fun with 6'+ men before settling to your current SO.

lol actually not...

I hope your marriage doesn't end up like the relationships in the dead bedroom sub.

aw thanks. I love him.

You're welcome. Also, I was saying that because there are a lot of current relationships that do end up like that. So take that as an advice, because I don't want him to end up there nor you.

I mean, my friends that are dating/married are decent people and would not do anything like that

Good luck to you. My friends are the same way. Most are married, decent human beings and they have been happily married for a while. Disregard any hate that is slung your way here.

It will

thanks for the vote of confidence

Husband is 5'9"...shrug

I'm 5'9" and definitely not invisible to women lol

It's hilarious how I attract normies like you here.

It is definitely hilarious, my dude. I agree 100%.

Wow this

Ayyy lmao

I'm 5'6 and it's not that bad. As long as the girl is shorter than me it doesn't seem to bother them.

Have you ever been outside? That's just silly.

Another normie cuck. Please enlighten me. Of course they will be men under 6'0 with gf, but they run the risk of getting cucked.

enlighten me

This is a responsibility I have no interest in. I sincerely hope that someday soon you can look back at this, though, and think, "Wow. I was a doofus."

Best luck!

Hahaha. You don't realize it, do you? 5'7 to 5'11 are betas within the society. If you are under 5'7", it's already over.


Ah, enlightenment. Have fun wallowing, man, hope you find a way out.

Have fun being a cuck then.

Jesus christ do you people understand hyperbole

You don't have to exaggerate for effect in an echo chamber

Yes you do, it's funnier if you do

It's under

Being 5'11 is literally hell.

What do you mean?

You're literally 1 inch away from being 6 which is the acceptable height and ALMOST puts you in the top 20% of men.

5'11 here, yea king of manlets is not ideal.

5'11" here, yea it's actually not bad at all, it's not like 90% of people that are 5'4" can tell the difference between 5'11" and 6' anyway. Hell since most dudes that are 5'10" claim to be 6' it muddies the water even more.

Thank you for dicking me down back to reality. Feels good



Pick one.

Lol my friend is 5’8 and dating a 5’1 girl. Height doesn’t matter as much as you think it does.

7" height difference

I could only date midgets or 7 year olds with that standard.

I fail to see the problem

How short are you jesus

OK can we agree that guys over 5"8 need to stfu about 'manletism'. Femoid couldnt tell difference from 5"8-5"10 anyways.

LOL, dude if you are under 5’11” in euROPE it’s over.

Well im 6"0. And i still say face> height, unless you under like 5"7-5"8.

My favourite couple is the one where the girl is about a foot shorter then her guy. I immediately know what kind of person she is.

To be fair some guys like short girls, and my cut off range at 6' 4.5" is about 5'4" since that's the average height of a girl anyway

Its the girl making the choice not the man. Of course there are guys who like short girls but all girls like tall guys and they are the deciders.

I can't argue with that

I dated a guy who was 5'5 for 2 years

Another normie cuck. Please enlighten me. Of course they will be men under 6'0 with gf, but they run the risk of getting cucked.

Jesus christ do you people understand hyperbole