Norman logic

115  2018-03-20 by Zangano1


Lol, this one’s funny


That’s the most soyboy expression I’ve ever seen.

its over soyos

Cope they enjoy laughing at us like caged zoo animals while we wait for our death.

Yeah and at the same time they are getting cucked by fucking Mario, Tyrone and Chad

Haha cope

We do like the people and the posts. Shit's hilarious.

You got me there.

Nu-male logic*


Numale fear grin lmao

i swear u guys seem to come up with a new buzzword like every week... is this "fear grin" the newest trend? so much conformism.

Awe feel left out little cuck?

wow such a vibrant personality you've got there, boy.

Fucking soy boy. Go do the numale smile while your bull fucks your wifes pussy

uhh im not married and zero down with another dude fucking my current gf, this is why i try to be as amazing to her as she is with me. also, can someone. incelsplain what a soyboy is!?

Soy contains estrogen, so when a man eats too much soy, he will start being more feminine (which biologically women hate). Women want men to have more testosterone not be a weak little cuck like you. And I GUARANTEE your “gf” has been fucked by a bull multiple times behind your back. It’s only a matter of time before she wants you to watch, and you’ll happily oblige because you’re a soyboy who won’t stand up for himself.

Pointless trolling I see... Vicks are a lot rarer than people here think

Not trolling, just spreading truth. Go away Norman

Course you’re trolling, invent imaginary bulls to cope with him having a sex life...

Soy face

gf is cheating again

lol incels at least I got laid by the fatty

ugh Chas doesn't like me

at least I don't like these incels

I like how they come here and make comments like "All you losers do is mock other people!" when that's ALL IT is based upon, mocking and making fun of other people. The hypocrisy is amazing

They have negative self awareness. They project their faults onto us.

It was never a matter of whether i liked you or your content. It's just a question of 'how far while they go?'

I find you lot entertaining in many aspects, so I stroll in and out, laughing at those who dig their hole even larger, and applaud those who finally get out

I laugh at your aunt....for fucking your father, and having your ass....

Yep. This.

laughing at those who dig their hole even larger,

The holes remain the same size from birth.

Red card, normie penalty

I'm about to punch 3 holes into my monitor.

The soylent grin

So why do all incels read r/inceltears

What’s with the mouth open smile why do people do that?

Seeing people like you makes me feel better about myself and feel grateful for who I am. Just can't help but comment when I see some extra sick shit.