"Creepy coworker" gets fired and TrollX celebrates. OP then elaborates that she pestered HR to fire him for months because he was quiet and that is unacceptably creepy

57  2018-03-20 by Khungghar


Mother of God, femoids truly want to see awkward ugly men either dead or thrown into the street.

I really, really don't want to hate women. I don't yet. But every time I see something like this it just makes my blood boil and I have to keep myself from going over the edge.

If AWALT, then we truly are doomed. If they are, we should just LDAR

I really, really don't want to hate women. I don't yet. But every time I see something like this it just makes my blood boil and I have to keep myself from going over the edge.

You can just hate most women like how some of us just hate most people(and guess what gender half of those people are)?

This here should have been the OP pic tbh. Perfectly encapsulates the delusion and self-entitlement of TrollX and IT posters.

Just when I think that maybe I shouldn't hate females, I get a new black pill presented and my hatred grows stronger than ever.

I still don't really hate women but I'm really close to.

I don’t hate females. But I sure as shit hate the SJW left.

Yeah, women HATE the presence of subhuman men.

If you aren't turbochadding all the way, you don't even deserve to be a wageslave jesus fucking lol


Lol , it's TrollX. Those shitheads should be treated as incels , and they still have infinite power over people. Now IT gonna came and tell me I'm paranoid about normies. Any second now.

Jeez we can't even workcel in peace...

How is this even legal? Also, that sub seems to be composed of pure monsters.

Wow, I read the whole story thinking you misrepresented something, but no, you were absolutely right: He was fired from not being a handsome extrovert.

I wish I was wrong lol.

Handsome overall. If he was a handsome introvert women would find that cute.

Good point.


Some women would prefer it. They would see him as sweet and wouldn’t run away for another woman.

Then you must have skipped the part where he was rude specifically to women, accused them all of being unqualified and here only for diversity quota, and got fired after a talk with HR ( Which means he had a chance to stay and blew it completely in some unknown way ).

No, I did't miss that part. For starters, he merely didn't talk to women much (possibly due to shyness), and wasn't necessarily rude to them just for not talking to them (women aren't entitled to a man's attention), as that was not part of his job. Secondly, those comments were made online, and they're completely true (women profit massively from "affirmative action"). Also, in these types of disputes, HR always takes the women's side, so that means absolutely nothing.

wasn't necessarily rude to them

Text explicitly says he was.

those comments were made online

Yes. And ? If you're dumb enough for said online comment to reach your coworkers, especially those you're insulting, then it matters, because it is actively ruining cohesion as much as real life comments.

and they're completely true (women profit massively from "affirmative action").

Profiting from it and being there only for that reason are two entirely different things, and in that case, he said the later.

HR always takes the women's side

HR gave him a chance; They wouldn't have wasted their time doing that if he didn't have a chance to stay. But he blew it, which does look like there was no misunderstanding here since when specifically confronted about it, he couldn't explain it.

None of that was in any of that.

It's the regular brogrammer stuff: dude is totally socially-awkward, never talks to anyone, never smiles, when you tell him to cheer up he gets angry and gives you these silly "death stares"... This is more job-related, but he seems to be extra mean in code reviews (for those who don't know about programming, it's when a programmer "reviews" the code another programmer wrote) when the reviewee is a woman. He only talks to male coworkers, although not much, but female coworkers, he shuns. Answers in monosylabes, cuts the conversation short and in a couple of times he's been very rude when doing that. But what really tilted the field for us was, who are acustomed to these "low-key woman-haters", was when one of my coworkers caught him reading an MRA site and making comments about how women get hired in our field only because the companies need a diversity quota. We brought this concern to HR (which has been amazing in my time here, really trying to make the whole place a welcoming one for all people and not just virgin white men) and they had a talk to him. I don't know what he said, but he ended up being fired.

You're actually retarded

Because I provided proof of the existence of something you claimed wasn't there ? Lots of people are retarded around you, aren't they ?

Nah just you

Took me 5 seconds to find a counter-example in your recent comments.


Am I extra retarded for proving you wrong another time ?

Called him a retard in jest, I called you an actual retard, you retard

Makes all the difference, doesn't it. Anything to escape being proven wrong, I guess.

Uh huh

He "seemed mean"? jfcfml, women are fucking terrible.

"seemed extra mean" doesn't mean the same thing. The accusation is of a double standard, not of meanness.

If I went to HR and said "this woman seems extra mean to me than she is with other people..." they would rightfully laugh at me and ask me to leave.

I mean christ, we already have to be extra careful of how we behave towards women in the workplace tHese days, now we have to worry about "seeming too mean"?

If I went to HR and said "this woman seems extra mean to me than she is with other people..." they would rightfully laugh at me and ask me to leave.

Yeah but that's a personal problem since it's you out of a lot of other people who no doubt share many traits with you. When "me" is "all women" and "other people" is "all men", it starts looking like actual misogyny.

And the fact he claimed women were there only because of diversity quotas definitely points at it too, and even when HR gave him a chance to explain, he couldn't.

Because of how he "seemed", WHAT ARE YOU NOT GETTING ABOUT THIS????

So ? Someone has suspicions, they bring it up with HR, HR asks the person to explain themselves, they can't.

Also, the rest really makes it seem like he was actually being misoginistic.

That's not how it works in the world of men, you retard. The only reason she was able to get a man fired for the crime of being socially awkward is that she's a woman, and has incredible power over each man's life, especially lower status men.

No man would be able to go "I feel like this woman is being sexist", and immediately get her fired.

HR asks the person to explain themselves, they can't.


A lot of anger there, gonna back down from the insanity.

Lol, keep being a piece of shit then. Scum like you have no desire to change and be better if it doesn't benefit you personally.

Change, like what, not despising incels who want me to be some sex slave to them ? Definitely not.

Too dumb and self-centered to communicate with :/

Humans are pretty shit aren't they?

Makes you even dumber for obsessing over us, doesn't it ?

No? We're biologically wired to be attractive about women, I don't fault myself for that. Especially when there's nothing morally repugnant about finding the beauty in something, which is what male sexuality mainly is. And the fact that we can find beauty in a creature as repugnant as you is quite impressive, really.

Rejecting fault on other people really is your thing, isn't it ?

Being a retarded bimbo is kind of your thing, isn't it? Go find a chad to suck off, I know it comes effortlessly for even the fattest, ugliest of you (so you're in luck).

Will happily do it. Would tell you to do the opposite, but hey, the whole jist is you can't, so stay lonely Waves

Have fun being nothing but a sex object your entire life! Makes jerking, gagging motion signifying your sluttiness.

Isn't being a sex object essentially you, but with sex ?

I'll take it ;)

No, it's like, not being seen as a person, but someone, for people who are seen as people, to use and abuse.

You think you're seen as a person ? Cute.

More than some worthless slut like you.

I dunno. Who of us is whining about being treated like trash ?

The side that is actually being treated unfairly deserves to shout their problems to the world. Being a worthless slut isn't a "problem" per se, it's just who you are.

I think you specifically getting nothing is actually fair.

I know, because you're a worthless spoiled bitch who only thinks of her own wants and needs.

No actually it's because you're disgusting - but surely this does play a role, let's be honest, hahahahahaha.

I'm glad that you can at least admit to being a spoiled bitch. We're underprivileged because of factors we couldn't control, you're underprivileged because of choices you make. It isn't fair, and the fact that you laugh a it proves that you're a part of the problem.

Glad to be part of this endeavour.

Keep being a worthless slut then. It doesn't last long.

Your inferiority does, though.


this is the most edglelord anime insult I've ever received in my life lol, you actually typed that out, hit send, and thought that was a good response? LMAO

It's not an insult, just stating a fact. The insult part is for you to decide. Glad you voted "yes" ;)

You suck at this.

I suck a lot of things, and you've been saying that various ways, but don't despair, you're not really good at this either.

Lol I've been dominating you the whole time, I've been getting a sexual thrill out of this tbh

That's not what dominating means. Not what "sexual" means either, but then again, to be expected.

Honey, dominating is exactly what's been happening to you this whole thread. If you're wondering why your ass stings I've been spanking it verbally all day.

I think you're projecting, because when I'm actually saying "Yes I'm a slut", it's not domination, it's just me playing with you.

So, back to the #ss stinging, any repressed homosexuality you want to talk about ?

I wanna talk about your ass. How does it feel right now?

How do you wish it felt ?

On my cock.

On ? That's a lack of ambition right there. Around, now, I would understand, but this is just small talk.

Alright, I'm horny again. What do you got for me you stupid bitch?

Like every single girl on the planet, nothing :D

Every single girl on the planet has nothing to offer than her tits and ass, yes. You're right about that.

Is repeating what I say all you can do ? Starting to see why you're an incel TBH.

Is being a worthless slut all you can do? Starting to see why you're a worthless slut.

Unfortunately, yes. Fortunately, most people think otherwise, fooled by me being a femoid, so I get out okay.

I don't know what you';re trying to communicate to me since I don't speak idiot, but I will say that you *are a fool and a femoid (what's the difference? LOL)

Is being a worthless slut all you can do? Starting to see why you're a worthless slut.

"Unfortunately, yes. Fortunately, most people think otherwise, fooled by me being a femoid, so I get out okay."

"Unfortunately, yes, [being a worthless c#nt is all I can do]. Fortunately, most people [don't think being a worthless c#nt is all I can do], fooled by me being a femoid, so I get out okay"

Try having some comprehension skills before calling someone an idiot, it helps not looking like a buffoon.

Maybe if you pulled the cock out of your mouth while trying to speak you would actually make esense, but I know that goes against your nature. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Cope out / 10, you can do better. Maybe not actually.

??? Geeze ur fuckin dumb

Ignore this fucking idiot, dude. She is lost cause.

Please kill yourself

Wymyn are fucking retarded.

I remember when a few street harassment videos came out a while back, apparently telling a woman "to smile" is harassing. I assume it's the same as telling someone "to cheer up."

Yo fuck that bitch and fuck you, limp wrist.

limp wrist

Is this really the best you can do ?

Not only what he said was true (look up affirmative action), she hated his guts beforehand.

Again, "women were favoured by affirmative action" =/= "Women are only here because of affirmative action", and the guy said the latter.

women were favoured by affirmative action

uhhh... read this statement again. Women are still BEING FAVORED you bimbo.

Affirmative action is when you get hired, so in that case, no, the women were favoured by affirmative action.

Sorry, grammar is hard, I know.

Yes, they were favored, that's the problem. jfc you're dumb.

This doesn't change it is not what the guy said. Take you own compliment.

"Nah, women aren't advantaged in this area, they're just advantaged in this area". That's your fucking pointless argument.

No, the argument is that he said women were only here because of affirmative action, i.e without affirmative action, they wouldn't be here.

This is not the same as saying they were favoured by affirmative action; You can be favoured by it and still be the most deserving of the job.

...but they would not be FAVORED with out it, and would be passed up by an applicant who is more qualifies. jfc you're stupid.


Being a man makes you taller.

But that doesn't mean a woman can't be tall.

Same principle.

...that's the dumbest thing I've ever read on this site, lol


And OP rightfully got raked over the coals for it. People called her out repeatedly.

Some did, some didn't. Most of the people who did seem to be from other subs.

Nope, I was there, it was only r/drama brigadors that chewed her out. I love how normies have to constantly misrepresent shit in order to pretend there isn't a problem.

97% upvoted.

Spoiler alert: they weren't r/TrollX users, and they definitely weren't female. The people calling her out were members of r/Incels, r/Drama, and SRD.

Ok so your point is that most people, including most people on reddit, agree that what she did was wrong? And that's a... problem?

My point is that women don't have a problem with what she did, but the people who are labelled "misogynists" and "alt-right" did have a problem with getting a guy fired for being socially awkward and depressed.

You don't know how many of the people shitting on her were women, you only assume they weren't because it furthers your persecution complex. Right here:

What the fuck is wrong with you? He clearly had some sort of mental issue and just because someone doesn't give you personalized attention doesn't mean they're being sexist.

If you can't handle quiet people, get the fuck out of stem because you're embarrassing the rest of us women who work our asses off to be recognized rather than whining and expecting it. No wonder he didn't want to talk to you, you probably sat around waiting for a reason to get him fired.

650 upvotes vs her 90 or so. So to recap, someone posts that they got their creepy coworker fired. This post gets upvoted. When the person finally provides context but fails to actually detail any creepy behavior, people from multiple subreddits converge to condemn her- including other women and people from TrollX.

And somehow, this sub twists almost universal condemnation of her context into a show of support for it. She got raked over the coals. Most people were on your side. You're here looking for a reason to be upset.

almost universal condemnation

Here's a fun project for you to do, count every comment on that post and sort them by "in support", "neutral" or "against".

Here's a fun project for you to do, count the vote totals in every comment after she provided context and sort them by "in support," "neutral" or "against."

But I gotta run, have to give a presentation today and want to run it by my girlfriend first ;)

Do you not understand that the people upvoting were also brigaders?

I don't see what has to do with anything. Are you trying to win favor in TrollX? Do you think they are representative of the female population at large? Do you think they are representative of the typical workplace environment? If not, then the fact that her story would have been upvoted in TrollX without brigading is inconsequential.

What she says she did, in her own words, was so abhorrent that it drew the ire of multiple subreddits that are often at odds themselves... and yet it's posted here like it's representative of the persecution you guys face in the real world.

If anything, this shows that shit like that isn't tolerated even on Reddit.

The women in TrollX are more likely to be shy and less attractive than the average woman due to it being on reddit. On average real life women will be even more brutal.

Nothing pathetic about throwing in that bit about the girlfriend 😂

I feel nauseous, is this what people think of me? That I'm going to murder people and that just because I'm quiet I'm a dick and hate everyone?

Yes this is really sad, even ignoring their existence is not enough.

ikr. do women not realize that guys can have different personalities?

I feel nauseous, is this what people think of me? That I'm going to murder people and that just because I'm quiet?

It depends, what do you look like? If you're handsome then no your not creepy, you're just the intellectual soft spoken cute guy at work. If your ugly and quiet then yes you're a creepy psycho who probably has female body parts under your floor boards.

Gonna quit my job. Just not worth it anymore. Hes lucky he didnt get charged for the crime of being ugly.

TwoX gave me stage 5 cancer

make sure to donate your rope to a fellow incel since you wont need it now.

This fills me with rage.

And we're supposed to not hate women?

Females were controlled by men for several thousand years for very very good reasons. After just a few decades of independence, we're learning why.

This is cope. Women were always privileged one way or another.

True, but at least back then I could keep her at home, keeping house. Now they run around as promiscuous whores, hanging out with their male besties and going out with her fellow whores.

Housewife don't say inside all day long. They sweep the floor and do a few other things, and then go outside and hang out with their girlfriends, go shopping, catch a movie, etc.

This is why I would become Muslim and move to the Middle East.

Yeah, if he didn't have a problem with women and was just autistic, he definitely has a problem with women now.

[–]yeshrasSausage and some vag please 24 points 2 days ago

What kind of creepy shit did he do? permalink embed


[–]McMillanAndHusband[S] -9 points 1 day ago

Regular kissless virgin programmer stuff. Being quiet, aloof, trying to "low-key" diss women, complaining online about how his female coworkers are only hired because of diversity quotas...


I'm just lost for words. Unbelievable.

Christ, they are totally insane! Hahahahaha holy shit. Fucking lol at the U.S. of A.

Glad I live in Europe.

The US is a toxic shit hole tbh.

I thing norman men are more likely to fire quiet guy.

If women have the right to call men creeps, then I have the right to not care about women getting raped. I’m not endorsing rape and just mentioning it and not caring.

Yeah I don't give a fuck either, half of the time it's their own damn fault.

It’s only fair. Everyone blames kissless virgins for being kissless virgins and completely ignore the societal factors. But when a women gets raped, it’s all societies fault and none of the womens.

If I saw a woman getting raped in an alley I wouldn't even call 911 (dead serious).

This is the type of shit almost makes me snap

His crime was being ugly

Maybe he should have been less of a quiet loser?

That's really fucked up that you would target someone just because he is not an extrovert.

Again, try being less of a quiet loser and just act like a normal person? You're not a special little snowflake. Just quit being a bitch.

can't change brain chemistry, autism is in the dna

Aspie shit indeed.

Nope, it's a choice.

nope all dna

Yeah, no. Sorry kid. It's a choice.

For instance, you're choosing to be a retard right now.

you've never made a choice in your life, you live by pure instinct. so you have no idea what you're talking about.


Stopped reading there. Capitalize the beginning of your sentences.

surrender accepted

you probably think you choose to bully on reddit 24/7. actually you're just addicted to the dopamine rush. You couldn't choose to log off if you wanted to.

Actually, if you look at my post history, you'll see a nice big 3 day gap this last weekend. Took my wife on a weekend trip to the Florida Keys, where we laid on the beach a little bit, drank some good ass margaritas, had a fuckload of sex, drove with the top down a bit, and then flew back to good ol' Texas and picked up our kids from my parent's place. They made some clay models with my mom and dad. I think I'm gonna set them on my window sill.

Have a good day, my man.

you're an autist in denial

I guess your retardness is not a choice.

This is some next level retardation

Yeah the guy was pretty retarded to not just act like a normal person.

Define "normal".

The people who are butthurt that someone isn't talking to them and try to remove him are the ones that are pathetic.

Why does your ego get hurt that there exists someone who isn't an extrovert?

Why can't do your job normally? Do you go to your job to chichat and gossip with everyone?


You should read and re-consider your attitude and maybe become more empathetic towards those that are different.

I believe in karma and someday you will get yours if you stay this way.


Hey, just because some one doesn't talk doesn't mean you should report them to hr.

Wrong. If I notice one of my employees being antisocial, I document it and report it to our HR team. In my 2 years as an IT Director here, I have fired 3 people for this sort of behavior, and I'd like to say I've prevented 3 workplace shootings by doing so.

Have you considered that they have no reason to talk to people at the office?

If they are minding their own business, leave them alone.

Also you fired them for no reason at all?

I didn't like their attitudes. They gotta learn how to be normal, working members of society.

Isn't that what they are doing? These people are doing what you hired them for, you have no legitament reason to fire them.


IT director

browses incels subreddit.

ok buddy.

He must mean Incel Tears director.

Probably an IT director in California.

Likely story, judging by your posts you're too retarded to even work as a janitor, let alone in IT.


What the fuck? How is being "anti-social" a bad thing? I'd say it seems like it would be good if someone only seemed social enough to do their job and nothing more.

Only heard of r/niceguys, but hey, thanks for the suggestions.

Make sure you tack on /r/legbeardthings because you should have equality in making fun of creepy women and men alike.

There is no such thing as creepy women.

Thanks lolol

He's probably going to kill himself now.

Yet another incel dead thanks to roasties.

"He's quiet, aloof and doesnt talk to me! Creepy, creepy! This man deserves to be fired!"

"He talks to me too much and tries to start up conversations with my friends. Ugh hes so weird, cant he take a hint that hes a jawcel? That man deserves to be fired!"

Fucking skank ass piece of garbage

i need a mirror

Nasty bitch.

women don't hate ugly men bro

It's just in your head, bro.

Looks = Personality

yas gurl fucking drive him out of an income for having autism SLAYYY

It's over for ugly subhumans

Nasty woman.

This one always shook me

The psychology of femoids is an abomination.

They will both passively and actively ruin your life if you are just socially unskilled and/or born without their favourite skull shape

The slightest deviation from the Chad ideal => you will be annihilated

Notice how she got him fired for being harsh in code reviews? she probably wrote shit code (just like most f-oids in tech) and he corrected her mistake, now he's jobless. See, that's why we don't allow women in tech.

If you guys remember my post, I got a stacy fired last month. Otherwise, this could've been me. fuck roasties.

Ah glad you got that bitch fired.

You are doing St blackops2cels work, bless you.

Women are terrible. Terrible terrible terrible. I’m in tears right now. They hate us.

Not all of them hate you, you shouldn't cry


They want us dead.

This is sad asf tbh. Like the dude probably hasn’t been good with women his whole life, maybe he was homosexual? He didn’t like interacting with them much. And he didn’t bring his opinions about women in the workplace to the workplace. I’m thinking in my head right now if there was a quiet woman in a setting like that and dudes kept telling her to smile and shit, they’d probably be the ones being reported to HR, not the woman.

Notice how there are no IT users besides one that says he shouldn't be antisocial?

They're fucking coders. You expect social people?

He has a job to do, ffs

Females are used to every moment of their lives being a fucking party

I swear to god I've noticed this. Females can't handle non-excitement. They are so accustomed to being entertained by attractive men and girlfriends who all have very outgoing, bubbly social lives. When encountering an introvert or someone who falls below their (high) charisma-standards, they act as if they just stepped into hell

/u/McMillanAndHusband May cervical cancer be upon you

This is honestly some of the most depressing stuff I've ever read.

I don't have a job so can't get fired, but I have been told by my female hallmates that I was probably going to be a serial killer and cannibal. That was back when I was new in college and had "confidence" so sat down by them for dinner a couple of weeks into my freshman year. One of the girls said that to me and then all the other girls nodded their heads, expressed agreement, and said stuff like "OMG I can totally see that" Pretty much wanted to rope at that point. At least they didn't have any power to get me fired or expelled. Looking forward to self-employment.

and then they're shocked when during an incel uprising.

Did you start writing a sentence then just stop

lmao I had a brainfart there

Lmao so if he hadn't have been shy and scared to talk to women he wouldn't have been fired. What a crime.

He has to be attractive too

No, he would be fired for le harassment if he did.

Fuck, I wanna read this. The link doesn't work for me, can you PM me the original post

IT answer this:

Ugly male who tries to chat up females = creepy

Ugly Male who avoids chatting up females because females call him creepy for it = creepy

As someone who was just fired due to a personal vendetta - fuck this nasty woman. Hope she rots.

Men in the office "smile sweetheart". Woman gets him fired.

Women in the office "why don't you cheer up creep?" Man doesn't respond and woman gets him hired.


Good point.

Took me 5 seconds to find a counter-example in your recent comments.


Am I extra retarded for proving you wrong another time ?


More than some worthless slut like you.

Lol I've been dominating you the whole time, I've been getting a sexual thrill out of this tbh

The US is a toxic shit hole tbh.

The slightest deviation from the Chad ideal => you will be annihilated


He has a job to do, ffs

Females are used to every moment of their lives being a fucking party

I swear to god I've noticed this. Females can't handle non-excitement. They are so accustomed to being entertained by attractive men and girlfriends who all have very outgoing, bubbly social lives. When encountering an introvert or someone who falls below their (high) charisma-standards, they act as if they just stepped into hell

Is repeating what I say all you can do ? Starting to see why you're an incel TBH.