All your guys self hate is funny, what do you do all day? Why don’t you guys improve yourself instead of bitching all the time?

121  2018-03-20 by Imacuckfromitears

Instead of bitching about being forever alone online, why don't you get up off your ass and improve yourself? My friend named chad, a dude with a chiseled jaw and face of a god always struggled with his personality and showers, and had trouble finding a girl.Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? FUCK NO. He told me to give him some time alone. 2 weeks after personality maxing and taking countless showers he’s improved to a balding 48 year old 5'2 Indian guy. His personality is so overpowering women now flock to him without him even doing anything. The people on this sub just don’t want to put in the effort.


not reading your post, but based on the title I can say most of us do improve ourselves for our own benefit, knowing that no matter what we'll never have romantic relationships anyways.

Lol dude read it.

Edit 3: and your spelling

it's over


But yeah man it is a great read

Autism detected

just not into reading long ass IT posts, this was a learning experience, now I'll read at least a bit of what someone sends me before replying.

Lol, everyone, ever, knows you already read it before you posted the top comment.

86% upvoted

The normaloids took the bait. They never read this shit, lmao.

Is this the new meta?

I'd fucking love it if it is. Loving this new bait.

Dude it was funny of course I upvoted lol

Of course we tried. We tried and tried till the world sucked their hopes. Bullied in high school, ridiculed in life. Sometimes the weight just makes you start hating. Thats why this is where the hopeless come for camaraderie. We get to share stories and shit on the same people.

I'm a 32 year old virgin, of course I've tried.

damn, i didn't know you were an oldcel. my condolences.

At least you have a good sense of humor though.

First half had me downvotin, second half had me laughing. Thanks my dude, i needed it

I'll believe that looks don't matter when femoids have sex with a 5'2" balding Indian janitor and show proof of it. Until then, it stands.

Just rope if youre not a bald indian janitor in 2018.

It's over for non-sanitationcels in 2018.

Lmao my sides

You aren't helping them by being obnoxious, are you? This is not constructive.

Don’t mind me just a fellow cuck from inceltears trying to help out.

And that's what really matters. Do what you can, but try to be a bit less insensitive. You'll get more positive responces that way

I have amazing advice for incels but they never listen. I’m known three incels and told them the secret that is showers. But you gotta be willing to put in the work. Those three took countless showers, working overtime through blood sweat and tears, and now there all 48 year old bald Indian dudes drowning in women.

Listen. I'm actually trying to help incels if they want help. You just keep mocking them, and me, and that only serves to make things worse.

Just lol

Good for you

It's hard to take your offer of help seriously when you didn't even finish reading the fucking post.


Listen if you're an "incel" don't browse places like this, it's just a negative shithole for you to feel content with things, sex and relationships is honestly %80-%90 luck, but you can only get that luck by actually putting yourself in situations where you'll find a woman (work, school etc), find a more positive place to work on your problems, and more positive people than perma butthurt virgins who want to blame the world for their problems.

Don't bother dude. I was an incel for longer than most here, and they still wouldn't take any of my advice. And I was a somewhat social incel, so it's not like I was incel because I stayed in my room 24/7. Now I've had more than twenty partners in 2,5 years and I have a gorgeous girlfriend. I also have some of the "it's ogre for you" deformities, like no chin at all, ethnic. Some people are truecels, but it's maybe 5% of guys, or less. I thought I was one for a while.

what a username

So wait, when IncelTears users waste time here they're not hurting their chances with women but when we do it we are?

You know reddit's on phones now right, you can browse /r/braincels at work or on an exercise bike?

I don't browse Reddit much, you can see from my post history and when my account was created since it's a bad place for discussion, even imageboards are better albeit more toxic.

Lol, you guys really do hate yourselves don't you. To the point you'll reject any sincere attempt to maybe offer constructive advice.

you guys really do hate yourselves don't you.

yes? obviously

I don't know what's more retarded, that they think this shitty cliche is going to be a revelation, or that they think that saying it will somehow make a difference when 30th other non-incels posted it on this sub just today.

Yes, they do. Incels are socially banished group, who have largely banished themselves. That's the irony. They don't understand that. Trying to help is a waste of time. The only interaction that can possibly exist is mockery towards them. It doesn't matter how ugly you are, if you had a girlfriend, you can't understand them. It doesn't matter how many short bald ugly guys you've known that get laid all the time; to them they don't exist, and you're just mocking icels. You can't win against people that have put themselves in cells of their own making.

Sure it may be harder for them to get out of the social constructs around them, but it is possible. Case in point? Look how they mock fat and ugly women.

If you're healthy and able-bodied, but women in general aren't attracted to you in your given state, it is not at all obvious what "self-improvement" you would need, or even if it's possible.

The god damn truth. People tell you to improve yourself, but never tell you exactly what it is that is wrong with you, let alone how to go about fixing it.

As if most people react well to criticism, no matter how well intentioned...

There is not an ounce of good will behind these snide remarks about our characters or our lives, of which they haven't the beginnings of understanding. They are better off keeping their unsolicited advice or "criticism" to themselves.

You don't find these cretins going over to r/ForeverAlone and spreading their charity and faith to them. No, to them, this is a political issue, and we are the pariahs because we prove that their politics are false.

You don't find these cretins going over to r/ForeverAlone and spreading their charity and faith to them. No, to them, this is a political issue, and we are the pariahs because we prove that their politics are false.

I mean, before incels were known, they pretty much did do this to FA already, the snark and vile behavior wasn't nearly as bad though.

"Tough love" is utter bullshit. Especially when done over the internet.

People will always give you the cop out "personality" answer without actually knowing the situation or the problem of a specific person. This is why we always meme on "personality" and normies just don't get this.

Personality, maybe?

Describe the kind of personality needed for attraction.

Not being a cunt

Start taking your own advice simpleton.

A good personality. Surely you know that that means.

No, you guys are right. Everyone else is the problem, not you.

Please describe what a good personality means. Keep in mind most of the people on this sub are not rabid asswipes.

Describe it in detail. Be thorough and in-depth, so that we might try to follow the guidelines that could help us.

I'm tired as hell of normos going on about the personality meme but never actually describing what one is supposed to be like.

Be thorough and in-depth.

I'm not your therapist.

going on about personality, never actually describing what one is

C'mon. It's not that hard to do this. Pay attention to the negative list. Just in your short post you did nearly all of them.

There is almost no overlap between good personality and personality that attracts women. I can even see this in my group of friends. I can’t really judge my own personality impartially, but I can see that my friends who I would describe as having the best personalities (funny, confident, easygoing, friendly etc.) are not necessarily the ones who’ve have the most success with women. The guy I know which has the most success with women is a good dude, but definitely has some problems with his ego, not being able to take a joke and getting into arguments, and has acted creepy/grungy towards women on many more occasions than the rest of my friends.

You're right. Everyone else is to blame.

You're projecting. The point is that nobody is to blame and life is unfair. Accepting this is part of growing up, which you seem to be struggling with.

I do struggle. I'm retarded.

When did he say that?

I don't. I'm retarded. My shoes hurt.

Jeez, is that all you're capable of saying? Do you have any argument whatsoever? Do you even have an original thought in that head of yours? ffs

No, because I'm retarded.

Having a good personality just means being good looking.

Funny thing is, this post has so much truth in it, but these incels just think it shows what is wrong with the world... when it really shows what is wrong with them.

So you've got nothing other than one liners. Move along brainlet and stop trying to sound superior when you can't even properly elaborate on your ideas.

You guys always tell us we need to have a good personality to attract women, and that we have shit personalities, but then when asked what a good personality is, you throw out this cop-out of "Surely you know what that means," and then proceed to not answer the question at all, and run off with a strawman. Wonderful work there, buddy.

Being kind, sensitive (But not too sensitive), a good listener, and being willing to work through any and all problems in your relationships is a good place to start. From that, just add whatever's likely to get the attention of the kind of person you want.

You want an adventurous partner? Be adventurous. You want a partner who'll be super open, and tell you everything? Be supportive, and be understanding with everything they say (Within reason, of course).

Most of that sounds like relationship advice, not how to spark initial attraction and we already know what causes that. Thanks for at least making an attempt though.

You're asking the fish an advice on how to catch it. ;)

I wasn't really expecting an answer tbh. The ones spouting generic advice don't usually have much substance to them.

That isn't something that can be "improved". It's who you are, in a very literal sense.

A short ugly faced guy with personality doesn't get you laid or girls flocking to you. I knew plenty of guys back at college with bad personalities or even no personality at all get laid and have women wanting them and that was just by being tall alone with good facial aesthetics.

Women are shallow self entitled whores who only fuck a small percentage of men. It's a myth that men are shallow which were created by women. How can men be shallow when men will mate with majority of the female population?

I work a full time job, third shift, meaning it's afternoon when I go in and morning when I'm off. Now in my late twenties I have zero interest or motivation, and will probably kill myself within the next two years, so it doesn't matter.

Nah mate don’t kill yourself

Brutal slavepill. I'm in a very similar situation. Literally just clocked into to my job that I hate a few minutes ago, on my phone until manager arrives.

What u do

Stocking/warehouse laborer, I get $12/hr after taxes and everything. It's better than retail or fast food but still.

12 after tax? Look at this richcel over here

BRB, changing my name to /u/RippedRichAndRetailwage.

One day this joke will stop being funny, but that isn't today.

I thought the original post was of a Indian dude go to chad.

Same joke with a new twist.

Remember that most of the people who tell you this are fatties who sit on their arse all day taking pictures of their meals and watching CNN.

You should actually post that in inceltears just to remind them how retarded they sound when giving incels advice.

Just improve yourface, bros!

Inceltear retards will upvote threads with these types of titles without actually reading the content, every single time, without fail.