Incel follows all Inceltears advice to the letter and fails miserably

40  2018-03-19 by ScionOfTheLion


This legit makes me sad. They're lying through their teeth to the poor guy and he just doesn't want know what to do. He just wants to be normal but can never be, and he doesn't even understand why.

This is why we need blackpills applied 2x daily. Never forget your place.

you have to accept that you can never be normal

Even ones who do understand can't get anyone to even be honest about it.

Saddest story I've read on this sub. Cucktears will still say he should pay more of his hard earned short supply of cash towards a therapist who doesn't give a shit and that magically one day everything will be all better and your problems will have disappeared and women will be attracted to you!! But in case my bullshit prophecy doesn't come to pass...

#"Just remember intimacy and sex isn't necessary to live a happy life, get over it"- IT

and what do you suggest him do? remain depressed?

I'm not the one claiming to have the answers you guys are. If I had the answer to my incelibacy problems I wouldn't be here.

am an incel bro. but people with depression have no other option, but to seek medical help. there is no other way out, sadly.

Not talking about depression. I'm talking about his lack of romantic interaction with the opposite sex. There are tons of depressed people who have girlfriends and are getting laid. If you're incel curing your depression won't solve that problem.

How do you know this? What if not having a gf or sex is the source of depression. It's really fucked up how Normans insist this.

That's what I'm saying lol

Most of us are depressed because we can't get a single female to love us back but if you are an Incel and you have depression not related to female starvation you will to still be Incel even if you rid yourself of your depression because being depressed had little if not nothing to do with it...

Get it?

I have diagnosed major depression and GAD. I took two types of SNRIs and one SSRIs, and went to cog behaviour therapy for 5 months and it didn't really do much. As much as I wanted to, all therapists really tell you are platitudes, the same you can get on the internet. The only way that I have coped is laughter (this sub helps a lot), and extreme exercise - either lifting (jfl) because it at least gives me a pump and sprinting or other types of HIIT because they release endorphins like crazy. It feels good for a couple of hours but then it's back to coping.

Ehh, I'd say therapists are worse than internet advice most of the time.

They would be worse, especially since they get paid to tell you bullshit.

You deserve major depression

Suicide is an option you know.

shut up ex-mod

Shut up cuck

and so is not throwing other incels under the bus.

can't believe an online fat femoid made you cheese your pants and turn on your fellow cels. How pathetic is that? a tiny tiny tiny bit of power and a few words from a fat robotic femoid and boom, you turn into a huge douche?

i think i speak for all incels when i say;


when you die St.Blackops2cel WILL punish your your crimes against incels you douche

I didn't throw anyone under the bus.

yes you did, you're a traitor. for a fAT ONLINE FEMOID


everyone here hates you but your beloved fat femoid.

I didn't.


fucking chump

That was over a month ago. And I apologised for it. Get over it.

you can say that, but remember. The trucels hate you fucking guts you weak ass traitor.

you'd do it again in a heartbeat. you're a traitor. GET OVER IT

therapy is complete bullcrap man. Seriously, what can any human say to you to magically make things better? Nothing.

there's nothing you can do. Find hobbies you enjoy and do drugs. Drugs make my life worth living

I've shared my story about getting dragged through the mental health system twice now, and Inceltears couldn't give less of a fuck if they tried. That, alone, was traumatic enough to warrant some genuine therapy, never mind the issues that brought me there to start with. For therapists, it's all money. For Inceltears, it's all ego. There's no real altruism to be found.

For therapists, it's all money. For Inceltears, it's all ego. There's no real altruism to be found.

Fucking harsh truth.

My therapist called to check up on me today because I forgot about an appointment we had. Some therapists are shit but mine has been helpful and understanding, albeit I don’t go to therapy for incel problems

We need to bring our brother homw

i agree, it's sad to this guy out in the wild by himself surrounded by enemies.

come home to us son, St blackops2cel is calling your name, walk towards the blackpill my sweet princel

These are the people that will ACTUALLY snap and go on shooting sprees, they're totally dishonest with themselves.

I hate humanity's psychology

Look what they've done to just socially inept people like this guy, and to ugly people like most of us

Poor guy. He'll fall for their lies and go back doing his "self improvement" and get disappointed again.

But yet he didn't mention a lifting routine and improving his style.

Those would have helped him a lot more than the mental stuff.

I did low impact cardio for 50 minutes. I then cycled days between legs, abs/chest and arms basically.

I then dressed in a leather jacket, dress shirt, jeans, and cowboy boots. That did nothing, so I went back to wearing a band shirt, trimmed and modified and patched vest I made from a military Jacket, cargoes, and Combat boots I polished a lot. At least that getup gets some people to say it's cool. Mostly Goths and metalheads

How much do you lift on main compound lifts (bench/squat/deadlift)

Do your clothes fit well? did a girl or a guy with style help you pick them out?

It is easy to get these things wrong.

I have a friend who is an autistic, ugly manlet. He doesn't look after his hygeine or style and has awful skin. I don't have the heart to tell him that's why he fails every time, and he has failed many many times. I think he will end up in this guy's position, and I genuinely feel sorry for him that he will keep getting IT type advice. That type of advice will continually make it seem as though every aspect of his failures is simply down to his social skills.

I bathe, and beyond pimples I occasionally get, my skin isn't too terrible. I understand a good deal comes from social skills issues but I also understand my mind will never work like an NT. I'm not going to understandthem, no matter my social conpetence. What can ya do? What is lashing out going to do?

I honestly don't know. I wish I had some advice for you, but I don't. I hope you one day find peace or contentment.

Tbh, most NT people don't understand what is going on in other peoples heads either. The gap is still there, its just bigger for us.

The trick is being able to articulate the differences. Folk aren't going to understand you by default, you have to show them how and why you're different.

This is basically me right now, and why I haven't got laid since september. Part and parcel of being an on-and-off hobo.

Tbh, I don't even care. Too busy trying to get off the bin-scran to care about dating right now.


You guys are comparing yourselves to literal autists?

I mean yeah if you literally have autism you are gonna have trouble with the ladies. That's kinda obvious.

BTW I thought personality didn't matter?

How is social retardation different from any other retardation?

I don't get the point of your question

We're comparing ourselves to autists who are mentally retarded, and you say it's not right. Hence my question.

Well obviously there is a difference between having shitty social skills due to lack of experience and having shitty social skills because you have a physiological condition which prevents your mirror neurons from functioning properly.

It's like the difference between someone who sucks at piano because they've never practiced, and someone who sucks at piano because they are missing a hand.

One has far more capacity to improve than the other.

That's true however, reusing your piano analogy, a failed normie is someone with normal hands, someone who's capable but doesn't have talent, whereas an incel is someone with small deformed hands that are missing fingers. And yes autists would have no hands in this analogy.

A good looking autist has better chances than an incel.

In theory, yes. In practice, autistics are generally ugly.

except female autists don't have trouble, wonder why that is

Don't try to bring logic in here, it confuses and scares them

Not talking about depression. I'm talking about his lack of romantic interaction with the opposite sex. There are tons of depressed people who have girlfriends and are getting laid. If you're incel curing your depression won't solve that problem.

I have diagnosed major depression and GAD. I took two types of SNRIs and one SSRIs, and went to cog behaviour therapy for 5 months and it didn't really do much. As much as I wanted to, all therapists really tell you are platitudes, the same you can get on the internet. The only way that I have coped is laughter (this sub helps a lot), and extreme exercise - either lifting (jfl) because it at least gives me a pump and sprinting or other types of HIIT because they release endorphins like crazy. It feels good for a couple of hours but then it's back to coping.

Suicide is an option you know.