The current state of femails

91  2018-03-19 by Zangano1


Absolute dredges

I was about to say what is in your flair.

Female brain = self destruct

Obviously this is not with every female, but I do both feel bad for her yet kinda not? Like she should know who her partner is having sex with and their sex history and should always test for STDs if they're going to be in an open relationship, this goes for every party. I'll assume the poor girl fully trusted her partner.

Fucking cuck. Why are you blaming the man? The whore probably fucked every chad/tyrone she saw in the street.

Woah did I hit a nerve? I'm just guessing dude, no need to get your panties in a knot. The girl could have easily been the one to get it herself, but there's a chance that the guy she was with could have passed it to her too. I'm not going to watch the video for the the whole story because, well, I don't care enough to do so lmao

lmao, white knight alert! He's here to defend m'ladys roast beef.

one day you'll look back and be disgusted at how much you defended these vile whores once you finally get a gf who cucks you and forces the black pill down your stupid throat

Given that in most open relationships only the woman is promiscuous, there is no plausible reason to assume that in this case the man is, and that he is the one that infected her with an STD. Yet, you do exactly that. Almost as if you hate men and seek to blame anyone male for anything you don't like.

Well if it's an open relationship I can assume the guy could be just as promiscuous as the girl, so, yeah there is a reason to assume. I don't hate men or find a ludicrous reason to blame men, c'mon now, what kind of feminazi shit is that?

So the reason you assume the fault of the man is because you can. So, there is no objective reason to assume that - you just choose to for personal reasons, i.e. a hatred of men. Which is kinda my point.

I can also just assume the woman, Jesus Christ dude, you get so hurt when I automatically address the guy. That just so happen to be my first instinct because that's her in the video about the STD. I mean believe whatever your delusional mind wants to tell you, I don't have a hatred for men in general.

I can also just assume the woman

And yet, you do not.

you get so hurt

Yes, and rightfully so when you go out of your way to paint an entire gender in a negative light. If you can't deal with people calling you out on your sexism, go hole up in one of the safe spaces for insecure pathetic sexists like you. Nobody here is going to play nice with you.

my first instinct

Exactly, despite any objective knowledge or experience suggesting otherwise. Because you hate men.

"when you go out of your way to paint an entire gender in a negative light" bitch isn't that what incels do in every fucking goddamn post? "females are whores", "she'll never look at you like this, it's OVER", "all females want chad's cock", "females won't even look at you and are horrible for doing so". I don't hate men, but I hate people who are hypocritical dense motherfuckers, whatever gender that may be. What safe space do I have? Sorry that yours is easily accessible to everyone, but boo hoo, get over it. You give me what I want anyways, a response. I come here to see how many incels are decent, and how many lice up to the stereotype. So far, three have PM'd me and broke the stereotype, but then there's you. Yikes.

bitch isn't that what incels do in every fucking goddamn post?

Not really, no. And even if they did, it wouldn't make your sexism acceptable.

What safe space do I have?

How the fuck should I know? Find one. There are tons of places that would welcome someone like you on reddit alone.

I come here to see how many incels are decent

...who cares why you come here?

And no, a morally bankrupt shitstain like you really has no ground to judge anyone's "decency".


Here's comes a white cucktears in full armor ready to defend m'ladys rancid roast beef

you fuckers are beyond pathetic, I can't even think of a word that truly describes your vile soul.

You are the type who'd white knight for your ex who cucked you for your own family member and all of your money because you're such a pussy

The CDC estimates 15-20 million new STD cases a year in America. About 1/3 of the population is infected.

isnt it weird when you're in your 20s and you dont even know how to put a condom on yet your peers are getting STDs from having sex with 100 people a year

Doesn't sound like they know how to put on a condom either

I wish I was getting STDs too though

not all of them are curable.

Better than not knowing how to put a condom on! Bring on the STDs


OP literally wished he was getting STDs. Think about what that means

Current state of le 56%

“Our” open relationship

Translation: “her” open relationship. If nigga aint a chad, nigga ain’t having no open relationship on his side, nigga be just swiping endlessly on tinder

fucking laughed so hard at this. Thank you

Why the down vote? I'm being serious here. I literally laughed really hard at the picture. No sarcasm

Haha yeah it's pretty funny regardless of the message

Exactly lol. I'm a self described normie and even I found it hilarious

So a femoid can in 2018 upload a video on jewtube where she describes how she got an std and then cash in the ad revenue?that's basically making profit from being a worthless whore. Normans try to convince me again why concentration camps should not open yet?

I think the expectation of liberty was that morons and failures would knock themselves out of the social strata and the gene pool.

NOPE! They get $$$ and validation to continue being insane.

Why do jews always have to be brought into everything ? Is it because it’s the only religion you can rhyme with “tube” . Are all incels anti-semites ? I can’t imagine being that would help anyone find a partner .

Jews are brought up because of the Commie Manifesto and Learned Elders of Zion manifesto. Read both, get back to us.

The agenda has been clear for decades: dismantle White Christian society and nuclear families, turn people into hedonists. They succeeded.

Yeah I’ve read both, in English and Hebrew. I’m also a Sephardic Jew. The “ Elders of Zion” is considered a joke. Because that’s what is it.

“ Get back to us” so you speak for everyone being an anti-Semite or that’s just how you identify on your free time? Your comment is laughable, at best .

Everything in both manifestos has come true. Explain that.

Are all incels anti-semites ?

No, only kebabcels and currycels.

She is not attractive, no wonder she is filthy enough to put herself in an environment where she could get an std

yea, take the make up away and she'd be incel tier as a guy.

tons of women are incel tier, but make up+ being a woman= they think they're "queens"

JFL at the fat whores who think they're "curvy". no you look like a potato.

Lol finally someone who agrees, I don’t understand the rise of the landwhales in recent years and what is responsible for it but it is making women notably less attractive than they were before and I feel like men have gotten more attractive than they were before because gym and self improvement and all that shit, it’s weird how despite this hypergamy intensified in the favor of women, completely mind boggling. Women are often completely unaware of their physical attractiveness most women believe they are beautiful when less than 1% of women are truly beautiful in this day and age.

the rise in landwhales is society being more and more lazy but the main reason is all the fat acceptance bull shit deluding their simple minds to believe fat = attractive and all body shaming is bad.

Feminism is fucking over a majority of men at the moment, I have always preached that feminism was never truly against men, it was against attractive women, unattractive women wanted what attractive women have already had for centuries, and it somehow worked. You're a fool if you believe feminists are against men, they do not care for men any less than regular women, they made their movement out of envy and it has gone far enough to the point where this thing is considered attractive enough to be an extremely famous model

I totally agree. this video proves your point.

What a fucking genius. Amazing video, posting it on our sub and in as many feminist infested places as possible

yes everything he says is correct. He uses a lot of the terminology we use. "Land whale" he also uses our logic which is the objective truth

Very smooth voice and script, he is attractive as well so his looks cannot be used against him infact they make his argument stronger as he is a somewhat high value man (top 20% at least)

yep. This video is going to anger a lot of feminists. It even warns them in the title.

I am limited to one post every 8 minutes I will continue spamming in feminists subs soon

you got too many down votes. same thing happened to me at one point. Not many people agree with what we say.

In what world is this woman fat? She is really skinny.

I didn't say this girl

i was talking about women in general who call themselves curvy when they're fat. And the plus size models, lmao. huge cope for women. not many guys want to see FAT not plus sized, FAT models. Sure some of them have cute faces but their bodies full of nasty stretch marks and cellulite shouldn't be praised. it's gross

that's the reason you don't see plus sized models for men, men don't need to cope like that. Women want to be lazy and fat n told their beautiful.

women are the most fragile creatures in the world

There is no "low" for a femoid. They have no shame, honor or brains. Everything for them is something they can exploit and hide behind "victomhood" for attention.

Hahahahaha that's ironic


The absolute state of women and "relationships"

Don't like open relationships too much, but am open to multiple wives.

So you’re asking me, do I have time to explain 2 complicated, albeit, false works of literature to someone who regardless of my Insight, intelligence regarding this subject and fact based knowledge will still disagree with me?

No, I don’t have time for that? That’s like saying “Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is bullshit”. Where would I even begin? How could I say something that would even invite you to entertain my point? I couldn’t, and so , I won’t waste my time.

Edit: See “self fulfilling prophecy”.

Everything in both manifestos has come true. Explain that.