Funny how their response to a potential suicide changes when it's a femoid instead of a ugly male virgin.

55  2018-03-19 by Thrwaway21981


Men are disposable to normshits. Femoids must be protected, whiteknighted, and put on a pedestal at all costs.

Protecting women is cool, protecting men is cool. I like protecting people. Humans are scared hurt stupid animals that need all the protection they can get, usually from and provided by themselves.

This message brought to you by SBETH (Superior beings for the ethical treatment of humans)

Male virgin talking about suicide? "Good riddance"

Femoid? "Oh noo... Poor cunt, she neds help"

Typical whiteknight twats. They only care about roasties.

why'd you censor the first 'm' in the comments'

Didn't even notice it. It was by accident.

Men are worthless, women are not. Anything new under the sun?

Anyone that doesn't make sure their children are born female is a complete retard in 2018.

Male's life is worthless.

Unfortunately true, you'd have to be a very sheltered individual to dispute that.

It's the most depression inducing thing ever. Knowing that in the right circumstances my life can be forfeit in order to save some woman I might not even know just because she got the other side of coin in the lottery.

Unless you're Chad.

Holy shit, they say always say male incels are faking it and they make fun of them and laugh and celebrate, but when its a woman they really do change their perspective. This is disgusting

And compare the frequency at men go through with it compared to women... and it makes even less sense!

This is a fucking blackpill on male worth

Wow what a loser just looking for attention. This is why she is incel. Maybe she should work on her personality instead of wallowing in self pity all day

They would rather see a thousand men burned than a single female scratched

Same for bullying.

the whole point of the average males life is to provide and then die, why do you think media covered boko haram when they kidnapped girls but not when they burned boys alive ? I dont know if valuing female life over male life comes naturally to humans or no

Any man who learned about how media treated boys vs girls when it came to Boko Haram and was not instantly red- or blackpilled is a feminazi sympathizing mangina soyboy cuck.

"we must protect the women and children"

"What about the men?"

"fuck off retard"



I think she needs to lurk moar before committing suicide.

Suicide? I think you meant Skittles overdose.


The only people I see telling incels to kill themselves are other incels. Aren't you all supposed to rope or something?

very very very untrue

Pain is good. Pain will eventually make me rope.

That's a comment I just got on another thread. You guys are constantly supporting suicide. You're almost celebrating it like it's the light at the end of the tunnel.

A guy saying that he's ready to rope is supporting suicide? You're an idiot. That's a guy in a lot of pain in his life and a guy that is tired of his life. A deeply depressed guy isn't supporting sui. He's supporting sui of himself.

Meanwhile, normans:

One down. Please, other incels, follow after this guy

A guy saying that he's ready to rope is supporting suicide?

Yes it is. How is a guy saying he's going to hang himself not supporting suicide? Side note: that guy you quoted is a cunt.

You don't know the difference between a guy who is killing himself out of anger and depression and a guy who wants others to kill themselves?

Of course I know the difference, but that doesn't change anything I've said.

We know, it is still retarded.

That's a joke only incels get. If your friends tell you to kill yourself it's a joke.

When internet trolls that hate you do the same, it's different. I can't believe how retarded you are not to understand something so obvious.

I'll admit to looking at IT and I've seen some mean shit, but never anyone advocating suicide. Hell, there was a post a few days ago about a guy that live streamed his suicide and incels were cheering him on.

Prepare to be flooded with examples. It happens a lot. Especially via PM.

I'm just trying to point out the toxic nature of this sub. I have schizophrenia and depression and have attempted suicide twice (came very close the second time) so I'm pretty active on r/depression. People there aren't telling each other that it's over and the only cope is rope. They are actually trying to help each other. You guys are a bunch of masochists wallowing in self-pity. I mean no offense by any of this. Just my 2 cents.

We joke. Our jokes are copes. They wallow and beg for support. We are creative and funny, because we have great personalities.

Notice the SJW subs and PC subs such as IT? They ban easily.

Toxic is put under mod ego. /u/Board_gaming gets a lot of shit but I don't think she's bad. There was a post comparing her to Jupiter. No bans. Her views aren't in line with incels all the time... ever. This is the best sub for many reasons.

I think Tinder is crap. That's in line with a lot of people's thinking.

These grapes sure are sour

Did you reply to the right person?

Bullshit r/depression is a huge cesspool of people claiming they want to die and will commit suicide with everyone cheering them on or stating they'll be joining them soon.

We're reading different threads. That's not the case at all.

I didn't even have to fucking look literally the most upvoted thread right now

Did we even read the same thread? Most of those comments are either sympathetic or positive and telling him it'll get better.

So what the fuck are you even talking about then!? "Most comments" on every suicide thread on this sub are people relating and being positive you hypocritical fucking moron. Gtfo.

What it must be like to be you...

Not a moron? Keep wondering you simp.

Very true, in most posts its just incels pulling down other incels. You would think they would offer each other more encouragement :/

very untrue. ask the mods how many comments they had to remove from IT posters on stagetails sui post.

but not even suicide stuff, i just mean generally pulling each other down

saying that it is over when it truly is over (due to society and females, not due to us) isn't encouraging suicide. it's stating a reality

but alf the time you guys say its over when the guy is like 20-something.. far from over. plus i dont see alot of actual support but if you have made close friends on then i guess this is a good place. but just saying i dont see alot of helping going on here

very untrue

There’s a notable difference between an incel talking about his own suicidal ideation and venting and a normie reveling in it.


Completely different tone and everything. Damn. They're so supportive of a femmorhoid, but fuck men! We're useless wastes of flesh that the world would be better without! Psh. This thread will probably be ignored by IT, too.

rope fuel

It's the nature of the beast called life

female incel

Oh no, here comes another case of skittlecide

Must have been at least 48 hrs since she's had the D

female incels commit suicide when they can't afford any more herpes meds

That's a really degrading thing to say, what the fuck? Don't discount the seriousness of her attempt.

She might even sit near the edge of a two-story high balcony and text her friends to ask for a reason why she shouldn't end it all.

Oh the irony

That's the.... girl who made the incel supporting youtube vids

No. Not her. 😢


she sent nudes to chad, she's nothing but a whore

She stuck up for incels. I like her. It'd be said if she died.

Shit, really?

We know, it is still retarded.