Inceltears users trying to debunk the blackpill

83  2018-03-19 by jaghatarhonor



And again. Everything matters. Looks, personality, money, random chance, smell, time of day.

You guys here are pretty much the only ones here arguing that anyone is saying "looks don't matter"

Of course they do, but so does everything else.

How do you people always manage to make such irrelevant comments no matter the context. It has to be some kind of skill.

It's 100% in context, though?

Not even slightly. What post do you think you're replying to? Do you even get the OP? What in the fuck doea your reply have to do with anything

Your so called "black pill" bullshit. All it is is a cop out for giving up and staying in the crab bucket

Lol ok bro, you did a great job debunking it

If you're a particularly ugly man, you will never find love. There's nothing inaccurate about this statement.


Maybe one day you'll understand the intricacies of the 'blackpill' discussions taking place here

It should be obvious that there are countless interpretations of what the blackpill actually is

One popular theory proposes that the desirable traits which females select for are both physical and mental. That is why you see so much talk of being neuro atypical.

My belief, and I've seen many who agree with my version of the blackpill, is that females have much higher standards across the board (in looks, ability, personality, etc).

Also, there is some minimum threshold, not just of each individual trait, but of the confluence of all of them, which will severly hamper one's ability to attract a female.

I believe looks are the most heavily weighted variable in the whole equation.

Not only do looks have the highest minimum 'deal-breaker' effect, but they also do the best job at compensating for a deficiency in other areas, as far as genuine attraction is concerned.

If you have a very ugly face and frame as a male (but take care of your health), virtually no amount of personality is going to make females desire to fuck you. Nor will you be able to get and maintain a girlfriend outside of females who don't even take care of their own bodies (without great luck).

Looks are the highest playing factor when it comes to the ability to attract young females (females in most redditors' age-rage).

You guys here are pretty much the only ones here arguing that anyone is saying "looks don't matter"

Seriously. "looks aren't everything" isn't remotely the same as "looks don't matter"

lol right after that he says “y’all niggas trippin”. russ is a normie

so why does inceltears act like personality is significant when it really, really isn't

It absolutely is significant, but it's of course not the only thing that's significant.

so if an incel gets a good personality they'll get the sex

I mean you can stay the same or you can try changing. Just don't be surprised if nothing changes if you don't change anything.

The universe owes us nothing.

I mean you can stay the same or you can try changing. Just don't be surprised if nothing changes if you don't change anything.

could you just say "no getting a good personality won't get an incel sex" instead of being stupidly vague

I mean, that's wrong. Plenty of people with really bad personalities get partners left and right.

All you can do is try changing what you can change and deal with the rest. Sometimes you can't change your personality much. I was extremely shy in my puberty, but then I went to the gym for a few years and things fell in place.

Nowadays my gym days are lon

I mean, that's wrong. Plenty of people with really bad personalities get partners left and right.

i said INCELS not PEOPLE, obviously chad can get sex even if he's a serial killer or whatever

Making yourself out to be part of a subgroup of only losers is the first step to never leaving that subgroup.

incels aren't losers

Of course not. But if you define yourself only by never having had sex and only that, and you're part of a group that exists only to lament that fact.. The only way to "win" in this scenarios involves leaving said group

Marked as spam for gross generalization.

Of course incels have tried different approaches. If one hasn't, one would be a volcel.

Accusatory threads that generalize

comments don't count, only posts

didn't know why you removed it so i approved it before i read this

Personality absolutely matters but it’s a hard climb to sparkling and magnetic personality from basing your entire self worth on how wet/dry your dick has ever gotten. That’s a pretty irredeemably unattractive way to interact with people. If that’s your operating system I’d almost say just invest in plastic surgery and go the superficial route.

Not necessarily, but ugly people with good personalities have way better chances than ugly people with shit personalities

way better chance

doesn't mean that chance is good or even significant

I am not handsome, but i am very popular because of my personality

how tall

"Popular"? Are you in middle school or something?

Oh is that the wrong term? Im not a native speaker, what i meant is i have friends, people like me and enjoy talking to me, that kind of stuff. And no, im not in middle school, college

Yeah, but do they enjoy fucking you?

Well certainly my gf does... At least i hope so.

Post face

Nah thanks, im not gonna give my privacy up for someone that calls himself an executioner

Seems like you're full of shit then

If you say so, I guess it must be true, you seem like a great judge of character

Because it really, really is

not when you're an incel

Yes, maybe you´re right. When being an incel IS your personality, that´s probably not very attractive. Are you anything else?

No he's literally just an incel. He has nothing else in his head.

you troglodyte

A lot of the people on that sub are literally fucking human garbage in terms of how they speak to people, so no it clearly doesn't.

And again. Everything matters. Looks, personality, money, random chance, smell, time of day.

Wow, so many different animals, all who engage in mate choice based on a set of specific characteristics, and then there's humans - for whom it's all "totes random"!

You should submit that to Nature son. Nobel's awaitin'.

Man is by far the most complex animal.

As a single example, clothing matters very much in humans.

How many animals wear clothes?

So wear nice clothes and see what happens

I do, and I do?

Whenever I wear a nice suit, I absolutely notice different looks from when I just wear an old hoodie and jeans

what a fucking cope

??? Are you seriously saying clothes don't matter?

unless they're unhygienic, they don't impact your standing with women. ugly guy in a suit <<<<< good looking guy in a hoodie.

Average guy in nice clothes >>>>>> average guy unkempt

average guy in suit = average guy in hoodie = average guy in jeans and a white t-shirt

as long as you're not unhygienic and your clothes are not over or undersized, it doesn't matter

Well, you can chose to believe that. It's wrong, but it's your choice.

sad cope. keep wearing your suit and tie in hopes of someone finally noticing you.

What do I need coping for? I'm not a *cel...

neither am i, but you can work as hard as you can, dress as nicely as you can, and still you won't be worth 1/1000th of Chad. just the simple truth

I'm a pretty average looking guy, and the few years I worked out harder, I enjoyed what some here might call a "Chad" life, sexualy, having to turn women down at moments.

Don't forget, for all but the most severe cases, an above average body will elevate anyone to what's culturally considered beautiful, plus you'll get a nice boost in confidence and testosterone, as muscles are testosterone producers.

average guy with muscles becomes better looking than average guy without muscles. in contrast an ugly guy with muscles is overcompensation.

Exhibit A:

Aren't there several species of primates that act as beta as possible to steal the alpha's wimmin when they're off hunting? Wouldn't that mean that alpha Chad's get f'd and beta dudes get the Staceys in nature? I dunno. Just feels bad to say every animal behaves the same, when such a generalization is iffy as best. I mean, that all being said, humans are the most social species there is, so there's infinitely more complexity in our mating rituals than displays of alpha and pretty colors. I mean, we use those too, but there's much more. Much much more.

Aren't there several species of primates that act as beta as possible to steal the alpha's wimmin when they're off hunting?

Stop trying so hard; your ignorance is showing. Well, I mean, more than usual.

that all being said, humans are the most social species there is, so there's infinitely more complexity in our mating rituals

I guess this only makes logical sense in your brain.

Nice. Good constructive criticism, I have seen the error of my ways. You can sleep happy knowing you've changed my life

Which species? Mind letting the audience know?

On my phone atm, gimme a few hours to get home and double check. I was chatting with some of my biology buds a while ago and they mentioned that that behavior existed

23 hours after - you still didn't.

my bad, my dude. I got distracted and forgot about this. From what I can find, I think what my bio grad student friend was talking about were orangutans, since there are males that behave and look unthreatening enough that alphas dont bother fighting them, so non-alphas can just mate with any female that will take them. That's just what I could find in the last 10 minutes or so though. I also found some stuff on male frogs that camp silently next to calling male frogs so that they can steal any female that responds to the calling frog. Here's the article i found the frog stuff in, as well as some other neat animals ( Surprising how hard it is to search "primate acts weak to get female" on google and find a decent result lol.

humans are the most social species there is, so there's infinitely more complexity in our mating rituals

Nice cope. We are not the only species, and despite what people like to believe, we're not that much more social than other social animals. Also, I don't think you know what infinite means.

Not using "infinitely" literally. I apologize if you thought I was.

I don't believe any other known species has our ability to invent and "evolve" as a species through social progress (not some sjw bs, meaning instead furthering of inventions and whatnot). We're not just "smarter" than other species, we're more able to communicate what we as individuals know with other individuals, more or less leading to crowdsourcing progress of the group. I don't know of any other species that does that to the same extent we do. Though I could be wrong

Its so annoying when people ignore context in an argument to make their point. You handled it well though.


This was actually pretty funny. Upvote for you.

I swear half the people on here have to be trolling if they think that the only thing you need to get a girl is looks and nothing else counts. Not charisma or being funny, NOPE never got anyone a girl before.. looks only!


pssst, I'm a seventeen y/o virgin girl.

I really need to learn how to draw. Say what you will, they have some decent artists over there.

This was made by an incel lol

my bad, my dude. I got distracted and forgot about this. From what I can find, I think what my bio grad student friend was talking about were orangutans, since there are males that behave and look unthreatening enough that alphas dont bother fighting them, so non-alphas can just mate with any female that will take them. That's just what I could find in the last 10 minutes or so though. I also found some stuff on male frogs that camp silently next to calling male frogs so that they can steal any female that responds to the calling frog. Here's the article i found the frog stuff in, as well as some other neat animals ( Surprising how hard it is to search "primate acts weak to get female" on google and find a decent result lol.