Chemistrycels, which element is most incel.

56  2018-03-19 by HaramRoastBeefFlaps

I would say the noble gasses are all subhuman as they are all unlikely to form compounds with other elements. However, I would say that Helium, Neon and Argon are trucels. Also a bonus, asphyxiation with inert gasses is the best way to sui when done right

Helium is currycels. Full outer shell with 2 electrons which are close to the nucleus, the electornegativity is way to high for Helium to bond hence it is 100% over.

Ricecels are Neon. Neon is also very stable and there is no hope of it bonding but there is more hope than Helium as the 2nd shell is further away from the nucleus. Neon also reminds me of Neo from the Matrix who is played by Keanu Reeves who is a hapa and Elliot is also a hapa. So it is very fitting that ricels are Neon.

Deformed whitecels are Argon. Argon also has very chance of bonding with bonding with another element however they are more likely than Helium and Neon.

I would call non-deformed whitecels Krypton on Xenon. They are mostly left alone however if Krypton or Xenon is someplace exotic they can sometimes bond with a random Hydrogen slut. Just like how if whitecels went to south east Asia they would get swarmed with roasties.

I don't know much about blackcels but they can be Radon just to round up the subhuman noble gasses. No normies are Noble Gasses.

I would call Fatcel to Normie transformations nuclear decay. Fatcels are originally Uranium with a high atomic mass. As Uranium eventually losses mass due to nuclear decay it can often eventually become stable when it comes to lead. Lead is a fairly reactive element. However fatcels still have scars of the past hence you find that lead compounds is often insoluble in a polar solution unless it is with the super slut polyatomic ion NO3. Also all normies are lead, normies are dumb and as thick as lead and they sometimes for compounds.

Chads are no doubt Carbon. Carbon can bond with almost any roastie element. When a Chad wants a more stable relationship with a roastie he can form a double bond and an even more stable stable relationship Carbon Chad forms a triple bond. Silicon is of course Chad lite, he also has good bonding ability like Carbon but he is not as good

Now we get to the types of elements roastie sluts are. The most degenrate whore is Hydrogen. She just fucking lines up to bond with Carbon and Carbon very often has harems of these Hydorgen thots. Other sluts are Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Florine, Chlorine and Bromine. None are as slutty as Hydrogen sluts though.

The next order of roasties are elements like Magnesium, Calcium, Oxygen and Sulfur. These roasties have probably been with a few carbon Chads in the past. The lucky ones form a double bond with Carbon. Some of the unlucky Oxygens and Sulfurs have to settle and form a compound with shitty unsatisfying normie Lead.

Prime Roasties are Aluminium, Gallium, Nitrogen and Phosphorus. These roasties are virgins before marriage and they either form a very strong triple bond with Chad Carbon. The less attractive Nitrogen and Phosphorus sometimes have to make do with other compounds.


I hate all elements except noble gasses now

What if you are a turbomanlet, but not a curry?

that can also probably be helium

dude where do you live?

I live in the USA.

oh. it's ogre then.

I feel I would be Oganesson: ephemeral, unstable, radioactive ... and weird enough that most people will have never even heard of me.

Fucking carbon attracting all the roastie hydrogens

carbon has 6 protons, 6 electrons, 6 neutrons. proof that chad is satan

Xenon is fakecel. It can form XeF6

Ah so Xenon is /u/dontcomplain1, who pretends his virginity resets monthly


Are you aware what a cope is? Why do you like to feel sorry for yourself and pretend that you are one of us?



You are joking right?

Oh wow....two whole months. That is so terrible, I can't imagine the FUCKING HORROR of not being laid in two months. Please tell the actual virgin who has never gotten laid OR kissed how hard your life is.

Fucking poser. Fakecel. You know what you are? Trash who just wants others to validate how hard your life is. You can't help but victimize yourself, pretending that you have it just as bad as us when in reality, you have no fucking clue kid. Stop being SO fucking retarded. STOP pretending that you have it as bad as incels do. Stop PRETENDING to be one you ignorant, worthless, piece of shit victim.

I am serious

I want to put this xenoncel in the large hadron collider and split it in half

you're xenoncel.


Carbon is chad of life.


Kek, 10/10 post. Also >tfw krypton/xenoncel

I know that IT is made of the compound with the following formula:


Molecular weight: 114.6443 g/mol

ayyy lmao !!

Top kek. This is a 10/10 thread good job OP.

High quality post!

I was in tears by the end. Holy shit, I'm almost tempted to incorporate this into chemistry lesson I give.

Behold Rhenium in tricapped trigonal prismatic geometry. The gigachad of elements.

Belongs in the incel hall of fame, for sure.

Needs more autism bro

You guys are nut jobs

Norman does not know science

most autistic post of the year,i love it!

I figured why not put something that Normans would have no way of understanding.

I am a “Norman” and understood everything as I majored in Chemistry. Nice try tho

what about us tacocels

I live in Chadstralia and only really know about ricecels, currycels and whitecels. I would say tacocels are Krypton/Xeonon.

I remember saying somewhere that I'm brown and some Norman was like what are you talking about females love Mexicans. I then said I'm a currycel and he agreed with me that it's over. Helium currycel fml

Are you aware what a cope is? Why do you like to feel sorry for yourself and pretend that you are one of us?