"The moment you stop trying to get a girlfriend is the moment one will come"

31  2018-03-19 by chubchub17

It's all about being true to yourself bro. Girls can sense your desperation. Just do your own thing and they will come to you.

Implying that I even socialize in the first place, normo. For asocial aspies like me doing our own thing consists of never speaking to other people and keeping to ourselves as much as possible. Doesn't mean we don't have sexual needs, however. Bullshit normie advice only works for other normies/failed normies. They can't even comprehend the lives of social outsiders. Everything is just peachy socialization, working out, and paying bills to them.


This does not happen if you are invisible. Also this was already downvoted by cuck tears brigade, I got your back bro.

Lol I'm laughing at all the posts that immediately get downvoted. Why do people care so much about taking away some lonely dude's internet points? It's not like there are enough threads posted to this sub for any post to be drowned out by being downvoted so much. Not to mention that it all evens out anyways since these people are downvoting all posts and not just certain ones.

Because Inceltears roasties are so physically repulsive, reddit karma is the only source of validation they get in their lives, so they believe everyone else is emotionally attached to it like they are.

Normie here btw, and I might be wrong on this, but maybe the problem is literally the fact don't actually socialize or put yourself out there? I know its difficult as I have social anxiety and I struggle to socialise as well (I can only imagine how much more difficult it is for lads with aspergers) but the point is don't let your condition/illness define the person you want to be.

There aren't many ways or places to socialize if you aren't in work or school.

There aren't many ways or places to socialize even if you are in work or school.

Bills to pay, meetings to attend, work to be done, sleep - unless you want to lose your job from lack of performance.

True but at least you are able to be around other people.

That's the point of my post. That's why normie advice doesn't work for us. And I didn't know that I was a fucking schizoid aspie my first 20 years of life and I still didn't get laid.

but the point is don't let your condition/illness define the person you want to be.

then problem is you can't just magic effects away.

Let me just cast the magic spell here to cure my Asperger's. Oh, would ya look at that! It worked! Now I'm suddenly a social butterfly and swimming in pussy! Holy shit, thanks for the solid advice, my dude!

try phenibut nerd

I socialise all the time. Doesn't stop the fact I'm ugly and anxious as fuck.

Normalfags don't even realize how absolutely moronic that advice is. Can you name a single issue that is solved by doing absolutely nothing? Of course not, but this one specific thing is the exception to the rule apparently. Give me a break.

Tell them we can solve the so called "Patriacy" by doing nothing.

Tbf, the suggestion is not to "do nothing," it's to stop focusing on getting a partner and to develop a social life for its own sake so that you're projecting "I'm a reasonable, well-adjusted person" instead of "I'm sad and lonely and need someone, anyone, to give me affection."

I'm sad

[Here's a picture/gif of a cat,](undefined) hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

bad bot.


Yep, colds

Back when i was a permabulking fat ginger at 18 i tried this just went on with my own life and wanted to see if things would fall together if i was less desprate. Lets just say that nothing happend for 1 and a 1/2 year. Useless advise only works for females unless your Giga Chad Thundercock u have to put in alot of effort to make things happen.

It's true. Once I started to LDAR, I became Chad.

This is code for, "suffer in silence and then hang yourself without causing a fuss".

"The moment you stop trying to get a girlfriend is the moment you will stop caring"


I am mentally broken regarding romance.

At 30 even if a girl showed up I have no idea how I'd react.


when it comes females and romance, I’m mental fucked up because, I’ve been single since I was in my teens.

I have no idea what to do. I would probably treat her like trash

I'd probably ask her what she saw in me and tell her to go find a better guy.


I stopped trying when I was 17 after a brutal rejection. It didn’t work at all. Now I’m 25.

Well, there's some truth to it. Your odds of finding a girlfriend escalates when your mind stops thinking about it. All the people in the comments saying they stopped looking for a girlfriend long ago and yet they are single don't realize that they may have stopped trying to get a girlfriend, but never stopped thinking about it. If your obsess over something, it would never happen.

I gave up on having a gf in 2009.

Was still single the whole time.

Before I attempted dating in my early 20s, I spent the first 20 years of my life doing my own thing and focusing on all other aspects. If those years of me not actively not looking for a SO didn't give natural me results, then what hope do I have?

Bullshit, took me 8 months of trying before I found a womyn who would commit this last time around.

It actually kind of is true. The less fucks I give about the women around me the more they seem to show interest. It's weird how it works but everyone can kinda sense desperation to varying degrees and it's not a good look on anyone.

Yeah I've noticed this for myself too. Whenever I've had a girlfriend is when I get the most attention from other women. I probably try too hard in most scenarios when I'm single.

I'd you're ugly you won't get notice regardless of what you do.

This has been my experience too. The ones I never liked or never gave a fuck about chased me and the ones I drooled over played hard to get. Hate to admit but femoids apparently have some kind of desperation detecting antenna hardwired in them. They can tell when a man is not showing genuine disinterest and when he's just following PUA handbook advice.

This explains why most incels don't find PUA tips useful. They try to their show their cool but reek of desperation and make it obvious that they are faking it.

There's some truth to it, but I think it's more a mental thing. When you're trying really hard to find someone and you don't, it failure is magnified. If you give up and just starting doing things to make you happy, you forget about wanting someone eventually. Then no matter how long after that point is, if you meet someone; it will feel like it happened extremely quick after you quit looking. Even thought it may have been a long time, when it's out of of focus; it feels quick.

I've been waiting 10 years. I promise you, it doesn't feel quick.

But you just said you been waiting...which means you think about it...

You think I've literally been waiting the entire time, and not doing my own thing? Come on, dude. The world isn't some magical fairytale that always works out in the end, and if you think that it is, you're in the wrong subreddit.

You have been craving for a girlfriend all these years. When you crave for something it goes far far away from you. Craving comes from depravity. When you are craving for something, you are convincing yourself you don't deserve it. Stop yearning for a girlfriend and you'll get one.

I had a girlfriend early on in high school. She broke up with me, and my ego couldn't handle it. I became obsessed with finding another girl to go out with me. I ended up convincing myself that I liked pretty much every woman that smiled at me, or even talked to me. I'd ask them out quickly after I decided I liked them, which in hindsight probably seemed confusing an insincere to the women. In turn, this made me extremely nervous to interact with any girls, because "this is has to be the one," and lead me to blow probably the 1-2 chances I legitimately had, due to the induced awkwardness. In college, I was too shy to really even talk to any women, and ended up spending most of my free time gaming with floormates. (I didn't help that I started as a CS major, so few women anyway.) That still didn't stop me from thinking about getting a girlfriend again all the time. The constant worrying about being single didn't really cause me to do anything about it, though. I dropped out of college. Around a year after that, I somehow got a little confidence back, and resumed my high school pattern of fawning over every woman I came into contact with, and asking most of them out, rapid fire. Eventually, I somehow had an epiphany that this was really stupid, stopped obsessing, worked on myself, reconnected with friends, etc. It seemed like the next day, but a month or two later, I had a girlfriend again.

Good story. That's the same place I wanna get myself to mentally. Outside of work, I have my schedule pretty full. I just try to stay busy and it helps to pass the time. But theres still times I think about having a gf. I'm hoping to eventually kill that and pursue another goal full time. I think once that happens, I have a better chance.

While it's not always as easy as sitting at the bar and letting girls flock to you, there is truth to this post. Most of the times I got blamed for "stealing" girls from friends that "called dibs" was because they wouldn't leave her alone and I treated her like everyone else (no special attention).

I always make them come to me.

Also after you get one girlfriend twenty hos try to hop on ur cock

Yeah I think it's bad advice. For some people it could work but iy's just passive, and like you said if your default state is not talking to people then it will perpetuate that.

Even if it's artificial, relationships can be something to work towards, with objectives in between.

It works for women for the most part.

For men, not so much, unless You get your presence known (basically status).

It doesn't work. The only thing that works for a fit is to be forward and direct and approach as many girls as possible.