To all you highschoolcels

74  2018-03-19 by ReadyPlayer15

I just wanted to tell you, DO NOT LOSE HOPE no matter what you look like now, you could look much different, and better in a few years. Even if you ah e never talked to a girl don't let yourself get dragged down this hole. You are too young and have too much potential to waste.


AAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHJAHA,funny...If you have never held a girl's hand in High School,then you are an incel.

Nah, but I am more talking about how much your face can change in a year or so in highschool

It won't change if you are a subhuman.

Bullshit. I was a virgin until college, but after that I've been with too many to count.

Yet you post here anyway? Hmmmm.

Oh, snap!

Yeah, man. I'm just saying that the above statement isn't correct. I was an incel in high school for sure.


If you're 18 and your bones suck, chances are your bones are gonna suck for life.

Is HGH worth it at 16?

Bruh hell no, that stuff will fuck u up

What about roids?

No, start lifting now,as we can make the best gains at our young age

Who gives a shit about lifting? I have a really, really weak chin.

Roids aren't gonna do shit

Is there anything that can actually help or is it all just cope?

Lose weight and lift

JFL @ chew gum. That only strengthens muscles, but doesn’t enhance bone structure.

Oh my God this shit needs to be screenshotted for laffs.


bf% only reveals existing bone structure, it doesn’t make your bones larger. And it’s not jaw definition. The main problem is chin recession.

Cutting body fat help alot This is. One year and 30 pund difference for my face, 15-16 (

The first picture is a great jawline hidden in fat, which is then removed with the 30 pounds. I don’t have the underlying bone structure for a bf cut to make that much of a difference.

I mean if your really that fucked (btw u dont have to be ugly to not do stuff with girls in highschool) there is surgery, chin implants are pretty easy, but expensive

Are you kidding... if that is actually you in these pics gtfo this sub, no way do you qualify as incel based on looks

I'm not an incel, and also 16 year olds can even be incels, and that is me

Forego college for a year or two, and get a chin implant. Getting it done abroad will very likely be cheaper.

Having a really weak chin doesn’t excuse having a really weak everything else.

having a really strong everything else doesn't make up for having a really weak chin though.

Nothing is a 100% solution for any deficiency. Deciding whether improving the 80% of your body that you can improve is worth it is up to you. For me, I choose to try to do the best with what I’ve got.

Heavy lifting increases T levels in men. Higher T levels tend to go with stronger sexual dimorphism, one part of which is a square jaw.

Also, you will lose the skinnyfat you likely have if you aren't exercising, which could boost your chin.

Lifting definitely won't make your chin bigger. Steroids might, but HGH definitely will.

no unless you wanna be balder than ur dad at 16

Don't listen to these norman pussies. Hgh is the nectar of the gods, it makes bones grow in length and width. If your growth plates are open and you're short get on it NOW.

Go watch any connor mcmurphy videos on YT and see for yourself, 19 here and will do roids soon its never too late bruhs. Do your own research on roids, dont be stupid.

Absolutely not. The average human doesn't stop growing until 25.

To highschoolcels: Try till 25.

It still incel at 25, then you're truecel.

Else you're coping too much.

this is the answer


It still incel at 25, then you're truecel.

Hello darkness my old friend.

copity cope.

You’ll know if you’re ugly at the age of 16. If you’re ugly by then its ogre.


‘Shrek, 2018’


Idk man I’ve seen photos of my uncle at sixteen and damn he was ugly but now he’s super fly so 👍

Lol ok bro, I started balding at 14 and my facial features have stayed more or less the same. Only my frame got slightly better. I knew it was over back then.

How overweight are you?

I'm not overweight at all.

Does anyone else in your family have balding present in their youth?

stop interviewing me

Meh, can't save those who won't save themselves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The fucking arrogance on this one

Oh fuck off with your pity parade QQ

Get cancer faggot

Yawn Wow, haven't heard that before? Got anything else? Come on, at least make me a little sad :'(

I would if I didn't risk getting banned. Now go back to interviewing people about their family history while believing you have the answer to their problems and anyone who would reject your shitty advice deserves their situation. Pathetic, arrogant piece of garbage.

This douche is beyond helping good on you for trying though

Nah, he's an alright bloke. Good luck to him and I wish him the best.

Leukemia incoming!

Should have started saving up for surgeryceling. And balding is one of the easiest things to fix. Transplant + fake hair.

I grew up poor, couldn't save any money for anything let alone insanely expensive surgery. And just look at Elon Musk and tell me his hair looks natural. My entire head is subhuman, no surgery can save me.

look at Elon Musk and tell me his hair looks natural

I thought it was until now.

Guess you're blind

If you had internet access, you could make money. Musk is 46 and his hair looks normal in pics, but he's an ugly MF.

Not really

Anyone under 18 in this place, LEAVE AT ALL COSTS

thats fair enough.

this sub is really not for brains that arent a finished product.

No worries man, I'm watching everything from afar.

Kek I used to have a lot of hope when I was younger, but unfortunately I was repeatedly brutally raped by life back to back so I gave up.

Lmao no dude. It's over.

Yeah high-schoolers shouldn't let this negative cesspool consume them. You're young kids, still discovering yourself and have plenty of chances for wonderful experiences ahead. Don't let the incel mentality corrupt some of the best days of your lives. You'll regret this wasted time.

This, in a way. Let young incels enjoy some time before they naturally get blackpilled.

If you're in high school and you're a fat shit like I was, lose it and possibly ascend. I did. Hope that's some lifefuel for those fattycels out there.

Same here, lost 30 pounds over the summer, and my social life good way better, I ahve more friends, went to my first party, got a girlfriend.

Fatcel=fakecel. You were never an incel to begin with.

I guess. Im not an incel by any extent of the term, but I posted that pic showing how much change can happen in one year

You were fat, u lost weight. Incels aren’t fat. There is no change we can make.

A fat 16 year old isn't an incel. He's a volcel fakecel

Whatever, I don't care about that fakecel nonsense, he still isn't having sex while his friends are. At least by 18 that is. Most have had sex by that time I'd reckon.

I'm skinny. It doesn't help.

No doubt, helps some people though. IMO I don't think you can really complain unless you're fully looksmaxxed and continuously failing.

Also if you looked like a slayer in high school get ready to lose all your hair and become a disgusting balding wreck


High test = high risk of hair loss


Increased testosterone + predisposition to hair loss = higher risk of hair loss

Yeah that one

I mean everyone loses their hair at some point so...

yes but not at 18

Too late

For highschoolcels, I have one advice and I ask you to think over it very seriously for an hour.

DO NOT BOTHER WORKING ON ANY OTHER TALENT OTHER THAN GETTING FIT AND GROOMING YOUR BODY. Take care of your skin, your hair, your teeth and go below 15% BF. That is literally the only talent you need to have to get girls. You can play a musical instrument, sketch a scene from dragon ball from memory, edit a youtube video, make a new pepe? Great - no one stacy or betty gives a flying fuck about it. This is my genuine heartfelt advice, do what you will with it.

I can’t agree with that advice, as someone who went through all of school without having any sort of romantic relationships, do what makes you happy. If you enjoy playing an instrument, drawing etc, then go for it. Personal hygiene and taking care of yourself is important too, but don’t throw away the things you love to try and get the things you think you want.

I sorta agree, I should've mentioned that fitness is the only thing that can remotely invalidate the negative aspect of an ugly face. Work on all your hobbies after you're /fit/. Also, I don't think anime, video games and similar hobbies warrant any time. They will turn you into a soyboy or put you on an autistic spectrum.

Lmao, except fortnight, fortnight is the boys

Isn’t it spelled Fortnite?

Also I agree <3

They will turn you into a soyboy or put you on an autistic spectrum.

Bruh, you're on reddit posting on r/braincels ... The highschoolcels are on reddit reading r/braincels ... it's already over.

I know, but it doesn't have to be. Just because everyone is watching it doesn't mean one should. The guy who shot himself with a shotgun live 4 days ago had 301 completed anime series on myanimelist. It is some next level autism. I am kinda glad he didn't shoot up any place considering he was also subscribed to Elliot Rodger on youtube

Meh, I don't think watching anime is all that bad, really. I'm 16 and in high school (it's my last year, it's different in my country) and the most extroverted guy I know is also the biggest weeb I know. Learning Japanese and everything. It's actually funny, whenever "Japan", "Japanese" or anything related to Japan is mentioned by the teacher in class he HAS to say something. Like, literally, every single time, not even exaggerating. Regardless, he surely doesn't have any problems talking to people. Me on the other hand, am friendless and spend literally 100% of my time either on classes or alone in my room, and I don't watch anime at all (other than Initial D and Wangan Midnight, but that's because I'm a prospective gearhead).

Oh and about that guy that an hero'd, yeah, it's fucked up. He probably had some mental issues. He described himself as a "social autist" on a post here on reddit (which is a expression I use to describe myself too...). At least he could make friends online. I can't even do that. Also, the environment he lived in surely didn't help. I looked up his neighborhood from the dox that was in the vid. That shit is worse that commieblocks, tbh. Anyway, maybe it's anime that attracts people like him, and not that anime makes people that way. Many normies watch anime, after all.

Its a feedback loop. Anime, vidya etc provide quick fixes for an idle mind to while time. It is stops a huge part of the brain from working out. It is better to get involved in some activity (solo is fine) where you create content rather than consume it or are a product. Anime in moderation might not be bad, but if it sucks you in, it can get really bad.

Sorry to say, but your friend is an autist. Autists are also people who dvelve on a single topic constantly. This is his future. If he has an open mind and just searches youtube for weeaboo cringe compilations maybe he can get back to his senses.

I highly recommend learning table tennis (ping pong in america). It is very popular among people with average builds and is meant for short people (under 6), chads don't ruin this game, and it is physical enough to stop you from getting fat. Check out /r/tabletennis. You can also make friends. It takes time to get the basics right, but it is rewarding.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/tabletennis using the top posts of the year!

#1: "TT isn't a sport" "No? FUCK YOU!" | 6 comments
#2: Our Saviour | 15 comments
#3: Our Saviour | 5 comments

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cool bot.

Video linked by /u/prophetpepe:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
WEEABOO CRINGE COMPILATION 2016 McMan 2016-01-13 0:15:12 2,321+ (90%) 272,578

Info | /u/prophetpepe can delete | v2.0.0

He's not my friend, I've never even talked to him. Like I mentioned, I am friendless. The thing is, like most people in Brazil, he doesn't speak English. And there isn't a word in Portuguese with the same meaning as "weeaboo", so, unless he learns English AND looks up that stuff, he'll never realize how cringy he really is. And, regardless of that, my point is that it doesn't really matter that he is such a weeb, he can talk to people normally and is quite popular, while I am not weeb and can't talk to people at all. So it can't be just the anime that causes you to become a social autist.

Also thanks for suggesting table tennis, I actually played it in a homemade tennis table with the only friend I had when I was kid. Never really thought about playing it again though. I've got my hands pretty full already. Although I do like playing vidya and have over 4000 hours in EU4 and over 1000 in CK2, the one thing I can say I really love in life is language learning and linguistics, I'm learning French at a language school and Esperanto on my own. It probably stay as a hobby of mine for all of my life. My parents wanted to me to drop it because I need to study hard to get into college (quick explanation: public higher education is free in Brazil and the only thing that is considered during admission is your grade in this, so there's quite a lot of competition).

I didn't do it, but I feel like adding new hobbies right now is just impossible. I even stopped going to the gym because of school, since now I often have classes that go from 7AM all the way to 5:30PM (sometimes with extra classes at night), and my social anxiety doesn't allow me to go a gym in the peak, crowded night hours. But yeah, thanks regardless, maybe I'll consider getting into table tennis again after I get into college and (hopefully) start living on my own.

didn't know about the brazil part.

stop the video games anon. They rot away the brain. You like language learning and can read and understand English, why not pick up literature. Read /lit/ top reading list. Start with Dostoevsky, he writes excellent books on existentialism, something all incels could use. Find a book/writer you like is like finding a friend who gets you, though he has passed away. If you have spare time, might as well invest it in something more useful than gaming. I am struggling with it too. But whenever I finish a book, I feel great. Just have to keep reminding ourselves each day about it.

When they say "talent" they mean cool talents, not boring talents. Status matters. (Looks Money Status)

sketch a scene from dragon ball from memory

aka loser

make a new pepe, can play CS-GO, know who to play Magic Cards, can 50 pokemons

aka loser

have a sense of humor

Pokemon humor is funny to pokemon nerds but nobody else gives a fuck

play a musical instrument

Guitar? Drums? Trombone isn't sexy bro.

These talents are actually NEGATIVE personality score. They make you less attractive. You're better off having no talents than these.

The purpose of talent is to signal status and potential for future money. In college everyone is still developing themselves, not successful yet. Women assume the people with cool talents are the ones who will become successful later.

Boring geek/gamer talents don't signal those things.

Everyone thinks they have a good personality because everyone likes their own hobbies. "look at my pokemon collection and dragonball Z I have such a great personality". Nobody else considers that a good personality.

any example of cool talents? Being fit seems like a talent now-a-days.

Get a gf before high school ends. Once its done, its all over.

That is just simply not true.

Yes it is. Once you graduate high school, the competition for females goes from the guys in your school to every guy in the world.

Also, girls thought it was weird for me to be a kissless virgin when I was 14. Imagine what they think about adults. High school is the best place to get your life partner, because that's when females have the lowest pool of men to choose from and have the least experience. It takes a miracle for a kissless virgin to kiss a girl after graduation.

uhh... highschool is LITERALLY the WORST place to find a life partner wtf

Wrong, it's the best and easiest. It's fucking impossible to get a gf as an adult when you're dealing with all these fucking rich people and Chads who fuck a new female every night.

you seem to be confused and misguided. where are these rich people and chads who hog all the women at? dating once out of HS/college is WAAAY easier.

Right here at my university. Guys brag about how they get new dates all the time, while I have gotten absolutely NOTHING in my 3 years here. NOTHING.

You're probably too privileged to see this and other guys are invisible to you, so whatever.

did u have a gf back when you were in HS?

Obviously not, but I was the closest I have ever been since females at least wanted to be my friend and had reasons to talk to me.

Also, girls thought it was weird for me to be a kissless virgin when I was 14.

Dude that’s cause they were freaking high school girls. That’s how a lot of them get their kicks, making fun of people who are perceived to be below the status quo. Especially grade 9s. High schoolers in general tend to suck less when going into the higher grades, at least in my experience. And then by the time you’re 19, almost nobody cares if you’ve never kissed a girl. I understand where you’re coming from, but don’t tell others that if they haven’t had a kiss after high school, “it’s over”. Your experience does not dictate the experience of everyone else. And neither does mine, but please do not try to drag others into this pit of despair with you.

by the time you’re 19, almost nobody cares if you’ve never kissed a girl.

No. If people found it out, they would see you immensely horribly.

please do not try to drag others into this pit of despair with you.

It's not a pit of despair just for fun, it's a warning that they are on a timer and they shouldn't squander the rest of their high school life. Because if they're still a kissless virgin when they graduate, they're fucked.


No such thing





No it’s not everybody but me has had romantic experiences by 14 at my school

You can't be Incel and less than 21 years old. So they aren't "cels" at all. If you are younger than 21 you are 100% a fakecel.

if you are 1/10 in high school then what are the odds of you climbing out of inceldom? its a 0% chance, so some highschoolcels are infact truecels.

People's appearance change. The wat you look when you're 30 compared to 16 is a major difference.

And there's no shame in being a virgin in highschool. It isn't something to brag about either.

To all inceltears posters GTFO

If you aren't fully formed and still have some growing to do then things might change as you get older. But if you're basically grown and no female notices you exist in high school, then just lol @ thinking anything is going to change.

High school = fakecel. You're just insecure.

Norman often loses virginity in college.

Nah bruh it's over

high schoolcel reporting in


Lose weight and lift


Increased testosterone + predisposition to hair loss = higher risk of hair loss

You were fat, u lost weight. Incels aren’t fat. There is no change we can make.

Lmao, except fortnight, fortnight is the boys

They will turn you into a soyboy or put you on an autistic spectrum.

Bruh, you're on reddit posting on r/braincels ... The highschoolcels are on reddit reading r/braincels ... it's already over.

Right here at my university. Guys brag about how they get new dates all the time, while I have gotten absolutely NOTHING in my 3 years here. NOTHING.

You're probably too privileged to see this and other guys are invisible to you, so whatever.

Obviously not, but I was the closest I have ever been since females at least wanted to be my friend and had reasons to talk to me.