"You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out teeth, but if you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely."

45  2018-03-19 by AntarcticanJam


Heretical filth


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What a massive cope from that poet. Thinking negatively doesn't make you uglier. Depressed Chads are an example that you can still be handsome while thinking negatively.

unironically believing this I'm 2018

So, what you're saying here Roald, is that when you see an ugly person, you already know their personality is equally ugly?

Fucking thanks bro.

You're mixing up cause and effect -- if A then B is not the same is if B then A.

Ugly thoughts can make a beautiful person ugly.

Beautiful thoughts can make an ugly person beautiful.

Ted Bundy has ugly thoughts. Yet he didn't magically turned ugly. What gives?

Normaloids never have a response when you drop the Bundy bomb.

I mean... you're comparing serial killing sociopaths with the general population here. That's like comparing apples and concrete.

Ti see your point but, you could say a similar thing about incels. You're comparing normal looking people with us "subhumans", it's like comparing apples to insects.

Haha, nah. Incels aren't subhuman. They're perfectly normal humans, who, at worst, sound like they're a little confused and upset. I used to be the same when I was in high school, but through a couple of close friends and some tough experiences, and with time, I managed to leave all that baggage behind.

That's normal, almost everyone was awkward in high school, I know I was.

Hobbies are a nice conversation topic, sometimes, depending on what you do... If you're like me and do weird shit like bare metal C programming and DIY electronics as a hobby it's hard to talk about it, especially to someone who's not a programmer or EE.

The thing that separates incels from regular people is our appearance. Looks matter a whole lot. Your formative years can be ruined because you were bullied over your looks, people think you're dumber than you are when you're ugly, a huge list of things apply to incels that don't apply to normal people.

Off-topic, but for what it's worth, I think DIY electronics are freakin awesome. I did EE in college and designed a couple of guitar pedals; it's a great feeling to create something from scratch. It's been ages since I've done any circuitry stuff though, I kind of miss it.

I get the appearance thing. What I don't understand is why would people who see themselves as unattractive add being bitter and negative to the list? If their looks are permanent, being bitter and negative doesn't change anything. It just adds more things to a negative attribute list. If one has beautiful thoughts, the appearance tends to not matter as much.

When your chances of finding someone are very very close to zero, might as well add another bad thing to that list. It's not like love and attraction follows a scorecard.

Personally I'm just too tired to be hateful anymore. After enough years it really takes its toll on you.

Yeah I realized that after, haha. OK so it's just horrendous cope to mislead kids, then.

Lmao at this shit. This is literally the version of "improve your personality bro" for 7 year olds. Imagine telling a first grader bullied for their looks that the reason they are bullied is because they are a shitty person with shitty thoughts.

I've replied to a couple of other people who are getting cause and effect mixed up like you are -- "if A then B" is not the same as "if B then A". Unattractive people who are kind and caring will have that shine through past their physical appearance, and will be seen as beautiful as anyone else.

If it still doesn't resonate with you, that's alright too. I'm glad you at least got a laugh out of it.

The delusion. The retarded over at cucktears actually unironically believe this.



Lmao the author of these series of books hated Jews, Mexcians, also was a misogynist who cheated on his wife with several women, his wife hated him, and his own daughter hates him for neglecting her for all of his life. But OP wants to use him as an example of positivity. JUST FUCKING LOL.

So all ugly people are vile monsters and this is being taught to kids? And I thought things were already bad enough with people stoning me for how I looked.

Someone else had a similar reaction. You're mixing up cause and effect -- if A then B is not the same is if B then A.

Ugly thoughts can make a beautiful person ugly.

Beautiful thoughts can make an ugly person beautiful.

What if you’re just plain ugly?

Yep, because everyone I've ever seen has read through my thoughts to decide that I a, ugly because of my personality. Totally the scenario teehee

that was not the point of the message. The women at the end is obviously homely as well but still radiates happiness and love and therefore is never truely "ugly"

Aah, so it’s just magic. Okay then.

And we’re the crazy ones.

If you have negative thoughts all the time, you'll tend not to smile. If you tend not to smile, you'll look unsociable. If you look unsociable, people won't approach you as often. If people don't approach you as often, or avoid you, you'll start thinking the reason is because you're ugly and you'll label yourself an "incel".

This guy gets it.

Thanks bro.

This guy is actually a she.

Nice bullshit

Sometimes you could just be straight up ugly doe

Doe, a deer, a female deer.

6 :0

Re, a drop of golden sun

more like reeeee

Stop texting and start running😂

This is actually true.

True shit

I have bad teeth so I look even uglier when I smile.

You know what I noticed recently? Male models don't smile, /r/ladyboners don't smile, the chads posted here don't smile. Pics of men that women fawn over generally look grim, angry, or uninterested.

I also realized I look demonstrably less attractive when I smile. Gonna give not smiling a try.

One of the main differences with those models is that even though they're not smiling, they're still posing; furrowed brows, slightly squinting or whatever shit it is that they're doing.

What they're not doing is listlessly staring at the camera with a thousand yard melancholic gaze a la saviour St.BlackOps2cel

(also that bot kinda has your ladyboners example BTFO with the top 3 posts)

Damn bot. I'll take the FDR one on the chin but they are just having a laugh with Goldblum. Now though, and normally, barely any teeth on that sub.

What makes him ugly is the smoking.

Savage smokepill. It's OVER for tobaccocels.

Bottom one is ugly as donkey shit

I'd much rather spend time with the one on the bottom. She doesn't look like she would judge people by their looks and call them "donkey shit".

Still ugly as fuck

Literally looks like a goblin shark kek.

Can confirm, I had positive thoughts for a couple of hours and I transformed from an ugly ethnic manlet with bad teeth and small frame into Sean Opry and now I'm slaying pussy left and right.

Still ugly, by the sound of those thoughts.

not literally ugly though, just to clarify

Sean Opry

I knew I shouldn’t have googled his name but I couldn’t resist. Double blackpill.

Imagine seeing him irl, I would just burn alive from such a brutal moggery.

Clearly a writer of imaginative fiction.

If Roald Dahl were a realist:

One cannot be ugly and have happy thoughts

And it is impossible for a female to be depressed

why is it impossible for a woman to be depressed?

Because waaah, Chad won't pump and dump mee.

Or something like that.

why would that be the only thing women would get depressed over?

There is nothing to be depressed about when you live easy, priveleged life where everything is handed to you simply for existing.

That would be true if sex were "everything". In what kind of a world do you live in where your sex life is the only thing that can go wrong??

Not just sex, also better job opportunities due to obligatory diversity quotas, not to mention that roasties don't even need to work bc beta providers shower them with money and gifts.

you should know why diversity quotas exist. your perception of the world and gender roles is very distorted and I would recommend seeing a therapist. indulging in this community will just fuel your anger and bitterness.

I recommend you to fuck off roastbeef

Depression is a legit disorder. Psychiatrists diagnose mental illnesses by using the so called Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. Every disorder has diagnostic criteria and the patient must meet some or in other cases all of them in order to be diagnosed. People with depression do not eat, shower, have any will to do anything, do not even feel love for their children. They are at risk of commiting suicide or the so called extednded suicide which involves family members because they believe they are saving them from this cruel world.

“Chad won’t pump and dump me” or “BF left me and I was in depression” is simply feeling miserable and has nothing to do with real depression.

I honestly can't believe that this post is unironic.

Normies have brigaded hard

What an utter load of fantastical, blue-pilled bullshit. Thoughts are not made of magic and pixie dust; they have no effect on how you look. Instead, how you look affects how other people treat you, which effects how you think. You have the cause and effect completely mixed up you brain dead goon.

Thoughts can have an indirect affect on how you look. If you have happy thoughts, chances are you'll be smiling. The more happy thoughts you have means you will probably smile more. Several studies have shown that smiling has a positive effect on percieved attractiveness, which means people who smile are seen as (more) attractive. A person smiling is more approachable than someone sulking, which exemplifies social desirability. As whimsical as this image may be, it holds a truth. The truth is that smiling expresses happy thoughts, as an affect or a cause, and that is seen as attractive and or beautiful. No, happy thoughts is not some magical pixie dust and no, it does not happen instantly. It is, however, very possible to achieve this optimistic and happy mentality through persistence and perseverance.

I am not saying "just smile more and people will like you bro." No, it has to be genuine and meaningful, otherwise, it's just a facade that doesn't help or benefit anybody. This whole sub is so entrenched in negativity that any positivity is met with aggressive and defensive reactions that disregard it as "not realistic" or "magical bullshit" or some kind of "pill." If anybody here wants to enjoy some happiness in their life and escape the inceldom, then it starts with thinking positively. This means learning to see things as opportunities and not boxing yourself into a state of negativity with absolutes like "only Chad gets the girl" and "women only want Chad." Wanting a change demands a willingness to change and that is not easy, but it is very possible. What you do shapes your reality and sometimes we need the help of others to do so. Be that positive change you want.

"One's own self is well hidden from one's own self. Of all mines of treasure, one's own is the last to be dug up." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Supporting research studies: https://journals.uncc.edu/ujop/article/view/276 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02699931.2013.817383 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0028393202001458 http://psycnet.apa.org/buy/1993-21547-001

Thoughts can have an indirect affect on how you look. If you have happy thoughts, chances are you'll be smiling.

Ok? How will creepily smiling 24/7 make me better looking? I will not only look like a subhuman, but also look like a mentally handicapped guy who escaped the mental hospital.

If you would have read past the first sentence or two before passing premature judgement, you would have read that smiling increases percieved attractiveness. This is because of two reasons; one, it is socially desirable to smile and two (although I did not mention this in my comment), smiling is a sign of good (mental) health, which is seen as attractive. If your happiness is genuine then smiling will come naturally. There is no "right" amount of smiling because that is up to the individual preference, but smiling will make you look better than someone who doesn't smile.

Perfectly said.

People are more attractive and sexy if they are happy and confident, key word being more... It isn't going to make you attractive...

If you multiply 0 by any number it will still always = 0.

nah. Sad Chad who is sitting in a corner thinking about how hard his life is (kek) will get flocks of women trying to sit next to him. "Teehee I love how cute and innocent you look there chad, let me cheer you up ;)))"


I mean, the smile and colour palette really make the difference.

But it must be the beautiful thoughts, right Road?

They'll yell "I love you!" yet never give you the privelege of getting in that pussy. That's what that life's all about lol

I think I look amazing thanks to this image. Now when can my modelling career start?

the guy who wrote this was 6' 6", not even kidding

captain hardcastle was an incel btw

Feel good nonsense.


Hey you know what I noticed? The illustrator had to visually show the ugliness on the 'negative thoughts' person. The same is not true for the 'positive thoughts' person (they don't improve).

Do you know why? Because children couldn't process the message if the 'negative thoughts' person was still good looking: they wouldn't be able associate the negative notion with a good looking character drawing. Same for adults in the real world.

I'd much rather spend time with the one on the bottom. She doesn't look like she would judge people by their looks and call them "donkey shit".

why is it impossible for a woman to be depressed?

Because waaah, Chad won't pump and dump mee.

Or something like that.

Literally looks like a goblin shark kek.