Why are women like this?

30  2018-03-18 by fatchancebud


They are sluts and they only like a slut’s diseased cock

a slut's diseased cock


Chads are sluts and I hate all sluts


An incel who worships Chad is a cuck

A man can't be a slut. He won, we lost. It's over

Jesus Christ you’re a cuck. Chad meets the definition of slut

Fucking retardcel

Go warm Chad up before he fucks a female, cuck

Groping his balls as we speak

Aside from the obvious hyperbole it's the way virgins are perceived. Female virgins are typically seen as more pure, also you're guaranteed to be her best when you do it. Male virgins are typically seen as awkward and unless the woman has a more dominant personality she's not likely to want to take the lead and show him everything.

yea the dude is still going to celebrate if the girl was shy

Yea but it's a matter of perception of the sexes. Women that are more feminine (shyness is typically perceived as a feminine trait) tend to be seen as more attractive.

Fucking kek

You gotta know how to fuck or fake it, or she'll drop you, most likely. Unless you're Chad of course, but that nigga can get away with anything lol

I don't get the whole "learning to fuck thing"

Like... ok learning how to communicate your feelings through sex might take learning, but just the sticking it in and doing it is super goddamn easy and not even nervewracking or that stimulating.

Really? I had trouble getting it in at my first go lol. I just told her to get on her back and finally sunk on in.

Even if you did have trouble what's the big deal? Like it shouldn't be traumatic for a woman to guide it in.

If you think sex is just sticking it in and doing it, you are probably terrible at sex lol

oh god save me the male perfomativity line

you are probably terrible at sex lol

You do realize what sub you are on, yes?

Yes. Just pointing out how absurd the notion of "not having to learn how to sex" is.

Yep. Incel as fuck and even I understand that women are more than just the hole in between their legs.

I'm attracted to their entire bodies.

10/10 post

Wasn't it you, u/fatchancebud, who liked the Paglia quotes I posted the other day?

Here's one I found within her book:

Woman's body is a secret, sacred space. It is a temenos or ritual precinct, a Greek word I adopt for the discussion of art. In the marked-off space of woman's body, nature operates at its darkest and most mechanical. Every woman is a priestess guarding the temenos of daemonic mysteries. Virginity is categorically different for the sexes. A boy becoming a man quests for experience. The penis is like eye or hand, an extension of self reaching outward. But a girl is a sealed vessel that must be broken into by force. The female body is the prototype of all sacred spaces from cave shrine to temple and church. The womb is the veiled Holy of Holies, a great problem, as we shall see, for sexual polemicists like William Blake who seek to abolish guilt and covertness in sex. The taboo on woman's body is thrle taboo that will always hover over the place of magic. Woman is literally the occult, which means "the hidden." These uncanny meanings cannot be changed, only suppressed, until they break into cultural consciousness again. Political equality will succeed only in political terms. It is helpless against the archetypal. Kill the imagination, labotomize the brain, castrate and operate: then the sexes will be the same. Until then, we must live and dream in the daemonic turbulence of nature.

yea that was me

that's a good way to put it, but she's a bit too mystical here for me


Thanks. I need to look into this.

Bc you can't find the clitoris

it's not our fault god didn't put the clitoris in the vagina

but in all seriousness men are only going to please women as good as women are at pleasing themselves and being assertive -shrug-

Part of clitoris actually is in the vagina. It's called the G spot.

Sex with virgin women is not any fun. My member usually hurts them and there's almost always blood and it's just a terrible fucking experience. Sex isn't good or fun when the other person is writhing in pain.

Be careful what you wish for.

GUYS, I had SEX with a virgin. Guys let me tell you that it is NOT ALL IT'S CRACKED UP TO BE. Take it from me, I've FUCKED plenty of virgins. Guys.



I say a similar thing to starving Africans.

Eating is not any fun. My stomach usually hurts from it and there's almost always burping and it's just a terrible fucking experience. Food isn't good or fun when it’s a little too cold.

Be careful what you wish for.

I guess I didn't really think of it that way.

Sorry man.

what woman is like this? i have literally never seen this before

We've all heard women lamenting the fact that females can be called "sluts," but men cannot. By now everyone should understand the reasons underlying this reality. But I'd like to delve a little deeper into this distinction, and argue that there is a male equivalent of a slut, but he goes by a different name.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

This is a very powerful bit of knowledge, and everyone should internalize this statement. It has more profound implications than you may realize.

A "slut" is commonly defined as a woman who gives away sex too easily. But I think this too precise a definition, for sex means different things to men and women.

The commodity that women have to offer is sex. The commodity that men have to offer is commitment. The sexual game is a negotiation of sex for commitment.

Consider this definition: A "slut" is a person who gives away their good/commodity too easily.

From this perspective, a man can be a slut, not by giving away sex, but by giving away his commitment too freely. We already have a pejorative for such men: Beta Orbiter.

The Beta Orbiter is the male equivalent of a Slut.

The purpose of these terms as a pejorative is to shame those who undervalue their own commodity and thus create an imbalance in the sexual market.

I've heard many men complaining that women have all the power and leverage in the sexual negotiation process. This is simply not true, and shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the truth stated above.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

If a man desires a woman's sex MORE than a woman desires his commitment, then the man may try to offer his commitment in an attempt to secure her sex.

In such a relationship, the man is a Beta Orbiter, and the woman has the power.

If a woman desires a man's commitment MORE than a man desires her sex, then the woman may try to offer her sex in an attempt to secure his commitment.

In such a relationship, the woman is a Slut, and the man has the power.

The sexual game is a negotiation of sex for commitment. Think of it like a classic drug deal stand-off. "You got the money?" "Yeah, I got the money. You got the stuff?" "Yeah I got the stuff. Give me the money." "Nah bro, you give me the stuff first."

Your goal as a man in the sexual marketplace is simply to make sure sex comes before commitment. You achieve this by being valued more highly than you value others. It is important to keep in mind that value is subjective, not objective. To Maintain Frame simply means to consistently hold your own commodity as extremely valuable until others are convinced of your reality. At the same time, you have to view women's commodity as being less valuable than your own, so that you get more of it in the negotiation process.

From this perspective, the traditional path of dating and courtship had some sense to it. In the ideal courtship process, instead of one party unilaterally putting their commodity on the table, it was a slow progression of escalation on both sides. A little commitment here, a little sexuality there, back and forth, until a full-fledged and intimate relationship is formed based on trust.

I've created this simple graphic to illustrate these ideas.

Imagine a businessman giving away his product in exchange for validation. He would not remain in business long. Whether you are a man or a woman, you must guard your commodity. Don't sell it too freely, or you are a fool who is being taken advantage of, and will lose the public's respect. When people see that you value your own product and are willing to firmly negotiate for it, others will respect you for it.

This is a simple game to win once you understand the rules. Value your own product more than you value others'. Convince women through frame and SMV that your commitment is extremely valuable, and that their sex has little value, and they will place heaps of it at your feet.

Women don't care about commitment from incels, lol. They want commitment from chad.

Incels have no bargaining chips and no power.

That's why you have to gain SMV and get as close to Chad as possible.

Waste of time and effort, tbh.

If you are ugly, you are ugly, and nothing you do will improve your looks very much. You might go from a 2.5 to a 3.0, that's still not enough.

The best way for incels to have a sexual relationship with a woman is to focus on money and pay for escorts.

There is a lot you can do to improve your looks. Obviously there are some extreme outliers, people who look deformed and such, but they are less than 1% of incels.

Most incels are decent enough to get laid, but they succumb to passivity and negativity and sit in their room playing vidya and feeling sorry for themselves (like you are doing now).

I've already tried all this self improvement crap for years (I'm 31). Most true incels (not the young idiots that have never even properly tried) have been blue-pilled gone trough an exhausting pua / red-pill stage and ended up here fully blackpilled.

I mean if you literally have never tried than try to improve yourself and properly put yourself out there, go ahead. But personally I found that it was a huge waste of time and effort that I could have spent on things I enjoy much more.

The vast majority of incels on this sub are not 31 year olds who put in tons of self-improvement and failed. They are young 20-somethings (or younger) who hit a speed bump and decided to give up because "there's no hope" self-inflicted blackpills.

And for the record I'm not some Chad, I had to improve myself and become a better man and I've been much better off as a result.

What did you attempt to improve?

We already know all of this tbqh, i just put the title as a clickbait, begone redpiller

stop caring about womens opinions and this shit won't matter to you

Women's opinions are exactly what keep us incel. Try again, troll.

thats almost the exact reason you should stop caring

stop trolling

You replied to the wrong person.

nope i was replying to you.

The second woman I had sex with mistakenly thought I was a virgin, and was very excited by the prospect.

On okcupid I think I've found a total of 2, two, women who are open to being excited to popping a guys cherry compared to the thousands who said they would never want to have sex with an adult virgin.

They exist, but they are very rare.


Im a woman and Ive had more then one conversation with my friends about virgins(ironically I am one....lol) where they expressed excitement about taking a cute guys virginity. Yeah its anecdotal but....

if ur under 20 that could make sense as people aren't done finishing losing their virginity

women in their mid-upper-20s seem to act the most like the pane on the right anecdotally

Im exactly 20, but I think my being a virgin is more a psychological thing then anything else.

taking a cute guys virginity

I see one slight issue here.

What the cute guy? I dont see how people wanting to do sexual things with someone whos specifically cute is an issue.

Because incels arent in the top 20% of men. Are you fucking stupid?

No but I think you are retarded because the original image doesnt differentiate between cute or not cute virgins and my anecdote atleast points out that some women like the idea of taking a guys virginity. All the other factors arent really what the original discussion is about!

Everyone here knows hot men can get lsid no matter what. Being a virgin is no exception. Use your brain

"i'm a woman" HOL UP opinions auto trash now gtfo my sub whore.

Not an argument.

Claims the woman who thinks women can argue lol

What did that end up costing you? It's kind of amazing how easy it is to hire one, now, but I've never had the guts.

A couple decades ago (I'm old) it was considered insulting to assume porn stars were hookers on the side. These days most of them are, and videos on Pornhub, etc. are just marketing.

I'd pay big $ to have a porn star edging my dick for 20 minutes like a Klixen vid, no lie.

I went to a legal hooker in a Nevada brothel. Saw 4 hookers.

And just cuz someone's a porn star doesn't mean their good in bed, it just means they can do stuff that people do in porn (deepthroat and other stupid stuff). The best person in bed was just this random Asian chick.

The porn star was in the 2nd cheapest brothel in Nevada. She only gets $200 per hour, and the house gets $200 for a total of $400. $300 is probably the cheapest you can get a legal hooker in Nevada per hour, with prices in the most expensive brothels going up into 5 digits per hour (it's ridiculous).

Illegal hookers I've never tried but their prices range for $50 for a pump and dump street hooker who probably has 50 venereal diseases, to $200-400 for a medium-end escort per hour

And just cuz someone's a porn star doesn't mean they;re good in bed, it just means they can do stuff that people do in porn (deepthroat and other stupid stuff).

That's disappointing. Every norman says "porn sex isn't like real sex", but since porn sex is all I've ever seen, I figured a porn star would meet or at least come close to whatever unrealistic expectations I have.

Thanks for the cost breakdown, it's hard to get real quotes. That canned line all the girls parrot about why they have "menus" on their websites and not prices has always sounded like I was going to get ripped off. If I do ever decide to do this, I hope I can avoid becoming a cuck as soon as a pretty hooker looks at me.

real sex definitely isn't like porn sex real sex is the land of pointy elbows and navigating around long hair

You are always almost getting ripped off when having sex, either with a hooker or not, because they make you pay for something they enjoy for free. But yea I don't know how menus work with illegal hookers. I just know the girls would basically do anything with me, except half wouldn't kiss me.

I think it would be nice to be someone's first. Whag, you thought all women 100% agree with everything? We are not clones of each others.


Claims the woman who thinks women can argue lol