kinda sad when you think is basically the sum of this whole sub, wanting a woman to come and rescue them i.e the complete opposite of what women actually want
Teaching savage and broody Chad about love is the plot of just about every single romance novel in existence, for fucks sake the idea even makes it into Disney movies. It happens all the time, just not to ugly men.
Basically. If you're ugly, you are a creep and a hateful misogynist who needs therapy and medication. If you're attractive, you are a misunderstood and lost soul who just needs someone to show him the way.
Movies describe an interesting fantasy, or else they'll be boring. Most decently looking ppl, especially men won't get as much attention if they don't make an effort. If you don't reach out yourself, you're limiting your dating pool to only extroverted and relatively "courageous" or experienced people that feels comfortable approaching. If you're really looking then you attract enough people anyways so you don't have to worry about limiting your dating pool, but for normal ppl it's a bad idea.
Exactly. Entering a relationship to save someone sabotages it from the start as one person is putting in a lot more, trying to save someone is exhausting and sometimes even damaging. It's unfortunate that something one side needs is the opposite of what the other side needs.
There's nowhere in the picture that such a thing is implied. What I'm seeing is a girl being attracted to a guy and winning him over.
I'm going to venture a guess and say that your faulty interpretation is an attempt to rationalize an irrational aversion to any sort of narrative in which a romantic relationship benefits a man in some way.
No. It was a response to the commenter above me and their interpretation. A still image can be taken in more than one way.
I have no aversion to relationships benefitting men, though the mental gymnastics you must have done to reach that conclusion must have been impressive.
It was a response to the commenter above me and their interpretation.
Which you were agreeing with.
A still image can be taken in more than one way.
Such as adding implicit details that are not in fact present in the picture. That's exactly my point - your interpretation is just yours, it's based on more than just the inherent elements of the picture.
I have no aversion to relationships benefitting men
I did say it was a guess, and as a guess it's plausible. If you know what really motivated your interpretation, feel free to correct me, but I bet you have no idea and are just going to end up contradicting yourself in an attempt to rationalize further.
My original interpretation was a guy was upset about something and his friend/girlfriend cheered him up by being affectionate and silly. Until I saw the last bit when I realised it was that guy imagining he had someone there fore them.
Then I read the interpretation of the commenter and I could see how the comic could be taken that way.
Hey, if you're so ashamed of your sexist interpretation, then maybe you should just shut up and not talk about it? Because no, dude, your backtracking is not going to make me or anyone else change their mind about you being a disgusting bigot.
I thought it was pretty clearly about a guy fantasizing about having a woman come and dispell his clouds, based on the last panel. It's obviously not an ongoing relationship as he is sitting there alone, shrouded in his clouds just as bad as he ever was at the end of the comic. What's your take on it?
I spend all my time online posting in addict forums talking about drug addiction. Gotta convince this internet stranger that I'm not a sick addict. I mean, if I convince this guy, that means I'm ACTUALLY not an addict, right? Right?
The MOST COMMON romantic fantasy for women is about pirates, vampires, criminals, powerful billionaires etc. that are completely apathetic towards her at first but fall for her after she pursues him enough. Literally the most common fantasy for women is about pursuing a man and ârescuingâ him (taming his inner beast). You are so wrong it hurts.
And yet, any Chad who's like this will have plenty of women who want to come to the rescue of him. It's all down to looks, dude, and I might add, the feelings that we have as depicted in OP are a result of no women desiring any of us, and thus, they wouldn't need to "come to our rescue" if anyone had just given us a chance in the first place.
That is how relationships happen though - people run into each other, like each other, and are hopefully better off for it. Replace the angry cloud with a sad and insecure cloud, and the OP picture is basically my story. And at the end of the day it's no different from anyone else's story except for the cloud part - some people just don't have that big cloud. Hardcore incels, on the other hand, don't get that - they never run into someone who wants them.
Truth is no women would ever make an attempt to dig deeper. She will just enjoy her sunny spoton the surface because she gets anything she needs there. Validation, attention and companionship - there's no reason for her to dig at all.
But the guy in the darkness who is already lonely and depressed has to dig until his fingernails break and his hands are bloody and the female will never make any attempt to meet him in the middle.
I don't think the original comic is about a women rescuing a man, though. That looks like people already in a long term relationship. It's a girlfriend trying to cheer up their boyfriend that's in a bad mood.
Yeah, I don't think women want to rescue men. I know I wish that was the case sometimes, but I don't think it's good when a person in a relationship needs to be rescued. Like maybe it feels good short term, but I don't see it going well long term.
I know that's the culture of this sub, but there's a bunch of "low value" women out there too, just fucking does not make you genetic elite. Maybe (genetically?) superior to the ones who can't fuck, but I'm sorry to reveal to you that most men, the vast majority even, have hidden their penis inside of another human at some point for free
You likely won't, statistically speaking, though this incel shit lowers your chances of getting a girl, it makes you repulsive and stops you from even interacting with women.
Again with the "women can detect your internet history so dont say bad things about them" BS... I don't go up to women and tell her i'm a lonely bitter virgin. If you really think I won't be in that 5 percent then you under estimate my morals and inhibition. I won't be hiring aa prostitute.
Believe it or not, but regarding TGC, it's over already. TGC actually means to get born ugly and be ugly forever. Instead of a sweet death in a "cleansing", you will now be tortured until death by evil women who will deny your every attempt. Your only chance to escape is to prove your worth to them by providing excessively amount of resources for one of them far down in the pecking order, who MAY give you a pity shag before bowing down to the avatar of manliness CHAD.
Bro you're not socializing anyway so just work hard and get rich, then you can just rent the pussy. Then when your chump friends are wrist deep in diaper shit you'll be in Tijuana dicking three strong 8s for like $500 a night between trips to your scarface pile of blow. Being ugly is a problem you can solve with money
A female character who's entire character is based around a guy's shallow definition of a "perfect girl", a nerd's wet dream girlfriend. She plays all the games he plays, likes everything he likes, and probably has a pixie cut or some other radical hairstyle. She probably has a "perfect body" but hides it under baggy clothes, and wears nothing but nerdy video game centric t shirts or ridiculously over the top outfits that are practically costumes.
Not just negative, such girls do not exist in the first place. Exceptions may be gf of chads who are insecure and probably think 'helping' or 'rescuing' a chad from some imaginary problem might bring him closer.
You probably wouldn't believe if that it's one of the greatest pleasure for me to read this subreddit next my gf in bed. Some of my friends do it too, makes it sweeter.
No the context IS that Hal and I discovered that we're both from germany, he explained some stuff about your culture and told me to be nicer. It was just in german. I think Hal is a funny dude. I like him.
And yeah, sometimes I read posts or comments from you guys and feel very happy that I am in a different place in my life.
Das war der Kontext nachdem du ihn daran erinnert hast wie sehr es dir gefÀllt dir auf die Schadenfreude einen runterzuholen und das deine Freunde es ebenso tun.
Your culture
Kein Incel, kann einfach nur keine Heuchler deiner Sorte ab.
If you've exposed your gf to reddit, you're the one in trouble lmao. More so, if you've exposed her to incels. Everything you say or do, she will start thinking that you're trying to game her in some way. No normal person browses this sub (even reddit to some extent), you've just shown your gf that you aren't normal. Good luck. Personally I don't think she'll be married to you for long if you ever decide to marry.
We discovered it together. Incels were featured on or something she saw on Facebook. I like to show her the real crazy posts and then we laugh about it.
Some guys send me selfies and asked for help, I asked them if I can show them to my girlfriend and she gave them advice too. She reads all my posts here. She likes the Tumblrinaction subreddit more though.
You clearly don't know how a functioning relationship works, dude. You can talk and laugh about everything. Nobody is normal, everyone is a freak and weird.
Yes, oh god hell yes! All the time, at least, before I took the black pill. The black pill seems to have had a reductive effect on the occurrence of these fantasies.
I think something like this would had stopped a few mass shooters. Rodger being one, and Cho being a second.
Cho had the opposite happen to him - two women reported him to the university police for "harassment" (Feminist jargonâą). He said nothing sexual or threatening, he was just "annoying" according to the women. I take it they thought Cho was ugly; therefore creepy and threatening. To me, it seems so incredibly petty to make a report to police over something like this, it just seems like a form of bullying by women who use police to target ugly and socially awkward men. One woman got creeped out after Cho's roommate said Cho was a schizophrenic and this prompted her to call police. Nevertheless, the women who bullied Cho by proxy (through the police) greatly attributed to this school shooting. Numerous people had to be sacrifird because dumbass police had to white knight for childish petty whores.
the worst part is the thot who did this must be feeling elated because she 'discovered' the shooter before the shooting. And now probably thinks that the 'creeps' who 'annoy' her are probably going to shoot up a school. She probably has no idea how her actions might've contributed to Cho's actions.
Just The Princess and the Pea type of scenario that you find in Northern Virginia/D.C. white women that attend Virginia Tech - fainting couch leftwing yuppies or sanctimonious utterly fake Christ whores. Society believes in treating women's subjective hypersensitive view as gospel, so to annoy a woman is a crime. Or to ask a woman out at work is an offense to be sued and fired over.
I would be embarrassed to call the police because someone is annoying me on AIM, and I am sure me being male they wouldn't do shit. I even received tons of death threats and never called the police. Why do these bitches and the police like to bully nerdy socially awkward ugly men? I bet the police felt very smug about defending mi lady - they're always in that white knight "save the damsel in distress" from the evil male perp mentality.
You deal with women in this day and age, you will most likely get that dreaded knock at the door eventually.
Why would any self-respecting woman be together with an abusive guy that beats her senseless over small things? Realistically speaking it shouldn't happen, but it happens often.
Women don't care if you're a doormat nice guy or a wife beating bad boy. What matters to women is looks.
Society tells us men approach and women are approached. Men who think they are too ugly to date won't approach women, while women who think they are too ugly to date will still be approached by men.
How that is set up, naturally more unattractive women will be able to date, because while they are unattractive to most people, there will be individuals that find their looks fit their personal taste, or like their personality enough that it will override some of the physical flaws, or they know they are about equally unattractive.
Unattractive men, like unattractive women, have low-self esteem. Neither one believes they are dating material, neither one wants to initiate, but as of right now, the responsibility of initiation is on men. So these men will never approach and they will never be approached. That's why they will be permavirgins. There are women that would date them, but they would have to approach a lot of girls to find that match, and not because they are objectively too ugly for any women.
Below everage women still get aproached or messaged by everage men unless they are ugly + hippo. They have no reason to date down. In the dating world there have to be unwanted shittier men that nobody wants. You could use status and insane social skills as an ugly man, but that is often impossible. The self improvement argument is part if the "just world fallacy" when it comes to ugly men. Its insanely hard to go from an insecure incel to a succesfull social guy.
Yeah, I guess I agree. It makes sense that there are always going to be guys nobody wants. But there are also a lot of women nobody wants since like you said nobody wants to date a fat ugly woman. Though I would date a fat women. Not someone I thought was ugly, but being fat doesn't turn me off.
Anyway, no one said men don't care about looks, or that they care less than women. The point is that women do care about looks.
Besides, how much men or women care about looks is not the same as how they evaluate the distribution of looks of the opposite gender. Women think most men are unattractive, compared to men who see women as a more balanced distribution.
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users.
I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
I feel like it would be dishonest to not preface this by admitting that I'm from /r/IncelTears.
But, yes, this comic has truth to it.
Spending time with my girlfriend won't cure my depression, but it legitimately does make each day better. The same goes for spending time with my non-romantic friends, as well, but my girlfriend's mere presence makes my day better. With a little concerted effort, she can make me feel better about almost anything.
She can't disperse the rainclouds forever, but she's like the sun cutting through them as the storm comes to an end.
I hope this comment has helped you guys in some way; that's the only thing I'm here to do. I'm not trying to brag or show off, I just wanted to honestly answer the question in a way that a lot of people on IncelTears wouldn't.
I love this pic because we can see the guys attitude in the first three panels, aka anger and negativity. The two main things that repel women (aand also create the cloud)
Below everage women still get aproached or messaged by everage men unless they are ugly + hippo. They have no reason to date down. In the dating world there have to be unwanted shittier men that nobody wants. You could use status and insane social skills as an ugly man, but that is often impossible. The self improvement argument is part if the "just world fallacy" when it comes to ugly men. Its insanely hard to go from an insecure incel to a succesfull social guy.
1 geneticwaste43 2018-03-18
1 ForwardTranslator 2018-03-18
Yeah but with me killing the chick
1 Ilovefem 2018-03-18
1 Currycell92 2018-03-18
I can only wish.
1 DankIncel 2018-03-18
We wouldn't be here f we did
1 GoldFuzzy 2018-03-18
how small your wrists?
1 DankIncel 2018-03-18
As small as a starving african child's wrist. It's over.
1 GoldFuzzy 2018-03-18
me too bro
1 DankIncel 2018-03-18
1 naughtygoy1 2018-03-18
kinda sad when you think is basically the sum of this whole sub, wanting a woman to come and rescue them i.e the complete opposite of what women actually want
1 AmIwrong92 2018-03-18
Yikes never thought of it that way.
1 ScionOfTheLion 2018-03-18
This except women will only accept Chad. Anyone below that will only make her feel worse.
1 TheIncelPill 2018-03-18
Actually, women love saving men!
...its just they want to save the disinterest, asshole Chad. Not you, manlet.
1 randomaabetaplayer 2018-03-18
This fuels my hatred for women.
1 dullsite 2018-03-18
Teaching savage and broody Chad about love is the plot of just about every single romance novel in existence, for fucks sake the idea even makes it into Disney movies. It happens all the time, just not to ugly men.
1 BF8211 2018-03-18
Basically. If you're ugly, you are a creep and a hateful misogynist who needs therapy and medication. If you're attractive, you are a misunderstood and lost soul who just needs someone to show him the way.
1 birtopia 2018-03-18
This is one of the truest things ever told.
1 TropicalStormJim 2018-03-18
Sedate the ugly people, thermonuclear black pill.
1 chickensoupyum 2018-03-18
Movies describe an interesting fantasy, or else they'll be boring. Most decently looking ppl, especially men won't get as much attention if they don't make an effort. If you don't reach out yourself, you're limiting your dating pool to only extroverted and relatively "courageous" or experienced people that feels comfortable approaching. If you're really looking then you attract enough people anyways so you don't have to worry about limiting your dating pool, but for normal ppl it's a bad idea.
1 DrFeel_MD_PHD_NOGF 2018-03-18
Boring as fuck post
1 chickensoupyum 2018-03-18
Good thing I don't work in entertainment :P
1 NeedinStitches 2018-03-18
Exactly. Entering a relationship to save someone sabotages it from the start as one person is putting in a lot more, trying to save someone is exhausting and sometimes even damaging. It's unfortunate that something one side needs is the opposite of what the other side needs.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-18
Only if the dude is ugly. Otherwise, women would be more than happy.
And we're only in the position of "needing to be rescued" in the first place, because no woman would ever give any of us a chance.
1 NeedinStitches 2018-03-18
No, a lot of us still wouldn't want to.
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
There's nowhere in the picture that such a thing is implied. What I'm seeing is a girl being attracted to a guy and winning him over.
I'm going to venture a guess and say that your faulty interpretation is an attempt to rationalize an irrational aversion to any sort of narrative in which a romantic relationship benefits a man in some way.
1 NeedinStitches 2018-03-18
No. It was a response to the commenter above me and their interpretation. A still image can be taken in more than one way.
I have no aversion to relationships benefitting men, though the mental gymnastics you must have done to reach that conclusion must have been impressive.
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
Which you were agreeing with.
Such as adding implicit details that are not in fact present in the picture. That's exactly my point - your interpretation is just yours, it's based on more than just the inherent elements of the picture.
I did say it was a guess, and as a guess it's plausible. If you know what really motivated your interpretation, feel free to correct me, but I bet you have no idea and are just going to end up contradicting yourself in an attempt to rationalize further.
1 NeedinStitches 2018-03-18
My original interpretation was a guy was upset about something and his friend/girlfriend cheered him up by being affectionate and silly. Until I saw the last bit when I realised it was that guy imagining he had someone there fore them.
Then I read the interpretation of the commenter and I could see how the comic could be taken that way.
Does that help you understand?
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
Hey, if you're so ashamed of your sexist interpretation, then maybe you should just shut up and not talk about it? Because no, dude, your backtracking is not going to make me or anyone else change their mind about you being a disgusting bigot.
1 NeedinStitches 2018-03-18
How exactly am I being a bigot in any way? In this sub of all places are you really getting offended by a harmless comic?
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
By being ideologically and irrationally opposed to the idea of a man somehow benefiting from a relationship.
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
Yes, where else lmao
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
I thought it was pretty clearly about a guy fantasizing about having a woman come and dispell his clouds, based on the last panel. It's obviously not an ongoing relationship as he is sitting there alone, shrouded in his clouds just as bad as he ever was at the end of the comic. What's your take on it?
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
Who asked you, junkie thrash?
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
If you lurked me gooder you'd see I just like hanginging out with virgins and junkies. I'm not even a little bit of either :)
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
Yeah sure. I hope you remember this comment next time you're craving that high, you pathetic addict.
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
Literally never had that high, you pathetic idiot đ
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
Once again, lurk me better. I barely spend any time posting anywhere
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
Sure buddy.
1 rileymils 2018-03-18
The MOST COMMON romantic fantasy for women is about pirates, vampires, criminals, powerful billionaires etc. that are completely apathetic towards her at first but fall for her after she pursues him enough. Literally the most common fantasy for women is about pursuing a man and ârescuingâ him (taming his inner beast). You are so wrong it hurts.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
yeah, manic pixie dream chicks do not exist.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-18
And yet, any Chad who's like this will have plenty of women who want to come to the rescue of him. It's all down to looks, dude, and I might add, the feelings that we have as depicted in OP are a result of no women desiring any of us, and thus, they wouldn't need to "come to our rescue" if anyone had just given us a chance in the first place.
Your perception is misplaced.
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
That is how relationships happen though - people run into each other, like each other, and are hopefully better off for it. Replace the angry cloud with a sad and insecure cloud, and the OP picture is basically my story. And at the end of the day it's no different from anyone else's story except for the cloud part - some people just don't have that big cloud. Hardcore incels, on the other hand, don't get that - they never run into someone who wants them.
1 Hal_Inceldenza 2018-03-18
Truth is no women would ever make an attempt to dig deeper. She will just enjoy her sunny spoton the surface because she gets anything she needs there. Validation, attention and companionship - there's no reason for her to dig at all.
But the guy in the darkness who is already lonely and depressed has to dig until his fingernails break and his hands are bloody and the female will never make any attempt to meet him in the middle.
1 TordYvel 2018-03-18
And this is why it is called "Survival of the Fittest" and not "Survival of whoever"
1 Hal_Inceldenza 2018-03-18
Survival of the fittest only affects males. Survival of whoever is just the regular female lifestyle.
1 TordYvel 2018-03-18
True words
1 mountainmirror 2018-03-18
I don't think the original comic is about a women rescuing a man, though. That looks like people already in a long term relationship. It's a girlfriend trying to cheer up their boyfriend that's in a bad mood.
Yeah, I don't think women want to rescue men. I know I wish that was the case sometimes, but I don't think it's good when a person in a relationship needs to be rescued. Like maybe it feels good short term, but I don't see it going well long term.
1 Zangano1 2018-03-18
We will never experience this. Its over
1 incelwriter 2018-03-18
miserable and pouty chad would experience that
1 AmIwrong92 2018-03-18
I got to about the 3rd picture once before lol
1 chadbhava 2018-03-18
Looks like piles of money
1 justforlulzandkeks 2018-03-18
1 CuckFestus570 2018-03-18
7th picture checking in!
1 birtopia 2018-03-18
That ânice girlâ would be one of the bastards watching my kind be killed in the masses in TGC.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-03-18
When is it coming? I need to know in order to prepare.
1 birtopia 2018-03-18
But you escaped inceldom because youâre one of the Genetic elite. If anything youâre gonna be one of the ones doing the killing.
1 SadnessMyMiddleName 2018-03-18
I consider you my brother, I will never do the killing.
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
Getting laid is a really low bar for "genetic elite"
1 birtopia 2018-03-18
He was âmentalcelâ, it just took him a bit longer. He wasnât even 18 yet.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
I mean that's a reasonable high bar for a man unless you include prostitutes.
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
I know that's the culture of this sub, but there's a bunch of "low value" women out there too, just fucking does not make you genetic elite. Maybe (genetically?) superior to the ones who can't fuck, but I'm sorry to reveal to you that most men, the vast majority even, have hidden their penis inside of another human at some point for free
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
I highly doubt that.
1 fuckitidunno 2018-03-18
It's a high bar for incels because they have a hard time grasping the concept that less than 5% of all men die as virgins.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
But we will be the 5 percent... That number is only so low because of postitutes.
1 fuckitidunno 2018-03-18
You likely won't, statistically speaking, though this incel shit lowers your chances of getting a girl, it makes you repulsive and stops you from even interacting with women.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
Again with the "women can detect your internet history so dont say bad things about them" BS... I don't go up to women and tell her i'm a lonely bitter virgin. If you really think I won't be in that 5 percent then you under estimate my morals and inhibition. I won't be hiring aa prostitute.
1 fuckitidunno 2018-03-18
No, they just detect your lack of social skills and inability to hide your distaste of them.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
Trust me, when I approach a girl they aren't seeing anything past my desperation and maybe a bit of my disappointment at what I have to settle for.
1 probably_not_serious 2018-03-18
Why do you think he needs to prepare? Mass murder takes planning to be effective.
1 TordYvel 2018-03-18
Believe it or not, but regarding TGC, it's over already. TGC actually means to get born ugly and be ugly forever. Instead of a sweet death in a "cleansing", you will now be tortured until death by evil women who will deny your every attempt. Your only chance to escape is to prove your worth to them by providing excessively amount of resources for one of them far down in the pecking order, who MAY give you a pity shag before bowing down to the avatar of manliness CHAD.
1 PM_ME_UR_SHITS_GIRL 2018-03-18
Bro you're not socializing anyway so just work hard and get rich, then you can just rent the pussy. Then when your chump friends are wrist deep in diaper shit you'll be in Tijuana dicking three strong 8s for like $500 a night between trips to your scarface pile of blow. Being ugly is a problem you can solve with money
1 TordYvel 2018-03-18
I like this discussion, I don't even know who is serious
1 ToFapNoMorelsTheGoal 2018-03-18
What's TGC?
1 SnowMan878 2018-03-18
fake news
1 FinalBacker 2018-03-18
i hate myself now
1 TehJimmyy 2018-03-18
i hate myself after wanking to porn.
1 __vs__ 2018-03-18
everyone does
1 AjitPaiFan 2018-03-18
That's why you aren't supposed to use pornography
I don't even own a pornograph.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
Lucky for you I'm an expert pornographer, you see the pornograph is a wonderful invention combining porn and data graphs for optimal office usage.
1 ricoue 2018-03-18
Can I see a picture of your nose?
1 TheFishSeattle 2018-03-18
The disks are way too expensive now. I just use the Sears catalog.
1 TheMubarak1 2018-03-18
You know Wojak has a pretty face and skull. I can't relate
1 marcin_koniecki 2018-03-18
but he's a baldcel
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
This phenomenon has a name. Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
From urban dictionary:
1 AjitPaiFan 2018-03-18
1 observingatdistance 2018-03-18
I plan to watch all the movies in that list. maybe i'll be able to create a tulpa which has similar characteristics.
1 Currycell92 2018-03-18
Scott pilgrim vs the world is one such example
1 profHoneybee 2018-03-18
that's not the technical definition or at least the original one
it has more to do with the girl's bubbly personality and endless optimism lifting the depressed protagonist out of a slump
1 derivur 2018-03-18
such girls DO exist, but guess what? They only want Chad.
1 telluwhut 2018-03-18
More like they just don't want to spend their time around negative people. Can't blame 'em.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
Not just negative, such girls do not exist in the first place. Exceptions may be gf of chads who are insecure and probably think 'helping' or 'rescuing' a chad from some imaginary problem might bring him closer.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
Yes. Thats true.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
They do exist, my girlfriend is kinda like that. But if you're ugly? Best case, they ignore you.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
stopped reading right there. OUT!
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Just trying to help and understand.
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
For fucks sake.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Aw come on. At least show the context, you little creep. Should I just let eat words like cunt, faggot and n***** and smile?
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
The context was FoetusCorruptus being a needless twat as always, and you joined in to shit on Hal from what I see.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
No the context IS that Hal and I discovered that we're both from germany, he explained some stuff about your culture and told me to be nicer. It was just in german. I think Hal is a funny dude. I like him. And yeah, sometimes I read posts or comments from you guys and feel very happy that I am in a different place in my life.
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
Das war der Kontext nachdem du ihn daran erinnert hast wie sehr es dir gefÀllt dir auf die Schadenfreude einen runterzuholen und das deine Freunde es ebenso tun.
Kein Incel, kann einfach nur keine Heuchler deiner Sorte ab.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Genau. Und davor habe ich geschrieben dass ich nur ehrlich bin.
Die meisten incels können mich nicht leiden, Frauen umso mehr. Ich kann damit gut leben. Ihr seid ein guter Anti-Ratgeber.
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
Und genau das meine ich.
Hör auf scheiĂe zu labern. Du bist hier um anzugeben und um dich ĂŒber die Leute hier lustig zu machen.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Absolut richtig. Hier meine reddit Marke und mein Dienstausweis.
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
Nutzer wie du machen alles hier nur noch schlimmer fĂŒr leute wie Hal.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
If you've exposed your gf to reddit, you're the one in trouble lmao. More so, if you've exposed her to incels. Everything you say or do, she will start thinking that you're trying to game her in some way. No normal person browses this sub (even reddit to some extent), you've just shown your gf that you aren't normal. Good luck. Personally I don't think she'll be married to you for long if you ever decide to marry.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
We discovered it together. Incels were featured on or something she saw on Facebook. I like to show her the real crazy posts and then we laugh about it. Some guys send me selfies and asked for help, I asked them if I can show them to my girlfriend and she gave them advice too. She reads all my posts here. She likes the Tumblrinaction subreddit more though.
You clearly don't know how a functioning relationship works, dude. You can talk and laugh about everything. Nobody is normal, everyone is a freak and weird.
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-18
Yes, oh god hell yes! All the time, at least, before I took the black pill. The black pill seems to have had a reductive effect on the occurrence of these fantasies.
1 genetic_scrap 2018-03-18
Pouty and brooding Chad: "Aww, you poor thing. I want to save you."
Incel: "You should smile more." makes no difference
But do go on thinking that it's not about looks.
1 rasputin2078 2018-03-18
this level of coping is disgusting
1 edefaecam 2018-03-18
I think something like this would had stopped a few mass shooters. Rodger being one, and Cho being a second.
Cho had the opposite happen to him - two women reported him to the university police for "harassment" (Feminist jargonâą). He said nothing sexual or threatening, he was just "annoying" according to the women. I take it they thought Cho was ugly; therefore creepy and threatening. To me, it seems so incredibly petty to make a report to police over something like this, it just seems like a form of bullying by women who use police to target ugly and socially awkward men. One woman got creeped out after Cho's roommate said Cho was a schizophrenic and this prompted her to call police. Nevertheless, the women who bullied Cho by proxy (through the police) greatly attributed to this school shooting. Numerous people had to be sacrifird because dumbass police had to white knight for childish petty whores.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
the worst part is the thot who did this must be feeling elated because she 'discovered' the shooter before the shooting. And now probably thinks that the 'creeps' who 'annoy' her are probably going to shoot up a school. She probably has no idea how her actions might've contributed to Cho's actions.
1 edefaecam 2018-03-18
Just The Princess and the Pea type of scenario that you find in Northern Virginia/D.C. white women that attend Virginia Tech - fainting couch leftwing yuppies or sanctimonious utterly fake Christ whores. Society believes in treating women's subjective hypersensitive view as gospel, so to annoy a woman is a crime. Or to ask a woman out at work is an offense to be sued and fired over.
I would be embarrassed to call the police because someone is annoying me on AIM, and I am sure me being male they wouldn't do shit. I even received tons of death threats and never called the police. Why do these bitches and the police like to bully nerdy socially awkward ugly men? I bet the police felt very smug about defending mi lady - they're always in that white knight "save the damsel in distress" from the evil male perp mentality.
You deal with women in this day and age, you will most likely get that dreaded knock at the door eventually.
1 telluwhut 2018-03-18
Why would any self-respecting woman want to try to cut through your clouds of negativity?
1 TropicalStormJim 2018-03-18
Why would any self-respecting woman be together with an abusive guy that beats her senseless over small things? Realistically speaking it shouldn't happen, but it happens often.
Women don't care if you're a doormat nice guy or a wife beating bad boy. What matters to women is looks.
1 mountainmirror 2018-03-18
Wait, don't looks matter to men more than women? I thought that was the stereotype.
1 TropicalStormJim 2018-03-18
Then how come deformed women don't struggle to get boyfriends but sub-4 men are often permavirgins?
1 mountainmirror 2018-03-18
Society tells us men approach and women are approached. Men who think they are too ugly to date won't approach women, while women who think they are too ugly to date will still be approached by men.
How that is set up, naturally more unattractive women will be able to date, because while they are unattractive to most people, there will be individuals that find their looks fit their personal taste, or like their personality enough that it will override some of the physical flaws, or they know they are about equally unattractive.
Unattractive men, like unattractive women, have low-self esteem. Neither one believes they are dating material, neither one wants to initiate, but as of right now, the responsibility of initiation is on men. So these men will never approach and they will never be approached. That's why they will be permavirgins. There are women that would date them, but they would have to approach a lot of girls to find that match, and not because they are objectively too ugly for any women.
1 Madeon929 2018-03-18
1 Nobodykers 2018-03-18
Below everage women still get aproached or messaged by everage men unless they are ugly + hippo. They have no reason to date down. In the dating world there have to be unwanted shittier men that nobody wants. You could use status and insane social skills as an ugly man, but that is often impossible. The self improvement argument is part if the "just world fallacy" when it comes to ugly men. Its insanely hard to go from an insecure incel to a succesfull social guy.
1 mountainmirror 2018-03-18
Yeah, I guess I agree. It makes sense that there are always going to be guys nobody wants. But there are also a lot of women nobody wants since like you said nobody wants to date a fat ugly woman. Though I would date a fat women. Not someone I thought was ugly, but being fat doesn't turn me off.
1 Claymore-2000 2018-03-18
Wait, don't looks matter to men more than women? I thought that was the stereotype. looks don't matter as much for men
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
lurk moar my friend
1 kta2 2018-03-18
Stereotypes aren't always true...
Anyway, no one said men don't care about looks, or that they care less than women. The point is that women do care about looks.
Besides, how much men or women care about looks is not the same as how they evaluate the distribution of looks of the opposite gender. Women think most men are unattractive, compared to men who see women as a more balanced distribution.
1 FatFingerHelperBot 2018-03-18
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
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1 JaJammerJan 2018-03-18
Exactly, there's no hope for incels left. If you don't have the looks, you better have the personality of Jesus himself.
It's over, time for the rope buddies.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
Lmao, that ain't getting you anywhere. Better have the personality of a rapper who has done 5 pending criminal cases against him and has done time.
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Cause I look good.
1 telluwhut 2018-03-18
Well there you go!
1 sc2isadeadgame 2018-03-18
clearly the problem is that women have too much self-respect
1 telluwhut 2018-03-18
Some do. Some donât.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
I don't know, you should ask those women who do the exact thing you said, for chads.
1 telluwhut 2018-03-18
There are some chads out there with personality flaws, but self-pity isnât one of them.
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
1 Omnisens 2018-03-18
did you forget that mental illnesses exist
1 Nobodykers 2018-03-18
Its very hard to have selfpity when you are good looking. Just open tinder.
1 jotaro_kuj0 2018-03-18
Every fucking day !
1 Darkmayr 2018-03-18
I feel like it would be dishonest to not preface this by admitting that I'm from /r/IncelTears.
But, yes, this comic has truth to it.
Spending time with my girlfriend won't cure my depression, but it legitimately does make each day better. The same goes for spending time with my non-romantic friends, as well, but my girlfriend's mere presence makes my day better. With a little concerted effort, she can make me feel better about almost anything.
She can't disperse the rainclouds forever, but she's like the sun cutting through them as the storm comes to an end.
I hope this comment has helped you guys in some way; that's the only thing I'm here to do. I'm not trying to brag or show off, I just wanted to honestly answer the question in a way that a lot of people on IncelTears wouldn't.
1 areallynicebean 2018-03-18
I love this pic because we can see the guys attitude in the first three panels, aka anger and negativity. The two main things that repel women (aand also create the cloud)
1 suffercure101 2018-03-18
you got fucking cancer????? just laugh it up m8 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
1 reallyuglyasianguy 2018-03-18
My entire ducking life
1 birtopia 2018-03-18
He was âmentalcelâ, it just took him a bit longer. He wasnât even 18 yet.
1 __vs__ 2018-03-18
everyone does
1 AjitPaiFan 2018-03-18
That's why you aren't supposed to use pornography
1 DankIncel 2018-03-18
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-18
I mean that's a reasonable high bar for a man unless you include prostitutes.
1 Carkudo 2018-03-18
By being ideologically and irrationally opposed to the idea of a man somehow benefiting from a relationship.
1 ricoue 2018-03-18
Can I see a picture of your nose?
1 prophetpepe 2018-03-18
1 Madeon929 2018-03-18
1 HenryStrenner 2018-03-18
Genau. Und davor habe ich geschrieben dass ich nur ehrlich bin.
Die meisten incels können mich nicht leiden, Frauen umso mehr. Ich kann damit gut leben. Ihr seid ein guter Anti-Ratgeber.
1 VonMagnar 2018-03-18
Nutzer wie du machen alles hier nur noch schlimmer fĂŒr leute wie Hal.
1 jimjimjim420420 2018-03-18
Yes, where else lmao
1 Omnisens 2018-03-18
did you forget that mental illnesses exist
1 Nobodykers 2018-03-18
Its very hard to have selfpity when you are good looking. Just open tinder.
1 Nobodykers 2018-03-18
Below everage women still get aproached or messaged by everage men unless they are ugly + hippo. They have no reason to date down. In the dating world there have to be unwanted shittier men that nobody wants. You could use status and insane social skills as an ugly man, but that is often impossible. The self improvement argument is part if the "just world fallacy" when it comes to ugly men. Its insanely hard to go from an insecure incel to a succesfull social guy.