Board_Gaming (Jupiter) surrounded by cuckfestus(orbiter 1), AnathematicAsshole (orbiter 2) and two cucktears cucks (orbiter 3 and 4). 100% to scale

65  2018-03-18 by Not_unique_enuf


she almost killed superman last night, and I'm disappointed to see she's still around

How so

you gotta look at his gay thread where he said he was crying or something, she said some shit that was sui fuel

Gay thread? Dude was in pain and fishing for attention. How's that gay, exactly?


his gay thread

Holy shit I can't stop laughing

I never "almost killed" anyone. Stop exaggerating.

smh, see fellas? they'll just flat out deny that they're trying to kill us

the fact is you pushed superman a little closer to the ropes with your insensitive normie comment, and if he went through with it, the blood would've been on your beef flaps ya bitch

I never pushed anyone closer to anything. Stop with the "incel" propaganda. The only reason people do what they do is because of issues internally to themselves.

wow, cold blooded murderer here. I'm sure if more incels lacked the fortitude, you would've claimed more lives

If he commits suicide. You killed him!

Never thought i would witness a serial killer irl

God I'm just a normie lurker but you seriously get alot of hate. From what I've read you do alot of work on here. Oh well

Yeah, well, weirdly enough, the incels utterly despise the only woman that will interact with them, so

There are other women that post on this sub that are also despised by Incels. I'm not the only one.

Honestly? I figured they ran all the others off

Board_Gaming is sadomasochistic but don't make yourself and others into drama queens.

Shut the fuck up

Stop bullying

Fight fire with fire

Yes you did.

How can I be a mod on here?


I think her roast is showing in that picture.

Sorry about that.


Why does Braincels have a roastie mod that used to post on CuckTears? Braincucks banned in 3...2...1...

She still posts on cucktears

Where have I made a thread recently on that sub?

You made it with your other accounts obviously. JUST LOL

Hi there. I hope these guys aren't getting to you.

She can just leave but no....she is an attention seeking narcissistic psychopath who feeds from all this attention. Getting fatter and fatter everyday.

She tried to kill two incels already. She is a confirmed psychopath. Look at every single one of her replies. Robotic and emotion less.

Isn’t calling it cucktears calling incels cucks? Since incel tears = cucktears, incel = cucks

Cuck spotted

Or am an Incel?

Same thing right?

We all the same boyo. I am you and you are me.

Is the brown one me?

Fuck of normcunt

this shit makes me laugh so hard tbh lmao


Good look putting that fat ass in a cell


Nature is awesome.

Isn't /u/Chef_Lamar also an orbiter?

No, he orbits his dog.

True, but hasn't he been asking you for pics and stuff?

Several people want to see what I look like.

I bet you're one of Saint blackops2cel's most Stacylike of creations. ;)

I'll be the first incel to smash that gas giant, mark my words.

Godspeed brother! Stblackops2cel won't disapprove.

If we can achieve holy union under Saint blackops2cel my heart will soar.


I don't know why anyone would orbit Board_Gaming. Every comment I read by her is boring.

Then it's best you don't read them.

Kinda hard when you reply to me.

All women have orbiters, no matter how ugly they are.

I don't :feelsbadman:

Hahahahahaha. That is so mean.

Several people want to see what I look like.