Pure suicide fuel enter at your own peril

98  2018-03-18 by Zyzz123


Betas get cucked

This is life fuel

Ain't that a bitch. What's that about love, now?

Where is bbw_ gaming lol.

this is life fuel for her. she can get a beta to stay with her now, and hold her hand through her weight loss regiment, and then she'll leave him when she's fit and ready to chad chase

That's ridiculous.

rip stagetail

"Women love their beta cuck husbands, they're not settling!"


Why would she willingly stay with a fat enabler? Why would she stay with someone who let her become a fat pig?

She clearly has more motivation than her husband

Lol, what proof do you have that her husband was a fat enabler? He could be a genuine guy who loved her for who she was, but she dumped him the moment she became more attractive and realised she didn't have to settle.

Because he was complicit in her moving backwards as a person. People who actually love eachother don't let eachother get horrifically obese

Because he was complicit in her moving backwards as a person.

Again, what proof do you have? She's had three children, it's not unusual for women to gain weight. The guy could've wanted her to lose weight as well, but he didn't bring it up because he didn't want to argue with his wife. Or like I said, maybe he didn't care about what she looked like as long as she was happy?

People who actually love eachother don't let eachother get horrifically obese

She wasn't horrifically obese, lol.

Why are you automatically assuming that he is a virtuous male who dindu nothin?

I've seen plenty of relationships fall apart (and have ended many) because one half of the relationship wasn't supporting the other.

One person let the other person gain a shit ton of weight and let their grades slip and etc. it doesn't show that they unconditionally love you, it shows that they are enablers and yes men who may have your best interests in mind, but do not Give enough of a fuck to actually help you forward.

Why are you automatically assuming that he is a virtuous male who dindu nothin?

Why are you automatically assuming that he is a fat enabler?

I've seen plenty of relationships fall apart (and have ended many) because one half of the relationship wasn't supporting the other.

Irrelevant to this relationship.

One person let the other person gain a shit ton of weight and let their grades slip and etc. it doesn't show that they unconditionally love you, it shows that they are enablers and yes men who may have your best interests in mind, but do not Give enough of a fuck to actually help you forward.

She could've been overweight when entering the relationship, therefor not really gaining much weight. She wasn't so fat that she couldn't take care of herself, so there's literally no proof that he was enabling her. She was a grown woman, it was her choice to get fat. The guy isn't at fault and isn't an enabler because his wife was fat or got fat.

Only reason that idiot thinks he has to have been an enabler is muh just world. That woman just couldn't possibly be a piece of shit; it has to have been someone else's fault. What a moron.

Why would she willingly stay with a fat enabler?

Yes, why would women stay with guys that love them for their personality instead of their looks?

Looks=everything, its over

Why would she stay with someone who let her become a fat pig?

Who says she wasn't already fat?

Maybe "become" isn't the right word More like "stay" obese

Boy, ugly men just can't win, can we? Castrate ourselves by giving in to the fat acceptance movement, accept a bitch for being who she is despite being beached, and we are enabling pieces of shit. Tell a bitch to lose weight because it's unhealthy for her and makes her unattractive, and we're shallow pieces of shit.

It's over.

Wow, different people having different opinions on social issues?

Women aren't one individual. Some women want to not be fat. Some women just want to be able to accept being fat. Shit is complex, and all you're seeing is the black and the white. It's over for people who wouldn't know nuance if it was on a fucking giant neon arrow

Maybe he didn't and that helped her change

The beta-cuck's dilemma. If the guy goads the women to lose weight, he's dismissed as a "fat-shamer". Else he's dismissed as a "fat-enabler.

You won't see many people calling him a fat enabler. I called him that because I understand what it's like (I lost 50kg, no thanks to my then girlfriend)

Footballer would fly her down to Melbourne...damn, and I'll got is an invisible moped.

As a fat drug addict women shat on me. No, that's wrong. They wouldn't even shit on me, I was a ghost to them.

Then I got sober, lost 20 kg and went to the gym. Suddenly women spoke to me, flirted with me and fucked me. That was six years ago, didn't know the term blackpill then, but I got very cynical.

Yes I've been blackpill for over a decade

Fatcel turned Chad. Nice work man!

Never thought I'd get a compliment here, thanks dude. Fatcels = vocels, right?

Not guaranteed but For the most part yes, you can't really show your true face with layers of fat covering it. Plus unfit body aesthetic in general is unattractive for men.

props for being real after the fact. i'm chadlite and have had my fun, but was well exposed to the reality of lookism and the back pill beforehand. i'm pretty volcel these days because it all depresses me too much to care.

I mean as long as you're satisfied with what you experienced, it's okay right? And if you wanted to, you could get in shape again.

not sure we're on the same track here. i'm in shape and work out all the time. i'm sayin i'm literally not having sex voluntarily at this point because the reality of looks and height being huge factors in dating has stunted my will to invest in it anymore. i think people are shallow and don't care about what matters, and i don't trust another woman enough to date her because she could easily pull something like what we saw in this post. i'm just done, i fucking hate this world.

Ah okay, sorry, I thought you were out of shape. English is my second language, should have read it more thorough. I can understand you, but I got always lucky with women. Most of the time they were nice and caring, and I like to date. It's fun for me. Sure you got these weird girls or crazy cougars, but that can be fun too. I'm 31 years old now, so I won't look good for long now. I'm preparing for the last nice time.

Same with me. I was 125lbs and was ugly. Now I'm 170lbs and have had maxillofacial surgery it's amazing how differently women treat you.

so a normie went to chad level and left his roastie

Imposter syndrome is a common issue among artists who have no reference except the greats to compare their own work to.

The same thing applies to your perception of self which is a lot more of a creation than many might imagine.

1st of all, there are easy ways to make a person gross. And then there's the opposite which is where a guy just has a really goofy style, or is overweight/too scrawny which might be easy or hard to overcome.

There are factors that can definitely make you look bad obviously. That's not the question.

I can make an ugly face in one picture and take it at a terrible angle or I can make a good face and take it at a flattering angle.

Beyond that there are attractive people who just are not photogenic. And on the other hand there are people who even when they look fine in photographs, are even more attractive in motion.

The fact that the stars can along and you can find people who have called others ugly online isn't a surprise to anyone.

There was a post recently titled something like "I'm done with this place" where op talked about how he posted pictures where he was rated a 3 and then later on posted another where he was simply smiling and it shot up 2 points. He then questioned how it was possible if all this was objective that smiling could change his objective value by a solid 2 points?

I wish I saved it but hopefully you came across it too.

There are so many factors that make looms subjective. It isn't only women judging men, it's also how men judge themselves and express that judgment unconsciously

you dumbass, the comments literally says don't smile


Yea maybe he had a creepy smile. I can smile like a serial killer or like I'm really lit.

Can't you?

And some people have really fake smiles whichook creepy if they aren't really used to genuinely smiling unfortunately.

But that can also be worked on

smh just run genuine smile game

That is a lot more complex than you might think.

I'm sure you have seen fake smiles and seen people who look depressed even when they didn't seem to have a specific facial expression.

When we stare into another face it's as if we are staring in the mirror. The subtle cues that we see stroke our mirror neurons which form empathy circuits.

If someone else looks like you would look when you are miserable or upset, you're going to think they look unattractive.

let me run smiling game and let you know smh

Even your resting facial expression is something that reflects and conveys your emotional state.

Sigh. How are you even getting upvotes. So if I have negative canthal telt with naturally baggy eyes, my emotional state must always be depressed/lazy/tired right?

Wtf is this normie shit. What you are basically saying is that if you are ugly from the outside, then that's because you are somehow ugly on the inside LOOOOL.

'the misogyny is visible on your facial bone structure'

lol man, i hope ur being sarcastic wtf is this shit.

Even your resting facial expression is something that reflects and conveys your emotional state.

Sigh. How are you even getting upvotes. So if I have negative canthal telt with naturally baggy eyes, my emotional state must always be depressed/lazy/tired right?

That doesn't involve your facial muscles. Your set of facial muscles are basically an ever versatilemask over your skull.

Wtf is this normie shit. What you are basically saying is that if you are ugly from the outside, then that's because you are somehow ugly on the inside LOOOOL.

'the misogyny is visible on your facial bone structure'

lol man, i hope ur being sarcastic wtf is this shit.

You're just choosing easy answers that allow you to excuse everything as being out of your hands

Ugliness is a facial expression and way of communicating that you are subhuman and worthless.

Sordoni and Roger were ugly on the inside. Even most men could feel the slime through the digital air as you watch their videos.

If a "Chad" switched consciousness with any of those two men he'd probably be confused, but you would see those two men get laid.

That's what personality is. It's the outward expression of who you are.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH. Holy fuck you are delusional. Seek therapy.

http://i.imgur.com/TPjqOkC.jpg Women can feel the right guy's terrible personality right? If only he was a more loving person, he would have broad shoulders like the guy on the left.

http://i.imgur.com/DHTvtRM.jpg?1 Same with this guy, look at the guy on the right and his terrible woman-hating personality. It's what causes him to have a small skull and be unattractive.

http://i.imgur.com/yx531eV.png Here again, guy on the right has a horrible personality which impaired his growth. Awful human being deserves to get cheated on by his gf.

HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH. Holy fuck you are delusional. Seek therapy.

Dude you guys constantly show pictures of guys who date up and then half of you accuse everyone of being rich while the other half asked how they do it.

Then when someone comes by and explains it you get all defensive.

http://i.imgur.com/TPjqOkC.jpg Women can feel the right guy's terrible personality right? If only he was a more loving person, he would have broad shoulders like the guy on the left.

http://i.imgur.com/DHTvtRM.jpg?1 Same with this guy, look at the guy on the right and his terrible woman-hating personality. It's what causes him to have a small skull and be unattractive.

http://i.imgur.com/yx531eV.png Here again, guy on the right has a horrible personality which impaired his growth. Awful human being deserves to get cheated on by his gf.

What are you thinking you are proving here? That you think girls like Heman more than Aladdin because men are marketed Heman?

Heman mogs the shit out of me and so does Aladdin. I wish I looked like alladin, holy shit.

https://ridingstorms.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/quasimodo.jpg This, Quasimodo, is what incels look like. Must be their personality right?

What are you trying to prove here?

That people in photos look as they do?

Yes, 80% of men are rated as below average by femoids. If ur sub8 ur pretty much quasimodo in the eyes of femoids.

That's a charlatan pseudo science.

They're spinning something obvious and simple in a way that seems more shocking and controversial.


It's way way obvious and straight forward

Also here's another thing. You think Aladdin is the top rated Disney prince because of his looks?

Ofcourse, if Aladdin was portayed as an ugly or even average person, he wouldn't be popular.

He is an ugly or average person

He mogs the shit out of the typical incel. If Aladdin is ugly, then it's over for us incels.

Aladin is an impoverished ethnic street rat with a huge nose. What are you talking about? Is it that he isn't Rencel or Stimpycel?

If Aladin is ugly then it's truly over.

He's a cartoon character. Are you seriously beginning to think that women are only "really" into cartoon characters?

Hes an average guy but according to the manosphere he'd be sub human because he's ethnic "and no one likes ethnics" "that happened all by itself" ¯\(ツ)

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There was a post recently titled something like "I'm done with this place" where op talked about how he posted pictures where he was rated a 3 and then later on posted another where he was simply smiling and it shot up 2 points. He then questioned how it was possible if all this was objective that smiling could change his objective value by a solid 2 points?


i guess chad is a 12/10 when smiling then


You got us.

Good job man.

Lol thanks. It's actually a really sad story....

Nobody denies men are hollow scum. People do deny women are.

Not all men are though. The issue is that the worst always gains the most attention for several different reasons.

Some people are quite shitty, what else is new?

Difference is, women get rewarded for their shitty behavior.

She's literally getting an article praising her and nonchalantly saying "eh, she fucked over her husband, she's a shallow piece of shit, sure, whatever. she's happy now tho /#feminism".

The person who wrote the article wanted that effect, so it could end up linked here and different places on the net; thus, increasing its exposure.

sounds like a mega cope to me.

People are just accustomed to women being cheating, shallow whores, and they think that it's normal to "fall out of love" the minute you are on the rise.

Not really a cope, just common sense. The cope is not realizing that people who write these articles want controversy.

yes totally the daily mail with it's majority female readership wants its articles to appear on incel forums

Distrust dealing with woman isn't a feeling that only incels feel.

This is why you don't date fat chicks. Once they finally want to chsnge their lives and lose weight, they'll get overwhelmed by all the attention they get and will definiteky leave your ass.

She chose you because she believed thst you were only worth her when she was fat. Now that she's skinny you are beneath her.

This. Don't date an ugly/fat/(mentally) ill chick, ever. Once she gets the emotional support she needs she will improve her life, get attention from better looking guys and leave you.

Never settle with girls below 6/10 tbh.

Hey, lots of people use this rating number scale and i was just wondering what it meant? Like its logical but i dont know what a 6 out of ten person looks like? Just wondering if anyone could help me understand

6/10 is slightly above average. For a young woman that would prob be something around this: https://imgur.com/gallery/PKuhL although I would rate her slightly lower maybe.

Go to r/truerateme

Happened to my friend. Once the mayo femoid lost her weight, got over alcoholism, and improved her grades, she monkey branched his curry ass - cucking him with a Latin chadriguez while on an exchange sem. What's more insulting is the fact that she wouldn't have pulled it off without him being an emotional tampon throughout their relationship. Heck, me and him helped her apply for her exchange program application.

Got cucked hard bro.

This is what all women do.

I remember reading a story before (obviously fake names, because I forget the real ones):

Jack lost his high paying job. Jill "realized she wasn't in love" with him, and divorced him.

Women are parasites. They only want to be with you as long as they can suck something out of you ($$$ for betabuxx, sex for chads). They don't truly love you.

"Good genes" theory proposes that females select males seen to have genetic advantages that increase offspring quality. Increased viability of offspring provides compensation for any lower reproductive success that results from their being "picky". The good-gene hypothesis for polyandry proposes that when females encounter better males than their previous mates, they re-mate in order to fertilize their eggs with the better male's sperm.

If all woman are parasites how do you explain woman who support "normies" or make a higher pay than them? Or hot girls in highschool dating ugly guys with no jobs? Are you telling me you don't know several couples that fall into these catagories?

These guys WANT to believe these things. Don't waste your time lol

If all woman are parasites how do you explain woman who support "normies" or make a higher pay than them?

This illustrates a fundamental misunderstanding of what beta buxxing is. Also, there's emotional tamponing.

Younger girls want to experience everything, there is 0.1% that is in love.

They're Chads or have access to drugs

“Hot girls dating ugly guys”

Do you think we were born yesterday?

hot girls in highschool dating ugly guys with no jobs

Literally never happened. I've never seen it, and you've never seen it. How gullible do you think we are?

Projecting your sadness and insecurities onto the world doesnt make it reality

The only people projecting are you IT cucks and land whales. Gtfo.

If you're not projecting then you're perception of the world is royally fucked. Either way the fact is that you are wrong.

Source? And source that this is a regular thing and not just something you believe out of convenience?

You're saying it's rare or uncommon for women to marry a man for his money (ability to provide), and when he can't provide, she leaves?

Still waiting on that source bud. Nothing anecdotal, please.

Why don't you just answer my question instead of acting like a spaz? There are plenty of statistics that show that after bariatric surgery, divorce rates rise to like 80%.

You keep making claims without providing sources. If what you're saying is true, surely you have a source to back it up. I'm not being a spaz. I'm asking you to back up the shit you're saying. This is the third time you've posted a claim without any source whatsoever. Either admit you're just making ups statistics or provide a source bro. Calling me a spaz or any other name you can come up with doesn't change this.

I'm asking you. I am asking for your opinion. I'm not the OP.

Let me help you out. So we can both shut that fools mouth up.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife". That qoute is from a book that is plastered with proof. Look at Kitty, Charlotte and most of all look at Mrs. Bingley.

That's not a source. You didn't even name the book lmao. Come on bro. Most of you incels talk about being intellects but have no idea how to back up a claim with a reputable source.

"I read this book that perfectly aligns with my opinions. It's credible and has evidence"

Yeah that doesn't cut it bud.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA. Do you even know how stupid you sound? I can't believe how lacking in intellect or knowledge you are. This is where you need to get cultured and read. That line is from Pride and Prejudice. By fuckin Jane Austen. She and Emily Bronte are the biggest influence on numerous romantic novels. Her books are source of historical context and perception into how life was in the 1700-1800s. Her book clearly and quite cleverly elaborates on to the nature of men and women. How women have always seen men as a safety net. To dump a guy for a better guy. And on and on it goes. She as a women she broke social norm by being a novelist. She gave a little peek into the complexities of the female mind. And that picture may be filled with longings for a fairy tale and unicorns. But also one with cold calculating and vengeful nature. Girls grow up on Jane Austen. She is to girls what superheroes are to boys.

That's not a study. That's a book. Do you understand what a peer reviewed case study is? The OP in this thread's claim is that in the majority of cases, women marry men purely for money and more often than not divorce them when they fall on hard times. I am asking him (or you, if you'd like) to provide proof of that claim. I am not the one making a claim. You guys are. You can get mad and butthurt at me in caps all day long, but you still haven't credibly backed up the claim being made.

This retard. Please do not have kids. I guess the theory of evolution isn't evidence Because its a book I guess. I guess Newtons three laws and calculus isn't evidence of mathematics. Its a historical novel. Its a book from 200years ago. Providing insight on to the womens mind. It is evidence that supports OP. It has historical value. It is also evidence that would suppprt the study hes mentioning.

You've failed at every point and issue you have brought up. Come and attempt another. Find a hole in our arguements now.

Lmao. I can write a book about how gravity is the thing that makes your turds stink. That doesn't make it true. Do you not understand the difference between a case study and a book? Did you take an entry level research methodology class in college? This is pretty basic stuff bro.

I would ask you not to have kids, either, but you're posting on an incel sub, so...probably don't have to worry about that one lul

That book would be evidence of retardness in the 2200s when my descendents read it. It would be historical evidence of why reading and getting cultured is necessary. A book and case study can both be equally valuable in evidence. Maybe you learned how to research. But not what to researcher. You know how to catch a fish. But not what to do with it. 1998s and 2008s market crash case studies didn't inform anyone as much as the film the Big short did. Your university must have been a diploma mill to not have taught there students basic provenance. Next. Just weak points. How do you live with a retarded brain such as yours. I know cockroaches smarter than you.

And not a single study was cited. I did, however, catch you insulting my education while using the incorrect form of "their/there/they're," which is pretty funny. Gonna go ahead and leave this conversation. You will believe what you want to believe without evidence because it's convenient to your life's beliefs. When somebody challenges that, you'll get angry because your ego doesn't want you to acknowledge any possibility that you could be wrong. And that basic lack of ability improve yourself is why you're a lifetime virgin.

Feel free to have the last word bro. I know you really need it to feel good because getting the last word in an internet argument is literally all you have in life. And I also know that your last word won't be a case study or any actual empirical evidence, so I already know I won't need to respond to it.

It would be wasted on a person who lacks any brains. Empirical evidence? You just dismissed Jane Austens novels as just books and not evidence of the way women act. Attacking a person on grammar on the internet actually correlates with stupidity and lack of knowledge. You just used lul. I dont wanna hear their there and they're from yo muth. The theory of evolution is just a book not an actual case study. Ahahahahaa go kill yourself.

"Novels are empirical evidence"

""The theory of evolution is a book, not a study"

😂 😂

Please make a YouTube video of you saying these things and then post the video to a science forum somewhere. I want to see the responses. Please. I'll buy you a pack of Magic The Gathering Cards and a katana cleaning set if you do 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ahahahaahhaha what happened to giving me the last word. You retard. Now he's using emojis for his arguement. Ahahahahaha

You can't say hilarious shit like that and not expect me to encourage you to publicize it bro. Plz do it though for real. Please. I'll throw in some neckbeard conditioner and a bag of Doritos.

Like how your comments are going to be evidence for future students that they shouldn't attend a diploma mill? Methodology without provenance. Ahaha. Where do they make people like you?

In the bedroom. But you wouldn't know anything about that

You do realise how stupid you actually sound right? Your implying that your not alone. Yet your talking on the internet on a incel sub. Keep being retarded.


Syas the kid woshe uinsg ejoims.

Darwin's "the origin of the species" was just a book though without peer reviewed studies. Just a theory. He must be a fucking retard. I have no idea why people took him seriously.

There is no scientist out there that will tell you that "The Origin of Species" constitutes scientific proof of anything. He does talk about some studies he conducted, but even then, no scientists accept those studies without repeating them multiple times, controlling for variables.

There has been a time before the scientific method was common. So you are saying people like Nietzsche or Aristotle were just retarded idiots walking around and spouting bullshit because they didn't use hard science to prove their ideas and abstract theories have never provoked any paradigm shift that changed our perception of reality?

I'm not saying they're retarded idiots. I am saying that the scientific communities don't accept something as FACT unless it can be proven by the scientific method. We don't live in the year 300. If this dude's claim is true, it would be very easy to find a study to cite supporting his claim. Sociology studies are conducted all the time related to marriage, divorce, and relationships.

Interestingly enough, the thing that seems to correlate most with whether a marriage is successful or not is college degree. People with a bachelor's degree or higher were significantly more likely to not end in divorce. There were no significant statistics on losing your job.


while using the incorrect form of "their/there/they're," which is pretty funny.

Not everyone here is American. But we all know Americans are multilingual geniuses.

It's super weird you're using fiction and a book written with heavy sarcasm as evidence. Please try peer reviewed studies in the future. As the theory of gravity has those too. Very, very weird logic you're using, FYI. Hope you have a better day.

You raise good points. But I shall attempt to clarify my thoughts in a more organised manner. I am not asking you to accept the whole novel as evidence. But to accept that this novel provides an insight as to how women of the 1800s thought and acted. Thus influencing young girls that read it.

The fictional books that Austen has authored has inspired generations. Has been read more than the theory of evolution. You cannot dismiss it as simply non sufficient evidence. The effect it has had on our society cannot be discounted for.

On a more extreme and hyperbolic level. It would be like dismissing the effect of the bible(Christianity) on humanities pursuit of discovery. The bible was one of the reasons Queen Isabella wanted Columbus to set sail to Asia, to spread the word of god.

Hope you have a good day

Please try peer reviewed studies in the future.

So you only believe in hard science and people like Nietzsche who never used peer reviewed studies didn't provoke a huge paradigm shift in the way we perceive the world. He was just a retard walking around spouting nonsense?

Please see sidebar, links to other subs threads are comments are not allowed (even "np" links). If you wish to share content, use screenshots. The usernames in screenshots should be blurred, blacked out, or concealed to prevent harassment.

That takes too long, we all know it's him

You actually dug through my post history as an attempt to make me look bad on an internet forum for people who suck at life?

And let's keep everything in actual context instead of wording in a way that makes it look worse than it is, mkay?

1 - I talked about giving a very sincere apology to somebody I bullied in middle school. Any reason why you left out that detail?

2 - I definitely believe that a 30 year old cannot be in a successful relationship with a 22 year old because they are in completely different mind states. There's nothing wrong with a sexual relationship between the two, but a 30 year old that's actually dating a 22 year old is definitely a loser.

You're not gonna make me feel bad about myself bro. You're the one here that's miserable. Trying to project your misery on other people isn't going to make your shitty life any better.

and? give a solution, because i'm not blind mothafuka

What a fucking bitch

Lol why is this even surprising.

She's just a woman bro. Ftr she was never in love.

Fucking whore. I hate women.

Fucking whore. I hate women.

They will always go for the upgrade as soon as possible.


No? Besides upgrading isn't always the best choice. What's stopping her new baby from upgrading to someone else?

Only Chad can upgrade.

Any non Chad's who happen to obtain relationship status is being settled for until the upgrade comes along.

Also its been said, and shown on incel boards that alot of women are very willing to share a Chad, if the alternative means being with a lesser man.

Also women are willing to sleep with/date other women if there are no Chads around or available. They would rather have a Stacey than a normie/beta at times.

She'll probably just get fat again and then become depressed as she will have no one and her kids will hate her for being such a shallow bitch.

Shit. Why didn't I heed the warning OP 😥

What happened bro.

Take note, cucktear numales. This is will be your wife.

Her husband was an Inceltears poster

man marries woman he loves and does not care about her weight

woman doesn't give a shit about him as a person and leaves as soon as she looks good

totally unsurprising

Love exists😝.

She will crawl back once the wall smashed her completely

Tbh she's past the wall age. Looks hotter than most roasties in their twenties. She'd be getting dick well into her 50s at this rate.

Yep, just proves that women become shallow when they have options.

Lmao. Same goes for men.

Yep that's true, I despise anyone who shows any level of shallowness.

People are selfish sometimes. And sexual attraction is usually based off of shallowness. So what? It’s part of human nature

Its not a matter of so what, its a matter of changing a shitty personality trait that has several inn effects on society.

You want attractive people to be less shallow so you can feel more comfortable in the world?

I want every one to be less shallow so that everyone can be comfortable in the world.

Divorce should be illegal when initiated by the woman. A link completely unrelated https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_law_by_country#Muslim_societies

That’s a little extreme


She denies claims she is "looking for love", saying it's "not on her radar"

Not until it's necessary, again.


fat piece of shit whale realized she could replace capn ahab with Chad

That video is only somewhat accurate. Ultimately, it is all genetics. That's when you graduate from red to black pill -- when you see that no amount of being jacked, famous, or wealthy can change your genetics. If you're fucking ugly, you will not be able to compensate for that. Sure, you can get surgery, but it will be very obvious. Everyone will know you're a fraud.


lmao she's lookin a little chunkier as of last year!!!


she's going to become a fat piece of shit again

How is this suicide fuel? The fact she left her husband to find someone us makes you suicidal? I'm not being funny, I'm just trying to understand the logic.

just lower your standards bro, try dating a fat chick


Really now? You don't understand?

We get told to lower our supposedly high standards and date for example fat girls, but that doesn't mean the girl will be happy, which is the point of the OP

I guess that makes sense in a way. But I guess if you find the one who is right for you and they feel the same way and both parties put in the effort, then it's less likely either will leave the other.

Loyalty is a male trait.

There is literally nothing wrong with this She was with a fucking fat enabler. She got healthy and realized that she was moving backwards in her relationship

Why arent any of you going for ugly girls? Theyd never want to leave you. Since you're ugly too, you'll be together forever.

We are. They don't want us, because women date up, and even ugly girls can do better than their looksmatch.

Maybe its your pessimistic and general repulsive attitude. Dont lie to me. You want to date up too, dont you. Yet you dont try at all to become more attractive.

Okey doke, 100% honesty here: I'd date my looksmatch in a heartbeat. But there's no way in damn hell she'd want to date me, because she, being a woman, could easily date up, and find more attractive men who would take an interest in her.

Don't presume to know what goes on in my head when you don't know me, and know nothing about me.

How often do you try? In what ways to you attempt to be attractive? How often do you talk to women in ways that arent about you trying to guilt them into sex or ways that have nothing to do with sex? I dont see how all kinds of ugly people manage to find women but you dont.

There are no ugly girls, only fat ones.

You forgot the /s Norman.

Clearly not the same woman.

looks pretty much determines everything, even personality and you think.

She seems really nice tbh, i find this stuff confusing bc i dont find looks sexually attractive but instead situations

Dear incels, note that it doesn't say she isn't in love with her husband anymore because of someone else, nor that she got a new boyfriend, not even that she divorced

feminism: -shrug-

Pure, unfiltered rage fuel, more like.

This is the truest blackpill of all. Men not settling makes him a piece of shit/player, this chick just realized she wasn't in love. Lul.

i don't support domestic violence, but sometimes a man gotta do what he gotta do.


you dumbass, the comments literally says don't smile


Not all men are though. The issue is that the worst always gains the most attention for several different reasons.

There was a post recently titled something like "I'm done with this place" where op talked about how he posted pictures where he was rated a 3 and then later on posted another where he was simply smiling and it shot up 2 points. He then questioned how it was possible if all this was objective that smiling could change his objective value by a solid 2 points?


I mean as long as you're satisfied with what you experienced, it's okay right? And if you wanted to, you could get in shape again.

Where is bbw_ gaming lol.


That book would be evidence of retardness in the 2200s when my descendents read it. It would be historical evidence of why reading and getting cultured is necessary. A book and case study can both be equally valuable in evidence. Maybe you learned how to research. But not what to researcher. You know how to catch a fish. But not what to do with it. 1998s and 2008s market crash case studies didn't inform anyone as much as the film the Big short did. Your university must have been a diploma mill to not have taught there students basic provenance. Next. Just weak points. How do you live with a retarded brain such as yours. I know cockroaches smarter than you.

Why are you automatically assuming that he is a virtuous male who dindu nothin?

I've seen plenty of relationships fall apart (and have ended many) because one half of the relationship wasn't supporting the other.

One person let the other person gain a shit ton of weight and let their grades slip and etc. it doesn't show that they unconditionally love you, it shows that they are enablers and yes men who may have your best interests in mind, but do not Give enough of a fuck to actually help you forward.

You won't see many people calling him a fat enabler. I called him that because I understand what it's like (I lost 50kg, no thanks to my then girlfriend)