Chill out cels, girls don't care if you haven't had sex

41  2018-03-18 by boredyeah


What pic were you using?


impossible for Chico to be a 25 year old virgin he's probably been raped

Lachowski hasn't been a virgin since he was 9 years old.


Why funi?

ur ignorance

is funi

Eheheheh lets all laugh like a happy fun bunch

Great question

It's over if you're a virgin at 20. "At least I'm not a 30 year old virgin" is just cope. You had 7 years of being young, horny teenager at the pinnacle of your youth and you blew it. You missed the bus while all your friends were experimenting and experiencing unfiltered, pure, euphoric innocent young love. It's OVER.

So why didn't you take the furry pill?

i'm ready to take the furry pill.

You can start by going to r/yiff and r/furry and follow the rabbit hole from there

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What about people in Asian countries where almost all people both men and women are virgins until about 22-25?

By "Asian countries" you mean Japan? That country which is literally dying out?

"What about them" indeed

japan is fucked bro

Like with the rat experiment, they're going extinct, indeed

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John B. Calhoun

John B. Calhoun (May 11, 1917 – September 7, 1995) was an American ethologist and behavioral researcher noted for his studies of population density and its effects on behavior. He claimed that the bleak effects of overpopulation on rodents were a grim model for the future of the human race. During his studies, Calhoun coined the term "behavioral sink" to describe aberrant behaviors in overcrowded population density situations and "beautiful ones" to describe passive individuals who withdrew from all social interaction. His work gained world recognition.

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Suicide incoming

I tell this to people sometimes and they think it's blatant trolling.

I think most of my friends from high school are still virgins

You put her on the spot. Girls pretty much always lie. I'm 28. I've spent years and years on fake profiles doing social experiments with girls saying whatever. Telling them I was a virgin even as fake chad almost always lead to a change in their behaviour and usually them flaking. That's why idiotic normies will never have a full understanding of this like some of us do. They see us post one offs and think we are just performing confirmation bias. No, we've formed these opinions after years of experience and we are spot on about basically everything. You will never understand unless you go through these trials yourself. Girls do not like male virgins. Period. Every single one that says otherwise is an absolute fucking liar. Being a virgin is telling her you are unsure, inexperienced and incapable.. even if that's not true on the day, that's the message you send, and these are traits that women universally find unattractive in a man for very obvious reasons if you have even the slightest understanding of our biology. You can be a 6'4 beast of sexual magnetism who appears sexually capable and if you tell her you're a virgin all you do is put a fragment of doubt in her mind. She may still follow through but it absolutely does not help in any way to tell her, it can only produce an internal negative response from a female.

You're a sad sad little man, and you have my pity

Get a life. You’re pathetic


A good friend of mine had sex with several 18+ year old virgins. She was pretty proud of herself for revoking V cards. Sister in law is a virgin at 22, and couldn't care less if her partner is a virgin (religious situation). Sister was a virgin until mid 20s, her first boyfriend also a virgin, no hurdle there. Yea, there are woman who do care if you are a virgin and will refuse to date you or have sex with you if thats the case, but it isn't an issue for everyone. As for telling, it is up to the individual and circumstances, but some woman will definitely appreciate the honesty, and if it works out you can get it off your chest.

Saying “all women think blank” is always wrong


"all women are [unfortunately] humans" WRONGG, misogynist!!

yes, they don't think. They are zombies who are controlled by chad's cock

Yeah .... not 😂

but if no female likes a virgin how does chad have sex? are chads born will full sexual experience ? pls explain


This is true, I wouldn't care if a guy was a virgin.

Thank you. 😄


You're thanking her?

Yes, because he's a normal fucking human being when it comes to human interaction.

Novel idea, isn't it?

no, he’s just one of her orbiters. also been publicly rejected and humiliated by her. also still a virgin.

Fuck of normcunt

Hey, I'm a virgin. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

First reduce your weight. White buffalo.

Beggars can't be choosy.

Aren't you a virgin?

What're you doing tonight

I'm at home, doing nothing.

Dude me too, we have so much in common

So you found the exception, providing she isn't lying.

Why would she lie?

To not come across as shallow.

They virtue signal on tinder now?

Why wouldn't they?

Its private, no chance of fame or karma (excluding screenshots)

Fair enough, looks like you got the exception here then.

Just lie

Only if you are Chad

According to RideParkCity im not chad

But you aren't a sub5 manlet either

you cannot be a chad and virgin over 25. Females will literally rape you to extract your godly semen from you

Le fuq?

she is obviously a liar. Actually if beautiful femoid told me she is a virgin I'd also think that she has no vagina or smth like that

Or maybe you just have a fucked up worldview

let's face it: 25 years old 0 sex in life = either fail or volcel

Yes because you fail at life by not having sex

definitely fail at sexual life (which is only thing important for femails besides betabuxxing.)

I pity you

no need, ty


Literally all women are turned off by virginity. LITERALLY ALL. That's probably secretly a man.

She may be a virgin herself. I don't think it's impossible for a girl to find a virgin guy attractive. But it's probably more common when the girl is also a virgin.

This was me hehe

Just lie?

"I'm not a virgin I'm just horrible at sex and have no idea what I'm doing"

By that point you're already having sex. Who gives a fuck?

You'll be imprisoned for rape when she sees how bad you are at sex and figures out you're a virgin.

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Rape by deception

Rape by deception is a crime in which the perpetrator has the victim's agreement and compliance, but gains it through deception or fraudulent statements or actions.

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Rape by deception is shit like pulling the condom off without telling the girl, or a gal stopping her birth control without saying so. Get real, dumbass.


Why is everything on this sub so black and white. The generalizations made here all the time based on one example and annectdotes is insane.

generalization: femoids are repulsed by inexperienced men. show me 1 exception - you can't ty bye

how about the fact that there was always that one girl in high school that got off on taking men's virginities? I know one from my school, and my friend nearly lost his virginity to that girl from his school (he didn't bc religion also she had some STD or whatever)

high school

Doesn't count.

that girl is always there, she grows up but never grows out of it. he asked for an example, I provided.

Yeah, but we don't date high schoolers, retard.

I have no problem with inexperienced men. There you go, happy to provide an example for you.

Because the echo chamber is too strong. Plus 9/10 people here need to see a therapist, but use this sub as a replacement, which is like treating an infection with a nest of rats carrying the black plague.

I see a therapist too. I’ve tried to escape incels a dozen times but I keep coming back. The need to vent + the memes are too strong.

There are multiple examples. Literally no women would ever date an inexperienced man.

I'm a woman and I would date an inexperienced man.


No. Because I speak the truth.

lol no you don't. You probably fucked some gigolos.

Yes I always speak the truth. It's a position of honor to do so. And no, I've never fucked "gigalos".

Nope, fatties like you can never speak the truth. Flair is relevant. The fat mushes up your brain and clogs it.


I'm always right.

When you have passed 25 girls can't think you are a virgin and therefore don't care. It is harder when you are 20.

To not come across as shallow.

They virtue signal on tinder now?

"all women are [unfortunately] humans" WRONGG, misogynist!!

yes, they don't think. They are zombies who are controlled by chad's cock