Before and after being called beautiful (This sub in a nutshell)

100  2018-03-18 by FidgetSpunner68


Someone calling us beautiful is essentially someone trying to tell us that our lives are a lie

make the last guy look ugly af and it would be good

Did it ever occur to you that people think this way because whenever anyone told us that in the past, they were doing it as a joke to fuck with us?

Besides, we know the truth about our looks. So we know that people are lying.

Most of aren’t even ugly.

Most people actually ugly don't post their pictures. Also people outside this sub in general are delusional about attractiveness.


When people virtue signal and say "'s not that bad" I know exactly what that means.


You may have meant r/meirl instead of R/meirl.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


It’s the same thing you fucking cuntbag

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Periods in a nutshell

Do you know who is calling these people beautiful? Probably their moms. Mothers lie to their kids about being beautiful all the time. "B-but my mom says I'm handsome!" -- Incel less than a month before swallowing the black pill

lol the last guy mogs me.

You know most people here are hideous right? Except for fakecels like dontcomplain and gole_the_shredder. They are legit Chadlites who are just here to drive people closer to going ER.

You have to be delusional to get happy from false compliments

Not as delusional as thinking the whole world is out to get you.

le strawman

Haha incels BTFO!!! Gottem lolz!!