If youre rich/famous you can pull Stacy’s all day long. Just cringey because this kid has to know that shes using him, look at her and look at him lmao

36  2018-03-18 by Gole_The_Shredder


He’s average at worst

Everyone has bad pictures you fucking autist, I've seen him in motion he isn't ugly average to slightly above

He has a billion bad pictures, because his bone structure is bottom 10th percentile. From this picture alone, we can conclude that he has bug eyes, downward rotated nose with a noticeable hump, absolutely no jaw, and a collapsed midface. He is literally deformed. You must be from a very jewish area if he doesn't look clearly fucked up to you, especially in motion from the front where his narrow peanut skull is on full display.


I don't see how this is a cope tbh.

Looked him up, yea he's kinda ugly like a 4/10 he's not deformed or even close, his nose is upturned and his bone structure is weak, but he's an Arab guy with green eyes, Which is a very rare phenotype. Also, what do you mean collapsed midface?

I didn't see many people uglier than him on my old college campus. His eyes look brown in most lighting. He fits the stereotypical rich young jew phenotype to a T. My standard for deformed is that an american max fac would recommend jaw surgery. With his collapsed midface (evident by the paranasal hollowing on full display in the profile pic), and nonexistent jaw, I guarantee that even the most conservative of max facs would give him some cosmetic rotations. Judging by upvotes on this sub especially isn't the best idea.

What does collapsed midface mean and look like?

Bip bop bip, I'm an image processing bot. I've found some keywords in this image: brassiere, bra, bandeau,bikini, two,maillot,maillot, tank suit,face powder. With those keywords, I think the image can be a couple of women standing next to each other or a woman and a man standing next to each other or a woman and a man standing next to each other in a room

You forgot “cuck”

That entire house must be his or something. That slut looks disgustingly fake too.

Looks like a trans. Look at her bicep. Can't see the hands but they look big.

Damn, i'm not too great at figuring that out lol.

Mogs me lol

Not to mention well over thirty

She’s 19

She's 19? With those lines? Wtf

That slut looks all wrinkled and used up.

no fucking way :o

I met this Stacy at a hotel once about two years ago. I worked at a pizza place and she ordered to the hotel she was staying at. I showed up there and she and her roastie friends didn’t have any money to pay for their food so of course, they were asking me to give them the food for free. I told them to fuck off and took off. They showed me her Instagram to show me that she was “famous” but I didn’t care. The only thing I got from that was a new fap page to look at when I got home.

Her @ is mollyeskam

Classic woman using her gender and looks to get what she wants from cucked men.

Of course it would have worked on other people but I wasn’t going to let that roasties have their way. It felt good denying them something they had no right to claim as “free” because she was hot.

Good job dude.

Damn, her photos look like someone photoshopped them using MS paint.

She looks ugly. Looks like a bloke in drag.

Being filthy rich would be a decent cope, you'd still get cucked and mogged tho

Mogs me

she's ugly

she looks like a worn out slut pornstar. I would fuck her but not date

He buys her things, and takes her to nicer palves than she could afford and in turn gets laid "Using him" Seems to be a pretty fair deal if they are both down with it.

who is he?

He’s one of those Faze clan faggots. Ashamed that I know but I saw a few videos

tbh i am a fan they are pretty cool

He reminds me of St BlackOps2cel no joke

If he saw this comment, he’d ask to pass the rope

Yeah the guys not ugly though. He’s probably slightly above average. She still is way out of his league looks-wise but he’s definitely no incel.

She still is way out of his league looks-wise

Holy shit, are you for real? I'm 42 and I would not hit that. nope. nope. it looks like a trans

Yeah you know what, after looking at her again, you’re right. She isn’t good looking. Never mind what I said.

In this picture, yeah. But after browsing her instagram, I would def smash

If you guys call this dude ugly....You have nooooooo idea what you talkin bout. Not gay but id give this dude 6-7/10. If hes got a good personality(funny, insightful,charming) he can def pull a chick like that. My fat ass almost pulled a beauty pageant winner(talking msname state here) TWICE!!!! No joke

youre a retard, hes like 5’7” and has a massive nose and is deff not a Chadlite. just LOL at your stupidity, hes 22 and looks like hes 16, his money is the only thing that gets him girls

Trying to tell u guys height isnt everything and the money helps but he could pull women regardless with the right attitude. I see dudes like him with women all the time.

you see roasties settling for their beta-bux providers lol only Chads can properly enjoy girls without having to buy them shit and be their emotional tampon.

If she is settling for a dude while shes in her early 20s....she has problems. But you guys believe some really crazy shit and it makes since why you alone. You cant believe a woman wants any dude who doesnt look like Channing Tatum.

Dude youre literally a moron. Im telling you that you see girls with ugly guys because the girls need them for emotional support. They use them for money and to just have someone to talk to, behind the scenes they are getting pumped by Chad who couldnt care less about the roasties problems. Chads dont stoop down to beta-bux providers levels.

I guess thats where the disconnect comes in. That. Guy. Isnt. Ugly. Hes an average maybe, maybe slightly above looking average. The other dudes i see are the same. Its all game man and making women feel comfortable. Do women like the hottest piece of ass....DUH. We all do! Doesn’t mean ppl dont like the middle tho.

shut the fuck up. Cant even take you seriously knowing you’re at best a 3/10 roastie. If you spend this much time on reddit you are a loser just like us. Look at the fucking picture, she is a women he is a boy. Even his 9 year old fans can tell shes a gold-digger. You know its true but for some weird reason you try and convince yourselves otherwise.

I only come here when im on the night shift....you know boredom. Also what is a roastie? And 3/10 not bad man. Not a chick below 7 in my belt. If you dont count head. She could be a gold digger very possible. Just saying he can pull beautiful women with his looks. Hes not ugly.

lets see.. youre a retard (literally you are a mentalcel of your ADHD) You are 29 and work a night job which means you dont have a college degree so you work some shit job. You follow MGTOW and foreveralone yet you pull 7/10’s? Hahaahah this is why reddit is a joke, filled with a bunch of liars who are losers in real life but cope by pretending to be someone theyre not. So unless you look like Brad Pitt there is no way a 29 year old loser retard like yourself is pulling 7+/10’s And we know that the vast majority of people on reddit 99+% arent Chads/Stacy’s because people with good looks have better things to do.

I work a job i dont like but it pays 19/hr so i cant complain about it to much. My degrees were put on hold due to my ADHD. It was very depressing for a long time no lie, still is sometimes. MGTOW philosophy is one of self improvement that i like as a personal way of living (self improvement, figuring out who i am as a man and how i want to fit in society). If you actually look at what i say there i go against their attitude toward women as it is a toxic one, not to say women cant he criticized. I think some of the stuff they post is funny. FA folks are cool a roommate turned me on to it as he is apart of it and i helped him out a good deal and some other ppl there.

After all that you tried to dump on me to shut me down (i guess), means nothing. I dont let my problems run my life. I improve and grow stronger for it. Yes i do pull 7s and up cause i choose to not let anything stop me from being charming, witty, and funny. Things i can tell you women love and appreciate just as much as being a chad or tyrone.

“The purpose of life is to annoy the hell out of you so you wake up” Think about that quote and improve on yourself.

again, 7+/10’s dont date/fuck normie/incel retards. Mayb you do get girls but not 7+/10’s. Maybe 3-5/10’s tops. You realize 7+/10 is model territory lol and you make shit money and have problems. So there is no way you are pulling girls that look stunning. Quit lying to yourself, you gain nothing from it. You fucking post on foreveralone and you apparently “get girls”?

Man grow up and realize the world is more complicated than at first glance. Looks arent everything. As long as you have an approachable, charming and charasmatic attitude you can date about anyone. 3bil woman on earth but any 7s wont want anything but a 7. Sure man. Stay in the incel cave or come out and live your life, your choice. Also i have posted self help and advice to FA cause there people like my roommate who really needed help. Unlike incels tho they actually try it out.

you are delusional lol


This is so depressing to see man. I'm 5 foot 5 with a pencil mustache and I've got a beautiful and caring girlfriend, not because I buy her shit, I actually don't have a job rn, but because I try to be loving and caring.

I know I'm just gonna get flamed for being a normie cuck who hasn't been blackpilled, but seriously, try to get some help.

its your face then

Probably gets a lot too so I guess he wouldn’t be complaining

Or maybe, crazy idea I know, but maybe they're just really into each other and don't base their relationship entirely on appearance?

yeah....right XD

Fuck off normie faggot

It's a wonder you're single

Go fuck off back to cucktears, we don’t need your useless advice

Pretty sure he didnt give any advices

It's not a denial that physical appearance matters, rather the knowledge that the toxic mindset of the average 'incel' is like a bottomless pit, the only way you can get out of it is if you change your mindset and take some risks in life, otherwise you'll forever remain in darkness.

I'm hardly what would be considered a 'normie', I'm short, I'm fat, I'm in a wheelchair, but even I understand that the best way you can get into a relationship with someone is through a number of different things.

Firstly, stop feeling sorry for yourselves. There's nothing more unattractive in a person than self-pity.

Get the chip off your shoulder.

Accept you're probably not going to pull a supermodel girl/boyfriend, so stop envisioning that this is what you're entitled to. You're not. You're entitled to nothing.

Opting for video games and engaging in this echo chamber instead of putting yourself out there, is obviously not going to land you with a long term relationship or even a one night stand.

You're the maker of your own destiny, there's plenty of people uglier or worse off than you that are happily married or at the very least get laid once in a while.

Explain that wall of text then, fuckface

And where did he write that exactly? Cant find it in this thread :)

It’s in his post history. Keep up moron

Why would i be interested in someones post history?

Because you have a girlfriend maybe lol

And i have other things to do

The fact you went through my post history to find something to criticise is quite funny. Maybe come back when you're less bitter about a situation you created for yourself.

What's the hole thing with telling cels not to be entitled?

Yes you are right, 'maybe'. Probably not thiugh

cringe. you cuck tears are so deluded lol. you know the black pill is true but you try to convince yourselves otherwise.

would love to know more about that guys sex life. Its likely she's just leeching off of him.

She will cuck him for Chad.

oh my god those tits ahhhh

Looks like a high tier normie to be, borderline chadlite.

The guy is good looking, the girl looks like his trans mom.

He looks like a boy. She looks like a woman. He is a good looking boy, not a man.

meh, she's not exactly hot.

Tbh remove the makeup and beta thirst and she's barely 0.5 pts above

is she his sister maybe?he is subhuman soyboy. There is no way they are a couple

He's a rich YouTuber who owns a mansion and a Lambo. The only reason she's with him is his wealth, he's her betabuxx.

Don’t some incels complain about being rich but they can’t get a girl?

But he's an e-celebrity (I assume) and some women are attracted to that, plus he's not ugly like most of us.

eh I guess you are not wrong cause ugliness is subjective, though the point is that OP thinks he is ugly/not attractive enough in the girl's eyes and she is using him and his cash

He's not even ugly tbh. If she was bare faced, there really wouldn't be that much of a gap in attractiveness between them.

Cope. Hes a manlet and looks like he's 10. And she's a model who heightmogs him. https://www.instagram.com/mollyeskam/?hl=en

If he wasn't a rich YouTuber he would be incel.

She looks so fake. I wouldn't be surprised if she got surgical enhancements (ex: body looks too unrealistic and can't be achieved from just working out). Also with filters, angles, makeup..etc, a lot of women can be instagram "models" on there. I'd like to see a before picture of her.

He has a condition where his kids will be black.

theyre both average

Hahahahahahahahaha. Oh man. You're truly lost. Ridiculous cope, so it doesn't hurt that much.

He's like 5'4. That's not average that's subhuman, my 10 year old sister is taller than him and he'd a full grown "man".

he’s 5’7

and no she isnt

Holy shit, how much more judgemental can you be?

Losers in this thread: all women are shallow cunts who would never date a man whose not a chad. Also losers in this thread: if there are any examples that negate that previous statement they are clearly using them for money or fame and/or cheating on them. Literally nothing makes you filthy retards happy. If other dudes can barely stand reading what you post on the internet, a woman will never touch you.

Yea but I'm sure without her tan/heavy make-up/various other cosmetcs, she can look closer to him. Women are generally ugly just like most men are. The height thing tho, yea.... that's unusual


I miss the /r/incels autoresponse to personality. Nobody had an argument against it and it always shut idiots like this person up

If that is a trans then I would date her. Assuming she had a feminine body

If that is a trans trap then I would date her. Assuming she had a feminine body penis.


Classic woman using her gender and looks to get what she wants from cucked men.

Good job dude.

Damn, her photos look like someone photoshopped them using MS paint.

you see roasties settling for their beta-bux providers lol only Chads can properly enjoy girls without having to buy them shit and be their emotional tampon.

She looks ugly. Looks like a bloke in drag.

In this picture, yeah. But after browsing her instagram, I would def smash