How other subs deal with trolls vs r/Braincels

95  2018-03-17 by widnerr


So what. Stop whining.

It's funny how you think you're 'triggering' incels by making these type of comments, but all you're really doing is proving you're not a truecel, basically proving the post which I made yesterday. Enjoy your power-hungry persona as it won't last for too long. This sub is going to get banned sooner or later.

You can complain all you want. I'm better and smarter than you and eventually you're just gonna shut the fuck up and go my way.

holy shit you're a loser lol

Go fuck yourself you fucking brain dead fucking piece of shit worthless mongrel subhuman.

You turning heel now? Don't see how someone could post this type of shit seriously. This is too funny.

Keep insulting incels because when this subreddit gets banned, you won't be able to do that anymore. However it doesn't matter as you're already doing that with your main account on IT.

You stupid motherfucker, me and PorgiAmor got in a big argument in another thread and I insulted her.

How fucking autistic do you think I am that I would fake all that.

You're a reddit mod, of course you're autistic enough to do that.

Monumental Modpill. It's OVER for mod-cels, time to rope boyos.

It's fucking over

If you were autistic/sad enough to create IT, then surely you are sad enough to create braincels. You can't fool me Porgi, I know it's you and I also know that you're laughing at my comments because I have exposed you.

Well porky is pretty autistic and you're porky so you must be pretty autistic.

Delete your account fakecel

Please unban me please, I don't like having to PM r/inceltears people when I see them post dumb things about my sub.




You know what? people should've actually let you take the flak from busybodies calling you a pedo. You probably are.

You can complain all you want. I'm better and smarter than you and eventually you're just gonna shut the fuck up and go my way.

posts suicide note month later


Kills himself due to lack of treatment for mental health and people mock him online

kills self

People mock him online for killing himself.

You're disgusting mate.

Funny how you ended up killing yourself after you said this lmaooooo

I think him killing himself was due to mental illness. Don't mock a corpse mate.

Fair enough, my bad. Sorry I just read an article about an Incel running for Congress on the platform of “legalizing child rape” among other atrocities so I was pretty heated

Are you confused that mentally ill people are doing mentally ill things?

Keep spending all your energy defending monsters lmao you don’t have to be mentally ill to be shitty, idiot.

You can go fuck yourself too since you wanna defend rapists and incels so bad 😁 worlds probably better off without this sack of shit.

I can guarantee you spend more energy shitting on mentally ill people online than I do defending them.

Why do you act like that? You won't change their behavior by attacking them, leave them alone or help them. If anything, you're making it worse.

Literally the only time I’ve said something about a mentally ill person, and I said I was wrong after it was pointed out the first time. You’re just a bit of a cunt, and you apparently think just because somebody does or believes something fucked their mentally ill?

The person I was referring to who was running for Congress is an actually evil person who is a good representative of the community in general. Advocating for child rape, forced marriages, ect. So I’m SO sorry if I don’t have any fucking sympathy for a group of people who live their lives trying to hurt people.

I may have said something ignorant when I was pissed off, but the worlds still probably better with one less incel. Look through the dudes post history, he’s a nutter.

Have fun defending people who would like take make your female relatives sex slaves though.

Link to person?

he’s a nutter.

Was, but you even admit it. He was mentally ill, he tried to get help, saw that it was an absolute horror story to get help, and offed himself.

I don’t think I need to link you to it my man his profile is the one I replied too.

My point is I didn’t say that because he’s mentally ill. I said it because even if he wasn’t he’d still be a shit bag. He had a shitty belief system and shitty morals.

I really don’t think we had to start flaming each other man, I don’t think your hearts in the wrong place, just these are not people who are fine otherwise from being mentally ill.

I have scars all over me myself from self harm. I was born with a few different illnesses and I’m prescribed medication. But you know what? I know that these things incels believe in is still wrong. Being mentally ill doesn’t make you stupid. Delusional maybe, but it doesn’t make you such a horrid human being.

Do you mean me or /u/AnathematicAnarchist?

Everything you said is a moot point, he was trying to get help. Do you think it would be better for him to die that him to get help and get better?

Apart from this

Being mentally ill doesn’t make you stupid. Delusional maybe, but It doesn’t make you such a horrid human being.

Anarchist, I believe. Idk exactly what you were referring to when you asked.

But I feel like you’re missing your point. Like, the dude thought the FBI was after him. That’s mental illness. His black pill beliefs? Him being a shitty human being. Lots of non mentally ill people buy into that shit.

Like, if a Nazi killed himself, I wouldn’t mourn him just because “he’s depressed.” Lots of people are depressed and still manage to hold good beliefs and morals. Even if they magically cured his illnesses, he’d still probably think of women as less then him and believe they should be treated as property. That’s why I don’t like him. Making fun of his suicide is wrong but you’re acting like he was one good therapy session away from being a good guy.

I’m done debating this man. I don’t have to defend my stance on mental illness when I struggle with it myself. In the future, try not to defend any African Warlords just because they have PTSD, ok?

I don't think he was one therapy session away, I don't like how you ridicule a man who's last documented words include him saying how difficult it is to get help. He actually tried to get help himself, realise how shit the system to do that is, then killed himself.

I feel bad for him. I don't think anyone is born evil, and he especially demonstrated that he was actively seeking help.

Got any proof of the stuff you're accusing him of?

Lol you are a loser bro

No, you get the fuck out.`

Why didn't your mother abort you

Welp, now you know exactly who you have representing you, current incel community. This guy behaves exactly like an IncelTears troll towards you, and you're just forced to sit and take it.

Could you cry literally any harder if you try

You seem like the only one here crying. Also how do you manage to be even less creative than inceltears posters?

I created a sub with 12,000 subs. What's more creative than that?

Every post on r/adviceanimals


You know that's against the rules.

Oh I'm sorry

Creating a sub is literally pushing a few buttons.

Yes, that's why r/MaleForeverAlone, r/IncelsWithoutHate, r/TheIncelPill, r/ForeverUnwanted, etc. are all BOOMING with activity right now.

r/the_donald is also booming with activity, yet I don't see much creativity there. r/jailbait was once booming with activity, too. r/cutefemalecorpses. Please think before you post.

I never said the sub itself is creative (though it is), I said I'm creative for getting it popular.

You did nothing but click a few buttons, lmao

I, once again, refer you to the previous four subs.

Are you brain damaged, by any chance?

You did nothing, this subreddit is only popular from the fame of r/incels and the banning of any other incel form like r/incelibate.

This is what autism looks like.

I'll refer you to the 3 terrible subs I mentioned that somehow managed to climb in popularity without "creativity".

It's weird, the only one here coming off as brain damaged is you, and yet you're accusing me of just that very thing. projection much?

I agree

Edit: I think I actually am the one who said “I agree” gotta check first

Edit: yeah that’s me

Why are you such a fucking beta allowing these Normans to walk all over us?

Because he's not one of us.


You are the problem.

gas yourself

I've been noticing this for some months know. We have normalshits bridging us all the time to strawman us and directly oppose us (this is happening right now in fact) and we never go private or ban them. Whilst inceltears and other subreddits ban us for calling out their bullshit. Yet we are the echo chamber. Just lol at them tbh!

It's what happens when you're on the losing team.

That's not to say there isn't more truth on this sub than any of the other ideologically motivated subreddits on this site like r/GenderCritical, but that doesn't matter. When you're an ugly, unpopular man, you have to face constant scrutiny from modern society. Why? Because you're fighting for your right to have your feelings matter, and that's a huge nono. That should've been beaten out of you as a kid (sometimes literally). You need to stay at the bottom of the social ladder where you belong.

so much fucking THIS. Legit every fucking sub does this. IT fags legit spam us with the same shit. It should be deleted just based on spam at this point. You realized how cucked we are

You realize a IT poster is a mod

You realize the mod team doesn't stop IT posters.

I am sick and tired of having the same arguments over and over again. We should have bots replying to them like we had back on /r/incels.

This is definitely something we need to bring back

The self improvement auto-response was pure gold.

My friend was a 5'2 ugly indian janitor...

Yup. The bots were honestly effective, because it genuinely annoyed idiots.

i got banned a couple months ago when i said a lot of women in college are going just to meet a guy and really have no plans to get a job or education.

Well that’s just a worthless statement, but not really bannable imo

We need Azavii.

He was a true warrior.

Azavii have fallen. But we'll always remember him as a martyr and a national hero. Forever in our hearts.

Because the mods here all follow that moron /u/AnathematicAnarchist who is just a /r/IncelTears plant.

So much this. Other subs fucking listen to thier posters and aren't fucking gaslit in thier own community.

IT fags legit toy with us in here. It's fucking stupid. We are more cucked that feminist subs. They are firm with that shit.

Nazis vs free thinkers, in a nutshell. Who has more credibility, you think?

Oppression of free speech is always wrong.

Honestly? The ones who don't look like a bunch of wimps letting people walk all over their sub.

I disagree. If your opinon and ideology can't stand the heat of dissent (i.e feminism) then it has no credibility.

It constantly does stand and guess what IT fags never comment on them. But low hanging fruit troll post, oh lets attack that. They never argue on the viseral black pill observations ever.

I agree that troll post are annoying, but I just think that large scale banning of people starts you on a slippery slope. You'll likely end up banning anyone that disagrees with you. An echo chamber is boring and pointless. Views and opinions need to be challenged to stay fresh and powerful.

It needs to be critical not some "uhhhhhh why do you hate wimmen, muhsoggyknee" and IT fags aren't bringing that at all.

No it doesn't. r/incels was a fantastic sub that actually allowed incels to enjoy their sub.


Also, feminism has tons of credibility in modern society despite the fact that it can't stand "the heat of dissent". So bad example on your part.

Feminism is a much less cohesive movement. I'd say some branches of it can stand this hypothetical "heat of dissent" whereas others (@tumblrinaction style types) most definitely cannot.

Regardless, you basically need to call yourself a feminist to be accepted into most jobs these days.

Stop concern trolling.

If your opinon and ideology can't stand the heat of dissent

Almost nobody actually has real dissent.

The most I've gotten so far is people coming to this sub to attempt to bully me. One particular psychopath wishes that I would kill myself, in fact.

So much for "intellectual discussion".

They should be banned.

Not even because IT fags legit post the same shit that has been disproved

Just downvote every cucked or troll comment you see if the mods won't remove them. just bury every single one at the bottom of threads. there are more of us than there are of them.

there are more of us than there are of them.


not allowed to downvote here

Just disable reddit themes in settings or use a custom theme


Not banning everyone that upsets you guys is what's keeping this subreddit so active and relevant. imo

Agreed. I wonder why SJW types are always saying this sub is so hateful, when as a non incel who disagrees with much of what incel say, I feel welcomed and accepted in this community.

Why do you want this place to be like those subs full of retards ? Who get triggered at the slightest thing. If our philosophy is right it should be easy to show it to be true (and it usually is , ITs can't construct a logically flowing argument to save their life )

Because right now, we're the sub hull of retards.

Quit being a pussy and destroy the normans in the battle of wits. Should be easy they're usually unarmed

Not wanting to waste our time dealing with retards does not make us pussies.

You're not wrong - people should do and should raise awareness of incel issues, but a battle of wits isn't going to stop the trolls and brigaders.

I always try to challenge incels in a battle of wits but they they just called me expletives or ignored me when they have nothing to counter me with :/

Because you are BTFO instantly

so basically expletives?

No one can defeat the incel.

ok ur undefeatable


I wish I could crack down on trolling a bit more, but /r/gendercritical should not be the sub we should compare ourselves to. They are literal cancer, mods are trigger happy, and I don't want to be anything like them.

There's a fine line between good moderation and straight up censorship, something that subs like GC and twox have become known for.

They are literal cancer, mods are trigger happy, and I don't want to be anything like them.

Thing is, who's currently wining right now? Which side is constantly getting what they want?


We have almost as many subs and we've existed 1/12 as long as they have.

Lol... so did r/theredpill back in the day. They took great pride in the fact that they had over 100,000 subscrubers back in, I wanna say 2014? 4 years later and they are still considered huge losers even on this site.

You know even if I hate yall, you guys don't censor much and take criticism fairly well

Most off you that is

AnathematicAnarchist is not your ally, plain and simple. He gets off on being the owner of a sub with a large number of subscribers, and he's willing to look past brigades and harassment to achieve that. It's also why he allows hostile and abusive mods like BoardGaming to run free.

I proposed a replacement to incels when the community was shut down, that never took off. I would've treated the community right. :/

Modding on the Internet is a srs business and gets into people's heads.

I've been a mod before. I still don't get it frankly.

I wasn't talking about you.

Yeah, I understand. I meant I don't get the way it goes to people's heads.

At least you can disagree here. I disagree now and then and im pretty sure it wont get me banned.

Gee, it's almost like the first method actually works.

I browsed it after reading this post and I thought everyone was in on satire. Took me a solid 5 posts before I realized they were all serious.

Nah I like it now because I can talk about smashing broads and talk shit about foids simultaneously. I don't want to go hang out with those red pill or mgtow cucks.

I am an anti feminist, but I agree with the first statement. The makeup and hair removal practices are extremely odd. I have no idea why it is considered ‘attractive’ to paint your face in ugly make up and shave your nether regions so you look prepubescent.

Thankfully, my own partner doesn’t wear makeup at all - she looks gorgeous without it, and I don’t want to have to kiss lipstick covered lips. Same goes with hair removal down there - I’m thankful that my girl has kept her private parts unwaxed as I don’t want to feel like I’m being intimate with a little girl!

I don’t think I can speak for this whole sub but I would guess that many agree with me. I’m a right wing anti feminist, but these artificial beauty standards are stupid.

Yes, makeup and armpit hair, truly the pressing issue of our times.

Yeah I know, but I wouldn’t date a cakeface. Would you?

Ppl should be allowed to grow as much armpit hair or put as much makeup on their face imo

Truly the pressing issue of our times.

Women do this so they get attention from chad. Muh patriarchy has nothing do with it.

I’m Beta Billy, but I don’t think Chad cares. Fakeup looks gross. I think it’s a dick measuring contest between superficial women.

You can grow as much leg, armpit and pussy hair as you want. Just don't be surprised that people are disgusted by that because that is disgusting. Most men I've seen on tv have armpit hair and I still shave it because it looks fucking bad, not because that's a beauty standard.

r/the_donald is also booming with activity, yet I don't see much creativity there. r/jailbait was once booming with activity, too. r/cutefemalecorpses. Please think before you post.

I proposed a replacement to incels when the community was shut down, that never took off. I would've treated the community right. :/

Modding on the Internet is a srs business and gets into people's heads.