Explain this to me normies

93  2018-03-17 by regular_failure


Look at his face. Look at his height. Look at his fame. Look at his status. Look at his money. Look at his car. Look at his BBC. It is obviously because of his personality.

a girl will go throught abuse just to stay with chad


Master Manipulator TM

This. This comment is all anyone needs to read. Women like to parade around on Reddit and social media crying “not all woman are the same!! Looks mean nothing to us!! It’s all about “personality” and it’s bullshit. This is a perfect example that you have the height, the looks and money then women won’t give two shits what you do to them

Look at his BBC

You can't even see his cock, and i doubt you are talking about the British Broadcasting Corporation

pornhub stats reference hun

It's a fact that people of sub Saharan descent have the biggest cocks. It is known.

sub Saharan descent

Danry Vasquez

I bet you think Polynesians are black too.

What he isn't black mixed with something else? oh shit. What is he then?

He's Hispanic.

Marginally, but you know, REAL LIFE ISN'T FUCKING PORN

Fucking perfect

Here we have another master mind sculptor manipulating a poor helpless woman. He has made his misogyny invisible to her by warping reality with his personality. Turely a grand wizard at his peak.

grand wizard

I can think of another kind of Grand Wizard who wouldn't be kind to that roastie.

Oh course he is Chad women love to be beaten and dominated probably after that beating she fucked so good also he's famous and has huge social status and money

And a huge Cuban cigar in his pants.

women love to be beaten and dominated

True, there is reason 50 Shades of Gray sold over 120 million copies.

the thing is its even deeper than that, women hate getting beaten , but they will go with it to stay with chad .

Can confirm I do not want to get beaten

bitch come clean, don't make me look through that post history for a slip up about a rough sex/rape/bdsm fantasy.

she is 15

Hey I was into some shit by 15. And you can relax, mate, it's not like I'm not going to groom her.

i know dude i just wanted to inform you thats all

A 15 year old has historically been considered a young but grown woman. This whole "18=adult" thing is very peculiar to modern times.

you are a pedophile

its just 3 years bro


consensual rough sex can not be compared to being beaten against your will.

It obviously can based on OP, stupid brainlet. You better not come at me with another canned response. And if she does fantasize then it means she clearly does want to be beaten, ipso facto.

lol k

canned response

Downvoted. Try living with that.

omg how will I survive!?

So you assume a response is wrong because it was often told to you?

Go ahead fam

Yup, it's not rape if they consent. That's a fact

that's not what you said. girl in the OP didn't "consent" to getting beaten, but clearly she enjoyed it.

If someone is unconscious or unable to consent if that situation it's 100% rape, but she could've said no and if she did and he didn't stop then it'd rape

One more time for you, real slow: "It's not rape if they consent OR like it". You separate consent from enjoyment yourself, and now you pretend this is only about verbal consent. She probably said no, cause getting hit hurts n shit, but having Chad physically dominate always elicits deeper enjoyment, hence why they're still together. Same shit for you if you were in her position

Do realize people get off on getting beat?

Women enjoying physical abuse is the premise under which this entire discussion started, so yes I'm aware of that.

So do men

I love a good scrap if that's what you mean, but no most guys don't like femdom.

True, I'm not into the bdsm thing. It looks like it hurts

She probably thinks marriage is going to magically make everything better. Cue the divorce in 2 years

Nah he will beat her again and she will love him more "it shows he cares"

Cue the divorce in 2 years

Now the bet is whether she divorces him before she dies.

lmao there's no divorce coming

she's staying with him for life if he'll have her

Women want chad to dominate and abuse them, a beta to financially support them, and ugly men to drop dead.

tell me more about personality cucktears

I don't get it either. It has to do with the submissive nature of women and the desire to earn the love of Chad.

no she preffers getting beaten by chad than date an ugly male


she would rather take her chances and get burned than settle for a non-chad normie

Lol he's no Chad

Does inceldom have to do with the unstable nature of autists?

Are all of you mental? You think this is typical behavior? Instead of showing compassion for a human being who has been brainwashed into believing this monster is showing her love. You all claim to be a bunch of intellectuals. Then you would have read up on abuse statistics. This is not love. This is not a healthy relationship and instances like this should disgust you. But it won't..why? Because you see the girl as nothing more than a sex object. This isn't just about that guy having sex. Who cares. He's abusing and manipulating someone to get what he wants. It isn't right regardless if it "works or not." That's like applauding a bank robber who successfully stole thousands of dollars at the expense of others.

Dude, you're literally a meme, gtfo

Eh. Usually when words are in text..its interpretation is a lot more blunt. Someone can type a phrase, and then say it in real life and it can have two different meanings depending on the context. I won't lie and act like some women don't act like complete airheads when a cute guy talks to them (I mean both genders act stupid and irrationally around the people they fancy). Lust is like alcohol..it can impair your judgement

instances like this should disgust you

I agree. It's disgusting how she still CHOOSE to be with him after blatant abuse. It's disgusting what women are willing to put up with as long as the guys is rich and handsome. It's disgusting how you take any sort of agency and personal responsibility away from her by suggesting she's a helpless victim. She CAN walk away at anytime, she CAN go to the police and report this abuse, she CAN seek help from many different domestic abuse services for women. She CHOSE not to.

It's disgusting that he thinks it's okay to abuse another person like this. What he is doing is also wrong.

Please don't misunderstand and think that I believe the woman in this picture is helpless. Helpless no..but hopeless yes. And in a situation that neither of them should be in.

I agree with you. At the end of the day, we all make choices. However when you study the mentally of not only the victim but the abuser, you come to the realization that it isn't as simple as just choosing to walk away. Even drug addicts sometimes can't just stop doing drugs once they are already too far down the rabbit hole. Or even telling an anorexic to just start eating. Have you considered the circumstances? If he's capable of physically harming her, what makes you think he hasn't threatened to kill her? There are multiple forms of abuse as well. Maybe they're living together. Constantly telling her that she is worthless. Or maybe the girl has been abused as a child, which has tainted her view of love. You don't know her, and neither do I. So it's easier to just place fault. The guy, probably has a history of anger issues that also made him this way. However this type of behavior should be condemned. Not praised or seen as admirable. (Not you personally but alot of people here)

Not praised or seen as admirable.

You seem to think we are encouraging his behavior. I quickly skimmed through the comments and didn't find one post that is supporting what he did.

You mentioned a bunch of reasons why she stayed, but you never mentioned his wealthy, his looks, and his social status. Did you leave these out on purpose? Are they not possible factors?

You would be shocked (or not ya know) the amount of comments on the thread saying that she deserves that treatment. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not justifying his behavior? Or some comments saying that they want to do what he does in order to keep a girl. It would be ignorant of me to leave out those factors, and I'm glad you brought that up. His, looks, wealth and social status definitely play a role. I think we can agree that everyone in some way can appreciate to be around wealth, good looks and social status. Whether that is the defining factor in staying in a relationship depends on the person. She very well could have been attracted to all those things. However are you saying abuse is exclusive to people who are good looking? Or only rich people are capable of abuse? Those factors are not related to abuse. There is nothing wrong with anyone being attracted to good looking or weathly people. Just like there's nothing wrong with being attracted to a non conventionally attracted person. The issue is no longer her attraction or tastes once manipulation occurs. If she is attracted to those factors, of course shed be more likely to stay. Just like if she was attracted to the exact opposite. She would still stay

You would be shocked (or not ya know) the amount of comments on the thread saying that she deserves that treatment. Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that not justifying his behavior?

No, it's not justifying his behavior. They are not saying he should be abusing her. They are saying she is choosing to be abused by staying. A terrible choice no matter the reason.

However are you saying abuse is exclusive to people who are good looking? Or only rich people are capable of abuse?

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that if he was ugly, poor, and a loser, she probably would have left his ass and called the police right after the abuse.

Just like if she was attracted to the exact opposite. She would still stay

Yea I really doubt that. I find it hard to believe she or any woman would be attracted to ugly poor losers.

Look I don't even know what your point is anymore. My point is women make all sorts of excuses for Chad's behavior.

I apologize in advance. I'm new to Reddit and I don't know how to highlight specific parts of your post which I why I type in paragraphs. 1. I wish I could show you the screenshots of people who REPLIED to my comment saying that he should abuse her and that she deserves it. 2. You don't get it. If she isn't attracted to a poor and ugly person she wouldn't even be with him in the first place. That's the point. Regardless if she wasn't attracted to a dustmite if she is attracted she will stay 3. You find it hard to believe that she would be attracted to an ugly person..except that it happens. You can see this EVERYWHERE. People who are conventionally attractive have been with unconventionally attractive people. Which I have a question. Incels say that they doubt a conventionally attractive girl would be attracted to to an ugly person. Then why are they upset..if you know that that type of girl isn't going for why..why do you so desperately cling to that girl if she doesn't want you? I will never understand people who so desperately want to be liked by someone. If someone doesn't want you..oh freaking well. It's their life. You won't always be friends with everyone.

My ultimate point? Is that I don't understand incel behavior. I get being frustrated when you aren't a natural in the dating scene. That's fine. Venting is also fine. They don't want help or advice and that's fine too. But what I won't stand for is people promoting or wishes violence against people male or female just because THEY themselves are having a hard time.

I don't understand incel behavior

It's the same behavior behind class struggles. It's about perceived fairness in society and inequality. Why do poor people get mad at rich people and revolt? I'm not saying it's right, but it's understandable.

You might say it's wrong that Incels feel entitled to sex, but you would never say it's wrong for the poor to feel entitled to financial help. Why should the government take everyone's money and give it out as social security? If you can't make any money you just need to improve yourself and work harder right? This is the same kind of shitty advice that incels get constantly.

You raise an excellent point. I UNDERSTAND the position incels are coming from. Personally I do. Now I'm going to address your second point. First off I will like to say that I agree to an extent. People who are poor shouldn't be at a stand still and wait around for someone to do the work for them. HOWEVER I think you are really misguided if you think that not having sex is just as bad as not having food on the table for you or your children or a means to support yourself when you are old and suffering from a chronic illness. Humans need social interaction, and well as food shelter and water. A poor person will die A lot faster if they don't have food to eat than if they don't have sex. I promise you(pinky promise) that you will not die from not having sex. Because that is not the only way to get social interaction. Lack of Food and water? And medication for an illness WILL kill you. The problem with incels is that they put sex on the same level as basic necessities. I'm sorry to say that your body couldn't care less if it reproduced, as long as basic needs are met. For example, if I stopped eating or stressed myself to the max, I won't get my period. Why? Because my body is more concerned with my survival than reproducing.

It's an analogy to help you understand incel thoughts not a direct comparison.

I don't know if you subscribe to Maslow's hierarchy of needs but sex is very important to people. Why do salmon swim up river and die just to mate? Why do males in other species fight to the death to mate? In nature sex can be more important than everything else. Humans are animals and operate according to nature no matter how much we think otherwise. Besides basic survival, sex is pretty much the most important thing.

Unlike those creatures, humans have evolved to form a prefrontal cortex. We can read, write, explore the earth make new discoveries. The life span of those species are arguably shorter and there's much less to do besides eat sleep poop and fight. We are capable of so much more. Yes we have a natural drive for sex. But that's not all that life has to offer. When you are so absorbed in one thing so much so that is consumes your life is extremely unhealthy. Especially when these people are so young. Early 20s and think they are doomed to a life of celibacy. Like no. Stop. And I can speak from experience. I thought I was a freak because I didn't have my first kiss yet. I thought I was going to die alone. I couldn't even sleep at night. Until it happened. And I look back and think how stupid it was to have consumed myself with it. Was it really that life changing? No..it wasn't. I didn't win anything. I just felt stupid. Also..demonizing a gender (male or female) because they didn't have sex with you is beyond absurd. Sex is such a private and intimate experience, that shouldn't be rushed. You think Chad or whatever is having meaningful relationships? Maybe..maybe not. But that's his life. Not yours.

You do make a good case but it doesn't seem like you're someone who went YEARS past the expected age of having sex. I was pretty miserable and depressed when I was still a virgin at 24 years old. I wasn't completely miserable since I had a couple of friends and went on a lot of dates. Even if I didn't get far in those dates. I still would have days where I would wake up feeling very worried about my situation. Depression would hit me hard those days. Then I met this girl who I lost my virginity to. We're still together after three months. Let me tell you, I feel like so many of my problems in life are completely gone. I no longer have this terrible feeling of low self esteem where I end up kissing everyone's ass. My anxiety has been heavily reduced. And I don't even think about what people will think of me anymore. I feel free and happy knowing that somebody loves me. I really do believe sex and intimacy are crucial especially after this experience.

I get it. And yes I'm younger than you. The problem isn't your emotions. It never was. It's the RESPONSE from alot of people on this thread that is alarming. People sending threats to people. People idolizing the likes of Elliot Rogers (I'm going off on a tangent from the original post). That's what really freaks me out. I'm glad you are more confident with yourself. But I'm curious to know (and of course you don't have to answer if you don't want to) was it the physical part of sex that boosted your confidence? Simply, bluntly, putting your penis into a vagina? Or was it having a meaningful relationships with the woman you love? Or was it the feeling of no longer feeling like a late bloomer that boosted your self-esteem?

I know alot of people come on to the threads to bully incels. (As much as I don't agree with the ideology, bullying never helped no one) but there are some you have to admit who don't feel the need to put in any effort. I also come from a poor background. I understand the struggles and why I was dealt this card. But that doesn't mean I'm just going to stand by and wallow in self-pity. I don't want to be poor, so I'm going to do everything in my power to work hard. As long as I know I put in the effort, I'm satisfied. Because life isn't fair and unfortunately we can't do Jack squat about it. So I'm going to be the best me I can be for as long as I can. Because at the end of the day..its my life.

you have to admit who don't feel the need to put in any effort

I can only speak for myself but I feel like a lot of other incels are in the same situation. Social anxiety and low self esteem combined with lack of social skills from years of isolation fucks up every social interaction. Not just with girls but it affects everything. I put in effort but it feels like running a race where everyone is so far ahead I can't even see them. This is also why I like this sub. In real life I would never find anyone like me.

Not only incels experience social anxiety friend. It's difficult, it's challenging. And I applaud you for putting in effort. Because not only is it the least you can do. It's the best you can do. A sturdy oak tree doesn't grow in a day or even 10 years. The longer you have the idea that people in real life don't go through what you do, it won't help. Just think of the thousands of people you see everyday. I guarantee you all of them have some struggle, and at least one can relate to you. You know what hurts me most? Incel sub could've been great. People coming together to support one another and uplift. But that is not what I see. Incels tearing each other down. Making each other more miserable. How does that help? I'll tell you how...it doesn't.

Incels tearing each other down

It might appear that way, but it's all jokes and friendly ribbing. This is pretty much how guys bond. We give each other shit and fuck around but at the end of the day this sub is pretty supportive, at least I feel it is.

If it's helping you to become a better you, then awesome. But, I'd honestly be careful. If the people around you aren't seriously motivating you to become a better version of yourself, I'd steer clear. But that's just my personal opinion.

Thanks. I’m more worry about you being here. Your brand of “strive to be your very best” attitude is not going to be welcome here. You’ll just end up frustrated and angry. Incel believe the very best version of themselves is still not good enough. For some that’s true.

Lol it's frustrating yes, because at times it can seem like I'm going in circles. (The amount of comments I've had to reply to it's crazy). But that's my life's motto. If I can get through to at least one person...help at least one person. Then at the end of the day I'll be happy. There's so much hate in the world. People are so against each other. If I have the knowledge to help someone get out of their situation..then why not? Doesn't cost me anything but time. The worst that can happen is me getting cursed at. But I mean..eh? Doesn't bother me much. But I appreciate the concern, and thanks for actually having an open conversation with me.

My question to you is why does it matter if he is attractive/wealthy or not? Yes most women can be shallow af. But what's the solution. Tell people they can't be attracted to handsome or pretty people? Because it seems to me that incel themselves aren't to fond of that piece of advice. Who are you or any of us to dictate who should be attracted to whom. There are hot jerks..and there are ugly jerks.

My question to you is why does it matter if he is attractive/wealthy or not?

It matters because attractiveness and wealth/social status is a huge factor in relationships that society has chosen to downplay and replace with personality and respect.

But what's the solution.

Well the solution that most cultures came up with historically is strictly enforced monogamous marriage. This limits Chads to just one girl. Institution of marriage is breaking down right now everywhere which creates all sorts of social problems.

I'm religious, so I'm more in favor of monogamous relationships as generally they are healthier. However, I can't force that ideology on people. So the first girl you meet your stuck with for the rest of your life? The chances of being with one person (granted sex isn't in the picture) is very small. Also, attractiveness is a very human thing. Even babies gravitate towards pretty good looking or symmetrical things (which is what attractiveness is very plainly). It's something we inherently like. Wealth=prosperity. Women seek stability as once again the very basic desire to support children. Is it shallow yes, but it's biologically based. And once again..WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE WITH SHALLOW WOMEN. There are plenty of women you are looking and dating the average Joe. Yet the incel wants the girl that wants the breakfast at Tiffanys and diamond crusted toilets. Leave that girl (or guy) alone.

So the first girl you meet your stuck with for the rest of your life?

The first girl I'm compatible with I would be okay with spending the rest of my life being stuck with her. A couple of my friends married the first girl they had sex with, both very stable relationships. The girl who's a heartbreaker that hops from one guy to another seems the most miserable.

Nothing wrong with woman wanting a rich guy. Nothing wrong with guys wanting hot girls.

I love stories like that. Falling in love with someone and then being with them. However that just doesn't happen very often in this culture. And that's just the way it is.

Tell people they can't be attracted to handsome or pretty people?

No, we just want people to stop lying about it. People get with other people because they're attractive, the halo effect is so strong that it trumps everything including backhands in a stadium stairwell.

And yet people come in here and tell incels "oh no, it's not because you're ugly it's because you're an asshole". Just be honest, if Vazquez and the average person here were the same in every way except for their appearance, Vazquez would win 10/10 times unless the woman is a white supremacist who doesn't want to be caught with a dark skinned man

Fine. I'll be honest if that's what you want. Some of you are ugly and some of you aren't. (Generally speaking of course) but your personality makes it 100000× worse. If you had a better genuine personality(cause some of you are a bunch of lying butts. You act nice until you get rejected) than Vazquez then you would win. And guess what? If you lost... THEN HUNNY YOU NEED TO GET ON YOUR KNEES AND PRAISE GOD CAUSE YOU JUST DODGED A BULLET

you can't compare getting high to getting the shit beat out of you JFL

This isn't just about that guy having sex. Who cares. He's abusing and manipulating someone to get what he wants. It isn't right regardless if it "works or not." That's like applauding a bank robber who successfully stole thousands of dollars at the expense of others.

What's your point?

lol all we claim here is that these guys get their way by being evil and we get nothing even when we treat girls with respect and decently. Should we not be angry and pissed off?

She hasn't been brainwashed she's just a dumb roastie. If she's too dumb to realize he's bad news then she's exactly what we think most girls are: dumb roasties who want testosterone-fueled assholes like this.

Get lost.

JFL if you thought this isn't typical behavior


women should dump a guy as soon as she hits him. they don't. they're idiots. incels merely observe. they don't make these decisions.

"Nope, clearly you made those decisions for those women and it's your fault that they're being abused. Maybe if you didn't have such a bad personality those women would date you instead of the abusers. btw, literally EVERYTHING bad that has ever happened is your fault."

  • IncelTards, 2018

it's like you only see black and white, nothing in between

It's more like IncelTears grasps at straws to blame us for everything that goes wrong in our lives. Sometimes you're born with defects, sometimes you get in an accident and get disfigured. Sometimes you're just dealt a shitty hand in life and it's not your fault.

You're ignoring the previously happened story that led to this. Ever heard of stockholm syndrome?

At the expense of banks, who already have huge amounts of wealth that makes thousands look like chicken feed? Great analogy.

....Oh I see. So people don't actually store money in the banks. No one owns a bank account and everyone keeps their money under their mattress. Got it.

The money in the bank is all insured, thick cunt.

Someone still has to pay for it you dense ninny.

Yeah, the multibillionaire insurance companies. Boo hoo.

Who then rack up the prices for coverage and who ends up getting hurt in the end? The little guy at the 9 to 5.

So you're saying he's got a bad personality? Interesting.

I think all humans can agree (correct me if I'm wrong) that anyone who physically attacks another human being with the extremely small exception of self defense, has a bad personality.

I see. Then why isn't his personality preventing him from getting into a relationship?

My dear friend. It seems as though I have confused you and I apologize. Let me rephrase. Abusers are charasmatic, charming and even witty. They may and often times are intelligent. HOWEVER, they are also narcissistic, manipulative, cunning and filled with violent rage. Cumulatively he has a bad personality. But the person being abused is not aware or sometimes is blind to those awful traits. I forget sometimes I have to be more clear with what I say over text. Hope that answers your question

Cumulatively he has a bad personality.

Yes and IncelTears has made it very clear that we incels can't get girlfriends because of our bad personality. If he has such a bad personality, how is he getting into relationships?

So..read the part where I said charming and c harasmatic and manipulative. Then read the second to last sentence.

Oh so being "charming and charismatic and manipulative" can somehow bypass the personality filter that every woman seems to have, according to IncelTears. Why is that? IncelTears has made it perfectly clear that every woman can detect when a man is a creep and being a manipulative abuser definitely falls under that category, regardless of whether or not they are charming and charismatic. So the female creep radar should be able to detect that. So tell me how it failed this time.

You're not going to like my answer. So brace yourself. Incels are not charming. Not are they c harasmatic. Why? Because as soon as there is a slight chance of rejection, they go off on the girl. Incels are EXTREMELY transparent for the most part. A Chad (honestly why are they called Chad? Like honest question Chad sounds like a gym rat and spends his Sundays playing golf or something) can handle rejection well. Thus, doesn't appear desperate or needy. And to answer your question..yes. Just look at people in high positions. How do you think they get there? Am I saying that being charming while being manipulative is good? ABSOLUTELY FRIGGEN NOT. A creep is someone who is so desperate for sex. Women don't like that because it feels dirty. Some of you have really sweet/interesting personalities. But they become tainted because of your desperation to get a gf. This is an EXTREME example. But bear with me please and don't take it for surface value. How do dictators take control? How to they get so many supporters from the people. How do they get them to accept and even engage in atrocities? Both men and women can fall victim to manipulation. Only afterwards do they realize. Does it make them stupid? To a degree you can argue yes. But you need to not look at things in black or white. There is a gray area. There is always a blind spot

How do you know that the people who post here aren't charming IRL?

You got a lot of responses to your comment, and I think you may have misunderstood the reason for the post. The point is not to praise the man for abusing his girlfriend (although some here may be doing so). The incels are using this example to argue against the claim commonly made by "normies" that their personality is what is keeping them from entering relationships. They would agree with you that a man who physically abuses his partner has a bad personality, and their argument is that since these people who have bad personalities can get in relationships, personality does not stop anyone from finding a relationship. I'm not gonna defend this argument further, just wanted to explain that's why they made this post.

Thank you for your comment. I know and I have addressed that point to some people. My original comment was more so directed to the few people who see this and say that the girl deserved what was happening to her.

We're not claiming he's a good guy. We're arguing against all the people that claim incel types are lonely because of our attitude.

No, that's false. /u/neomancr would disagree.

Nope. Unfortunately there are all sorts of reasons for things to happen and often times you have no choice.

If someone was about to kill someone else I would attack them.

Your actions don't really have any bearing on who you are, it's your intentions

And also the term "good personality" is meaningless. I suspect what you mean is attractive personality.

To say that someone has a good personality says very little similar to if you were to say a person is "nice"

Sometimes you also attack people to get them to stop doing something you don't think he should be doing.

That's straight up what super heroes do.

Superman doesn't just hang out at home and only attack people who come to him.

Is she being forced to get engaged to him and marry him? How can women be this stupid? Why the fuck are they allowed to vote if they can be manipulated by a abusive retarded jock into marrying them? LMAO fucking roasties. The bank robber analogy is stupid because the robber threatens people lives immediately. This woman is under no life threatening situation. One visit to the cops or a single call to a lawyer can fix her life. Fucking retard.

Why is the abusive retarded jock allowed to vote then? He gets the girl?

She's marrying him because she's in love and he's promised to change, and she wants to believe him. He probably blamed her for the beating too, and seeing how you and guys in general talk about girls, she probably didn't really have enough self esteem, and she kind of believes she is to blame for the beating.

In a few years she'll probably get wise and leave him.

So you are saying she is in it for alimony and house . Disgusting.

No, I'm saying she's emotionally dependent

Yes she seems to get emotional high from getting beaten up. Is she addicted ?

Women have it ingrained from birth that they need a man, and they also form strong emotional bonds to their partner. When a partner encourages low self esteem by manipulation, the woman can start to believe she needs the man to be okay, and that he's beating her because she actually deserves it.

It's more like clinging to a life raft on open sea than an addiction - except she would of course be far better off without the life raft.

But men are told too that they need a women. Whats your point ?

I was explaining the dynamic of emotional dependence. There's nothing saying a man can't be dependent on a woman, but it happens far less often (differences in strength, authority, financial capability, and being told you need a strong man to defend you all factor into that).

Now you are just being a misogynist. You need to change your behavior.

? I'm a girl. It's statistically proven that women are more often the victims of domestic abuse, that's common knowledge.

You have internalised misogyny. You need re education.

because women report it more.

Does this also apply to men who have been manipulated and coerced into being in a relationship with a woman? I hope it does.

if a woman physically abuses a guy, to a point that it's called a beating, and the guy gets engaged to her, then he is a retard. I would love to see stats of such men compared to stats of such women.

1/6 australian women (in a couple) are physically abused. Surely this is a significant statistic that reflects poorly on the nature of how retarded 16% of women are who chose to not only not report their abusers but also chose to stay with them. Show me similar stats for men. Why isn't this studied?

Forget physical abuse since you mentioned manipulated and coerced. Show me stats or an article in a leading newspaper that men are being leeched off of by women. Why don't they bother funding such studies. We literally have to rely on word of mouth and Internet forums to explore these truths about women?

Also there is legal help for preventing physical abuse, not for mental manipulation. Fucking normies and their shitty analogies.

My stats are U.S based keep that in mind. https://ncadv.org/statistics Also bear in mind that women are more likely to report accounts of abuse than men. Also note that men typically engage in physical aggression, while women engage in relational aggression (and also physical). Give me a sec so I can find peer reviewed sources

It is typical. It happens all the time.

That's like applauding a bank robber who successfully stole thousands of dollars at the expense of others.

Well if the bank robber is invited back to the bank again and again over the course of several years and the bank leaves the vault open every time, at some point it's the bank's fault.

lmao @ inceltears upvote brigade

muh brainwashing ‘n’ muhnipulation

women are strong

muh nice personality 'n' muh respekt for womanoids but I still can't get muh sexd

Does that help? Nope...didn't think so.

Why should I be sympathetic towards some dumb girl who would rather get beaten by chad than talk to an incel? She chose to stay with a thug for his looks so she deserves what's coming. If she's not gonna leave even after getting the shit beaten out of her then that's her fault.

Idk. Maybe having sympathy and empathy for another human being might make you slightly more attractive and dateable considering women are emotional beings. But what do I know?

Cause I'm sure the girl in the pic was attracted to her husband's empathy while she got the shit kicked out of her. You sure do know a lot and are not a moron in any way.

It's actually pretty typical.

Typical probably wasn't the best word choice. I mean, right, or correct behavior.

So she was wrong for accepting?

Accepting what. His advances or her situation? They both look young, and some people really aren't good at reading people. Maybe she knew he was an abusing pos. Maybe she didn't. I will say she is 100% wrong for staying in that relationship. But that doesn't mean she deserves the treatment she is getting.

So if I walk into traffic, I don't deserve to be hit by a car?

You don't deserve to be. Of course your actions have consequences (I think we can all agree). However I think there's a pretty substantial difference between walking into on coming traffic and dating someone. Apples to oranges. Now, if the guy told her blatantly "Hey, I'm an abuser and I will beat the snot out of you if you make me angry". But I can bet money that's not how he wooed her.

She's dating an abuser. If he beats her, it cannot be more clear.

Cry me a river. She fully deserved this for getting with him because he has the money and is a Chad. This would've never happened had she dated an incel. All I'm gonna say is this: karma is a bitch.

You're right. And incel probably wouldn't have abused her the same way. Instead, he probably would have threatened to kill himself anytime she didn't respond to a text..or stalk her to work, or emotionally abuse her..Like are you dense? As soon as a woman rejects you, you go off on her calling her names, calling her a worthless pos. Only to text her the next day saying your 'sorry'. But oh nooo..never an incel 😐 Boi stop

Nothing you said made any sense. Respond when you're not emotionally unstable.

Also..are you confirming that incels don't have money? If you have no money..how are you going to be able to provide for your family? Why would want to be with someone who cannot provide for you or in the least your potential children..

Please point out which part of my statement made no sense. I'd be more than happy and willing to clarify.

Why not you go and lose your virginity to a prostitute before commenting here? Your virginity is clearly making you lose your mind

I don't associate my virginity with my intellect..as most people hopefully don't. Also... I'm good.

Ahhh, assuming the behavior of people you don't even know. 10/10

Isn't that what everyone here is doing? I'm offering a different perspective. Move along.

No, not everyone is generalizing here.

Dude's pimp hand is cast in iron though, lol. A primal part of her likes it, I'm sure.

nah bro, 50 shades of grey only sold 45 million copies in 2014, enough for 1 in 3 adult women. pretty sure that's only the preference of a tiny, fractional minority.



Ok nice opinions now GTFO my sub

You're welcome :)

Women are attracted to men capable of violence



Isn't it a beautifully romantic love story?

Look at her eyes. Look at her face. She's in bliss.

Women want bad things to happen to them. Look at her face, she's in love.

Feminism is a misguided ideology because women don't want to be treated well. The proof is in the pudding. Being an abuser will get you loving doe eyes. Being nice will make you a meme.

Women were never meant to have rights. They don't want them.

Women say they want rights, but they also say they care about personality. They expect us to read between the lines because everything they say is like that.

what the fuck

what the fuck is right. why is she with him?

"what the fuck" is the fact that she had that man's penis in her vagina after this incident. We have never had our penises in any vagina, despite the fact that we treat women reasonably in our lives (yes, we talk shit online on anonymous message boards, but we certainly don't say this shit irl).

That's the blackpill in a nutshell. And you cannot deny it. And you cannot blame us for loathing women and celebrating their suffering because of it.

Just a reminder that you are ugly and will be unloved for your entire life! Fucking hilarious!

At least you're not denying the truth, the blackpill.

But wait, I thought my P E R S O N A L I T Y was the reason I'm single? Whence cometh the looks, oh cucktears? Or have you swallowed the blackpill too?

They always find a way to insult appearance while insisting it doesn't matter. They're hateful negative people with holes in their lives so large it's like a roastie's plowed hallway.

Remember that these people are only obsessed with an obscure internet forum they try to hurt people on because their own lives are worthless. No one of value does that and they know that so they get even angrier.

I can recognize that you assholes are hideous inside and out, and thankfully will never know what it means to have someone love you, look forward to seeing at the end of the day, go to bed with you, want to have sex with you.

You talk too much.

This is what we want, to dispense blackpills.

Just a reminder that im a manic depressive and might wake up in a chicken costume with several dead cows tomorrow!

every violent person has a history of violence. they just don't magically explode one day. you literally just need to ask someone who knows them before you put yourself in a situation where you can't get out.

Did you even read the articles?

Their reasoning circles around one simple (but wrong) explanation: he's hot so all other social norms fall flat just like in porn

Ok if that's what you want to believe

please get this fuckin person out of here

why the fuck are these comments allowed to stand in this sub?

Sorry for providing information


Don’t worry, everyone know he only beats her cause he loves her! It’s the ultimate show of affection. I’ve proposed to all of my wives in a similar manner! Sadly each one ends up committing sewercide 😔

He has a gud personality unlike u guys

Brutal personalitypill. We wouldn't be virgins if we could be as misogynistic as him.

But you are...

Cope. Clearly our personalities are holding us back, if only we were more misogynistic we could be just like him. It's OVER for non-misogynistcels.

it's over if you're not literally beating the shit out of women in 2018

He’s Chad.

If he does it, they will stay.

If you ain't willing to step to your chick in 2018, it's over.

Fear, it shows in more ways than a "let's get the hell out of here" way.

Can relate since my aunt did the exact same thing

Like a maze, easier to see the ways out when you’re on the outside 😐

You do realise the same argument can be made for why incels understand relationships Better than normies.

You kinda have a point, but I find anyone outside the relationship can do it I do with friends alright, see em destroying emselves 😐🙄


Such a complicated maze for women, not being able to understand that dating people who overtly display narcissistic and psychopathic tendencies is a bad idea. But I mean they really do a good job at hiding these traits, thereby tricking the women, which totally explains why clear-cut and well-known criminals and thugs have such an easy time getting laid. Like you could never have possibly predicted that an ex-felon gangbanger would abuse and rape you. I mean, what a maze.

But the nice guys and incels are the problem, let's go after them, amirite?.

This particular woman is making a very stupid choice alright But so did hitler and yet we don’t blame all men for it

Most women act like this. Quoting Rollo Tomassi, This fallacy is where we get the NA*ALT (not all ___ are like that) absolution of the most unflattering parts of human nature. Not All Women Are Like That is standard feminine-primary boilerplate for women and sympathizing men (White Knights) who’d rather we all ignore the aspects of female nature that shine a bad light on what are easily observable truths about their behavior and the motives behind them. The social convention relies on the idea that if there is even one individual contradiction to the generalization (always deemed an ‘overgeneralization’) then the whole idea must be wrong._

She doesn't want out. She enjoys getting abused by an alpha. Femoids are hard wired to like it when an alpha beats the shit out of them, just like femoids are hard wired to enjoy rape

Reported 👍🏼🍻

report this IT implant

Oh fuck off. I'm a truecel who has been here since the beginning of r/incels. You newcels are so cucked that you can't even say obvious truths about femoid nature on "your" own subreddit.

I'd rather stay away from those implied things. I prefer the sub exists so that we can discuss 99% of the things we want instead of being banned because of the 1% content that is giving the admins what they want.

You are clearly cucked if you think the content of the sub has anything to do with whether or not the admins will ban us. We are ugly male virgins and as soon as the media realizes that we still exist on here they will shame us for being ugly male virgins and then the admins will ban us. It doesn't matter what we post. All that matters is that we are subhumans.

What you're saying is true, but its also true that we are on reddit and while this website is cursed, lets try to make use of it in our favor while we are on it, as long as we can without being completely cucked. I think not advocating violence and other abuses is something we can put a leash on. Something is better than nothing...

Emotionally manipulative people really seem to be too complex for you to understand, folks



complex personality

spends all day on the football field and fucking women and doing drugs

Is this what they meant when they said "just work on your personality bro!"

Those two aren't connected in any way. Personalities are inherently complex

well one personality is criticizing women for accepting violence, and the other one is beating the shit out of a woman on a staircase. which one do you think is getting laid?

Both if you don't tell who is who

wrong. try again.


In general, not in this particular example

right in the fucking tits

"complex personality" is not the same as "emotionally manipulative"


if someone hits you, leave. it doesn't take a mastermind to figure that out.

some retard in this thread also compared this chad-betty relationship to a bank robber and the cashier giving him money. lmao

if the bank called the robber to apologize for making him rob them

Probably too complex for the idiot you're replying to

It seems like it's women who don't understand. Are Women less intelligent ? What else would explain this behavior ?

Probably this particular woman might not be the brightest. Intelligence varies

Why are you being a racist ? It's not a nice thing to do.

How is this racist? I didn't mention race anywhere

You are one of those Nazis who believe in intelligence and stuff.

Lol what

You just said some people have​ lower intelligence.

Yes, but I didn't say one particular ethnicity had lower intelligence. That would be racist. I did not say that

Oh I see People who don't agree with you are stupid. You just said she got beaten up because she was less intelligent. Now I am starting to think you are IT troll.

I don't calm you stupid for disagreeing with you but for seemingly asinine conclusions that often took one specific part out of a statement completely out of context

Women would prefer to date powerful men that abuse them than a normal kind man who would love them. Women, because of their sexuality, prefer power over humanity.

Women would rather date and try to "change" an abusive good looking man's personality than date and try to improve a kind average guy's appearance.

Women show with their actions what they really want, and say what it takes to be perceived in a way they prefer; Women are liars. Women are sexually attracted to power and nothing else. Men aren't human beings to women. How they behave as their privilege increases is proof.

Women are just born victims. It's how they function. Historically, they've been treated like children. They "abuse" just as much as men. They usually use the "wah I was abused" to slander an ex and/or to be part of the "wah I was abused" club.

Lol wtf Edit: I watched the video and o my god Edit 2: someone explain when he proposed??

Vasquez did get married, but not to the woman in the video. However, the woman in the video had been with him for six years before she broke it off. Vasquez is married to a different woman

Im addition they were engaged before he attacked her in this video

This is what happens when guy is 5 times more attractive than womanoid. She doesn't believe she can get better so it's ok if he breaks her nose sometimes. Pathetic little cunt.

Y'all, she's being beaten and y'all are congratulating it? You guys think that her being beaten, possibly within an inch of her life, is a good thing?

No we're congratulating the fact that she's so happy being with this guy. They're gonna get married. That's such a positive thing. Let's cheer for their future. 😊

/s? Sry lol, I just had myself a shudder looking at all the comments where they were saying she liked it or something. Creepy.

Dumb normies can't even read sarcasm without a marker.

I never was too bright in school. A wonder how I made it to uni! Haha

the same way you got your world view

sexism and helicopter parenting

only women and children use /s tags rofl

who the fuck said that? You must be an exceptional retard to arrive at that conclusion. If you bothered to lurk, you'd know that what we think is alpha chads can literally get away with beating women sometimes. NO ONE HERE IS ADVOCATING ABUSE. FUCK OFF IT IMPLANT.

I'm reaching a conclusion based off of previously left comments. I went through quite a bit of this particular thread to reach that conclusion. From what I've read, it sure seems like it's indirect advocacy of abuse.


here I am directly advocating you to get the fuck out of here.

Good call mate, be seeing ya.

Yes problem normie?

Yeah, a little bit. Beating an SO is horrid and anyone who decides it's a smart and intelligent thing to do has no brain cells.

That's why this board is called "braincels" unironically most members have high iqs including my self I have seen what females do for attention and to be dominated by a man

But do they understand rick and morty


Rick & Morty's complexity is beyond human comprehension. Not even the most intelligent beings such as myself could possibly understand it. Its significance and depth spans across countless, infinite dimensions. I wouldn't expect a low-IQ pleb like yourself to know this of course

/s for socially inept morons who think this is serious.

Yes. Yes, we do.

Because she wants the same for us. Women have a seething hatred of ugly men. They deny us love and affection. They dismiss us as creeps and harassers. It is there fault I am lying alone in my bed on a Saturday night on an incel forum rather than on a date with a girlfriend, holding her hand, hugging her, making corny jokes with her, taking her home and eventually bedding her, and then waking up the next morning experiencing euphoria as I see my love sleeping on my chest. That is what it means to be alive. That is what it means to be a man.

And yet we aren't allowed to experience these most primal things. We are made to rot, because they have decided that we deserve to rot. And we hate them for it. And we want them to suffer for it. And when they choose the abusers over us, we may cry in envy and despair at first, but ultimately we will laugh in contempt as they get their asses beat up, the stupid whores who rejected us for being born subhuman.

women have a seething hatred of ugly men.

How can you hate something you don’t even care about?

You do care about us. Why else would you be here? But you only care about us insofar as you desire to mock and ridicule us. Again, a seething hatred.

Amusement. Not hate at all. Like bob Ross would say, I can’t afford time for that.

I’m also an incel so it’s funny and sad at the same time to see how you changed that concept into misogyny.

no, it just goes to show the personality thing is a bit of a fucking meme when you get disgusting women beaters getting married

chris brown still being fucking adored after nearly killing rihanna isnt any different

But she craves beating.

You guys think that her being beaten, possibly within an inch of her life, is a good thing?

Yes she deserves it for being dumb enough to date a guy that abuses her.

This type of shit is life fuel and proves that women are fickle minded creatures overrun by their instincts.

Apparently she does, lol

This is the picture of the alpha male in his natural habitat

They were actually engaged prior to the abuse and broke up after. It did say they broke up a few months after the attack, which is odd.

Its not like he attacked her, then proposed and she said yes

People have no self esteem and dont demand better for themselves. Its the same how ppl on here beat themselves up and never demand better for themselves from themselves. Better yet you guys never say “Fuck you” to society and stop letting it fuck you mentally.

AHAHAHAHAHAH yeah, right.

Its probably because he is a few points above her lookswise. He could easily slay 9/10s, thats why she takes it. If he were a few points below her and shorter she would be off in a second.

He could easily slay 9/10s

A gaggle of 9/10s. Baseball players are attractive to jersey chasing roasties because compared to the other three major sports in the US, baseball players generally have the longest careers

He's tyrone what didya expect?

she's got mental problems, easy


What do you want explained? Have you heard of Stockholm syndrome?

It's much worse when it's just you and an abusive person.

The typical pattern of an abusive male is that he starts off normal, then begins isolating his subject until she becomes more and more dependent on him. A type of insanity of two happens which is a phenomenon that isn't even only limited to couples in a romantic sense.

She is then constantly subjected to threats which extend even to her life and the lives of those she cares about.

There is then no one else she can run to without fear of reprisal.

It's become much worse nowadays with spy apps which then give the man the power to break his subject under hen pressure of constant surveillance. Often he will even pretend like he's a mind reader

The majority of abusive assholes are actually really good at gaming friends and no one would suspect that he's that much of an asshole.

That's where the term wolf in sheep's clothing came from

Technically we are a country of battered wives ruled over by abusive smiling assholes.

Stockholm Syndrome only affects women.


There ya go

lmfao read the username

/S are like traffic signals around these communities

No need when it's true. Look it up biatch.

Are you saying women are retarded ?

No, I'm saying that people are insecure and others play off of their insecurities to keep them.

Sound familiar?

But nobody is exploiting incel's insecurities to sleep with them.

Yea... Tour insecurities are being exploited for something way less fun

So you are saying there is a double standard ?

Both are seen as bad by nornies at least.

So you are saying she deserved it.

Where did he say that?

lol wut?

Technically we are a country of battered wives ruled over by abusive smiling assholes.

LMFAO. How the fuck do you function in real life despite being so retarded?

Clearly women must be fucking stupid if they chose to date you.

Naw the vast majority of Americans agree.


Wtf happened to you?

Is this an autistic approach at the last line?

Hitker executed the white rose society publicly which destroyed the spirits of all Germans who sought to resist

I didn't understand any of that.

Are you just stringing random thoughts together?

Yea I figured.

How about if we uses purim as an example. The Russian people were just informed that out in swept the elections. Again..

wtf are you talking about?

Domestic violence isn't a gendered issue. Both men and women are assholes to each other. In most cases they're both assholes to each other. Men kill more and commit more serious violence, obviously, because they have that physical capability. Women are better at the emotional stuff (which includes feigning victimhood).

So what? Are you agreeing with me now?

If that was remotely what you said I would be.

Yea others understand metaphor and the context was clear. Tyrannical nations are nations under Stockholm syndrome. Battered wives are individuals under Stockholm syndrome. It's the same thing.

It's empathy with your captors

Pointing out the fact that it sometimes happens to women is just petty and malicious.

wat. The point is you're making the issue into a gendered one (something men do to women), which is feminist bullshit.

Are you really trying to pretend like this wasn't supposed to imply something about one gender?


Interesting how women can smell creepiness from ugly men but their radar just does not seem to work on handsome good looking guys

Lol there are plenty of ugly men who are abusive assholes. The very stereotype of an abuser is a shirt fat balding guy with a southern accent in a wife beater. What're you talking about?

I'll certainly shape my world views by unfounded stereotypes from lefty websites.

Lefty website? It's like every Hollywood movie.

There are two types of abusers either the American psycho type which is newer and the traditional guy who obviously dated up and is insecure so beats his wife to break her spirit in order to keep her from leaving

There's no correlation between being handsome and being an abusive asshole. The majority of cases why a man is abusive is because he's an insecure red piller type applying Dread game.

I'll certainly shape my world views according to Hollywood movies.

Then where'd you get this stereotype of a sexy wife beater.

The two abusive assholes I've last known were a balding Serbian guy who was way older than the girl be was dating (my friend) and a short yuppie guy who I later found out had to shop for pants in the children's aisle

There is no reason for someone who is confident in who he is to be an abusive asshole. The cases where the guy is an actual psychopath are rare


violent people have a long history of violence that you would know just by asking the people who know them

and JFL at thinking it takes a mastermind to get a woman to not leave you after you hit her. women constantly stay with guys who beat them and it's because they're idiots. if someone hits you, leave. they aren't some 145 IQ master manipulator. they're a piece of shit and there's 11ty other guys out there that aren't.

It’s a little reductive just to say ‘if someone hits you, leave’. I think a lot of abused partners stay for a variety of complicated reasons (none of which are good). Also I don’t think you have to be particularly smart to make someone feel shit enough to believe they’re worthless. Within a relationship I can see that insecurity being a strong factor as to why people don’t leave.

no. it's really not.

if someone hits you, leave

there's no complicated reasons to stay. leave.

Well from an uncomplicated perspective I have actually known someone who stayed because he told her he would find her and kill her. She believed him.

Also I don’t even think they’re cunning. I think they start off being verbally abusive and they make their partners feel like shit. No need to be smart to be an arsehole.

They don't leave because of the value the man provides her; They don't leave because of how much they value the way his status, money and looks is able to make her look to other women.

It has nothing to do with cunning or manipulation. If an abusive guy was an average guy, women would likely dump him and have him arrested or beat up. The fact is that women tolerate abuse from powerful or good looking men because of what women truly value and how they want to look.


violent people have a long history of violence that you would know just by asking the people who know them. people do not just magically explode one day. i have known more men than you'll ever know.

and JFL at thinking it takes a mastermind to get a woman to not leave you after you hit her. women constantly stay with guys who beat them and it's because they're idiots. if someone hits you, leave. they aren't some 145 IQ master manipulator. they're a piece of shit and there's 11ty other guys out there that aren't.


Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 161131

Stockholm syndrome

Stockholm syndrome is a condition that causes hostages to develop a psychological alliance with their captors as a survival strategy during captivity. These feelings, resulting from a bond formed between captor and captives during intimate time spent together, are generally considered irrational in light of the danger or risk endured by the victims. Generally speaking, Stockholm syndrome consists of "strong emotional ties that develop between two persons where one person intermittently harasses, beats, threatens, abuses, or intimidates the other." The FBI's Hostage Barricade Database System shows that roughly eight percent of victims show evidence of Stockholm syndrome.

It was formally named in 1973 when four hostages were taken during a bank robbery in Stockholm, Sweden.

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violent people have a long history of violence that you would know just by asking the people who know them. people do not just magically explode one day. i have known more men than you'll ever know.

The funny thing is, you're more correct in this particular situation than you would normally be. Vasquez was a known hothead even when he was scouted in Venezuela at the age of 16. And just a few weeks after the incident in the video he charged the mound at a pitcher who beaned him (getting beaned/hit by pitch sucks but rarely warrants a fight, especially at the pro level). It's unlikely that she didn't know who he was before getting with him

I have known more men than most women will ever know. It's not like I just pull these things out of my ass.

Alphas will be alphas

That video was disgusting but I guess it turned her on a lot to be man handled by a real man


Manipulative Asshat


You would think his misogynistic personality would prevent him from dating anyone. It's almost as if personality really doesn't matter that much and looks, money and height matter more.

That's not how manipulative people work. They trick you into thinking they are really great people and it'll take you time to realise that you were wrong

But I thought misogyny "radiated out", you know "bad vibes" and all that jazz. You're telling me women's built in creepdars don't work?

They do not "radiate out" misogyny or bad vibes, they do the exact opposite.

They do not "radiate out" misogyny or bad vibes, they do the exact opposite.

The good folks over on /r/niceguys and /r/inceltears would claim otherwise. They say that the passive aggressive niceguy types are obviously desperate and lonely, and that girls can sense this and that's why they always get turned down. So somehow they can smell the desperate virgin from the other side of the Tinder app but they can't figure out that the guy they fuck is a bad guy until after countless punches to the face

he's still a good guy. he asked her to marry him.

None of this has anything to do with manipulative guys though

You're the one claiming she's getting punched in the face because the guy is a master manipulator who has fooled this woman with his 145 IQ and countless re-readings of The Game by Neil Strauss. Perhaps he was even trained on the internet. JFL

I didn't claim any of the statements you just said. I just said that people, especially manipulative ones, are more complex than you think

Well, I guess IncelTears was telling me complete BS once again. Thanks for clearing that up.


i've met literal sociopaths. they project the fact that they're pieces of shit to everyone around them. they purposely do not show respect to other men. they all have long histories of violence. maybe women can't tell if guys are pieces of shit because they're focusing on all the shit they call his personality, his face has a great personality, he has the personality of a famous baseball player, he has the personality of a rich guy, his height gives him a much more dominant personality tee hee.

Normies - ‘Awww what a sweet love story!’

They are no longer together. As with many victims of domestic abuse she would have been manipulated and not in her right state of mind. Using this as an argument for women loving 'chad' is pathetic. If you can't get laid it's because you're a cunt. Simple. The so called chads of the world probably just don't hate themselves and women and thus aren't repellent.

she would have been manipulated

Manipulated by that 6' height and jawline.

it's because you're a cunt

I think if you slap and punch and drag a woman by her hair they you qualify as a cunt.

The so called chads of the world probably just don't hate themselves

Everything is fine, just don't hate yourself!

Manipulated by that 6' height and jawline.


Lol women have absolute no agency or responsibility.

Possibly the most ridiculous thing I've read on this sub. Congratulations.

Muh but he's muhnipulative. Muh but he has a great puhsonality.

C'mon, there's definitely been more ridiculous stuff!

But this simple bit of ill-informed shite just encapsulates the whole thing.

yeah, he doesn't hate women like incels do. he just beats the living shit out of them.

Many absolute gremlins also domestically abuse they're partners, his appearance is irrelevant

Where did I say he wasn't a cunt?

Where did I say everything was fine? But your life would be exponentially better if you weren't so full of hate.

But your life would be exponentially better if you weren't so full of hate.

If you can't get laid it's because you are cunt. Simple.

Normaloids in a nutshell.

One more time for you, real slow: "It's not rape if they consent OR like it". You separate consent from enjoyment yourself, and now you pretend this is only about verbal consent. She probably said no, cause getting hit hurts n shit, but having Chad physically dominate always elicits deeper enjoyment, hence why they're still together. Same shit for you if you were in her position

I can recognize that you assholes are hideous inside and out, and thankfully will never know what it means to have someone love you, look forward to seeing at the end of the day, go to bed with you, want to have sex with you.

They always find a way to insult appearance while insisting it doesn't matter. They're hateful negative people with holes in their lives so large it's like a roastie's plowed hallway.

Remember that these people are only obsessed with an obscure internet forum they try to hurt people on because their own lives are worthless. No one of value does that and they know that so they get even angrier.

Nothing you said made any sense. Respond when you're not emotionally unstable.


Why not you go and lose your virginity to a prostitute before commenting here? Your virginity is clearly making you lose your mind

Ahhh, assuming the behavior of people you don't even know. 10/10

Yeah, the multibillionaire insurance companies. Boo hoo.

I never was too bright in school. A wonder how I made it to uni! Haha

Incels tearing each other down

It might appear that way, but it's all jokes and friendly ribbing. This is pretty much how guys bond. We give each other shit and fuck around but at the end of the day this sub is pretty supportive, at least I feel it is.

Stockholm Syndrome only affects women.

Are you saying women are retarded ?

But nobody is exploiting incel's insecurities to sleep with them.

Technically we are a country of battered wives ruled over by abusive smiling assholes.

LMFAO. How the fuck do you function in real life despite being so retarded?

Clearly women must be fucking stupid if they chose to date you.

You have internalised misogyny. You need re education.

because women report it more.


Wtf happened to you?

Interesting how women can smell creepiness from ugly men but their radar just does not seem to work on handsome good looking guys


violent people have a long history of violence that you would know just by asking the people who know them

and JFL at thinking it takes a mastermind to get a woman to not leave you after you hit her. women constantly stay with guys who beat them and it's because they're idiots. if someone hits you, leave. they aren't some 145 IQ master manipulator. they're a piece of shit and there's 11ty other guys out there that aren't.

muh nice personality 'n' muh respekt for womanoids but I still can't get muh sexd

Does that help? Nope...didn't think so.