New incel joins fellow incel

144  2018-03-17 by Kharsack


You grow up watching The Simpsons as a kid thinking you'll grow up and not end up like Moe or Hans Moleman. Well here we are.



Moe is a truecel

The episode in which moe gets surgery and becomes good looking is pretty blackpilling for a mainstream show

It's like 20 years old too.

Bluepill retards still deny this. Literally the dumbest fuckers on the planet

dumber than this place?


Nobody denies looks matter but they don't think it's the ONLY thing that matters.

Do you think Owen Cook (aka Tyler Durden) is an objectively good looking man? A short, overweight, balding ginger?



Yes he is. Wtf. That guy is good looking. There's literally nothing ugly about him.

He's a bit of a fivehead and the balding doesn't help but yeah overall he looks good.

That doesnt mean hes good looking. Hes average.

Yes he's.

Mmmnope, actually not.


It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!

Here is link number 1 - Previous text "pic"

Here is link number 2 - Previous text "pic"

Please PM /u/eganwall with issues or feedback! | Delete

The first part perfectly describes the incels in denial who try to blend in with IT cucks to lie to themselves about how over it really is.

Look at them and try and tell me with a straight face you would want to date any of them

What’s wrong with Otto? He’s a fun loving stoner who provides a valuable service to the community.

You just answered it yourself; constantly on drugs and in another world. Might be fun sometimes but it's not so great to date someone who is constantly living in a different reality and can't get much done

What's wrong with Disco Stu?

Okay, fair, if you're really into the 80's thing and Disco and stuff, he would be a perfect match. But that's really specific, the majority of people probably wouldn't want to date someone living another time period.

Disco was the 1970s my dude

Cool, fine, doesn't change my point.

Simpsons is blackpilled as fuck

Moe does have a shitty personality tbf


And a non-existent jaw. Classic incel trait.

NONE OF THEM DO. Jesus Christ.

Yes. He got in an accident that made him ugly too

and so does Quagmire in Family guy and he's an incel too, oh wait..

He also doesn't have a problem paying hookers for sex.