Reminder that stagetail was not the first suicide victim of IT's constant bullying

41  2018-03-17 by Hal_Inceldenza


one can easily claim that u/foetuscorruptus probably contributed a lot to his suicide.

Naw. None of them actually did it. You're all attention-whore posers.

He didn't even try to attentionwhore at all. Just posted his pic, used a throwaway in a close knitted community and didn't even blame anyone. Stop coping dude you killed this guy.

Why didn't you stop him from killing himself? You should have stopped him, but because you didn't then that means you're responsible for his death.

We tried but apparently he was just an attention whore.

There's nothing to cope over, it's yet another fake. Over half the shit you sad little men is faked.

In this case, it doesn't.

So you think this whole subreddit is just a bunch of LARPing normies who are bored after fucking their GFs so they play incels online?

To be honest a majority of the sub is people playing with it or people coming here to stare in disbelief.

What about the /r9k/ guy three days ago who blew his brains out with a shotgun and livestreamed it? Do you think it was staged as well. Most incels are ex-r9kler.

He's 100% dead, for sure. If anyone needs proof feel free to PM me for the full 40 minute video.

He's 100% alive. Mods confirmed it. Are you trying to be funny?

Okay, so a guy who didn't post on incel sites or identify as an incel killed himself for reasons completely unrelated to any internet bullshit, and that's your evidence that "incels kill themselves because of IT"? Just snap out of this delusion, kid. Claiming every guy who shoots up a school or offs himself is an incel is just a pathetic attempt to get some kind of victim status that you just don't deserve. Now if you don't mind, my chick made me waffles and I have a wee bit of a hangover, so we're going to wrap up this entire sad attempt at getting attention.

Now if you don't mind, my chick made me waffles and I have a wee bit of a hangover.

/r/ihavesex .......but if the next ping notification from an anonymous virgin board comes up I'll leave her hanging.

You probably wouldn't believe if that it's one of the greatest pleasure for me to read this subreddit next my gf in bed. Some of my friends do it too, makes it sweeter.

I believe it because I can strongly relate. I love to look at starving children when I eat cheeseburgers or to look at cancer children when I feel perfectly healthy.

Just being honest. Trying to give you the norman perspective. But yeah in Germany that's called Schadenfreude.

Schadenfreude ist nicht das richtige Wort. Elendstourist trifft es eher.

I knew a lot you guys here are german. Too much jew and race stuff. Wo wohnst du? Norden oder Süden Deutschlands? Elendstourist trifft es sehr sehr gut.

Zentral. Ich habe inzwischen viele deutsche "Incels" kennengelernt wie zB dontcomplain. Die meisten sind allerdings keine Jungfrauen im eigentlichen Sinne, sondern einfach nur Misanthropen, die Schopenhauer lesen und allgemein "blackpilled" sind. In Deutschland herrschen noch keine amerikanischen Sozialdynamiken, die es für die Durchschnittstypen unmöglich machen Sex zu haben. Noch nicht.

Lustig. Genauso sehe ich es auch. Ich kenne auch dieses Virgin Shaming nicht in dem Ausmaß in dem es von den meisten hier beschrieben wird. Ich bin kein Chad, aber auch nicht hässlich, kam immer ganz gut durch mit Humor, Charme und guten Manieren. Macht auch irgendwie Sinn dass Schopenhauer hier in Deutschland als Sprungbrett genutzt wird. Ich weiß dass nicht alle Incels Nazis sind, aber hier werden häufig Threads eröffnet in denen es um Judentum geht, gerade heute wurde wieder der Holocaust geleugnet. Komisch eigentlich, mein Großvater war ziemlich stolz drauf und war immer sehr böse wenn jemand behauptete das wäre eine Lüge.

Würdest du dich selber als Incel bezeichnen?

Virgin Shaming ist definitiv real, selbst hier in Deutschland. Man sollte es einfach verschweigen, ansonsten denken Frauen, dass mit dir was nicht stimmt. Virgin Shaming wird hier zwar nicht in den Medien praktiziert, aber frag deine Freundin mal, ob sie eine Jungfrau daten würde (OK wenn du 18-19 bist vllt schon). Incel bedeutet unfreiwilliges Zölibat. Also wenn du nicht problemlos Sex mit deinem looksmatch haben kannst, ohne dich vorher intensiv selbst zu vermarkten, dann ist man zwangsläufig einer. Wenn du auf tinder nur mit Ausschussware gematched wirst, dann auch.

Der Selbstmord von dem Typ war wohl fake.

What does causing death feel like? Genuinely curious, not trolling you right now....

Pretty shitty. It's easier if you didn't see them or interact with them much, because there's nothing to visualise at night. If you saw it happen though you'll see those images printed on the inside of your eyeballs for weeks and months to come whenever you want to sleep.

At least, I did.

Sometimes people with mental issues actually do go through with it

You are a bully, and a mean person

Quit your whining. If you don't want to hear what I have to say, maybe you douchebags should stop user pinging me.

U mad?

Are you mad that you are a beta cuck provider that no women will ever be attracted to, but in your mind you think you are attractive, and muh personality is good.

Not mad in the slightest, princess, my life had been pretty cake so far 😁

Man that’s fucked, you’re a terrible person, that kid really killed himself.

Sure he did.

Go back to cucktears, you piece of cuck shit.

Eat shit and DIE!

(Step one) turn off computer.

(Step one) listen to police officer when he tells you hands up.

100k of surgeries could have saved his life

or a one time donation of some quality roast could have saved it as well.

We need to crowdfund surgery for suicidal incels.

Yes and how realistic are these surgeries?

Describe them. I thought any of them are realistic.

lol what a morph

He roped back in 2017. May he rip.

Rip brother. We got you. You could be natural here whilst it lasted

I am sorry but this is fake. It was revealed to be fake at by the admins

They didn't reveal shit. The only proof was that someone logged in from his account. Could have been anyone. If I roped my family would definitely try to find clues.

Keep grasping at straws. The shit you fucking nitwits do to hold onto your pretend victim status is laughable.

Having killed yourself doesn't make you a victim anyway. I can kill myself right now, I still had a lucky life. Wouldn't mean I was actually a victim in any sense.


To be fair, if someone's logging back into the account, he's probably alive, even if I died there's no reason my parents would get my web logins, or even know about most of them.

Eh, it's very plausible. The parents could've went through the kid's web history to find the site and he could've already been logged in, or had the login info saved by the web browser.

It's true though. He logged on the account after the supposed suicide and he made a new account and he was actively posting on it.

What was his name on the new account?


Lol why did he do that and even added his face?

Don't know if that's even him.

He had alts on the site he was using, same ip.

He’s better looking than me, what was his name


Who is that?

A guy from who traveled to spain to off himself because /r/incels got banned and he was already depressed.

It was over for him

Why did he travel to Spain to off himself?

Well seems like he was just an attention whore. A mod who doesn't talk shit confirmed it. Incels should really step up their suicide game like 4chan did it.

I think it's stupid to talk about it unless you're trying to be stopped (which is why announcements rarely result with anything). If you want to get a message through, leave it after or during the suicide.

Still, I don't think less of everyone who tried and failed, and I can see why they'd feel embarrassed to come back after even though they shouldn't. It's not easy to go through with it, and as long as they didn't attention whore on purpose, that shit happens. I mean even desperately needing attention isn't always a crime, its one thing when it comes from bored Stacy and another when it's a properly suicidal lonely guy who can both really want to kill himself and also really need some attention/reaction or whatever for once. It's a shit state of mind, maybe it wasn't a planned deception.

when it's a properly suicidal lonely guy who can both really want to kill himself and also really need some attention/reaction or whatever for once. It's a shit state of mind, maybe it wasn't a planned deception.

I thought about a suicide pact with some stranger from Germany. I think it would be a huge motivation to go through with it because I can't handle pressure. But the only people who showed interest were femails and they are probably just attention whoring.

How did you want it to go down? Do you have sui timeline?

But the only people who showed interest were femails and they are probably just attention whoring

Probably, did you ever get into planning with any of them?

hahahahahaha what a fucking loser. at least by a prostitute in Amsterdam first or something. Damn

Oh look, another normal-looking guy that thinks he’s subhuman.

He's subhuman

This was fake, he logged on to his account after his supposed suicide

Well it could have been anyone so it's not confirmed. Every mother, brother and so on would have checked their son's online history.

And they happen to have the passwords, conveniently?


But your devices usually have a password too, right?


That's sick.


You should make sure noone but yourself can use your devices, period.

No, this guy really roped himself. You're thinking of HarveyWeinsteinisahero who wrote a long fakepiece post. They're different people.

It was trully over for him. He had no choice.

? Slightly below average white guy lol

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There’s no gym for your le 56% face.


I don’t even understand. He’s not unattractive at all.

Who? Backstory pls

Doesn't really matter anymore. mods confirmed that he was just an attention whore.

No that was Harvey

That jawline though xD

His whole jaw is fucked up. Yikes.


Lol you incels are so warped. Did this dude really kill himself cause he couldn't get laid? The guy in the picture isn't even ugly. He isn't super fine, but hes not hideous. If he knew how to talk to girls he could definitely get laid, and if he hit the gym he could get laid by even hotter girls. If most of you incels are about as attractive as this guy then clearly your problem is your personality and not your looks... I have friends uglier than him that get laid all the time.

You went from saying "hit the gym to get hot girls" to saying "your problem is your personality and not your looks" in the space of one sentence. Are you trolling or just stupid?

I actually addressed this very thing in an earlier post. (np link)

Normies contradict themselves all of the time with their advice.

Often physical fitness has a positive impact on confidence which in turn has a positive impact on personality. They go hand in hand.

Being confident and having a good personality are in no way fucking aligned LOL. A lot of the biggest fucking assholes you'll ever meet are extremely confident, usually overly so. Yet these same people never seem to have any issues getting girls. Weird, it's almost as if their garbage personality doesn't matter.

That's the true "good personality" that they want... Loud, obnoxious, boorish men.

Do you have reading comprehension? I said both are true. I said he could easily get laid as he is now, but that if he hit the gym he could get laid by even hotter chicks. Meaning right now he could pull some 3-5's with a good personality, but if he exercised he could do even better. You're an idiot for not understanding that.

So hot chicks won't even look at him because his looks are shit, but if he improves them then they will pay attention. Personality has literally nothing to do with that.

I'm glad you accept that looks are literally all anyone cares about.

I didn't say his looks are shit, thats an exaggeration on your part. Looks are not literally all people care about, otherwise ugly and fat people wouldn't get laid or have relationships. Which they do. Can you explain that? If all anyone ever cares about are looks, how do people who are seen as ugly or fat get laid? Do you honestly not realize there are fat and "ugly" people out there having sex on the reg? Whats the difference between them, and you? Probably they're not autistic and socially retarded like you. Probably don't have the mental issues you do. I said hitting the gym could help him, because unless you're rich or famous, no one is going to pull a 10/10 without putting work into their looks. 10/10 girls work their ass off to look that way, and they're attracted to dudes who do the same, or are mega rich. but you dont need to have sex with a 10/10 to lose your virginity. Most people in the world aren't 10/10 so most people don't have sex with 10/10s. Maybe lower your standards and learn how to fucking talk to a woman and you'll have some luck.

If you don't have anything to say, its ok not to post.

You basically say that looks don't matter, but then you address his looks and say what he needs to do looks-wise to get better.

You're a prime example of the kind of normie I'm talking about in this post.

They didn't say that looks don't matter. They just said that the guy isn't ugly, he's average (and that average people can get laid).

Responded to a similar comment. You have trouble understanding what you read.

He now sits at the right hand of our father, lord Saint blackops2cel, in incelhalla.

Why isn't incels constantly saying "it's over" and making sure none of them has any form of hope whatsoever bullying again ?

because it's over and there's no hope, but we should still try to cope

it's your antagonism that makes us want to rope

because it's over and there's no hope

It's still putting each others down, which does nothing but push further into depression. Again, why isn't it bullying, even if unintentionally ?

because we hate everyone except each other. we're all we have, even if we're united in self-hatred and misery

i think it's funny when an incel tells me it's over. i feel truly depressed when I have to read the stupid shit normies have to say

Same. I think it's funny when fellow subhumans say "IT IS OVER" and other circlejerks. I don't mind it at all. I don't mind the low IQ shitposts either. Wither the post was venting an experience a fellow truecel had or a post about government issued sex. I don't mind at all. BUT I FUCKING HATE NORMALSHITS AND ROASTEVILS COMING ON HERE. UNIRONICALLY. FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THE FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THEM FUCK THEM GET OUT NORMANS REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Yup. Memeing with fellow incels is the funnest time that I have.

Normans think that us saying "it's over if you don't look like this in 2018" is pushing us over the edge. lol

Just lol at them tbh. Normies are too dumb to tell what's a joke and what's not.

because we hate everyone except each other

You don't need to hate someone to hurt them.

we're united in self-hatred and misery

And what do you think it does when the only people you feel you belong to are constantly telling you there is no hope and you should kill yourself ?

i think it's funny when an incel tells me it's over. i feel truly depressed when I have to read the stupid shit normies have to say

Subconscious is a thing, and that's assuming those who committed suicide thought the same - you obviously aren't one of those who killed themselves.

This fallacy is called survival bias; Those who survive a hardship, be it a tornado or being repeatedly hammered with a negative message, are those the least likely to exhibit the flaws that make one vulnerable to that hardship.

I'm convinced you're using psychological manipulation to drive me to kill myself

to the rope-mobile!

Is this some advanced sarcasm or actual insanity ? It's hard to tell, really.

this is my response to all normies from now on, and yeah, I was okay with subhumanity until today, when I read your shit, makes me feel more subhuman and hopeless than ever before. I'd rope, but ah...still got 2 more years

We aren't putting each other down, society is. Women are. We are simply being realistic and observing what the aforementioned has stated about us - that we are subhuman trash.

Do you think incels want it to be over?

Let's do an analogy. A general in Nazi Germany tells his superior that the war is over. It's a lost cause. Would you say that the general is "bullying" his superior? Is he pushing the superior into depression? Is he causing said war to be over?

No. He isn't. He's simply being realistic. He's stating a reality. The people to "blame" for the war being lost are the allies.


Yeah it was totally the people saying he was wrong, no way could it have been the endless circle jerk of "ITS OVER! COPE OR ROPE! REEEEEEEEE"

Keep bullying virgins online.

Oh please. Quit hiding behind that word like it actually excuses you from being a bigoted piece of shit. No one cares about your virginity.

bullies virgins online

Has sub dedicated to bullying then

Nobody cares about virginity

Lmao I didn't say people don't make fun of you, it just has nothing to do with your virginity. We don't scapegoat your sex life, you do. We only make fun of your worldview which is admittedly fucking hilarious and fascinating

Lmao I didn't say people don't make fun of you, it just has nothing to do with your virginity.

It literally does. Read the sub sometime. The reason they hate us so much is because we are unwanted men who refuse to accept that we're failing because of "personality" and that chad slays because of "personality."

That's insulting to us. Blaming our character for things out of our control is insulting. It would be like me telling a black guy in 1820 that he was a slave because he had a bad personality. Inb4 "slavery isn't the same as being a virgin!" Yeah, I know retard. It's called an analogy.

Yes, you make fun of us because it makes you feel good about yourself. Congrats on being better than pathetic, depressed, and lonely virgins. Great job, retard. It says a lot when you need to stoop this low to feel good about yourself.

Chad can look at your life and start laughing at how pathetic it is. I can see it already: "Hahahaha bro what the fuck you doing? Sitting there trolling to pathetic virgins on the internet? Hahahahaahaha you're pathetic man go live your life"

You're wrong. Not worth my time to put as much effort as you did just now but sorry not sorry, you DO have massive character flaws that are within your control. You instead attribute your problems TO something out of your hands so you get to pretend to be the victim.

Seriously your virgin lingo is really cringey btw

You are wrong.

And you are horny. Probably. I would be.

I'm not.

Oh, now you don't have the time. You sure had time to bully incels on their fringe sub just a few seconds ago on a Saturday.

I have time to reply, I just don't have to put in much effort to make you guys mad so why would I?

I don't think you understand, a lot of us troll you just because you're really easy targets and it takes very little effort to enrage a couple of you with just a little shitposting

We're not enraged, we're just tired of the fucking bullying.

I don't think you understand, a lot of us troll you just because you're really easy targets and it takes very little effort to enrage a couple of you with just a little shitposting

That's literally the definition of bullying. A 15 year old in high school uses the same logic to beat up the short asian kid. "He's just a really easy target bro" "it takes very little effort to ruin his day haha and I love doing it"

You're a sick psychopath. Kys.

we're not enraged

you're a sick psychopath, kys


Just stating facts.

kys = fact

Oh boi! You got spit facts?!

The other part was a fact, retard.

You think everything bad that happens to you is because your ugly and haven't stuck your peen in a goober.

Yah IM the retarded one

Imagine spending your Saturday talking to a random lonely virgin like me, only to insult him.

If I was as successful as you probably think you are, I would be doing fun things. Not LDARing.

Actually I'm getting paid somewhere between $20-40 an hour to do this rn given how work as been today so, yeah pretty productive

Saturday is actually always a work day, my Saturday is Monday.

you're being paid $20-40 an hour to post on r/braincels? kek

More like nothing to do at work and thus I'm on Reddit. You're not a very bright one are you?

Again, you're spending your free time on this fucking sub bullying a lonely virgin for no good reason.

Did I not just make it clear that it isn't free time? I literally have nothing better to do until 5PM bro lol

You said you're done with your work. You could be doing so many things outside of, you know, trying to get lonely virgins to kill themselves. I'm sure there's something out there that would be a better use of your time.

Actually I said I'm at work until 5PM. Reading comprehension my boy.

I'd also like to point out that the only person who's told anyone to kill themselves in this comment thread is you to me

you're a piece of shit. NORMIE GET OUT REEEEEEEEEEEEE

stop bullying incels...go fuck your wife or something and leave us be or one day you might regret it...just remember it doesn't take much for an incel to ruin your perfect little life

LOL how would one of you powerless little boys "ruin" my life

Really? You need to ask?

Ah answering a question you can't answer with a question I see

You know the answer. Don't play coy. You can either change or keep doing what you're doing and hope the people around you keep submitting and don't snap. You want to gamble, that's your choice. It's your life. Just remember that incels have nothing to lose.

I definitely don't lmao. You people have no power over me and it's a little hilarious that you're so deluded that not only do you think you do, but you think other people think you do

I don't, but someone near you is likely an incel one step away from ending it all. Go find him IRL and say the same shit you do online, toughguy. See what happens. Remember he has nothing to lose, and you do.

Well given the fact that none of you are man enough to say the things you say here to people in public, unlikely.

That's why you have your little circle jerks anyway

I've said some of the things I have here in public. I just convey it in a more PC tone. It's not out of fear. I need money, and I'd rather not ruin my reputation. I'd gladly face any Norman who wants to try to bully me in real life. I used to get bullied all the time by Normies. I never fought back. I learned later that was my mistake.

I love how you know that your cognitive loop is distorted and yet you still blame it on everyone else.

Whatever you say Norman. Like I said, go tell this shit to an incel near you.

If one shows up sure. I'm not going to go looking for you losers.

Lol if he shows up to say hello, it's probably too late for you anyway. I bet that's what scares you Normies the most about us. One of us could randomly snap at any moment...that quiet ugly guy who delivers your mail, that greasy jew who does your taxes, the smelly curry or ricecel who helped you with math homework, the disheveled black janitor who cleans your office, the short ugly white guy who rings you up at walmart, that mexican who does your landscaping...WE ARE EVERYWHERE.

Lol if y'all are just on the verge of murdering people why should I feel bad if you commit suicide? Saving lives here dude

lulz yeah bro you're a god damned hero Norman. Everyone pat this man on the back! Give him a fuckin medal. He's doin God's work.

If you're right about what you just said, who would feel bad about it?

People with empathy.

You are such a sad and pathetic human being. Does saying these things make you feel better about your unfulfilled life?

Tell me what I said that was incorrect. Go ahead. I'll wait.

They're not scapegoating their sex life, they're scapegoating their looks and all the other unfair cards they've been dealt with. And it's not even a scapegoat it's a shitty deal that they must work through and people like you don't help. There's just no point in antagonizing this subreddit unless there's some weird personal gain for you in the form of validation from your own scary, personal insecurities. I actually pity you tbh you're a small, sad, and pathetic man

Contrived and pendandtic

normies even look down on you for making fun of internet virgins.




I'm much better than suicidal virgins I make fun of

Yeah, kind of

No one cares about your virginity. personality.

He clearly said one of the reasons was the ban of /r/incels which IT had provoked. He felt like there was no place to go now. The incels in his thread all tried to convince him not to do it but IT already succeeded to break him completely. It was too late.

The weak get pruned from the herd

I'm convinced you're using psychological manipulation to drive me to kill myself

to the rope-mobile!

Oh please. Quit hiding behind that word like it actually excuses you from being a bigoted piece of shit. No one cares about your virginity.

A guy from who traveled to spain to off himself because /r/incels got banned and he was already depressed.

Yeah, kind of

That's the true "good personality" that they want... Loud, obnoxious, boorish men.

There's nothing to cope over, it's yet another fake. Over half the shit you sad little men is faked.

Why didn't you stop him from killing himself? You should have stopped him, but because you didn't then that means you're responsible for his death.

I don't, but someone near you is likely an incel one step away from ending it all. Go find him IRL and say the same shit you do online, toughguy. See what happens. Remember he has nothing to lose, and you do.


Lol why did he do that and even added his face?

He's subhuman