2 Daily Reminders: that gymcelling is cope and there is no gym for your face

39  2018-03-17 by dontcomplain1


Face gains are actually thing. It's subtle, but definitely noticeable.

Especially in the cheeks and jaw-line

And if you’re a fatass, slimming down usually makes you look better. You’ll still be ugly, but you won’t be fat and ugly.

Self improvement always improves attractiveness.

The guy on the left looks 100x weaker than the guy on the right, too.

Facial features have a massive impact on perceived strength, imo.

Why don't you go back to talking about how male virginity resets every month?

It does. Virgin checkin in.

How many times have you been a virgin?

Fucking retard

You're just as retarded as the born again "virgin" Christians

We need to hang op

Nah, just remember the username and whenever you see his post call him out on it. He is just on of the posers who likes to feel sorry for himself and wants to be incel because it is "edgy and cool" or some other dumb shit like that

Too many times already

Tbh you could of chose a worse face to photoshop over, this guy is pretty average looking.

Guy on the left can get a 4/10 gf tbh. Gymcelling is not cope.

and then get cheated on with the guy on the right while he supports the children.

i feel like ppl in this sub are rly new to just about everything

u cant change ur face (much) without plastic surgery, getting a good physique is not "cope" its looksmaxing, pretty much the opposite of cope

cope is what you do if u feel bad about ur looks and not change anything but instead lie to urself about the importance of looks

Everything you do is cope because your existence is meaningless.

in what world buddy boyo?it's over for him

Oops wait, the dude on the right might be JASON Statham.

If the guy on the right was not fit he’d be a 4 or 5/10


He’s bald and has bad eye area

He's probably in his 40s in that pic.

he's literally a male model.

If he weren't Jason Statham, he'd be your average Joe. But he is Jason Statham so he's a 15/10. Face isn't everything. Fame and a recognizable face helps tho

Is the dude on the right Bruce Willis?


Guy on left would easily get laid.

No doubt.


This place is crabs in a bucket. Lifting weights feels good.

Jason Statham was told to look mean and brooding by a photographer, who told you to look like a whiny little nerd? And there it no way you're 6'2".

Both look a bit criminal ... and it’s not just the mugshot


Yes landwhales


Have fun swallowing the bluepill normie cuck


I prefer the guy on the left. The guy on the right looks like an abusive douchebag.


I wouldn’t mind being pounded by him no homo

Yeah I like nerdy looking cuckboys to provide me with money

Damned if you do

You can't lie to yourself, you'd put your taco meat through the beef gauntlet without question.

That's a disgusting comment.

Truth hurts. I've redpilled women plenty of times and I'm fat and ugly, and it's worked exceptionally well. They never stick around but I still get some.

get some what

Fried chicken

Only when I'm catching a porker

Except what you say you want and what you actually go for are comepletely different. You'd fuck the douchebag.

I'm celibate so I'd fuck neither. ☺