Nobody just hates you for your looks, just go to a bar and chat with people to make friends

39  2018-03-17 by geneticSubhumanTrash


When these people give advice it's sometimes really clear they are not even trying to speak from the same reality. "Just chat with people to make friends?" What?

ill be in jail if i did that as an ugly ethnic lol.

It’s easy to find friends if you just talk to people, it’s easiest at places you both commonly visit like work or school due to you both having something in common. Then slowly you let them get accustomed to who you are, eventually you can become friends, if not then it’s best to try and not be bothered by it.

Nothing about that sounds easy or even like it's based in reality

Do you live in an alternate dimension?

I'm starting to feel like it

Is Stephan Hawking still alive in your dimension!

I was thinking the same thing, except that maybe he's in highschool or something like that, kids at that age can be real pricks to anyone who's a little different and he doesn't have many other places to meet people?, idk.

Alia is in his 30s, if I recall

Have you never had a friend before?

Few, on occasion, long time ago. Maybe 2 that counted

Have you never experienced rejection? Jesus Christ normalfags live in a bubble lmao

I’ve been rejected plenty, I just decided to move on

Sure you have. Anyone who’s been rejected knows what this sub is talking about, which is why “incels” keep growing in size. Women in the western world are pretty terrible people on average. Men are noticing this and reacting to it.

So you’re saying all you need to be an incel is to be rejected?

If you get rejected enough times, you start thinking like an incel. It’s honestly not the smartest way to go, but that’s how people are.

Play ldar scrolls until you die. Do absolutely nothing else.

I definitely would if NEETbux in my country paid enough.

I'm poorcel and it doesn't run on my current shit laptop. kek

You can probably run LDAR Scrolls Arena and Daggerfall as well as get them for free, you aren't too poor for LDAR scrolls!

true. I need to get a new computer so I can run the good ones tho.

currycel found for sure

Happened to me. Of course they make an excuse. My favorite one was

Come with me

Am I in trouble?

Lemme be real with you


why are you here?


I got told by some girls you're creeping them out

Oh sorry

I don't have a reason to kick you out but these girls don't like you so why don't you make it easy on yourself and go?


Man to man, you are just gonna waste your time and money.


Here's your cover back, sorry man.

dude. just fuck. that's really rough man.

It happens. It's real. But they won't believe it.

Last time I go out on my own or ever since.

Brutal, he did try to soften the blow, however.

Are you me? The same conversation happened to me too!

We are truecels.

In what world do these people live in where it's socially acceptable to go up to random groups of people and start talking to them?

I think it is acceptable if you are not ugly, maybe? And if you live in a warmer climate, so Italy/Portugal/Spain maybe?


Seriously just trying to understand what you guys are going through.

Is it purely facial attraction levels that you see as the driving force behind the lack of action? Or do you feel like fitness level, height, etc are part of it too?

Face > Height > Frame > Fitness

Bouncers are huge white knights, just like cops. I once started talking to a hot blonde at the bar area of a Mexican restaurant, she was sitting beside me. Just small talk, and then very abruptly the Mexican bouncer and staff accosted me and threw me out.

If it were left up to women, ugly men would be euthanized (just give it a few more years and I am sure that will be a reality). Instead, they can snap their fingers and have an ugly man imprisoned or banned.

bouncers are usually gymcelling ugly subhumans who bully others & act like white knights to get attention of femoids. Little did they know it's all about the face.

Guaranteed there's more to this story than that.

People tend to leave out their own mistakes from that kinda story, if they even know of them.

No. If you're ugly enough people automatically think you look creepy, don't even fucking lie you know that's how it goes.

Not creepy enough to get you kicked out of a bar for no reason.

Bouncer eyes creepy guy speaking to a woman who clearly doesn't know him and she walks away looking digusted or alternatively just looks really uncomfortable.

What does the bouncer do next?

a bar is a business that needs a place where women feel comfortable in order to be successful. if women are telling the staff that they feel creeped out by some guy, the establishment has a monetary incentive to save it's business and kick the guy out to maintain atmosphere.

Cope harder

His mistake is being ugly.

Cope it's happened to me too. And I mind my own business

I always say the same thing when women are hit by their boyfriends or husbands. Usually she provokes such behavior.

Because someone asking you to leave for being creepy to an establishment's customers is exactly the same as being hit, amirite.

You're just part of the common narrative. Women are always victims without agency, and men perpretrators with agency.

When women hit, it's in self-defense and men deserve it. When men hit women, it's because men are being violent.

The narrative is a gynocenyric one that has been adopted by both the right and left, and it extends to situations like this one. He was kicked out because he was being couldn't possibly be her fault or someone else's could it? "Women can never take accountibility and are always justified - their behavior is the measure of all things."

So she is responsible for the bouncer stepping in and asking the guy to leave when she hasn't ever called him or said a word.

Just as much as someone who literally makes a fist with his hand and punches another person.

Interesting train of thought.

Sometimes she will report to a bouncer that a guy is being creepy (code for ugly), or the bouncer will white knight on his own volition, usually in hopes of scoring with the femoid or maybe just to be a bully.

There is a correlation between the intensity of white knighting and how attractive the femoid is.

Since bouncers work in the interest of women, they are essentially a female utility like a tampon, so the narrative still applies.


Whatever you say, nutjob.

It could be the femoid in question was making some contorted faces to communicate she was uncomfortable. The bouncer saw it (bouncers are attuned to recognize such things) and intervened, or he preempted when he saw how ugly the guy was. Women, especialky attractive ones, are VIP in bars and clubs.

A femoid's subjective feelings is really the new dogma of the West, to question their feelings is blasphemey aka misogyny. Femoids are a false idol.


I mean, some people feel uncomfortable around black people and are called racists. Feel uncomfortable around an ugly man for whatever judgemental shallow petty reason and you're a victim.

This has never been argued here but again, whatever floats your boat, mate.


If you don't believe this, then you can go and disfigure your face and try out how is living life then.

I've actually seen guys in clubs with disgusting skin conditions twice. One occupied half of his face, the other a bit less than that. They were interacting with their friends, drinking having fun etc. Nobody seemed to care and why would they? Every client that spends money without ruining the fun of others is welcome.

This sounds like a weak ass lie. Sorry you can’t accept that ugly men have it hard in life.

Nope, it's the truth. I cannot possibly know anything about their lives. Those skin conditions may have been acquired later on in life. The point here is not whether ugly men have it hard in life but that nobody threw them out of the club for looking the way they did. That's why I'm calling grade A bullshit on the story posted by the OP. Will incels like any other self hate group make up shit to present themselves as the lowest form of life? Yes, they will.

Sorry you fail at reading comprehension.

You’re basically invalidating the experiences of ugly men everywhere. Not opinions, but actual experiences. Bouncers throw men out for being too ugly/creepy. They’re allowed to. Women are also allowed to report ugly men for hitting on them. This is something that women take pride in doing, as shown by tweets with half a million likes and retweets. The fact that you’re denying something that so many men and women know about is pretty fucking pathetic. You’re a piece of shit.

Too creepy, maybe. Too ugly - no. And they don't go "This guy is hitting on me, throw him out." At least in 99.99999999999999% of cases they don't. So don't try to sell me shit by saying just because some stuck up cunts may have done that, it's the norm.

The only difference between being “creepy” or being “assertive” is the mans looks. Even women have admitted this. He’s creepy if he’s ugly, but confident if he’s hot. As a result, creepy and ugly basically mean the same thing to women.

I'm willing to bet that they acted creepy towards them and not just merely existing a few feet away. But then again, If the creepy guy had any clue they were acting creepy, they wouldn't be doing in it the first place, so we don't expect them to be aware of it and admit it.

The concept of “acting creepy” is completely subjective. To women, a man can be creepy by just existing. To men, someone is creepy when they stalk or harass. Again, women have admitted on social media that the only difference between creepy men and confident men is how they look.

Again, some women out of billions have. It's also a well known psychological phenomenon which consists of attributing rather positive characteristics to a good looking person and rather negative ones to a not so good looking person. As far as creeps go, only shall we say the most extreme ones stalk or harass. The vast majority are creeps because they simply say and do weird/inappropriate things or don't know when to leave someone alone and are thus perceived as such. Claiming that unattractive men are more or less in great danger of being thrown out at the request of some girl only because they were somewhere near is laughable. Sure, someone can always make a collage out of a few screenshots to prove their point, but it's far from the norm.

they just go to the bouncer and say the guy is being creepy

This quora question is a solid blackpill and explains why indians have it so bad.



Shut the fuck up and find something else to do already.

Right back at'cha you twat ;)

IT mod

0 self awareness. kys


makes fun of depressed lonely virgins in his spare time

“find something else to do”

How retarded are you?

Why did you leave your echo chamber?


Who hurt you?

Normcunts (just like you)who stoned me and recorded me for being 0/10 gentrash.

Oh wait never mind you’re just gonna say r/thathappened because you can’t admit that you’re an emotionless psychopath.

As your kind has told me countless times, kill yourself.

Blaming society as a whole and calling random people psychopaths...healthy logic.

Hey, I’m just going by what your kind has done to me.

Look, I’m sorry that happened to you. That’s honestly really awful. But blaming all people that you perceive as “normal” isn’t going to help. That’s some deep rooted shit.

The only thing that can help is cutting my fucking throat open.

Seek some help man. Everyone needs it at some point in their lives. Therapy is seriously awesome when you find the right doctor.

I don’t want you to feel like this. I’m sure you don’t want to feel like this. At the least, talking to someone makes it a little better. Even me if you ever need to vent.

I don’t need therapy I’m not crazy.

God, I hate that fucking stigma.

I don’t think you’re crazy. But just being able to speak to someone trustworthy and hear yourself talk about issues out loud is...well it’s therapeutic lol.

Clearly nothing else is working for you. If you don’t want to talk to a therapist, I think you should at least talk to someone. Like I said, my inbox is here.

Calm down, kid. You'll give yourself a headache.

The only thing that hurts is every time your kind stones me,

you normshits literally have single digit IQs.

You guys are fun.


Similar shit has happened to me...



Yeah just like your posts on okcupid and reddit dating. "I got no matches".

Yeah /r/thstfuckinghappened

ITT people who don't get ostracized for their appearance doubting that it ever happens to anyone.

fat piece of trash

LOL chad_chasing gets shit on daily, KEK. It's quite entertaining.

she deserves all of it and more.

Well if she's being honest then she's in a similar boat... Although I can't trust a foid's word, lol. face_sitting should be able to find someone, she said 5'5" and Asian was acceptable.

I think she probably has a kink for it or something.


You normshits post the same thing every time.

Lol moderator btw, im on y'all side btw

Calm down, kid. You'll give yourself a headache.

The only thing that hurts is every time your kind stones me,

Blaming society as a whole and calling random people psychopaths...healthy logic.

I'm willing to bet that they acted creepy towards them and not just merely existing a few feet away. But then again, If the creepy guy had any clue they were acting creepy, they wouldn't be doing in it the first place, so we don't expect them to be aware of it and admit it.

Because someone asking you to leave for being creepy to an establishment's customers is exactly the same as being hit, amirite.
