Normies literally losing their minds over this sub.

51  2018-03-17 by [deleted]



No-one's angry, people are laughing at you because everyone thinks you're pathetic losers

This ^

Lol sure. The constant outrage threads on r/inceltears and even youtubers making videos about incels.

Definitely not angry. Yup.

Also, I like how you just had to call us pathetic losers while claiming you're not angry. Do you think we don't know how pathetic and how big a loser we are? haha


I, too, spend countless hours posting about how much I pity a subreddit. Definitely not obsessed and triggered.

countless hours? how can you simultaneously think so little and so highly of yourselves?

I mean, you can just go on over to r/IncelTears and see for yourself. Did that never occur to you, beta orbiter?

no one there is angry...

now that's a good joke lol

We don't, retard. It's you guys that spam our sub 24/7 and have subs dedicated to talking about us 24/7.

you guys? you can check my history. i dedicate 0 time to spamming your sub.

Then you clearly don't know the several hundred normies who spend countless hours on this sub.

It's not thinking highly of ourselves. We wish they would fuck off lol

They simply just spend their days posting on this sub and IT about how evil us incels are.

You have to be a troll no one can be such a crank

I love it keep it up everything posted on here makes me laugh so hard like just get a prostitute??

because normies don't like divergent ideas that drift away from the comfortable hive mind. Even trump was within that hive mind. We are not.

And they don't realize the violence that lack of relationships causes.

Link? Are they declaring war?

we're always at war. Some pissed off user at IT is probably already working on a way to get this sub banned.

You are exposing shit they rely on to feel secure with themselves and often do so using the most inflammatory language possible. Of course they feel threatened and upset.

For me, the way most people react to this information kinda validates it. People who can't stand this place literally can't stop lurking. There's definitely some truth in the black pill, or else people wouldn't get this bent out of shape, or pay it this much attention.

You really convinced any ideology that garners attention is because it has truth in it ? JFL.

No need to "go back to the way you were before", I don't think any normies have any issue with incels having a forum to discuss being incels. There are a lot of reasons this sub draws attention to itself, and it has nothing to do with anyone wanting to torment virgins. If so, other similar subs would deal with the same level of normie interest.

There is no other similar sub to this one.

/r/ForeverAlone ?, don't make me laugh. That sub is full of sad sacks of shit who turn all problems inwards. They don't talk about the hierarchies of society, they don't expose what's really going on in the modern interactions between normies and subhumans. They aren't allowed to speak freely.

Normies don't brigade /r/ForeverAlone or r/short or whatever because none of those subs make normies face the truth. NONE of them make shatter normie delusions like r/Braincels does.

FA has feminazi SJW mods

short has bluepill cucks as mods

menslib is more bluepill than TBP itself

incel communities are the last honest places on Internet when it comes to dating

even OKCupid killed their own blog because SJWs did not like the hard truths about lookism it exposed

and lmao @ Photofeeler - 'we swear, your photo just had a bad angle! now pay us more money and upload more photos from a better angle tee hee' when you get a 5% attractiveness rating omegalul

So you and I are talking about the same thing, just with different outlooks. My view is that Braincels is touching on some things that are true. For example, there are double standards between men and women. It is easier to be attractive rather than ugly. It is also true that physical attraction does play a role in attracting a partner.

The reason you are being bombarded has nothing to do with these truths, it is the ridiculous extremes that you take these truths to, and the blind confidence with which it is taken there. You use screenshots of individuals to categorize and make laws for the whole to operate under, as long as it benefits the narrative.For example, the confidence here regarding cuckholds. It is a small fetish community that most regular humans are largely even aware exists. Yet the posters here have taken this and made it a status quo for the masses, so much so that normie and cuck are considered synonyms here. This is one example, but every "black pill truth" I've seen has some version of this kind bastardization.

Yeah that's not really true. You say we cherry pick examples but you are doing that yourselves. There have been countless threads demonstrating how massively lopsided places like OKC, Tinder, etc are for women. With hard data to back it all up. There are also many other topics where we draw on a lifetime of personal experiences and hey, what do you know, it just so happens to match up with countless other incels.

normies are the ones who start damage controlling hard whenever these kinds of proof are poster, or even more commonly they just completely ignore it and choose to screencap some troll's post about how all women are dumb or whatever.

Also your whole thing about cucks, that's a weird issue to have, language changes literally all the time and this community has repurposed "cuck" to mean people who refuse to see the blackpill truth of society. Nobody cares (or rather, very few people do) about the actual community of cucks out there. Who gives a shit. Language changes, get used to it. Cuck is a meme and I'm sure it'll die down with time like all other memes do.

Well, I will have to defer some of your statement to any IT lurkers here. I don't participate in that sub and frankly, don't care to. I don't know anything about OKC, Tinder, etc. If you say they are lopsided in favor of women, I believe you. In fact, I don't doubt that at all. Women are the more lusted after of the two sexes, and so it would make sense that women have an easier time in that space. I don't care to deny any of that, I don't have experience in online dating anyway.

The cuck terminology, fine. I will chalk that up to different incels using the term in different ways.

What I do have a lot of experience in is interpersonal relationships with a lot of other people. At the very core of it, success in my day job relies on getting to know people very well. Incels have gotten a few things very right. There are some (vast minority) of people that act in the way this sub describes. There are a lot of undefendable black pill "truths", however, and a lot of truths that incels simply would not want to admit to themselves.

What truths are you speaking of? I think you just got all of your points countered.. You should dispense with your narrative because it's clearly wrong

The one that is the most prominent to me is this idea that if you have an ugly face, are shorter than average, or are not white, etc., that it's "over".

Incels never actually point to the true culprit of inceldom: being antisocial. The common theme in this sub that no incels ever actually explore is how the incels here are extremely antisocial... in many cases to the point of interactions with other humans being called painful.

It is easy to believe the ideas spread here if you don't actually talk to other real humans much. If you have female friends, you would know that most do not act like the screenshots that are shared here. I have "Chad", normie, ugly, tall, short, skinny, and fat friends. Of the pictures I've seen on this sub I've yet to see someone truly subhuman. In fact, many are good looking, better looking than many of my friends. The ugly and/or short guys I know that are social do not have a problem with being incel.

If you examine the dating statistics you will see that dating websites are heavily skewed in women's favour. Couple that with some genetic flaws and dating becomes extremely hard.

How can you speak for all of the people on this subreddit? They have had real experiences and you discounting them is being trollish.

You don't know anyone like me. I'm an antisocial 'chad'. I'm also a software engineer. I'm also a musician and a bodybuilder. All of the things I am saying are correct and if you choose to close your eyes to the reasons why the ideas in this subreddit are so prolific then you don't get to complain about the result.

I have already agreed that dating sites are skewed in women's favor. That is irrelevant. Dating does not have to be done through a website.

I could similarly point out how this sub speaks for the daily lives all "femoids", "normies", and "Chads" with such confidence. Real humans that have also had real experiences that this sub tries to discount daily.

Based on reading this sub, this is a common thread that is obvious. Now if a even a reasonable fraction of posts here said something to the effect of, "I have great friendships and meaningful connections with people but am still an incel" then I believe that would give the ideas here some more credit.

This sub and and people in general are very reductive when it comes to labelling people. I don't adhere to these labels as I realise the transformative quality of people.

You are telling people in here to be more social, which is good advise I agree. You need to realise that most people in here have other issues as well, social anxiety being a major one. Some people are just not wired that way, and that does not make them inferior.

Why should a socially awkward women and a socially awkward male have such a different level of challenge when dating? Even in traditional dating the man is still expected to bear the brunt of the approach.

There are double standards that exist that make it inherently much more difficult for men to find partners. You seem to think that it is irrelevant, not sure why. Because it is extremely relevant.

So, I don't have a lot of time to respond as I'm multitasking trying to finish up some masters work, so I'll close by finding a common ground. I agree with you, social anxiety does not make anyone inferior. It is a major challenge, and it is prevalent here. It is something that should be recognized as a major contributor, but you do not see posts here discussing tactics to overcome this challenge. Instead, this sub is focused on writing generalized posts about how women are all after "Chadcock" and how all "sub 8+" males are hopeless. These aren't even true statements, much less the main cause of incel pain.

Again you are speaking for other people. Can you not empathise with the difficulty and adversity that some of the people in here have faced when trying to find a mate (which is a biological process).

What you are reading when you see these are hyperbolic statements born from extreme frustration.

If you actually care about fixing these problems you first need to understand

and a lot of truths that incels simply would not want to admit to themselves.

like what?

That most incels are incel because of their own crippling social anxiety and/or inability to have meaningful relationships with other humans.

My problem is I cant even find a place to meet girls.

then why say something like this?

Foreveralone used to be shit on all the time before we came along

This. This times a million.

Supposed misogyny, violence and rape threats are just convenient scapegoats used to explain away an inconvenient truth: society despises romantically unsuccessful who do anything but quietly rot away. If you complain about your situation, they will find some way to blame and ridicule you.

Yup. Normshits realized that they needed some place that was an "accepted" place for subhuman trash to go to. FA was/is a tool of convenience for them.

"You have no reason to be an incel because if you're lonely just go to FA. This place is toxic, it isn't. You lose I win."

The problem with FA,short or any other sub is the shitty moderation. If by mistake you post an inconvenient truth or an observation, they will immediately ban you.

I don't think any normies have any issue with incels having a forum to discuss being incels.


There were tens of thousands of normans who spent their days trying to get r/incels shut down. For every incel trying to have a good time, there were 10 normans bullying the fuck out of him and trying to silence him.

We're the dopest sub on allof reddit. Always were.

Hell yeah, even r9k and pol was pissed when incels was banned. Literally no one defends reddit on the chans. The only exception I've seen is for the incel sub.

Also theredpill 4chan has defended, not me though, they're pretty awful with the ban hammer and can't take a joke.

And they're kidding themselves about making themselves more alpha. Beta wolves can be mad, aggressive, horny, alphas are brave and assertive though. It's best to be an omega outcast rather than some beta kidding himself supporting everyone as he tries and fails to become the top dog that he was never meant to be.

My joke was there is no poon of which is a matrix reference and appropriate, got me banned. :(

Yeah I don't even know anymore. If this place gets shut down I'll probs just end it. I can't actually interact with humans who understand my issues anywhere else.

are you me?


Through movies and TV, society has constructed an elaborate fantasy of how romantic relationships work. A fantasy that goes against real life data. Normies are mad because we are fucking up their fantasy with facts. I'm glad there's a shock post once in a while to draw them in. It will only help spread the truth.

What I don't get is why? Most of the posts here are literally us blaming ourselves and poor facial features and genetics. We do talk shit about roasties and even bettys. But still we don't blame them for ignoring us. This is not reddit redpill sub, or /pol/ or PUA. None of us are trying to scam women into even talking to us, let alone falling for us. We aren't MGTOW either, where we pretend to ignore them or pretend that relationships are a sham.

I suspect most of the hate for incels comes from beta orbiters, cuckolds, numales or soyim as has been pointed out so many times over and over here. These people have either been fucked over in some way by women or have been mogged by chads, or are too much in denial to realize that it was over for them from the beginning. The new modern art notion that objective beauty is false doesn't fit with the real world observations. No matter how much they try to push their theory on to us, it is simply not working. Women continue to behave in a predictable manner like an NPC in a game. They have always been grown up kids who have the right to vote and a voice in matters they shouldn't.

Aparantly normies think if you think bad thoughts or have a bad personality you become ugly on the outside, like wtf

The reason people lose their minds over this sub and incel culture in general is because it can be at times a hyperbolic and extremist mindset. Extremism turns heads.

thats true every culture not only inceldom keeps whining that they are oppressed like extremist vegans, feminists and every other group ideology also complains like this

like how am i supposed to know if anyone is oppressed? Lets just make everyone oppressed then

The interesting thing about the blackpill is that you don't even need to do anything to spread it or make people understand it.

So long as we exist and they have eyes on us it will spread. Normies are using Chad and Stacy in regular vocabulary now.

What do you mean normies are losing their shit?

Sorry to say but you guys did create a zoo. You can't blame normies for looking. Incels are a meme and people like to use incels as a Goofus VS Gallant thing.

Incels are. Proof positive that personality matters and you don't even realize it. The fact that the manosphere is comprised of men who are all racist as fuck, glorify assholes, and push LMS says it all.

It's also a huge demonstration of how charlatans have overrun millenials.

Personality only matters when physical attraction is borderline. I'm an alright guy; great sense of humor (even if it is dark), intelligent, outgoing, hard-working (I run my own business with a very bright future), and generous. Sure, I have some issues, but who doesn't? There's nothing about my personality I'm not willing to work on if somebody has the patience.

Here's the problem: who's going to have the patience when I'm not sexually desirable? I'm obese and can't seem to stick to a diet no matter how hard I try. I'm severely balding at 24. I've dealt with severe depression in the past, and while I'm over most of it, it's left me in a place in life where I freeze up around attractive women and have given up all hope of ever finding somebody. Because of that, I don't care enough about my body, health, and appearance to actually work on it. Who's going to take a chance on me? Even if somebody would, hell, I'm not interested in dating an insane person.

I'm not a bad guy, I don't blame women for my eternal loneliness, but that doesn't change the fact that I am alone and always will be.

Don't generalize us. Sure, some here are misogynistic and bitter, but that's due to their experience in life. I don't hold it against them, and I don't assume that everybody here is like that. You shouldn't either.

Personality only matters when physical attraction is borderline. I'm an alright guy; great sense of humor (even if it is dark), intelligent, outgoing, hard-working (I run my own business with a very bright future), and generous. Sure, I have some issues, but who doesn't? There's nothing about my personality I'm not willing to work on if somebody has the patience.

Yea but there's the thing. Women have no reason to choose you if you aren't already demonstrating the qualities they are attracted to.

Here's the problem: who's going to have the patience when I'm not sexually desirable? I'm obese and can't seem to stick to a diet no matter how hard I try.

Im really sorry to break it to you but being out of shape reflects who you are despite any biological differences that may make you more disposed to it. Being fit is seen as a sign that you can take care of yourself.

But even beyond that, I've seen out of shape people make it seem deliberate too so there are two ways you can go about it. It's definitely more of a challenge though. Being out of shape gives others the impression that you're out of control.

I'm severely balding at 24. I've dealt with severe depression in the past, and while I'm over most of it, it's left me in a place in life where I freeze up around attractive women and have given up all hope of ever finding somebody. Because of that, I don't care enough about my body, health, and appearance to actually work on it. Who's going to take a chance on me? Even if somebody would, hell, I'm not interested in dating an insane person.

Have you considered putting money into a solution? A lot of people can't afford to hire out someone to help them be fit.

I'm not a bad guy, I don't blame women for my eternal loneliness, but that doesn't change the fact that I am alone and always will be.

It sucks dude but I think you know what's holding you back...

Try not to eat anything unless it's well damn worth it. This might be a sensitive topic but I've seen this approach work. It's a lot easier cutting out the mindless eating if you don't have to actually deprive yourself when you really want to.

Don't generalize us. Sure, some here are misogynistic and bitter, but that's due to their experience in life. I don't hold it against them, and I don't assume that everybody here is like that. You shouldn't either.

I don't accuse anyone of it personally, in fact I'm pretty sure all I ever criticize is how the manosphere is really just push back against the civil rights movement.

This "manosphere" you refer to sounds like it doesn't exist.

I don't mindlessly eat. I eat once or twice a day. I just happen to eat large meals because I'm hungry and food is one of the few sources of happiness I have.

This "manosphere" you refer to sounds like it doesn't exist.

It even has a Wikipedia entry

Officially it is PUA, MRA, TRP, LMS, TBP, MGTOW etc.

It's an octopus whose head is alt right / MAGA. It wasn't always that way, but it became that way during the trump elections and after.

That's why the tone changed so much, and why it has such homogenous views on things like metoo.

I don't mindlessly eat. I eat once or twice a day. I just happen to eat large meals because I'm hungry and food is one of the few sources of happiness I have.

You don't snack? It's actually pretty amazing that you can get heavy if you just eat your meals. Ate your meals stuff that most people would consider a treat?

What about all of the happy, normal, everyday people who are conservative (what you likely call alt-right and lump in with neo-Nazis) and support Trump? Do they just not exist to you?

I don't snack at all. I also don't like sweets, so I take in very little sugar. All that being said, I love carbs and meat, that's basically all my diet is, and I'm very inactive (my career basically demands it). I burn very few calories, so the fact that I eat a normal to above average amount of calories is where the problem lies. I've tried cutting down to 2,000 calories a day or less and it didn't do shit.

I've tried cutting down to 2,000 calories a day or less and it didn't do shit.

if you don't mind me asking, what is your height? 2000 cal a day might not have worked because your body might just naturally burn less than that a day. if so, then you will still gain wait.

try this site

i mean, it really is all about the math. even if you have a completely sedantry lifestyle, if you take in less then the baseline your body burns per day, you will lose weight.

also, just to address your comment bout food and happiness. i totally get that, but it is kind of like heroin. at first it is a source of happiness among others, but after awhile it pushes most of the other sources out. you can get them back though. good luck.

I'm 6'1" and about 320lbs. According to online calculators, I burn 3,000 calories a day. However, nobody seems to take into account metabolism- it takes me 12 hours to be hungry after a meal. My metabolism is extremely slow. I really don't think I burn even 2,000 calories a day. If I eat less than that, though, I'm hungry all the time.

Look up Dr Shawn Baker and the carnivore diet. It is delicious and easy to follow and will bring you to your natural healthy body weight.

look up CICO and log all your food. it really isn't about diets or whatever. it is about the math. i find that to put it in those terms makes it easier to follow.

I did that for a few weeks. I take in far fewer calories in an average day than online calculators say I burn. I think online calculators account for an average metabolism, while mine is extremely slow.

Lmao I'm convinced you do nothing but smoke hard PCP all day. How in the fuck is what we say here in anyway conclusive that our personalities in the real world are shit and its why we're single? I have literally never even spoken the word "Blackpill" out loud to another human being, let alone a female. You think when I'm engaging with women at work or at school I'm telling them how I think their gender is over privileged and is the embodiment of deceit, selfishness, and apathy.

JFL if you think anyone can tell I think these things and that's why I'm single

You have never known more about a person than what they literally told you through words?

I'm convinced neomancer is autistic

I get more schizophrenic conspiracy vibes from him.

he is legit insane.

Incels are proof positive that personality matters

Meanwhile millions of women get beaten and verbally berated by their normie boyfriends every second of every day. It's almost as if women go 100% by looks and personality doesn't mean shit until much later

Millions of men hire traps to shit on them.

so hold on a second, you think we can have a good personality even if we beat the shit out of women whenever they don't make us food or whatever? HAHAHAHA

normies really have lost their fucking minds hahaha

Again proof positive that it's wilful ignorance. Normjes have explained this so many times over. The nice guy is even a meme and videos covering it often explain.

But you keep thinking that acting nice and polite should be sexy like a bunch CH of autists.

How do you make friends? Do you bribe them with kind acts? Do you beat them up?

There are some men who make friends with guys that shit on them all the time too. But what are people really after?

Now you're generalizing us all as niceguys

are you sure you're not an incel? i thought only incels made generalizations like that about people

You literally just admitted it.

are you high? lmao

you're flip flopping like crazy wtf

can you explain wha t agood personality is

Yes, but what you are really asking is what is an attractive personality.

For women and for most men, it's someone who has high degrees of boldness, disinhibition and drive.

The opposite of an attractive personality is someone who act pathetic.

Being nice and being mean are two entirely different dimensions and are what's called morality, not personality.

There are mean girls and there are good girls. There are serial killers and there are heros. Nothing about that has anything to do with personality.

There are charming serial killers and boring saints.

This is common sense and I think you'd know this too if you weren't bombarded by a constant stream of bullshit trying to confuse you into struggling.

personality does not matter. If you can't find somewhere to meet girls personality won't change that, if you have poor looks personality won't change that.

Yes it does. The halo effect says that all positive traits tend to correlate. Men and women both see people they like as more attractive than people they don't like.

When you meet someone you immediately begin to size them up.

Haven't you ever known someone you didn't necessarily think was attractive and after getting to know them you realized they were really hot? That happens way more for women than for men, but it happens to everyone

Pretty sure that's like the opposite of the halo effect, from my understanding the halo effect comes from looks and changes how people view your actions.

No, that's just the manosphere spin. The halo effect just speaks of correlation not causation. The original experiment was a bunch of soldiers rating their peers. They found that people tended to be more forgiving of those they like while being more critical of those they didn't like and that extended to every aspect rated.

It was actually common sense, and then as usual it was spun into pop Sci that tries to be edgy since that sells. Common sense doesn't.

Do you really not understand the concept of how someone you like looks better to you too? Usually this is a well known thing.

Haven't you ever known someone you thought was really hot but their photo didn't do them justice?

Ask around like this "have you ever known someone who got more attractive the more you got to know them?"

I'm positive virtually everyone will say yes. And the opposite happens too

I haven't known anyone long enough to feel that way about anyone.

How about in school? Or work? You've never met a plain girl that you'd never look twice at, or even someone you thought you'd never be attracted to then after getting to know them ended up with an inexplicable crush?

Plain isn't a bad thing... that's well within my standards.

Yea I'm not saying it is. I'm just talking about the other side of the halo effect where people tend to find people they like more attractive.

The advice I've got from normies has been at best "follow a script and approach women in the women's clothing department" and at worst "just keep waiting, you'll find someone even though you don't have any way of meeting people, just stop complaining and I'm going to try to take you off topic constantly" or "you can't find places to meet other people because of your personality" which doesn't even make any fucking sense because my personality doesn't determine what activities are available and I fucking hate all the pieces of shit who give me that bullshit

The advice I've got from normies has been at best "follow a script and approach women in the women's clothing department"

They said to follow a script? That's odd... Is that pua or something?

and at worst "just keep waiting, you'll find someone even though you don't have any way of meeting people, just stop complaining and I'm going to try to take you off topic constantly" or "you can't find places to meet other people because of your personality"

What do they mean by that? Is it that they are saying that you are too reluctant to?

which doesn't even make any fucking sense because my personality doesn't determine what activities are available and I fucking hate all the pieces of shit who give me that bullshit

Yea I don't get what that is supposed to mean. I do think that after like 24 it's harder to find places to commune with people.

Volunteer work is pretty cool and you meet nice people. It's almost like church but usually not corrupt.

They said to follow a script? That's odd... Is that pua or something?

No from a female "friend" who was trying to get to shut up and show her how hopeless my situation is and she came up with probably the worst way to approach women, just a quick generic complement then going straight to trying to acquire her number.

What do they mean by that? Is it that they are saying that you are too reluctant to?

No, that's the response I get from them when I fucking beg for them to give me the opertunity to meet anyone. They just want me to shut up and suffer and not hate women for being the cunts that they are, and are constantly trying to avoid talking about ways for me to meet girls.

Yea I don't get what that is supposed to mean. I do think that after like 24 it's harder to find places to commune with people.

Nope, seems harder before, can't find any events or anything for my age group.

They said to follow a script? That's odd... Is that pua or something?

No from a female "friend" who was trying to get to shut up and show her how hopeless my situation is and she came up with probably the worst way to approach women, just a quick generic complement then going straight to trying to acquire her number.

That's bizarre. What're her dating habits like?

Here's the thing, the way a girl remembers things tends to be different than how it happened from the guys point of view. So it could be that it seems like a lot less happened than what the guy experiences.

The guy goes up to the girl and chats then they figure out if they click.

The guy does something to trigger that he's obviously interested in being more than friends. This can be something as subtle as an over glance downward to signify that you're checking her out.

As the conversation proceeds emotional crescendos occur and hopefully they're good ones.

You wanna longer in the good crescendos. Let them settle so that they begin to take hold and shift the context of the meeting toward a positive connection.

Then at some point as you're chatting look for another emotional crescendo that feels good then ask her for her number.

This is all happening in the background and as a type of multitasking that signifies that you are tuned into emotions, and in general it just helps with rhythm and pacing.

As far as what to say, it's no different than making friends with a guy, except that you throw in little indicators that you are interested in her as more than a friend. As long as this happens you can't be friend zoned and it can be as subtle as you want as long as you know that she notices.

You wanna keep things as comfortable as humanly possible like you're at home and she just appeared in your living room.

The easiest thing to talk about is something interesting around you that connects you two. The rest is up to your imagination.

What do they mean by that? Is it that they are saying that you are too reluctant to?

No, that's the response I get from them when I fucking beg for them to give me the opertunity to meet anyone. They just want me to shut up and suffer and not hate women for being the cunts that they are, and are constantly trying to avoid talking about ways for me to meet girls.

Cmon man, not all anyone is anything. Even if 99 percent of girls are cunts, you treating them all the same is an injustice to the 1 percent who you'll inadvertently punish for not being that way. And the proportion isn't at all that bleak.

Yea I don't get what that is supposed to mean. I do think that after like 24 it's harder to find places to commune with people.

Nope, seems harder before, can't find any events or anything for my age group.

How about volunteering? Book stores? Record stores? Anything where there would be a basis for a connection I E. Where something in common draws people.

That's bizarre. What're her dating habits like?

Honestly I have no clue, she seems insistant on online dating being the best option though.

The guy goes up to the girl and chats then they figure out if they click.

Nothing for me to chat about.

The guy does something to trigger that he's obviously interested in being more than friends. This can be something as subtle as an over glance downward to signify that you're checking her out.

And how long should I want before anything like that? weeks? months? years?

As the conversation proceeds emotional crescendos occur and hopefully they're good ones.

Only emotions I usually felt were nervousness and knowing I'm about to be rejected.

As far as what to say, it's no different than making friends with a guy, except that you throw in little indicators that you are interested in her as more than a friend. As long as this happens you can't be friend zoned and it can be as subtle as you want as long as you know that she notices.

No clue how to make friends with a guy either.

You wanna keep things as comfortable as humanly possible like you're at home and she just appeared in your living room.

I feel lots of discomfort talking to a woman I know is about to reject me.

The easiest thing to talk about is something interesting around you that connects you two. The rest is up to your imagination.

Not really much for me to go off of there, one of the reasons I haven't been able to start a proper conversation is I have no starting point for a conversation.

Cmon man, not all anyone is anything. Even if 99 percent of girls are cunts, you treating them all the same is an injustice to the 1 percent who you'll inadvertently punish for not being that way. And the proportion isn't at all that bleak.

I still put on an act when dealing with women, if one proves she isn't a cunt then fine, but in this case it's best to assume the worst.

How about volunteering? Book stores? Record stores? Anything where there would be a basis for a connection I E. Where something in common draws people.

Not many volunteering chances I know of, meetup has been useless, no sure how populated book stores are around here and I doubt there would be any record stores, none of that would really work for finding someone who has anything in common with me.

Uhhh normies don't abuse women. Dude you need to lurk more lol, Chad abuse is the only kind of abuse and they love it.

you guys did create a zoo

you guys

How can you say that incels created it when it's admin policies that are preventing the incel community from isolating itself from the rest of reddit? This sub faces a choice between being a zoo and deletion, and this dilemma is not the responsibility of its audience or mods.

If it wasn't for black pillers trying to spread incels wouldn't get nearly as much flack.

The manosphere deliberately targets men who are struggling. Groups who are target men who are struggle are very dangerous. Think of ISIS, or even religious cults. Why do you think cults used "sexy fishing" and ISIS promises 72 virgins?

The manosphere is just the more deceptively palatable face of the alt right

Those accusations would be valid if they were true. Unfortunately for you, they're not true - they're just excuses vile shitstains like you fall back on to justify abusing people you don't like.

I don't recall abusing anyone, but whatevs. And yes, black pillers try to black pill all the time.

What do you think the whole black pill truth thing is about? Why the spin with tinder? Why the blatant bottomless grab bag of copes? Why the racism? Why the cherry picking?

Its not just even the black pill but the entire manosphere. The black pill is just a subset like MGTOW and MAGA which all promote the same narrative

Like I said, your accusations would be solid if true, but they simply aren't true.

On the other hand, I do think it's good that you still feel the need to come up with excuses and repeat them desperately when someone refuses to buy them. It means deep inside you're still ashamed of your toxicity.

Like I said, your accusations would be solid if true, but they simply aren't true.

Hey you guys are the ones who keep making it true by confirming my every word. Maybe you personally don't but as a community your narrative does and that's all that matters.

On the other hand, I do think it's good that you still feel the need to come up with excuses and repeat them desperately when someone refuses to buy them. It means deep inside you're still ashamed of your toxicity.

What excuses and for what toxicity? Meh I don't really care. I'd rather just keep high lighting your bullshit for others to see.

your narrative

You were talking about actions. Why the sudden switch to "narrative"?

Actions? The actions are the manifestation of the narrative. Both would have to exist.

And yet, the actions don't exist.

What do you mean? You mean there aren't people who are pushing the black pill?

More generally, I mean that all your accusations are overwhelmingly false.

I have no clue what you're even talking about anymore. We started talking about how the incel community made itself a zoo, you said it was due to bad politics, I said regardless of the reason it trying to gather converts is going to make it a target. If the black pillers didn't try to spread its be a lot more similar to double x chromosome

Now you're just talking about generalities so I have no clue what your even arguing about

I have no clue


wait, are the admins stopping the sub from going private?

At this point most likely yes. They have deleted other private and heavily moderated incel communities, so it stands to reason that they would do the same here if the community took any more steps to defend itself from brigades, harassment and demonization. It appears to be literally the policy of reddit to allow sexually unsuccessful men to have their own space only on the condition that they submit to abuse.

i can guarantee you that it wasn't because they went private that those subs were banned.

i can guarantee

No, you actually can't.

sometimes people use hyperbole for effect or to stress a point. not everything is 100% literal.

And sometimes people use "subtlety" and "manners" and skip the part where they tell you where you should stick your point. :P


also, it's HILARIOUS how normies flip-flop between

"it's your personality" "your standards are too high"

which one is it? lol

It is a bit of both.

The way that normies or otherwise guys who have game do it is that we are naturally flirtatious often by second nature.

This concept that pua and all the other manosphere charlatans promote is that you switch into game mode then you try to get a girls number.

Guys who have game have always playfully flitted with women from before puberty even.

Kids younger than 8 flirt with girls and do it a lot more naturally than manosphere men do.

By playfully flirting with women you don't necessarily even wanna date, you get the feedback loop that trains you and tunes you as a male with a romantic persona.

Then when there is a girl you're actually into its already second nature.

Most, I'd say all guys who have game know the answer they're gonna get even before they ask when they ask a girl out.

okay yeah you're insane. first you say the manosphere is comprised of men who are all racist as fuck and glorify assholes

what planet do you live on that women don't date racist pieces of shit? do you even read what the fuck you're typing?

okay yeah you're insane. first you say the manosphere is comprised of men who are all racist as fuck and glorify assholes

what planet do you live on where women don't date racist pieces of shit? do you even read what the fuck you're typing?

There are men who literally buy poop from girls online.

What do you notice about the difference between those two groups? That's

MSU alt right VS protesters

Here's Charlottesville

Again.. Notice something weird about the gender representation?

No, someone pointed an AR at the dude in the car and he took off to avoid being shot. Those people out in the road were there on their own accord. Didn't your parents teach you to stay out of the road as a kid?

No, someone pointed an AR at the dude in the car and he took off to avoid being shot.

Wow... Okay dude. Might as well say the devil had pitchforks poking his bum.

Those people out in the road were there on their own accord. Didn't your parents teach you to stay out of the road as a kid?

It was a protest. Everyone was in the road.

And regardless you're missing the point.

The death of eugenics was the rise of feminism. In the past women have always been sympathetic to men of a much broader type than they were supposed to.

A woman wrote uncle Tom's cabin to create a heroic figure called uncle Tom.

For a while the term meant a defiant hero among slaves.

The minstrel shows got to it though and turned the character from this

To this

And then finally to this

The story was revised into what we think now where uncle Tom was a an old asexual subservient house slave who betrayed his own.

They did the same thing to Sessue and morphed the Asian male stereotype to the old cel fu Manchu which is still being depicted.

The Asian stereotype was based on the book meat VS rice which was written to counter act the fact that women were not racist enough. The attempt to demonize Asian males backfired and inadvertently created the first bad boy sex symbol across the western world.

Video linked by /u/neomancr:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Raw: Clashes as White Nationalist Visits MSU Associated Press 2018-03-06 0:01:20 46+ (64%) 6,593

Protesters clashed with police and supporters of white...

Info | /u/neomancr can delete | v2.0.0

please dude stop replying to me lol. you are not well in the head and you're barking up the wrong tree anyways as i am not a republican.


This is your manosphere.

Its not about republican versus Democrat. It's about your leaders suckering men who happen to be struggling to push back against the Civil rights movement.

a woman died fighting against the racists

Yep, this is the statement that convinced me you're delusional. A woman died standing in the road like an idiot during a riot caused by Antifa trying to take away somebody's First Amendment right.

aaaaand all of a sudden i don't think it is the weight that is the problem.

There are sane, intelligent women out there. I wouldn't want a liberal.

ROFL thank you for confirming what the manosphere is really about for the Nth time.

Not being an insane leftist? In that case, I'll take it as a compliment.

I pretty much do blindly follow a script when it comes to approaching women the times I tried.

Yea.. That doesn't make any sense. And that's why I think the pua and manosphere thing is so toxic. It fools guys into behaving completely unnaturally.

You know there are ways you can make sure a girl will say yes before you ask then why would you even ask before you even know? How's that make any sense?

Yea.. That doesn't make any sense. And that's why I think the pua and manosphere thing is so toxic. It fools guys into behaving completely unnaturally.

Except it was a woman's advice... I repeated her word for word and disproved her just like I knew I would.

You know there are ways you can make sure a girl will say yes before you ask then why would you even ask before you even know? How's that make any sense?

...What? I can't make out what you mean, the girls I asked out were very cold approaches.

Yea, can you not tell if a girl is into you? You're supposed to ask once you already set it up so that you know she's gonna say yes.

It's the same type of thing as when you're trying to get anyone to do anything.

I don't have anywhere I could meet someone and talk for a prolonged period of time, I was basically relying on my looks to try to get a first date setup despite not even looking good. I was approaching women at stores...

It doesn't have to be prolonged. You just have to learn to connect emotionally and to draw others in. It comes with practice.

Do you know how to butter people up in general? It's the same concept. You can set the momentum of any interaction and feel or head where you want. And if she's resistant then you know you should move on.

I don't really understand the concept of asking out of the blue without even having any reason to suspect she might say yes.

I don't have anywhere to meet women that isn't awkward and involve me approaching out of the blue. I'm horrible when it comes to most social interaction as well so I hardly no know how to butter people up...

I dunno how about work or school? Church? If you love in the city, book stores, laundromats?

And regarding asking someone to do something, you've never had an impression of what a person might say before you ask him? And then maybe what you can do to increase likelihood that they'd say yes?

I don't have anywhere to meet women that isn't awkward and involve me approaching out of the blue.

dude, you are on the internet right now. pick a dating site.

Dating sites don't work for average guy.

while i am not so sure about that, it has to work better than cold approaching random women in shops.

I tried using one but after three months with a 5 year age gap and a 150 mile search radius and messaged almost every girl who was recently online, I only got responses to two of my messages and both were rejections. With a successrate that bad I feel like it's probably worse than cold approaching random women.

Yeah but that is only one site. That is like only focusing on one store. Maybe the closer chicks are on a different site.

briefly tried tinder and there seemed to be more girls nearby but I don't recall seeing anyway to tell if the account is still active and I hate being limited to a phone. I'm not attractive enough to have a chance anyway, dating sites are really skewed against men.

I doubt it is as bad as you say. I would keep at it. You only need to find one person right? But if you are resigned to it, there are dating sites specifically for ugly people. Why not start there? If only to work on your conversation.

I doubt it is as bad as you say.

It really is, I don't even think I'm that bad looking, dating sites don't seem like they would work.

I would keep at it. You only need to find one person right

If everything worked out then yes, I would only need one, but that's still a lot.

What about the other part?

What other part?

The other dating sites. At least for experience.

"I-It's your personality!1!"

Every single time.

Let me guess. You're gonna insist that personality = being nice or being mean...

And then you'll say "criminals have girl friends! To be a criminal means you have a bad personality!" "I donate money to charity, I should have a great personality!"

Alright smartass. Go ahead and elaborate on "muh personality".

What I am going to insist on is that to get sex, you need looks, money or status. Not Personality. It has nothing to do with sex. Woman don't fuck men because they are impressed with their personality.

You clearly want to believe this. It's absolutely no surprise at all though.

There are slimey people who only make friends with people of high lms but most people make friends with people based on personality.

There are even people who try to bribe others into being their friend, and then they get mad that they feel like everyone is using them all the time.

Its the same exact shit.

You didn't elaborate on how personality and sex work. I have friends. I don't want you to preach about friendship. Anyway we humans are evolutionary wired to be attracted to good looks. Women much more than men. Women are more selective than men due to our evolutionary nature. If she isn't physically attracted to you in the first place she wouldn't give you a chance and your personality would mean jack shit.

You didn't elaborate on how personality and sex work. I have friends. I don't want you to preach about friendship.

It's an obvious parallel. Why would anyone imagine that human relations are so drastically different? Things are a lot simpler and more intuitive than the makes it seem with all its pseudoscience and tinder study nonsense

Anyway we humans are evolutionary wired to be attracted to good looks. Women much more than men.

Not at all, otherwise men would be the ones dolling themselves up across the cultures and someone would have cracked the code and managed to make porn that sells to women. Male models would also be somewhere nearly as highly regarded as their female counter parts.

Women are more selective than men due to our evolutionary nature. If she isn't physically attracted to you in the first place she wouldn't give you a chance and your personality would mean jack shit.

Women aren't attracted to people the same way men are, that's why their graph looks like that. There is a lot less agreement over what attractiveness is and women view it more as types than some specific set of traits that all guys should look like the way men do for women.

Women are attracted to traits in men that make men more evolutionary strong and looks have the least to do with it. Looking like a pretty boy would yield no benefit in nature, but attractive personality traits would.

The traits virtually all women find attractive are boldness, disinhibition and drive. That's why of all the different Disney Princes Aladdin is always top of the charts. He's a fun adventurous brave exciting guy that is a survivor.

The types of men the manosphere glorify are the types of men the media sell to other men, mostly gay men actually..

The types of men marketed toward women are completely different.

Some women are more like gay men. It's a sub culture expressed by media products like sex in the city.

The manosphere then pretend like since some women have the same tastes as stereotypical gay men they all must which is a pretty weak argument and wrong.

Lmao I've never in my life heard a girl say "Omg I want to fuck Aladdin soooo bad!"

Aladin is a cartoon character.

Aladdin and Heman are representations of masculinity marketed to women and to men respectively

The two are very different because women and men view the world differently

The traits virtually all women find attractive are boldness, disinhibition and drive.

Wait, being a non-misogynist or a good person in general isn't on that list? But IT told me I can't get laid unless I think women are the best thing since sliced bread!

Those are moral traits. Not all people are good or bad. But you reap what you sew. People tend to attract their own kind so to speak.

And I don't know if I've ever seen it say that. I've only heard incels say that someone said that.

Most women are not interested in a bratty dude though

If you want a girl who's a cold hearted bitch or a girl with deep psychological issues be an asshole. But as long as you are bold disinhibited and driven you'll still attract the subset that reflects your morality

It's not like immoral people are universally outcasts, birds of a feather as they say

And I don't know if I've ever seen it say that.

Search my post history for the term "/r/niceguys". You'll find a few (obviously not as hyperbole) examples where women say some shit that could be posted straight onto that sub if it was a guy who said it. And I mean, fine, I have no problem with women putting moral values waaaay down their priority list. But they shouldn't pretend otherwise.

And yeah, I agree. Personality matters if you include social skills into it. Your whole alpha male behaviour thingy will get you laughed out of the room if you can't back it up with charme and conversation skills.

"reap what you sow"


Human relations really are that different. We don't reproduce with our friends.

Women dolling themselves up isn't for men. I assure you, most men either don't care about makeup/fashion or they actually despise makeup/fashion, as I do. Every time I tell a woman that, she says that they don't do it for men. So which is it?

Human relations really are that different. We don't reproduce with our friends.

Women dolling themselves up isn't for men. I assure you, most men either don't care about makeup/fashion or they actually despise makeup/fashion, as I do. Every time I tell a woman that, she says that they don't do it for men. So which is it?

Women do it for men. They just don't ONLY do it for men as it's become symbolic.

And our culture isn't the only culture where women are dolls. Beyond that we've literally always known this. It's why women's fashion is what it is whereas men's fashion is so much more minimal where in the past it was uniform. Women have long hair. Women are even designed to look more flashy. Nothing about men even looks good but we're designed to be utilitarian

But makeup and fashion are generally ugly. They're unappealing to the eye and they show deeper problems. If women were trying to appeal to men physically, they'd be better off with minimal to no makeup and whatever clothing is comfortable but not a literal trash bag. Why can't people just be people? Fuck.

I wouldn't say women are more physically motivated than men, I'd say it's about even, but women have higher standards. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

But makeup and fashion are generally ugly. They're unappealing to the eye and they show deeper problems. If women were trying to appeal to men physically, they'd be better off with minimal to no makeup and whatever clothing is comfortable but not a literal trash bag. Why can't people just be people? Fuck.

There's this adage that goes, if you're doing it right it should be unnoticeable.

You're thinking of all the times when people don't do it correctly so it sticks out and looks wrong.

There are a lot of girls who wear nothing but eye liner or even less. It just depends. And then there are girls who cake themselves out and that actually looks more convincing in a mirror or in photos since it's designed to create an illusion when you're staring head on from controlled lighting. Unfortunately that doesn't end up looking good in motion which is why the hobbit movie which upped the frame rate which reduced motion blur looked bad.

I wouldn't say women are more physically motivated than men, I'd say it's about even, but women have higher standards. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

It's not true at all though. It's always been known that men are more visual and women are more into the type you are which is an extension of how you express yourself. This keeps us balanced as a species with men seeking a esthetic beauty firstly and women selecting traits that make the pack strong.

If both selected only anesthetics we'd all be swallowed up by the neighboring tribe.

Men are more thirsty because men straight up watch porn and fap into a sock.



They keep telling us to socialize more too, but like everything, it should be under their terms, with their list of topics that can be discussed, and post self improvement. This won't do.

serious question. wouldn't it make sense to use other's terms? i mean your's hasn't been working so far right?

Define "working"

Leading to relationships with women.

Women dont want men to get a reality check. They want us to be mindless beta orbiters so they can maintain their power over us.


This women like to control the social dynamic

Just lol at Roasties and their orbiters!

I guess I’d be considered a Normie here, but honestly if anyone really gets that angry over a sub that they’re fuming and shit they’re lower than any incel here. Like grow up, it’s almost funny thinking about some guy getting home from work, checking reddit, and getting fuming red in the face angry at a subreddit full of lonely virgins, doesn’t even make sense to me to be honest.

I am also a “normal” person and I couldn’t agree more. I lurked on inceltears for a weekend and grew to hate it. It’s just full of unfunny memes and borderline neckbeards/legbeards who literally have nothing better to do than screenshot people and harass them, all under the guise of being righteous. They may be “normies” but they are far from being “normal”


FA has feminazi SJW mods

short has bluepill cucks as mods

menslib is more bluepill than TBP itself

incel communities are the last honest places on Internet when it comes to dating

even OKCupid killed their own blog because SJWs did not like the hard truths about lookism it exposed

and lmao @ Photofeeler - 'we swear, your photo just had a bad angle! now pay us more money and upload more photos from a better angle tee hee' when you get a 5% attractiveness rating omegalul

So you and I are talking about the same thing, just with different outlooks. My view is that Braincels is touching on some things that are true. For example, there are double standards between men and women. It is easier to be attractive rather than ugly. It is also true that physical attraction does play a role in attracting a partner.

The reason you are being bombarded has nothing to do with these truths, it is the ridiculous extremes that you take these truths to, and the blind confidence with which it is taken there. You use screenshots of individuals to categorize and make laws for the whole to operate under, as long as it benefits the narrative.For example, the confidence here regarding cuckholds. It is a small fetish community that most regular humans are largely even aware exists. Yet the posters here have taken this and made it a status quo for the masses, so much so that normie and cuck are considered synonyms here. This is one example, but every "black pill truth" I've seen has some version of this kind bastardization.

Foreveralone used to be shit on all the time before we came along

The problem with FA,short or any other sub is the shitty moderation. If by mistake you post an inconvenient truth or an observation, they will immediately ban you.

Again you are speaking for other people. Can you not empathise with the difficulty and adversity that some of the people in here have faced when trying to find a mate (which is a biological process).

What you are reading when you see these are hyperbolic statements born from extreme frustration.

If you actually care about fixing these problems you first need to understand

You have never known more about a person than what they literally told you through words?

Now you're generalizing us all as niceguys

are you sure you're not an incel? i thought only incels made generalizations like that about people

I'm convinced neomancer is autistic

he is legit insane.

The advice I've got from normies has been at best "follow a script and approach women in the women's clothing department" and at worst "just keep waiting, you'll find someone even though you don't have any way of meeting people, just stop complaining and I'm going to try to take you off topic constantly" or "you can't find places to meet other people because of your personality" which doesn't even make any fucking sense because my personality doesn't determine what activities are available and I fucking hate all the pieces of shit who give me that bullshit

Pretty sure that's like the opposite of the halo effect, from my understanding the halo effect comes from looks and changes how people view your actions.

And I don't know if I've ever seen it say that.

Search my post history for the term "/r/niceguys". You'll find a few (obviously not as hyperbole) examples where women say some shit that could be posted straight onto that sub if it was a guy who said it. And I mean, fine, I have no problem with women putting moral values waaaay down their priority list. But they shouldn't pretend otherwise.

And yeah, I agree. Personality matters if you include social skills into it. Your whole alpha male behaviour thingy will get you laughed out of the room if you can't back it up with charme and conversation skills.

But makeup and fashion are generally ugly. They're unappealing to the eye and they show deeper problems. If women were trying to appeal to men physically, they'd be better off with minimal to no makeup and whatever clothing is comfortable but not a literal trash bag. Why can't people just be people? Fuck.

There's this adage that goes, if you're doing it right it should be unnoticeable.

You're thinking of all the times when people don't do it correctly so it sticks out and looks wrong.

There are a lot of girls who wear nothing but eye liner or even less. It just depends. And then there are girls who cake themselves out and that actually looks more convincing in a mirror or in photos since it's designed to create an illusion when you're staring head on from controlled lighting. Unfortunately that doesn't end up looking good in motion which is why the hobbit movie which upped the frame rate which reduced motion blur looked bad.

I wouldn't say women are more physically motivated than men, I'd say it's about even, but women have higher standards. I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

It's not true at all though. It's always been known that men are more visual and women are more into the type you are which is an extension of how you express yourself. This keeps us balanced as a species with men seeking a esthetic beauty firstly and women selecting traits that make the pack strong.

If both selected only anesthetics we'd all be swallowed up by the neighboring tribe.

Men are more thirsty because men straight up watch porn and fap into a sock.

I dunno how about work or school? Church? If you love in the city, book stores, laundromats?

And regarding asking someone to do something, you've never had an impression of what a person might say before you ask him? And then maybe what you can do to increase likelihood that they'd say yes?

"reap what you sow"

I don't have anywhere to meet women that isn't awkward and involve me approaching out of the blue.

dude, you are on the internet right now. pick a dating site.

What other part?