She comes here to virtue signal while simultaneously posting about how she wants a guy who doesn't care about how ugly she is, but is also tall hot passionate good looking successful and great.
Basically, she wants a guy that is a 10000x better person than she is.
Sluts sleep / desire to sleep with with every good looking guy.
Proper, respectful, relationship worthy women sleep with incels. You're the textbook definition of the former.
You still haven't replied to one of my buddies who asked for your location. I'd date you if you were in NYC, despite how much of an asshole / faker you are.
Maybe if you weren't a piece of shit, I wouldn't need to quote half of your post history; ever thought of that? You're not very smart, I see. Yet you're looking for a guy to commit. Ironic.
Stop being stingy and give up that pussy. A good dicking will probably chill you the fuck out and you'll get to experience most of those things. The only one you wouldn't be able to do is the cosplay if you're not attractive enough. You can get all the others easily. It's gonna cost a little pussy though.
I'm 20 and in college so most guys in my age group don't have nice paying jobs. I want a guy that has a passion for something, is attractive to me, like 5'10" at least, don't care about body type, values loyalty, isn't promiscuous, is loving and not selfish
I however expected to be insulted simply because I don't share your particular point of view here.
I absolutely meant sexual assault and harassment as legitimate crimes that are crimes for a reason. No air quotes, no sarcasm, just honesty and objectivity. If you believe thay they're a social construct and not a traumatizing experience for anyone who's had to experience it, men women and children, then I think you might need to talk to a few people who have.
Women choose whether or not it's """"sexual assault"""" or """"harassment."""" If it's a good looking guy, then it isn't, even if everything is consensual.
Yeah, being dragged into an alleyway by someone you don't know and forcibly penetrated, degraded and made to feel like less of a human being is all well and good as long as the guy is at least an 8.
Seriously have you spoken to an actual rape victim, like face to face on a personal level about their experience, not just make a one sided assessment reinforced by a group of people that vehemently agree with you? I feel like you probably should if you're going to try and make a claim like that.
Seriously have you spoken to an actual rape victim, like face to face on a personal level about their experience,
A rape """"victim"""? Why would I want to speak to a lying piece of shit? I wouldn't go within 100 miles of someone who claims to be raped since I could just ask them questions and they would consider that to be 'rape.'
I think you've answered the question of why you're an incel with the "piece of shit" line there friend. If you're going to call a rape victim a liar then chances are you're going to remain an incel for the rest of your life or up until you decide to try rape for yourself in which case I'd keep that to yourself in prison. Inmates aren't fans of sexual predators
Anyone who has had their consent violently ignored is a victim. Man or woman. Rape is awful and I can't honestly believe that you are so wrapped up in this ideology that you could actually believe being forcibly attacked and violated by another human being isn't wrong and traumatic. Gender is irrelevant here.
It's only an attack if it's an ugly or average guy. Women encourage eachother to report false rape all the time, which is why i'm happy men are picking up on it, and are refusing to work with or hire women now, GOOD.
You are just wrong here. If consent is viokated it is rape. If consent isn't violated it's not rape. If I don't want to have sex with someone and they violently force themselves on me when as I'm saying no it fighting back, it does not matter how attractive they may or not be. It is not a factor.
And I say your viewpoint is callous and unempathetic because it is disregarding actual rape and trauma people go through.
That's not how this works. You don't get to discredit fact because you don't like me as a person.
As someone who was violently sexual you assaulted by someone I was very attracted to, I find your philosophy dangerous and insulting. I had to file a police report because when I refused this man he threatened to kill me. He was charming and handsome before he held me down by my throat and said he was going to fuck me until I cried after I refused him four times and tried to leave.
That was wrong. It didn't matter how attractive or funny or charming he was. I said no. I was lucky enough to get away. Many women aren't so lucky. Many men aren't so lucky.
I know it's ridiculous to try and change a stranger's mind on the internet, but I guess I'm too hopeful to truly believe you could be so callous and unempathetic.
It's not purely about sex when it comes to rape friend, a rapist does it because they can and they know they have the power to get away with it, at least until they're caught.
If you're going to deny that men also get raped then I think you've got some research to do there because as a victim myself I can personally attest to the fact that having someone try to force themselves on you is traumatizing.
I can attest to the fact that they do. The ones that are feel humiliated , as just about every victim does, and feels like they can't speak up because "what kind of guy turns down a chick throwing themselves at them? Lol fucken fagget"
Because guys have a certain standard that we're supposed to live up to we fear speaking out at the risk of being ridiculed or flat out called a liar because nobody believes it can possibly happen. How can we get raped or harassed when we're supposed to be dominant or turn any touch into a fuck fest? Same way women do. We have our pride and confidence same as they do, which can be damaged by someone seeing us as nothing more than an object for their amusement.
So you're going to not acknowledge that these articles are about men being raped in general, and at least 2 are about sexual assault BY WOMEN.
I'm not saying the numbers are equal to 1 in 6 australian women, why we're doing australia is beyond me right now but moving on, but the fact that it absolutely does happen is the key point here.
The fact you're dodging the articles about women being the assaulter shows you have no more argument against it.
The point of the conversation is that men absolutely can be sexually assaulted by women and it is absolutely a fact. One of the articles even reinforces my earlier point of the social and personal psychology of people reacting to male sexual assault victims .
You posted one link as if it somehow proved my argument wrong beyond any sort of a doubt. I posted four, one of which was about women as sexual predators, one of men talking about being assaulted by women, and one about men as sexual assault victims in general.
What yours proved beyond women being in higher numbers as far as sexual assault and harassment goes, I'm not really sure, but if that's your point I'm not disagreeing with you.
It's not purely about sex when it comes to rape friend, a rapist does it because they can and they know they have the power to get away with it, at least until they're caught.
The idea that rape isn't about sex is the BIGGEST feminist myth yet.
Guy is getting pruned from the genetic pool by slut women so he takes matters into his own hands because "girl power" says that he doesn't get to be part of the future of civilization and his genes beg him "do whatever it takes, bro" so he does.
Slut women see it as "power" because sex IS power for them, unless it's with chad, tee hee. That's what beta buxx is. Her using sexual power for economic advantage. Fuck, that's what prostitution is.
Women see rape as "power" because sex IS power for them. It's not for men, but they project, because they project about EVERYTHING. It wasn't about the guy getting his most fundamental and innate rocks off, it was "power" because patriarchy and so many reasons you'll stop reading but none of them are honest.
Again I have to ask you if you've EVER spoken to an actual rape victim , or a convicted rapist? All of what you just said looks to be your assessment based on the fact you don't like women.
Can you link to some examples of convicted rapists saying it's more about power than sex? A rape victim's thoughts on this are irrelevant because they don't know what a rapist is thinking.
Well for one thing, psychological analysis can tell you pretty accurately how certain criminal groups tend to think, and the general consensus is that it's not purely about sex but about power over someone. Maybe for YOU it would be but there's an outlier to every statistic.
Watch that and get back to me, I've got to get to work in a few minutes.
Well for one thing, psychological analysis can tell you pretty accurately how certain criminal groups tend to think, and the general consensus is that it's not purely about sex but about power over someone.
I couldn't careless about "psychological analysis", what is important is what they themselves say most often.
Also, you are changing your point. Your point was it's more about power than sex, now it's that rape isn't purely about sex.
Maybe for YOU it would be but there's an outlier to every statistic. also Watch that and get back to me, I've got to get to work in a few minutes.
People do lie, but I don't see any reason they would lie about whether it was about sex or power. It's not like there is an answer that they can give that isn't as bad as the other, or they have something to gain.
That psych analysis may be wrong too, but asking pathological liars and skilled manipulators why they did something is a futile exercise.
I don't think an average rapist is a pathological liar or skilled manipulator, that is mostly a stereotype about serial killers/ rapists.
I don't think an average rapist is a pathological liar or skilled manipulator, that is mostly a stereotype about serial killers/ rapists.
True, but those are also the ones studied the most. I doubt there are biographies or data on the average basic bro rapist who was just drunk and horny one night.
If you ask men who rape men in prison, they claim it's about power. They rarely say "because I was horny and his asshole looked sexy".
Men don't rape each other outside of prison like this, though. You don't hear about gangsters raping each other as a show of power outside of prison. I think prison rape is much more about sexual frustration due to not being able to have sex with a woman.
If you ask men who rape men in prison, they claim it's about power. They rarely say "because I was horny and his asshole looked sexy".
Men don't rape each other outside of prison like this, though. You don't hear about gangsters raping each other as a show of power outside of prison. I think prison rape is much more about sexual frustration due to not being able to have sex with a woman.
I think this is an example of there being a purpose for lying about the intent, making it clear you want to have sex with men in prison probably isn't a good idea.
I've not heard anything actually, that was just claim you gave.
So first you only want to hear what people say, arguing "why would they lie", then when you hear it you argue they're lying.
Like I've said, in a ordinary case, there is nothing to gain from lying. In prison, coming out directly as gay likely is not a good idea, especially in certain communities.
Here's where the "feminist myth" part falls apart.
Forget about women. Who the fuck cares about them. Picture a world with only men. i.e. male prison.
In male prison, men rape other men. It's partly about getting off, but partly about asserting power and dominance over other men, making a guy his prison bitch.
You think the only reason they rape is because they're horny and have no one else to fuck?
That explains why they rape men (instead of women), but it doesn't explain why they rape specific weak men, why they use rape as a tool in gang wars, why they make it a display of dominance, why they use language like "make you my prison bitch", and its role in their position in prison hierarchies.
Use your brain you fucking moron. It's definitely about power.
The women aren't accessible to you. Are you stupid enough to think you have higher chance of fucking them than a man behind bars? No. You don't. It's over.
Therefore you're wrong. Being denied pussy isn't the only thing that makes someone rape.
Lack of women is why men rape MEN in prison (instead of raping women), but it's not the only reason why they RAPE. It's also about power and dominance.
But they don't rape eachother when they aren't in prison.
Exactly. They're not gay outside prison. Yet when there are no women, they rape men. Incels don't rape (men or women) just because you can't get pussy. Therefore, rape is not just about getting off and lack of pussy. It's also about other stuff (power).
If you believe it's just lack of sex, then why aren't you raping people?
They don't ALL rape men in prison either. Why don't the others rape men? They don't have pussy either?
They don't rape men outside of prison because they can get willing pussy. You can't get willing pussy. You're even thirstier than a man in prison. Why aren't you raping people?
not everyone is a rapist. whether or not you rape people has nothing to do with the fact that rapists rape men in prison but not out of prison. why? because there's no women in prison.
Prison rapists aren't all rapists outside prison. Is that really the part you're tripping over you moron? That's what you're arguing? Rapists rape men in prison because there are no women to rape, then they rape women outside prison? Most of them rape no one outside prison. They only rape in prison.
They rape men in prison. They rape no one outside prison. Why did they rape? Lack of pussy? No, the other men also lacked pussy. They're raping to show dominance.
You don't have willing sex available. You're incel. You're even more starved of women than a man in prison, but you have the option to rape women instead of raping men. If rape was about desperation for sex, why aren't you raping?
Because it's not just about desperation for sex. It takes more than that to want to rape. Rapists want to assert dominance too, not just get off.
It's your own fallacy though. You're the one fucking arguing that rape is just about lack of sex, not power or anything else.
If that was true, anyone who was extremely deprived of sex (any man in prison, any incel) would rape to get the sex he's deprived of.
That doesn't happen. Why? Because not everyone is a "rapist"? What makes someone a "rapist"? Clearly he's raping for some other reason than just sex (e.g. he enjoys the act of rape, he enjoys inflicting pain on others, he enjoys dominating others). Therefore, rape is not just about sex.
Lack of women is why men rape MEN in prison (instead of raping women), but it's not the only reason why they RAPE. It's also about power and dominance.
You argued against this. Then I repeated it again.
It just explains why they rape MEN instead of women (no women to rape), but not why they RAPE period.
Lack of women explains the gender of victim, not the act. Like I said from the very beginning, the act is not just about sex but also about other things like power. No feminist lies needed.
Even Camille Paglia, a legendary (and honest) feminist who has been studying sexuality for ages, disagrees with this modern notion that rape is largely about 'power'.
Btw, guys, she is a next-level genius feminist, just check out some of her quotes:
Sexual freedom, sexual liberation. A modern delusion. We are hierarchical animals. Sweep one hierarchy away, and another will take its place, perhaps less palatable than the first.
Sexuality and eroticism are the intricate intersection of nature and culture. Feminists grossly oversimplify the problem of sex when they reduce it a matter of social convention: readjust society, eliminate sexual inequality, purify sex roles, and happiness and harmony will reign. Here feminism, like all liberal movements of the past two hundred years, is heir to Rousseau.
Every fetus becomes female unless it is steeped in male hormone, produced by a signal from the testes. Before birth, therefore, a male is already beyond the female. But to be beyond is to be exiled from the center of life. Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy.
Let's get rid of Infirmary Feminism, with its bedlam of bellyachers, anorexics, bulimics, depressives, rape victims, and incest survivors. Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses.
Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy-whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess.
Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.
Modern liberalism suffers unresolved contradictions. It exalts individualism and freedom and, on its radical wing, condemns social orders as oppressive. On the other hand, it expects governments to provide materially for all, a feat manageable only by an expansion of authority and a swollen bureaucracy. In other words, liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother. Feminism has inherited these contradictions.
Nature is a Darwinian spectacle of the eaters and the eaten. All phases of procreation are ruled by appetite: sexual intercourse, from kissing to penetration, consists of movements of barely controlled cruelty and consumption. The long pregnancy of the human female and the protracted childhood of her infant, who is not self-sustaining for seven years or more, have produced the agon of psychological dependency that burdens the male for a lifetime. Man justifiably fears being devoured by woman, who is nature’s proxy.
Women have conceptualized less in history not because men have kept them from doing so but because women do not need to conceptualize in order to exist. […] Fetishism, for instance, a practice which like most of the sex perversions is confined to men, is clearly a conceptualizing or symbol-making activity. Man’s vastly greater commercial patronage of pornography is analogous.
That nature acts differently upon the sexes is proved by the test case of modern male and female homosexuality, illustrating how the sexes function separately outside social conventions. The results, according to statistics of sexual frequency: male satyriasis and female nesting. The male homosexual has more sex than his heterosexual counterpart; the female homosexual less often than hers, a radical polarization of the sexes along a single continuum of shared sexual nonconformity. Male aggression and lust are the energizing factors in culture. They are men’s tools of survival in the pagan vastness of female nature.
I can read the "opposite gender" part, and I can also read that it was said by SOMEONE ELSE, not you. Your own comment was false.
If you meant "so many women" instead of "so many people", try learning how to write.
The fact is your slip of tongue opened up a perfect counterargument. Rape isn't just about "OMG too many Chads wanna fuck me I'm too tired for all of them, look at my privilege". It's fucking painful and horrible. Proof? You don't have to believe "feminist lies". Male-on-male rape is also horrible.
Men who get raped in prison fucking hate that so many men want to fuck them that it's a danger to their safety.
So you can extrapolate that when it happens to women, it's not pleasant either. It's not a privilege of "wow you're so lucky so many people want to fuck you".
If you believe that way, commit a crime, go to jail, and you too can have more sex than you want! No more inceldom.
Are you implying 100% of people on reddit always stick to the exact context of the comment they're replying to? Have you actually read stuff on reddit?
Do you know what subtext is? No, you missed it.
Of course I knew you probably MEANT "women". But you didn't SAY "women", and that opened up a great counterargument - male on male rape. If you have better than a 6th grade reading level, you'll understand why. You clearly lack that literacy, so I'll spell it out for you:
As a man, having men want to rape you is no privilege! There is also no female privilege behind women getting raped by men. "At least men want to fuck you" is a bullshit argument. You wouldn't say that to a man who got brutally raped by a man in a prison shower.
A desperate incel virgin in prison would not be satisfied by some man brutally raping him. It's not the kind of sex he wants. For the person being raped, it's not even really sex. It's closer to being assaulted, beaten up. Only the rapist is getting his rocks off while you get the shit kicked out of you.
The idea that raped women are luckier than incels because at least someone wants to fuck them is a load of shit. Male-on-male rape proves that, without having to believe feminist lies.
You moron, I'm both incel and older than you. I'm more blackpill than you, normie.
Fuck feminist lies. But rape isn't privilege either. If you think so, go to prison and get raped to end your inceldom. But I'd rather stay incel than get raped.
you're not fooling anyone. you're so dumb you're trying to act like getting fucked by someone of the same sex is the same as getting fucked by someone of the opposite sex. just quit school and sell drugs. you're dumber than the president.
Getting fucked by someone you don't want to fuck you is not the same as getting fucked by someone you do. It's really that simple. That's why getting raped is not female privilege. Most people would chosen inceldom over being brutally raped.
Men who rape men in prison aren't all "faggots". They're often straight outside prison. They fuck men in prison because that's all they can fuck. Why don't incels do that (settle for the same sex out of desperation)? Because men raping men is not JUST about getting off. They're also doing it for dominance. Are you really too dumb to see the difference?
There's no reason for an incel to fuck a man over a woman.
There's a big reason. No women will voluntarily ever fuck an incel. You have no chance. Other desperate men may fuck an incel.
Incels are even more desperate than criminals in prison (at least they had pussy before and will have pussy after). If a criminal in prison would, and it's about desperation for pussy, why won't an incel?
Are there women available for you? No. You're incel. Even though you walk by women every day, they're no more accessible to you than if you were in prison.
Unless you want to rape them. Are you saying you rape women?
if they only rape men when women aren't around. then it's about women not being around. now i understand why im in the 99 percentile when it comes to IQ. people are fucking retarded. just look at this guy.
So if, in the world of harassment, men and women are equally fucked... then all we have left is the stuff listed in the OP, in which women come out on top. So we go back to what was said in the beginning: women are at an advantage as a gender.
In some ways they are, that's the privilege people like to talk about so much.
In reality however, both genders have ways in which they come out on top, for the longest time it's been generally accepted that men often develop larger and stronger simply by nature and for the most part that tends to be true. Granted I live in one of the bigger cities in the US and go to college so the melting pot is pretty varied even at the gym where people's goal is just to get fit.
Just for the record, I don't go there for some "lifting is life" mantra , I put on a lot of weight a while ago and I'm just trying to lose it. You still see some variety from the treadmills though.
I'd rather have been born a woman than a man. As it stands, if I wanted all of my base desires to be satisfied, being a woman would be the way to go, and that's all that really matters to me,
To an extent, yes.
I understand why incels think the way they do and how they came to exist, and to a degree I empathize because I felt that way for a while.
Because I empathize and understand the thought behind a lot of what comes through this subreddit, it doesn't mean I necessarily agree with you
Please understand though that my disagreement isn't hand in hand with dismissal of your community because frankly I've had some genuinely pleasant conversations with incels. Realistically I understand that nobody likes feeling ugly, subhuman or that they've somehow failed to meet some basic requirement for him courtship.
I get why IT is so hated here (I'm a member and even I don't like seeing the shit talking). I understand that you don't want to hear that the problem is you and not the world.
I understand these issues, but I just don't agree. Mind you my anxiety keeps me from going outside and interacting with people regularly like I probably should at my age (24), I go months at a time without sexual contact , and sometimes years without a relationship, but I just don't subscribe to this community's way of thinking.
Maybe it's because I don't think anything matters and that keeps things from bothering me too much, maybe it's something else, I'm not really sure , but I don't think my failures to start a relationship are cause for me to sort of...give up.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you need to change the way you think or to be more confident , because really nobody likes to hear that when they feel low and as far as advice goes it does fuckall. Just...I get it, and I think with time things will probably get better for you.
((Sorry for the long post but that was really hard to try and condense))
I think that's because for the longest time women weren't allowed to work in extremely dangerous jobs like coal mines , or enlist in the military. I'm not super knowledgeable about the military but I know they're allowed in now, and I read somewhere they can train to be in the Army Rangers and other elite groups, but as far as a draft goes I'm not sure they're forced into it if there is one.
Come to think of it , is there still an "Only Child" clause or did they get rid of it? Or did it just not exist and I'm imagining it?
They can go through Ranger School, which is like a leadership course, they can't become actual Army Rangers yet. Women can enter BUD/S (SEAL training), but none of them have been able to make it through the pre-BUD/S selection. Same thing with Marine Corps infantry Lieutenant course until like a few months ago a woman passed it.
Oh that’s considered a life achievement for you? My mistake, I forget that there are some people out there that are so out of touch with how normal humans act that they actually have a problem talking to other humans and consider that an achievement at all.
Reread your comment, dumb slut. You're the one who considers it an accomplishment. It's an accomplishment if you're a guy getting a girl. Not the opposite.
Oh honey it really isn’t an accomplishment for most people. That’s alright though, maybe someday you’ll learn how to behave and get a girl. However, if you don’t that is alright too, because then you won’t be able to add your inferior traits to the gene pool. Win win
Boy are you stupid. Chad is misogynist and gets whatever woman he wants. Maybe you should reread your own comments. Amazing how an illiterate slut can find a guy.
Oh no some rando on the internet called me a slut! What ever shall I do? Probably go and give my guy a big kiss and thank him for not being a fucking moronic cringelord. I’d say have a nice day, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the rest of your day will probably be filled with whining on the internet about how it’s so very hard to talk to people in real life. Poor little thing.
I wish I was born a woman. Anybody who legitimately thinks being a woman is harder than being a man is so delusional. Every aspect of their lives is easier than it is for men. From getting help at a store, to eating at a restaurant, to music festivals, to getting into college, to getting a job, to making money on this side, to relationships, to getting casual sex, is all easier for women.
Oh that’s considered a life achievement for you? My mistake, I forget that there are some people out there that are so out of touch with how normal humans act that they actually have a problem talking to other humans and consider that an achievement at all.
ok whore a womans value is in the kitchen she should dress modestly for her husband she is not to receive a education only house skills and sexual lessons on how to please a husband simple as that really... Do you wonder why women always ruin male dominated spaces ie twitch gaming,stem ATTENTION
Not really unfortunate if the world had a 100% male population we would be traveling space right now as we speak the whole point of war, innovative,money etc is to reproduce and rise ones status as a male.A women doesnt need that they are treated as prize's and property for the dominant male in the area.
Aren't modern women just the nastiest fucking attention whores?
We live in the worst era in the history of man for sexual relations. Women have been given everything and all they showed was that they're completely fucking worthless which was exactly what human history showed, but proof is nice.
Why ew? I’m an ok looking girl and I used my looks to get a pass in high school and college so I never learned anything particularly useful other than how to suck and fuck. I’ve got about 10 years tops left out of my looks, might as well as much money as I can now out of it.
I think the world would run smoother if everyone were a bit more honest with themselves. I might lie to others but I’m honest with myself. Makes life easier if you just accept it (then again, my life is pretty easy to accept)
Want some more honesty? I’m a legit roastie. Swear to god I need vaginoplasty. I have zero idea why anyone wants to see that. It looks fuckin horrendous
That’s true. It often blows my mind how much men will pay just to see pictures or chat with us and the fact that I know I would never in my life pay for it. It’s shitty but that’s life for some people.
Yes. I blame men more than women because of how fucking desperate and pathetic they can be sometimes. They ruin it for almost every other man because they care more about getting their dick wet than being chill or normal. Most men can't have copious amounts of casual sex, and they still desperately try to.
Again I have to ask you if you've EVER spoken to an actual rape victim , or a convicted rapist? All of what you just said looks to be your assessment based on the fact you don't like women.
Here's where the "feminist myth" part falls apart.
Forget about women. Who the fuck cares about them. Picture a world with only men. i.e. male prison.
In male prison, men rape other men. It's partly about getting off, but partly about asserting power and dominance over other men, making a guy his prison bitch.
Well for one thing, psychological analysis can tell you pretty accurately how certain criminal groups tend to think, and the general consensus is that it's not purely about sex but about power over someone.
I couldn't careless about "psychological analysis", what is important is what they themselves say most often.
Also, you are changing your point. Your point was it's more about power than sex, now it's that rape isn't purely about sex.
Maybe for YOU it would be but there's an outlier to every statistic. also Watch that and get back to me, I've got to get to work in a few minutes.
The women aren't accessible to you. Are you stupid enough to think you have higher chance of fucking them than a man behind bars? No. You don't. It's over.
That’s true. It often blows my mind how much men will pay just to see pictures or chat with us and the fact that I know I would never in my life pay for it. It’s shitty but that’s life for some people.
1 hating-life 2018-03-16
most women can't get any of that. only cunning and attractive women.
1 Hopecel 2018-03-16
Just throw paint on your face and go on twitch.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Jesus christ, look at this sluts history.
The comments too.
1 Hopecel 2018-03-16
Hahahaha, this can't be serious.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-16
She's a literal copy paste of the "teehee" meme.
She comes here to virtue signal while simultaneously posting about how she wants a guy who doesn't care about how ugly she is, but is also tall hot passionate good looking successful and great.
Basically, she wants a guy that is a 10000x better person than she is.
1 The_Real_Cannaman 2018-03-16
Every woman wants chad would settle for chadlite though
1 hating-life 2018-03-16
I'm a virgin so use different insults
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Sluts sleep / desire to sleep with with every good looking guy.
Proper, respectful, relationship worthy women sleep with incels. You're the textbook definition of the former.
You still haven't replied to one of my buddies who asked for your location. I'd date you if you were in NYC, despite how much of an asshole / faker you are.
1 hating-life 2018-03-16
A slut is a high body count woman with low standards. Who is your buddy and why are you teaming up to attack me?
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
No slut has ever slept with ugly people. Someone messaged you asking for your location and you ignored them. No need for me to answer that last part.
1 hating-life 2018-03-16
Stop teaming up with people I already responded to that person
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
I'm not teaming up. I'm pointing out your hypocrisy and everyones' agreeing.
1 hating-life 2018-03-16
Who is everyone? Just get a life
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Maybe if you weren't a piece of shit, I wouldn't need to quote half of your post history; ever thought of that? You're not very smart, I see. Yet you're looking for a guy to commit. Ironic.
1 trevmon 2018-03-16
biggest lie in reddit history
1 Dingus_Incel 2018-03-16
What a disgrace.
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-16
Stop being stingy and give up that pussy. A good dicking will probably chill you the fuck out and you'll get to experience most of those things. The only one you wouldn't be able to do is the cosplay if you're not attractive enough. You can get all the others easily. It's gonna cost a little pussy though.
1 GeneticCleansing 2018-03-16
Fuck off
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
They won't leave us alone. The worthless waste of space.
1 sharkb8master 2018-03-16
holy shit dude, you cant make this shit up
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Yep, women can have all these standards when people rage when all I want from life is a sub 15 chick.
1 chadeet 2018-03-16
1 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-16
Troll post if not GTFO my sub whore
1 IncelSlayerZero 2018-03-16
Those poor, poor wymyn.
1 8xXxnoxxshroudexXx8 2018-03-16
That photo looks like she’s at a glory hole (a sort of blow job drive thru where girls suck anonymously)
1 digglebees 2018-03-16
almost right
1 Sniveling_Cur 2018-03-16
Yes, we know what a gloryhole is you fucktard.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
-have to worry about sexual assault and harassment far more than the opposite gender
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
You mean """sexual assault""" and """harassment""", the social construct that only affects average and only men?
Oh wait, you're a piece of garbage that posts on inceltears and creepypms, never mind, I didn't expect an intelligent comment here.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I however expected to be insulted simply because I don't share your particular point of view here. I absolutely meant sexual assault and harassment as legitimate crimes that are crimes for a reason. No air quotes, no sarcasm, just honesty and objectivity. If you believe thay they're a social construct and not a traumatizing experience for anyone who's had to experience it, men women and children, then I think you might need to talk to a few people who have.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Women choose whether or not it's """"sexual assault"""" or """"harassment."""" If it's a good looking guy, then it isn't, even if everything is consensual.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Yeah, being dragged into an alleyway by someone you don't know and forcibly penetrated, degraded and made to feel like less of a human being is all well and good as long as the guy is at least an 8. Seriously have you spoken to an actual rape victim, like face to face on a personal level about their experience, not just make a one sided assessment reinforced by a group of people that vehemently agree with you? I feel like you probably should if you're going to try and make a claim like that.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
A rape """"victim"""? Why would I want to speak to a lying piece of shit? I wouldn't go within 100 miles of someone who claims to be raped since I could just ask them questions and they would consider that to be 'rape.'
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I think you've answered the question of why you're an incel with the "piece of shit" line there friend. If you're going to call a rape victim a liar then chances are you're going to remain an incel for the rest of your life or up until you decide to try rape for yourself in which case I'd keep that to yourself in prison. Inmates aren't fans of sexual predators
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
Holy fucking shit. What is wrong with you?
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
What's wrong with rape """victims"""?
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
I don't understand your question or why you need so many quotation marks.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
I used quotation marks because they aren't actually considered victims.
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
Anyone who has had their consent violently ignored is a victim. Man or woman. Rape is awful and I can't honestly believe that you are so wrapped up in this ideology that you could actually believe being forcibly attacked and violated by another human being isn't wrong and traumatic. Gender is irrelevant here.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
It's only an attack if it's an ugly or average guy. Women encourage eachother to report false rape all the time, which is why i'm happy men are picking up on it, and are refusing to work with or hire women now, GOOD.
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
You are just wrong here. If consent is viokated it is rape. If consent isn't violated it's not rape. If I don't want to have sex with someone and they violently force themselves on me when as I'm saying no it fighting back, it does not matter how attractive they may or not be. It is not a factor.
And I say your viewpoint is callous and unempathetic because it is disregarding actual rape and trauma people go through.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
If someone who posts on r/niceguys and r/creepypms calls me wrong, then that means i'm not doing anything wrong.
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
That's not how this works. You don't get to discredit fact because you don't like me as a person.
As someone who was violently sexual you assaulted by someone I was very attracted to, I find your philosophy dangerous and insulting. I had to file a police report because when I refused this man he threatened to kill me. He was charming and handsome before he held me down by my throat and said he was going to fuck me until I cried after I refused him four times and tried to leave.
That was wrong. It didn't matter how attractive or funny or charming he was. I said no. I was lucky enough to get away. Many women aren't so lucky. Many men aren't so lucky.
1 therachel2010 2018-03-16
I know it's ridiculous to try and change a stranger's mind on the internet, but I guess I'm too hopeful to truly believe you could be so callous and unempathetic.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Calling me callous and unempathetic is ironic here.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
"so many people want to fuck me that it's a danger to my safety" - said no man ever
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
It's not purely about sex when it comes to rape friend, a rapist does it because they can and they know they have the power to get away with it, at least until they're caught. If you're going to deny that men also get raped then I think you've got some research to do there because as a victim myself I can personally attest to the fact that having someone try to force themselves on you is traumatizing.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
men don't get sexually harassed, assaulted, or raped by women
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I can attest to the fact that they do. The ones that are feel humiliated , as just about every victim does, and feels like they can't speak up because "what kind of guy turns down a chick throwing themselves at them? Lol fucken fagget" Because guys have a certain standard that we're supposed to live up to we fear speaking out at the risk of being ridiculed or flat out called a liar because nobody believes it can possibly happen. How can we get raped or harassed when we're supposed to be dominant or turn any touch into a fuck fest? Same way women do. We have our pride and confidence same as they do, which can be damaged by someone seeing us as nothing more than an object for their amusement.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
show me the equivalent:
Go on. I'll wait.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
I guess you didn't read the article. 1 in 6 australian women.
show me the equivalent.
Go on. I'll wait.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
So you're going to not acknowledge that these articles are about men being raped in general, and at least 2 are about sexual assault BY WOMEN. I'm not saying the numbers are equal to 1 in 6 australian women, why we're doing australia is beyond me right now but moving on, but the fact that it absolutely does happen is the key point here.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
the fact that you are posting about men raping men shows that you fundamentally do not understand the conversation you've elected to participate in
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
The fact you're dodging the articles about women being the assaulter shows you have no more argument against it.
The point of the conversation is that men absolutely can be sexually assaulted by women and it is absolutely a fact. One of the articles even reinforces my earlier point of the social and personal psychology of people reacting to male sexual assault victims .
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
dodge? you posted a bunch of links like they were evidence, but you didn't even know what we were talking about. JFL
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
You posted one link as if it somehow proved my argument wrong beyond any sort of a doubt. I posted four, one of which was about women as sexual predators, one of men talking about being assaulted by women, and one about men as sexual assault victims in general. What yours proved beyond women being in higher numbers as far as sexual assault and harassment goes, I'm not really sure, but if that's your point I'm not disagreeing with you.
1 Dingus_Incel 2018-03-16
Check your privilege ciscum. A transwoman otherkin can use her pre-op feminine penis to rape the masculine vagina of a non binary fluid man-woman.
1 fasdsdfasdffsd 2018-03-16
The idea that rape isn't about sex is the BIGGEST feminist myth yet.
Guy is getting pruned from the genetic pool by slut women so he takes matters into his own hands because "girl power" says that he doesn't get to be part of the future of civilization and his genes beg him "do whatever it takes, bro" so he does.
Slut women see it as "power" because sex IS power for them, unless it's with chad, tee hee. That's what beta buxx is. Her using sexual power for economic advantage. Fuck, that's what prostitution is.
Women see rape as "power" because sex IS power for them. It's not for men, but they project, because they project about EVERYTHING. It wasn't about the guy getting his most fundamental and innate rocks off, it was "power" because patriarchy and so many reasons you'll stop reading but none of them are honest.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Again I have to ask you if you've EVER spoken to an actual rape victim , or a convicted rapist? All of what you just said looks to be your assessment based on the fact you don't like women.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
Can you link to some examples of convicted rapists saying it's more about power than sex? A rape victim's thoughts on this are irrelevant because they don't know what a rapist is thinking.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Well for one thing, psychological analysis can tell you pretty accurately how certain criminal groups tend to think, and the general consensus is that it's not purely about sex but about power over someone. Maybe for YOU it would be but there's an outlier to every statistic. also Watch that and get back to me, I've got to get to work in a few minutes.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
I couldn't careless about "psychological analysis", what is important is what they themselves say most often.
Also, you are changing your point. Your point was it's more about power than sex, now it's that rape isn't purely about sex.
I don't feel like watching a 1 hour documentary.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
I say I'm right and you're wrong. Also I say I'm Chad. That's what's most important right?
People lie. People also lack self-insight. Self-report can be utter BS.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
People do lie, but I don't see any reason they would lie about whether it was about sex or power. It's not like there is an answer that they can give that isn't as bad as the other, or they have something to gain.
I don't think an average rapist is a pathological liar or skilled manipulator, that is mostly a stereotype about serial killers/ rapists.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
True, but those are also the ones studied the most. I doubt there are biographies or data on the average basic bro rapist who was just drunk and horny one night.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
Men don't rape each other outside of prison like this, though. You don't hear about gangsters raping each other as a show of power outside of prison. I think prison rape is much more about sexual frustration due to not being able to have sex with a woman.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
Men don't rape each other outside of prison like this, though. You don't hear about gangsters raping each other as a show of power outside of prison. I think prison rape is much more about sexual frustration due to not being able to have sex with a woman.
I think this is an example of there being a purpose for lying about the intent, making it clear you want to have sex with men in prison probably isn't a good idea.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
So first you only want to hear what people say, arguing "why would they lie", then when you hear it you argue they're lying. Nice circles bro.
1 nct57 2018-03-16
I've not heard anything actually, that was just claim you gave.
Like I've said, in a ordinary case, there is nothing to gain from lying. In prison, coming out directly as gay likely is not a good idea, especially in certain communities.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I tried to space it out over a couple of days
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Here's where the "feminist myth" part falls apart.
Forget about women. Who the fuck cares about them. Picture a world with only men. i.e. male prison.
In male prison, men rape other men. It's partly about getting off, but partly about asserting power and dominance over other men, making a guy his prison bitch.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
no. it's about the fact that there are no women around. those guys aren't raping eachother on the outside.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
You think the only reason they rape is because they're horny and have no one else to fuck?
That explains why they rape men (instead of women), but it doesn't explain why they rape specific weak men, why they use rape as a tool in gang wars, why they make it a display of dominance, why they use language like "make you my prison bitch", and its role in their position in prison hierarchies.
Use your brain you fucking moron. It's definitely about power.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Incels have no women to fuck. Why aren't incels raping men?
Guess what? Male-on-male rape isn't just about lack of pussy.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
Because there are women.
You've only got 2 digits in your IQ.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
The women aren't accessible to you. Are you stupid enough to think you have higher chance of fucking them than a man behind bars? No. You don't. It's over.
So why aren't you raping men?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
You asked why incels aren't raping men. It was a really dumb question.
Because there are women.
Are you too dumb to recognize this? Let's find out.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
You're not raping women either, incel.
Therefore you're wrong. Being denied pussy isn't the only thing that makes someone rape.
Lack of women is why men rape MEN in prison (instead of raping women), but it's not the only reason why they RAPE. It's also about power and dominance.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
You asked why incels aren't raping men. You're dumber than a box of rocks.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Exactly. They're not gay outside prison. Yet when there are no women, they rape men. Incels don't rape (men or women) just because you can't get pussy. Therefore, rape is not just about getting off and lack of pussy. It's also about other stuff (power).
If you believe it's just lack of sex, then why aren't you raping people?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
It's about lack of pussy. That's why when there is a lack of pussy, they rape guys.
Maybe call one of your parents and have them walk you through this. I'm not here to help you with your homework.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
All men in prison lack pussy. Not all of them rape guys. Why don't the others rape?
You lack pussy. You're not raping men or women.
It's not just about lack of pussy, otherwise every horny thirsty dude would be a rapist.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
they don't rape men outside of prison. get your dad to explain it to you. im not getting paid to help the mentally handicapped.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
They don't ALL rape men in prison either. Why don't the others rape men? They don't have pussy either?
They don't rape men outside of prison because they can get willing pussy. You can't get willing pussy. You're even thirstier than a man in prison. Why aren't you raping people?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
not everyone is a rapist. whether or not you rape people has nothing to do with the fact that rapists rape men in prison but not out of prison. why? because there's no women in prison.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Prison rapists aren't all rapists outside prison. Is that really the part you're tripping over you moron? That's what you're arguing? Rapists rape men in prison because there are no women to rape, then they rape women outside prison? Most of them rape no one outside prison. They only rape in prison.
They rape men in prison. They rape no one outside prison. Why did they rape? Lack of pussy? No, the other men also lacked pussy. They're raping to show dominance.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
they don't necessarily have to rape women outside prison. just get an adult. im not here to do basic thinking for you.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
They don't have to because they get willing sex.
You don't have willing sex available. You're incel. You're even more starved of women than a man in prison, but you have the option to rape women instead of raping men. If rape was about desperation for sex, why aren't you raping?
Because it's not just about desperation for sex. It takes more than that to want to rape. Rapists want to assert dominance too, not just get off.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
the problem with your fallacy is that it implies that everyone is a rapist. just get an adult.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
It's your own fallacy though. You're the one fucking arguing that rape is just about lack of sex, not power or anything else.
If that was true, anyone who was extremely deprived of sex (any man in prison, any incel) would rape to get the sex he's deprived of.
That doesn't happen. Why? Because not everyone is a "rapist"? What makes someone a "rapist"? Clearly he's raping for some other reason than just sex (e.g. he enjoys the act of rape, he enjoys inflicting pain on others, he enjoys dominating others). Therefore, rape is not just about sex.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
i said men raping men in prison is about lack of women. you've tried desperately to refuse to admit this.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
This is what I said ages ago
You argued against this. Then I repeated it again.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
lol'd. are you done with your charade now? you just talked yourself in circles.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Are you done with your charade, fool?
Lack of women explains the gender of victim, not the act. Like I said from the very beginning, the act is not just about sex but also about other things like power. No feminist lies needed.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-03-16
Because it's illegal, and we're not criminals. Unlike boy-toy Meeks.
1 dj10show 2018-03-16
Then why did Darren Sharper drug and rape when he could get any girl he wanted?
1 fuckitidunno 2018-03-16
Of course the pieces of shit here would call fucking rape, "taking matters into your own hands". What an awful group.
1 trevmon 2018-03-16
nah it's about sex
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
You hold onto that one sided little view there buddy. That lack of understanding is going to get you real far with women
1 Mr-Mercedes- 2018-03-16
Even Camille Paglia, a legendary (and honest) feminist who has been studying sexuality for ages, disagrees with this modern notion that rape is largely about 'power'.
Btw, guys, she is a next-level genius feminist, just check out some of her quotes:
Sexual freedom, sexual liberation. A modern delusion. We are hierarchical animals. Sweep one hierarchy away, and another will take its place, perhaps less palatable than the first.
Sexuality and eroticism are the intricate intersection of nature and culture. Feminists grossly oversimplify the problem of sex when they reduce it a matter of social convention: readjust society, eliminate sexual inequality, purify sex roles, and happiness and harmony will reign. Here feminism, like all liberal movements of the past two hundred years, is heir to Rousseau.
Every fetus becomes female unless it is steeped in male hormone, produced by a signal from the testes. Before birth, therefore, a male is already beyond the female. But to be beyond is to be exiled from the center of life. Men know they are sexual exiles. They wander the earth seeking satisfaction, craving and despising, never content. There is nothing in that anguished motion for women to envy.
Let's get rid of Infirmary Feminism, with its bedlam of bellyachers, anorexics, bulimics, depressives, rape victims, and incest survivors. Feminism has become a catch-all vegetable drawer where bunches of clingy sob sisters can store their moldy neuroses.
Men are run ragged by female sexuality all their lives. From the beginning of his life to the end, no man ever fully commands any woman. It's an illusion. Men are pussy-whipped. And they know it. That's what the strip clubs are about; not woman as victim, not woman as slave, but woman as goddess.
Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist.
Modern liberalism suffers unresolved contradictions. It exalts individualism and freedom and, on its radical wing, condemns social orders as oppressive. On the other hand, it expects governments to provide materially for all, a feat manageable only by an expansion of authority and a swollen bureaucracy. In other words, liberalism defines government as tyrant father but demands it behave as nurturant mother. Feminism has inherited these contradictions.
Nature is a Darwinian spectacle of the eaters and the eaten. All phases of procreation are ruled by appetite: sexual intercourse, from kissing to penetration, consists of movements of barely controlled cruelty and consumption. The long pregnancy of the human female and the protracted childhood of her infant, who is not self-sustaining for seven years or more, have produced the agon of psychological dependency that burdens the male for a lifetime. Man justifiably fears being devoured by woman, who is nature’s proxy.
Women have conceptualized less in history not because men have kept them from doing so but because women do not need to conceptualize in order to exist. […] Fetishism, for instance, a practice which like most of the sex perversions is confined to men, is clearly a conceptualizing or symbol-making activity. Man’s vastly greater commercial patronage of pornography is analogous.
That nature acts differently upon the sexes is proved by the test case of modern male and female homosexuality, illustrating how the sexes function separately outside social conventions. The results, according to statistics of sexual frequency: male satyriasis and female nesting. The male homosexual has more sex than his heterosexual counterpart; the female homosexual less often than hers, a radical polarization of the sexes along a single continuum of shared sexual nonconformity. Male aggression and lust are the energizing factors in culture. They are men’s tools of survival in the pagan vastness of female nature.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
An interesting if ...bizarre read. Nit my particular philosophy (feels a little like Ayn Rand) but if it speaks to you then power to you
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Go visit a prison bro
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
there's no women in prison
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
And yet so many men want to fuck him that it's a danger to his safety.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
what does men fucking men have to do with what we're talking about?
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
This is false. Men get raped in prison by men all the time.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
No it's not false. You just can't read because you're an idiot. Quit school and sell drugs.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
I can read the "opposite gender" part, and I can also read that it was said by SOMEONE ELSE, not you. Your own comment was false.
If you meant "so many women" instead of "so many people", try learning how to write.
The fact is your slip of tongue opened up a perfect counterargument. Rape isn't just about "OMG too many Chads wanna fuck me I'm too tired for all of them, look at my privilege". It's fucking painful and horrible. Proof? You don't have to believe "feminist lies". Male-on-male rape is also horrible.
Men who get raped in prison fucking hate that so many men want to fuck them that it's a danger to their safety.
So you can extrapolate that when it happens to women, it's not pleasant either. It's not a privilege of "wow you're so lucky so many people want to fuck you".
If you believe that way, commit a crime, go to jail, and you too can have more sex than you want! No more inceldom.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
how does context work?
I'm not a teenager like yourself. I don't speak at a 5th grade reading level like they typical U.S. teenager. If you need help, PM. don't argue.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Are you implying 100% of people on reddit always stick to the exact context of the comment they're replying to? Have you actually read stuff on reddit?
Do you know what subtext is? No, you missed it.
Of course I knew you probably MEANT "women". But you didn't SAY "women", and that opened up a great counterargument - male on male rape. If you have better than a 6th grade reading level, you'll understand why. You clearly lack that literacy, so I'll spell it out for you:
As a man, having men want to rape you is no privilege! There is also no female privilege behind women getting raped by men. "At least men want to fuck you" is a bullshit argument. You wouldn't say that to a man who got brutally raped by a man in a prison shower.
A desperate incel virgin in prison would not be satisfied by some man brutally raping him. It's not the kind of sex he wants. For the person being raped, it's not even really sex. It's closer to being assaulted, beaten up. Only the rapist is getting his rocks off while you get the shit kicked out of you.
The idea that raped women are luckier than incels because at least someone wants to fuck them is a load of shit. Male-on-male rape proves that, without having to believe feminist lies.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
lol'd. some kid getting triggered by the blackpill.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
You moron, I'm both incel and older than you. I'm more blackpill than you, normie.
Fuck feminist lies. But rape isn't privilege either. If you think so, go to prison and get raped to end your inceldom. But I'd rather stay incel than get raped.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
you're not fooling anyone. you're so dumb you're trying to act like getting fucked by someone of the same sex is the same as getting fucked by someone of the opposite sex. just quit school and sell drugs. you're dumber than the president.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Getting fucked by someone you don't want to fuck you is not the same as getting fucked by someone you do. It's really that simple. That's why getting raped is not female privilege. Most people would chosen inceldom over being brutally raped.
Men who rape men in prison aren't all "faggots". They're often straight outside prison. They fuck men in prison because that's all they can fuck. Why don't incels do that (settle for the same sex out of desperation)? Because men raping men is not JUST about getting off. They're also doing it for dominance. Are you really too dumb to see the difference?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
Getting fucked by a man as a straight man, is not the same as getting fucked by a man as a straight woman. Duh.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
There's a big reason. No women will voluntarily ever fuck an incel. You have no chance. Other desperate men may fuck an incel.
Incels are even more desperate than criminals in prison (at least they had pussy before and will have pussy after). If a criminal in prison would, and it's about desperation for pussy, why won't an incel?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
So you don't even understand what rape is?
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
You don't even need to rape! You could have men willingly fuck you! What a volcel
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
incels are not rapists
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
But if rape is about desperation for pussy, are you saying you're less deprived of pussy than a prisoner?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
raping dudes in prison is about there not being women around. apparently your parents rape you since you can't ask them for help on this one.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Are there women available for you? No. You're incel. Even though you walk by women every day, they're no more accessible to you than if you were in prison.
Unless you want to rape them. Are you saying you rape women?
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
if they only rape men when women aren't around. then it's about women not being around. now i understand why im in the 99 percentile when it comes to IQ. people are fucking retarded. just look at this guy.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
It just explains why they rape MEN instead of women (no women to rape), but not why they RAPE period.
I'm in the 99.9th percentile of IQ. Clearly you don't understand because you're only 99th percentile, plebian moron.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
you have a double digit iq lol
1 HiImCoolCool 2018-03-16
I mean, a 99 IQ isn't that bad, only just a small bit under average.
1 HiImCoolCool 2018-03-16
Relying on your IQ to argue your point probably means that you're just an arrogant asshole pal.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
There should be.
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
-Have to0 worry about getinng murdered/beat-up/identity stolen/also raped
In that department, men and women are equal.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I will absolutely not deny that
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
So if, in the world of harassment, men and women are equally fucked... then all we have left is the stuff listed in the OP, in which women come out on top. So we go back to what was said in the beginning: women are at an advantage as a gender.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
In some ways they are, that's the privilege people like to talk about so much. In reality however, both genders have ways in which they come out on top, for the longest time it's been generally accepted that men often develop larger and stronger simply by nature and for the most part that tends to be true. Granted I live in one of the bigger cities in the US and go to college so the melting pot is pretty varied even at the gym where people's goal is just to get fit. Just for the record, I don't go there for some "lifting is life" mantra , I put on a lot of weight a while ago and I'm just trying to lose it. You still see some variety from the treadmills though.
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
I'd rather have been born a woman than a man. As it stands, if I wanted all of my base desires to be satisfied, being a woman would be the way to go, and that's all that really matters to me,
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
If that's how you feel about it I don't really blame you. It's a feeling everyone has on some level
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
It's not just a feeling, it's a feeling based on fact.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Again, I can't say I blame you, not even disagreeing with you
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
So you get why this subreddit needs to exist I hope.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
To an extent, yes. I understand why incels think the way they do and how they came to exist, and to a degree I empathize because I felt that way for a while. Because I empathize and understand the thought behind a lot of what comes through this subreddit, it doesn't mean I necessarily agree with you Please understand though that my disagreement isn't hand in hand with dismissal of your community because frankly I've had some genuinely pleasant conversations with incels. Realistically I understand that nobody likes feeling ugly, subhuman or that they've somehow failed to meet some basic requirement for him courtship. I get why IT is so hated here (I'm a member and even I don't like seeing the shit talking). I understand that you don't want to hear that the problem is you and not the world.
I understand these issues, but I just don't agree. Mind you my anxiety keeps me from going outside and interacting with people regularly like I probably should at my age (24), I go months at a time without sexual contact , and sometimes years without a relationship, but I just don't subscribe to this community's way of thinking. Maybe it's because I don't think anything matters and that keeps things from bothering me too much, maybe it's something else, I'm not really sure , but I don't think my failures to start a relationship are cause for me to sort of...give up. I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you need to change the way you think or to be more confident , because really nobody likes to hear that when they feel low and as far as advice goes it does fuckall. Just...I get it, and I think with time things will probably get better for you. ((Sorry for the long post but that was really hard to try and condense))
1 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-16
Could you fuck off whore/normie
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
Calm yourself, little one. I'm not a "normie", I'm on your side. Try paying attention to the conversation.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Damn, you're low IQ as hell. I'm disgusted you're even on my post...
1 bc9toes 2018-03-16
-doesn’t have to worry about dying on the job(nearly as much), doesn’t have to worry about being drafted to war
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
I think that's because for the longest time women weren't allowed to work in extremely dangerous jobs like coal mines , or enlist in the military. I'm not super knowledgeable about the military but I know they're allowed in now, and I read somewhere they can train to be in the Army Rangers and other elite groups, but as far as a draft goes I'm not sure they're forced into it if there is one. Come to think of it , is there still an "Only Child" clause or did they get rid of it? Or did it just not exist and I'm imagining it?
1 BF8211 2018-03-16
They can go through Ranger School, which is like a leadership course, they can't become actual Army Rangers yet. Women can enter BUD/S (SEAL training), but none of them have been able to make it through the pre-BUD/S selection. Same thing with Marine Corps infantry Lieutenant course until like a few months ago a woman passed it.
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Huh...interesting. Thanks for the info, didn't mean to make you take time to look stuff up
1 NerdWerl 2018-03-16
Check his flair
1 bigman4004 2018-03-16
Men in prison get raped more than women on the street. Try again.
1 Incelvester 2018-03-16
I'll buy feet pics, hit me up girls 😉
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
I’ve got some sexy ass feet for ya
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Eww, a niceguys badwomensanatomy poster. Off my post. Shoo Shoo.
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
Oh you mean someone who actually knows how to attract the opposite sex and isn’t a fucktard?
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
You're bragging about being a woman attracting guys? HAAA, loser. Lemme guess, that's your only life achievement?
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
Oh that’s considered a life achievement for you? My mistake, I forget that there are some people out there that are so out of touch with how normal humans act that they actually have a problem talking to other humans and consider that an achievement at all.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Reread your comment, dumb slut. You're the one who considers it an accomplishment. It's an accomplishment if you're a guy getting a girl. Not the opposite.
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
Oh honey it really isn’t an accomplishment for most people. That’s alright though, maybe someday you’ll learn how to behave and get a girl. However, if you don’t that is alright too, because then you won’t be able to add your inferior traits to the gene pool. Win win
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Boy are you stupid. Chad is misogynist and gets whatever woman he wants. Maybe you should reread your own comments. Amazing how an illiterate slut can find a guy.
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
Oh no some rando on the internet called me a slut! What ever shall I do? Probably go and give my guy a big kiss and thank him for not being a fucking moronic cringelord. I’d say have a nice day, but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say the rest of your day will probably be filled with whining on the internet about how it’s so very hard to talk to people in real life. Poor little thing.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-16
queef queef queef
1 Lolidom 2018-03-16
Double digit iq comment.
1 Hopecel 2018-03-16
Dumb people like you still reproduce though.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-16
We just dont have the looks or in some cases any way to meet anyone.
1 Probably_NotThe_NSA 2018-03-16
Another day, another idiot woman.
1 Incelvester 2018-03-16
Hell yeah 😎
1 BF8211 2018-03-16
I wish I was born a woman. Anybody who legitimately thinks being a woman is harder than being a man is so delusional. Every aspect of their lives is easier than it is for men. From getting help at a store, to eating at a restaurant, to music festivals, to getting into college, to getting a job, to making money on this side, to relationships, to getting casual sex, is all easier for women.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
That's true. I wish I was a woman.
1 redchords 2018-03-16
Nah. I'd rather be a guy. If you're a guy you can actually be happy.
1 BF8211 2018-03-16
Plenty of women are happy though?
1 redchords 2018-03-16
They always need more, the essence of unhappiness and dissatisfaction.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-16
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
A male model tier guy, sure.
1 BlackpilledVeteran 2018-03-16
1 Hopecel 2018-03-16
I'd rather be a good looking guy than a female but ugly guy < female.
1 foreignincel4 2018-03-16
whats with the downvots omg
1 killmyselfrightnow99 2018-03-16
Why are all transvestite nigger whores man to pretend woman? For the privledge
1 kaylabee44 2018-03-16
Oh that’s considered a life achievement for you? My mistake, I forget that there are some people out there that are so out of touch with how normal humans act that they actually have a problem talking to other humans and consider that an achievement at all.
1 stopjaywalking 2018-03-16
I dunno man, I'm a girl and I don't get all this free shit. Where do I sign up?
1 IncelConspiracy 2018-03-16
You find a lonely man and spread your legs for them. That's how.
1 stopjaywalking 2018-03-16
I'm good lmfao
1 OfSpock 2018-03-16
That's hardly getting things for free.
1 asdasda5453 2018-03-16
Sign up in my dm's
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
Maaaaan, I'm a girl and a camwhore. I think I'm playing the game wrong because Im not making a grand for any part of my body, let alone the FEET!!!
2 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-16
If not bait you are simply just a whore plain and simple no would GTFO
0 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
Why would I say no to free money? And yes, I’m bait AND a whore. That’s why I called it a cam Whore
1 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-16
ok whore a womans value is in the kitchen she should dress modestly for her husband she is not to receive a education only house skills and sexual lessons on how to please a husband simple as that really... Do you wonder why women always ruin male dominated spaces ie twitch gaming,stem ATTENTION
1 Board_Gaming 2018-03-16
A woman has more value than just in the kitchen.
2 FUSIO_SOULS 2018-03-16
Not really unfortunate if the world had a 100% male population we would be traveling space right now as we speak the whole point of war, innovative,money etc is to reproduce and rise ones status as a male.A women doesnt need that they are treated as prize's and property for the dominant male in the area.
1 Brscmill 2018-03-16
A womans value is in the kitchen and your value is on reddit bitching about being a virgin
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
Ewww, a camwhore.
1 fasdfasdfasdfsfsd 2018-03-16
Aren't modern women just the nastiest fucking attention whores?
We live in the worst era in the history of man for sexual relations. Women have been given everything and all they showed was that they're completely fucking worthless which was exactly what human history showed, but proof is nice.
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
Why ew? I’m an ok looking girl and I used my looks to get a pass in high school and college so I never learned anything particularly useful other than how to suck and fuck. I’ve got about 10 years tops left out of my looks, might as well as much money as I can now out of it.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
You answered your own question.
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
I did? Well I also said all I did in school was suck and fuck. I’m a dumbass. Dumb it down for me?
1 [deleted] 2018-03-16
1 suicidal-pothead 2018-03-16
I love it when a woman just admits it like that.
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
I think the world would run smoother if everyone were a bit more honest with themselves. I might lie to others but I’m honest with myself. Makes life easier if you just accept it (then again, my life is pretty easy to accept)
1 currynator3000 2018-03-16
A rare honest roastie
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
Want some more honesty? I’m a legit roastie. Swear to god I need vaginoplasty. I have zero idea why anyone wants to see that. It looks fuckin horrendous
5 nejigsk 2018-03-16
1 ummyourdaddy 2018-03-16
adding to the fact that your'e black, I can't even imagine it. ewwww. who the fuck pays to see that shit?
1 BF8211 2018-03-16
Regardless of how much you make, you are still doing something that the average man cannot do.
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
That’s true. It often blows my mind how much men will pay just to see pictures or chat with us and the fact that I know I would never in my life pay for it. It’s shitty but that’s life for some people.
5 BF8211 2018-03-16
Yes. I blame men more than women because of how fucking desperate and pathetic they can be sometimes. They ruin it for almost every other man because they care more about getting their dick wet than being chill or normal. Most men can't have copious amounts of casual sex, and they still desperately try to.
1 amunoa 2018-03-16
You do realize all any of this only applies if you're a conventionally attractive woman, right?
1 suicidal-pothead 2018-03-16
No it doesn't. Even the ugliest women have these advantages. I've seen it with my own eyes.
1 OfSpock 2018-03-16
Link me to an ugly camgirl.
1 suicidal-pothead 2018-03-16
I don't watch camgirls regularly so I wouldn't know one but they're out there I've seen them
1 currynator3000 2018-03-16
1 ummyourdaddy 2018-03-16
It took 5 seconds.
1 behindcloseddoors1 2018-03-16
Many girls don't show their faces. Just go to the gym and get an amazing body then be a cam whore and don't show your face if you're ugly.
1 vvvvvvvvvvv11 2018-03-16
You mean """sexual assault""" and """harassment""", the social construct that only affects average and only men?
Oh wait, you're a piece of garbage that posts on inceltears and creepypms, never mind, I didn't expect an intelligent comment here.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
"so many people want to fuck me that it's a danger to my safety" - said no man ever
1 GrinchBear 2018-03-16
Again I have to ask you if you've EVER spoken to an actual rape victim , or a convicted rapist? All of what you just said looks to be your assessment based on the fact you don't like women.
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
Here's where the "feminist myth" part falls apart.
Forget about women. Who the fuck cares about them. Picture a world with only men. i.e. male prison.
In male prison, men rape other men. It's partly about getting off, but partly about asserting power and dominance over other men, making a guy his prison bitch.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
there's no women in prison
1 Fudde 2018-03-16
-Have to0 worry about getinng murdered/beat-up/identity stolen/also raped
In that department, men and women are equal.
1 just_for_the_record 2018-03-16
no. it's about the fact that there are no women around. those guys aren't raping eachother on the outside.
1 dj10show 2018-03-16
Then why did Darren Sharper drug and rape when he could get any girl he wanted?
1 nct57 2018-03-16
I couldn't careless about "psychological analysis", what is important is what they themselves say most often.
Also, you are changing your point. Your point was it's more about power than sex, now it's that rape isn't purely about sex.
I don't feel like watching a 1 hour documentary.
1 bc9toes 2018-03-16
-doesn’t have to worry about dying on the job(nearly as much), doesn’t have to worry about being drafted to war
1 PhucCheet 2018-03-16
The women aren't accessible to you. Are you stupid enough to think you have higher chance of fucking them than a man behind bars? No. You don't. It's over.
So why aren't you raping men?
1 bigman4004 2018-03-16
Men in prison get raped more than women on the street. Try again.
1 golden_xxd 2018-03-16
That’s true. It often blows my mind how much men will pay just to see pictures or chat with us and the fact that I know I would never in my life pay for it. It’s shitty but that’s life for some people.
1 fuckitidunno 2018-03-16
Of course the pieces of shit here would call fucking rape, "taking matters into your own hands". What an awful group.