Blackpill thread: list some daily blackpill you see everyday

36  2018-03-16 by FUSIO_SOULS


I love Satan

WTF? A whole 20 minutes? Chad's starting to lose his luster.

Nah he just has pretty solid endurance from fucking all the time

Had to finish his burger


Chad doesn't eat burgers, or food. He drains women's life energy when they blow him.

But of course you virgins didn't know.

lol chads don't give a fuck. They don't care if a woman cums or not lol. If they get their dick wet, that's all that matters.

Lmao these are so bad but so good at the same time

This is gonna sound edgy but the main reason cucktears and normies can't accept the truth is because they can't handle it (yes I am quoting Nietzsce.

Funny I don’t remember Nietzsche’s quote on the incels vs normies debate.

I was refering to Nietzsche's quote about how people can't handle the truth.

Nietzsche's quote about how people can't handle the truth.

what book is it from, never heard of this quote

there's the stuff about lambs not wanting to accept that beasts of prey aren't evil but i can't remember "Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth, because they don't want their illusions destroyed. "

just sounds like that line from a few good men

I think he means jack Nicholson from a few good men

Probably referencing the essay "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense"

I'm actually a bit surprised, Nietzsche is a pretty odd choice for an incel to idolize.

He was all about how the strong have the right to do with the weak what they please.

If he'd ever heard of incels he probably would tell them to suck it up and bend over for Chad.

That’s because Nietzsche quotes are the go-to for when you want to sound both intelligent and profound.

Am normie, do accept the truth in the picture, but I don't let reality get me down.

The bummer is when you first realize it's true, not knowing it's true for years.

Do you think you just denied it because it was hard to accept?

I was real bummed out during my first... month of reading The Red Pill.

By month 2, I realized being mad at women for acting like women is like being mad at a fish for swimming, a dog for barking, or a storm for thundering.

Some women are naturally worse than others.

I avoid interactions with the ones that I know really suck, but I don't hate them, either. I just know that they're for someone else, not for me.

TRP is how men viewed women before feminism tried to trick us with their lies. It is their nature. The black pill is better, because the red pill gives false hope and cope.

They say you can treat them like shit to make them like you. As if an ugly man could treat beautiful women badly and they like it. The ONLY way that would ever happen is if the man already had power, and other women wanted him, in which case they wouldn't need to read TRP. The only men who TRP works for are the ones that are insecure chad-lites who don't know they are attractive.

TRP is how men viewed women before feminism tried to trick us with their lies. It is their nature. The black pill is better, because the red pill gives false hope and cope.


yep there are autist chads out there who could use the red pill but that's bout it

The ONLY way that would ever happen is if the man already had power, and other women wanted him, in which case they wouldn't need to read TRP.

There are field reports on TRP and Married RP every day of attractive, fit alphas with good careers who fuck up their LTRs by mismanaging their relationship.

You need to be attractive, successful AND game your women properly to not become a bug squished on the windshield of life.


This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. I went there. It makes no sense. You don't have abundance. You have kids, a wife and an insecure man who wants to dread her. By the time they're on MRP their relationship is unsalvageable or they change completely because they have no self thoughts and listen to Reddit.

The most successful men don't need LTRs and the naturals don't need Reddit advice to their relationships.

I realized being mad at women for acting like women is like being mad at a fish for swimming, a dog for barking, or a storm for thundering.

No, I disagree with this analogy. Because we treat dogs like dogs. We treat fish like fish.

But we are told to treat women like people. And if you want to be treated like a person, you need to held accountable for your decisions, and called out on your hypocrisy.

dogs can be trained and are loyal af

if you want to be treated like a person, you need to be held accountable for your decisions, and called out on your hypocrisy.

If you want to run around treating women like you treat men, that's your own damned poor decision-making.

I get that many folks do that, and while it's unwise and silly... that's also the way things are.

No reason getting mad at stupid people for doing stupid things.

I just keep bear in mind Notorious B.I.G. and Junior Mafia.. make money first, fuck bitches second.

But gender is a social construct and we should treat everyone the same.

I never IRL see anyone 5'3 dating even an ugly woman.

Any normie that has been to a bar knows all about the blackpill. "muh pershunality' doesn't work if you don't have at least a few months to MAKE someone like you.

pic of him?

I don't have any pictures of him. I deleted my facebook from my college days (and I don't think he had one either). Too much stupid drama, fake people and just tons of people saying how great their lives are.

Another chad:

This guy was violent. He was clearly evil. He was handsome, psychopathic and extremely cunning. He was tall, would whip out his dick because of its enormous size, and belittle other men who would try to reason with him. He was able to give syphilis to 4 girlfriends of a class he took. He did this on purpose to demonstrate his 'chadliness'.

When he started dating a woman, she was very meek and young (18 and he was around 32). She had bruises on her all the time. She 'fell' a lot. He would fuck with her all the time by doing things like putting a restraining order on her (she'd go to court and he just wouldn't show up). He dumped her in the middle of a field once. All the while, she bought him expensive things her father gave her money for (rent for a good college, tuition, gifts and computers that went to him).

By the time they broke up, she was hulled out as a person. She died under mysterious circumstances. Cardiac arrest with no drugs in her system. Her heart was in very poor condition.

OFF that's the patick Batesman/50 shades all women fall for lmao that woman would rather die by Chad then live a "boring" life

This girl was a virgin before she met him too. Went to a top medical school. Dropped out for chad. I haven't heard from this one since, he made a lot of enemies, fought a lot of people. One of the boyfriends tried to fight him and had swelling in his brain so they had to remove a part of his skull, put it by his hip or something, and he had to wear a helmet for years because he thought he was going to beat the lv 100 boss.

She died under mysterious circumstances. Cardiac arrest with no drugs in her system. Her heart was in very poor condition.

The story has a happy ending.

she died


This basically. You see subhuman men getting shit on all the time for doing the same things that attractive men do.

Who makes these? Lol


THAT IS tiger


theres a chad in my 4th period class that acts like an absolute shit head. he often bullies some other incels in my class, and does the most immature shit in class. like literally just imagine the most stupid, low caliber joke you can think of and thats the sort of dumb shit he says. not to mention he's very rapey always forcing unwanted attention on the females in my class. sometimes even forcefully kissing them and other shit like that. but even with that shit women fucking eat up every fucking word he says, giggling at his stupidest jokes like some kind of braindead fucking doll. if an incel did that kind of shit he'd be doing time in young offenders for sexual assault. its over for us

other incels in my class,

If you have to lie, at least try to make it believable.

When he says incels, he probably means people that dont fit the chad standards ( 6 foot tall, muscular good looks and etc.)

theyre really more like low level normies but I don't generally refer to them as such

TRP is how men viewed women before feminism tried to trick us with their lies. It is their nature. The black pill is better, because the red pill gives false hope and cope.


yep there are autist chads out there who could use the red pill but that's bout it

The ONLY way that would ever happen is if the man already had power, and other women wanted him, in which case they wouldn't need to read TRP.

There are field reports on TRP and Married RP every day of attractive, fit alphas with good careers who fuck up their LTRs by mismanaging their relationship.

You need to be attractive, successful AND game your women properly to not become a bug squished on the windshield of life.