111  2018-03-16 by alienfanboy


JFL if you're under 6ft in 2018

Fucked u r thats it

wHy aRe mAnLeTs So BiTtEr? No OnE bUt YoU cArEs AbOuT yOu'Re HeIgHt BrO!

Ur username doesnt help u

It really doesnt. But hes actually bitter, so at least its honest

Hahah u showed him dude!!!

Totally haven’t heard that 1000 times before! Like I have anything to be happy or proud about! Epic win bro, simply epic, and I take my hat off to you good sir. *brofist*

Lol, i feel the same, it was your username and comment being ironic af

Because normalfags are fucking stupid and wonder why manlets have such shitty attitudes, but then turn around and say that shit.

jesus christ are you so retarded to not get that obvious joke and had to calculate it in your head?


Yeah but I dont like short girls. Specifically because they look like children standing next to me

and that's cool

I'm 5'9" and would date bellow 5'

i'm a manlet and would date a turbowomanlet


Short girls are for tall guys to together have more short guys who can go fuck themselves! Do what's best for our species bro, but only for men!

It's the short girls who have manlets. JFL, when the short girls reject short men and then after having a short son they give their sons false hopes.

When dating: 6’0”+ I hate short men

To her 5’6” son: sweetie, you’ll find someone eventually. Women don’t care about height

lmao this is so true. my mom is 5'0, married my dad, who is 6'3, and all my sisters are married to someone that height or taller. i'm 5'8. i'm not SHORT, but i'm not tall enough to be taken seriously. so yeah, fin, it's all over.

Lucky you to be in an acceptable manlet height. I am 5'3" and it's beyond over.

It has to be so angering to look at your short mother and realize that she feels entitled to 6'3" men. She saw men your height as "short" back in the day, despite them being much closer to average than she is.

That's pure rage fuel tbh. Almost as rage inducing as a 3/10 female calling a 5/10 male "ugly".

Brutal black pill for us subhuman manlets.


haha yaaaaaaas gurrrl this is just liek us haha what do we call "men" under 6'0"? WE DON'T HAHAHA

Too bad the tall guys never see the short guys coming, and the girls are too busy staring at Chad to realize what will happen next. Balance in all things.

yaaaaaas girl slay!!! you go girl!!

It's over for manlets.


Nonviolently hang, draw and quarter.

as long as it's done nonviolently

if any violence is used, i condemn it without reservation

Of course. You can’t have violence in the 21st century, we're in a (((progressive))) society now and (((they))) wouldn’t appreciate such turmoil.

also it's against the reddit rules

If I woke up and I wasn’t 6’1” anymore I would instantly shoot myself in the face. It is literally the only thing I have.

Women are not attracted to short men, only men that look more powerful than other men. When a woman no longer has the time to try to lock one of these powerful looking men down, she settles for a less powerful looking man and uses him for his resources.

Nigga you better be at least 6 foot or else you'll be written off by a significant amount of wymyn. Thems just the breaks, boyos.

It's over

I like 4'11" to around my height. Trying to slam a tall girl doggy style is awkward as fuck lol.

6' is below average in 2018 JFL.

No it isn't.

I wasn't saying it's actually below average, I'm saying in females minds it is.

A bit of hyperbole? I thought as much but it seems people are repeating this sort of stuff as fact. Does it make it better or worse?

Brutal AF. Jesus.

Average girls are for tall guys. Average guys = short guys :'(

You said it, man.

Damn, fast as hell reply.


This hate against manlets is straight up fucked

short and ugly men are by far the most persecuted class of people in the world in the modern age.

By 2030, we will be put in gas chambers.

Welcome to the last accepted, and encouraged form of discrimination in the western world. Sit back and enjoy, because it’s only going to get worse.



Puttin is 5'6". Reach for the sky!

lol so I just need to be one of the most powerful men to have ever existed and MAYBE then I can be on the same level as the tall guys. Thanks.

You fuckstick. Was he born as the Supreme King of Russia? Surprisingly you have to work to where you wanna be. Crazy concept.

Was he born as the Supreme King of Russia?

No and I never said he was.

you have to work to where you wanna be

When did I deny this?

Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I feel like of I reply with anything of any substance you're just gonna find a way to dance around what I'm trying to get across.

You did not post 'something of substance'. You posted a reply to me that had nothing to do with the content of my comment.

It's like arguing religion with the pope. Fine. You're right because you said you're right.

And normshits laugh at him for his heighr 24/7.

JFL @ "Height doesn't matter bro"

Criticism is my cryptonite. I should just kill myself.

I've smashed and fallen in love with short guys, their secret was being likeable and me not giving a fuck about height.

tee hee

Lying piece of shit. Fuck off.

Actually the best sex I've ever had🤔

I don’t get what point you’re trying to make.

My point is a bit more logical than you replying with lying piece of shit.

There’s nothing logical about you lying to prove a point. Women hate short men.

I looooooved it

You might want to try harder if you’re going to lie. It’s perfectly obvious you’re full of shit.

What do you want me to prove ? Jesus

Nothing. Just stop lying, cunt.

My ex was 5'4, I don't know what made him different from any other man but he really made me go crazy!

You’re not even trying. It’s pretty pathetic, just stop.

Lol. He was GREAT.

Most do. But at 5'5 you should have no problem with short women. My friend is 5'5 as well and he's had a plethora of GFs... I'm 5'7 and my GF is 5'9 without heels...

It's as of you guys think all women are generic tinder sluts. Not all of them whore around on dating apps and not all of them hate short guys.

most do

So what’s the point? The chances you’re going to find once that doesn’t despise short men is slim to none. Still, even if you do, the cunt would still prefer some tall piece of shit.

you should have no problem with short women

If short cunts didn’t have a problem with my height I wouldn’t be complaining. I’m not going to waste my time talking with cunts taller than me - I’m not stupid.

It's as of you guys think all women are generic tinder sluts

Because they all are. Deep down all women are the same. And yes, they do all hate short men.

Then deep down all men are the same as well, yet I am in no way, shape or form similar to you. Weird...

deep down all men are the same as well

No shit. The only difference is most men cannot afford to be shallow.

We're not the same deep down. If that was the case I'd be glad to settle with any basic bitch with a working vagina.

On a side-note, you might not want to quote sarcasm and reply as if it wasn't sarcasm. That's a bit retarded.

Kek u cant get none cause ur an untalented autistcell not cause you're short ugly or whatever.. check out nick cave or something, isnt the the most attractive guy around, yet insanely talented and hardworking

So long as the exception to the rule of height-queens is "not caring" about height rather than preferring short guys it isn't even CLOSE to balancing things.

I think I actually do. Like I said I never cared, but the shortest ones have always been the most satisfying.

Nice of you to say.

5'5 checking in

Old news

I work retail in a electronics department/photo lab. I see A LOT of couples both in person and in pictures. 98% of the women that come into my work or that print off pictures are with guys that tower over them. This wouldn’t bother me so much if these women would stop with the whole “looks and height don’t mean anything!!!” When clearly they do

Women are shorter then men on average though by about 4-5 inches

Still. You can’t deny that most women these days look at height as a dealbreaker and it’s ridiculous

Reminder it's both Chads who are reinforcing heightism and making and reposting images like this and roasties who are dumb and want some whole number to be considered dateble like 6 foot.


Why is making fun of short men so common and socially acceptable, compared to insulting other groups? I've seen posts like this, including the exact post in the OP, get tons of likes/shares/retweets on Twitter/Facebook, so it's not like this is some random isolated comment. Imagine if a similar joke was posted about a certain race, or about fat women, or about breast size or some other aspect of female appearance?

I mean, it is one thing to have a preference for taller men. But why go out of your way to actively mock and belittle short men? What's the point?

Why is shaming fat women socially unacceptable but shaming fat men isn't? In fact calling a guy a fat neckbeard is the go to insult for feminists, the same people who talk about body-positivity and "fat-shaming".

The answer to yur question is that nobody gives a shit about men.

Why is shaming fat women socially unacceptable

it really isn't in the real world

Its because men are meant to be strong you pussy

Dude, I'm 5,11. About five years back, in college, I dated a 6,2 girl. Stop feeling weird. I sure felt weird af at first, plus she loved wearing high heels to parties... but that experience buried a shitton of my insecurities.

5'11 isn't short. You are just humble bragging. Lots of short guys would date tall women, but tall women, like the rest of women, don't want actual short guys (5'7 or less) because they essentially view them as consulation prizes at best. Men are objects to women, and the way women literally behave towards short men proves this.

According to memes posted here regularly, anything below 6 feet is midget.

Memes exaggerate for humor

I know :) It's called irony.

According to memes

Yes, the #1 source for 100% accurate information lmao

women are, on avg, shorter than men... even at 5'7 you would be able to find a partner at 5'00, or even at 6'0... my point was that some girls didn't care. sheesh, i'm brown skinned, pretty average/slim build and the tall girl was white af with red hair and towered at least 5 inches over me at parties... get over it.

even at 5'7 you would be able to find a partner at 5'00

lmao no

You're an incel in denial. Just wait until Chad mogs you too oblivion and you'll get a fat black pill by suppository, ethnicel.

incel means involuntary celibate, no? i am neither, LOL. also, where i live, i am not considered ethnic, but i've lived several years aboard, in the US and the EU and i have never encountered the so-called chads. haha u are so sad.

shat does "mogs" mean? also, can you see now you are using your chosen description (incel) as an insult towards me? u should re-evaluate ur life, son.

If you’re under 5”10 you’re incel. Anything above is the standard, and you get extra points for being 6+

Well shit that sucks cause I’m 5”9 and I’ve never considered myself incel.

I knew I was an incel since puberty, now I've concrete proof!

shitposting aside, <5'7" and its over unless you have a square jaw chad face.

I see a patern here. Stacies want chad and janes want chad. Incels can have nothing. This is how gucked we are.

I see a patern here. Stacies want chad and janes want chad. Incels can have nothing. This is how fucked we are.


LOL this is hilarious. I think it's meant to be a harsh joke so don't take it seriously. Besides, at my university a few weeks back I saw a short guy with a tall girl holding hands and saying goodbye, so they were obviously in a relationship. They had different ethnicities so it is possible, just rare. It was honestly nice to see though. They didn't care what anyone else thought.

I laughed way too hard.

You fuckstick. Was he born as the Supreme King of Russia? Surprisingly you have to work to where you wanna be. Crazy concept.

Actually the best sex I've ever had🤔

I don’t get what point you’re trying to make.

I looooooved it

Most do. But at 5'5 you should have no problem with short women. My friend is 5'5 as well and he's had a plethora of GFs... I'm 5'7 and my GF is 5'9 without heels...

It's as of you guys think all women are generic tinder sluts. Not all of them whore around on dating apps and not all of them hate short guys.

most do

So what’s the point? The chances you’re going to find once that doesn’t despise short men is slim to none. Still, even if you do, the cunt would still prefer some tall piece of shit.

you should have no problem with short women

If short cunts didn’t have a problem with my height I wouldn’t be complaining. I’m not going to waste my time talking with cunts taller than me - I’m not stupid.

It's as of you guys think all women are generic tinder sluts

Because they all are. Deep down all women are the same. And yes, they do all hate short men.

Because normalfags are fucking stupid and wonder why manlets have such shitty attitudes, but then turn around and say that shit.

jesus christ are you so retarded to not get that obvious joke and had to calculate it in your head?