The OG mod team of r/incels. None of them is a female.

48  2018-03-15 by Po-pot


Rest in piece

God bless you, azavii.

They dine at st Blackops2cel’s table now.

We will join you soon, brothers

What do they eat?

Roast beef

With cranberry sauce as the period

There was a female mod there once though but we managed to force her out and that was life fuel

Being back goderator azavii from the dead

May Azavii rest in piece, for his work on Earth is done.

Praise azavii, the last line of defense against the Norman invaders

He rests with the saints now

Or with Satan.

Honestly baffled you guys let a femoid run the show here

Blame it on our Manchurian Candidate.

The mod team are all cucks. What do you expect?

There was one, americangal.

lol didn’t someone doxx her

Fortunately, yea.


back in my early lurking days - good times.

Most of them were volcel trash from

I cant believe some of you faggots are praising them

What’s a volcel

voluntary celibate


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'voluntary celibate'. To learn more about me, check out this FAQ.

Fuck, you're good. This bot intelligence mogs me.

This. Most of them had ex girlfriends and there were a bunch of fucking sluts cam whoring in the discord. The retards even let some undercover cucktears posters infiltrate the mod team. A bunch of the cucktears posters were in there pretending to be mentally unstable edge lords in the hopes of getting the sub banned.

Most of the OG mods were absolute fucking retards and volcels trying to get sympathy for being gf less for about a couple months.

Fuck the old guard

An incel residing in the state of Tennessee.

lookism is the only true incel hub. everything is bluepilled trash that has distorted views

lookism net is ultimate blackpill because EVEN TEH GOOD looking guys cant get laid. Thats how high standards are.

FYI non of them were from lookism

That's retarded, I'm sure it could be used as an argument by TRP that it was because they didn't have game and all that shit, which isn't the case, they were all volcels who enjoyed stroking each other's dicks, im sure a lot of them were fakecels too and they fucked a ton of women. Lookism is a good tool to use if someone wants argue the blackpill those guys are retarded and you are coping, if u are a truecel u are ugly and it is as simple as that

I don't understand? I thought good looking guys do get laid? Isn't that the purpose of being attractive

That's the thing, they are good looking but not good looking ENOUGH to fit females standards.

There's always going to be people with low standards, even for girls. Just because you're incel don't mean that nobody can like you

r/incels could never be replaced fully anyway.

Azavii where are you we need you!

people slept of u/_Ryo_Hazuki. Always liked his posts a lot. LowIQcel GOD.

when he made his surgeon say hi to angryman. top kek

No he was just a retard

he is on .me

ryo is good he still posts .me

What's interesting is that brokeCFO created the subreddit on a whim and forgot about it. Originally he was a huge r/drama troll

cel history

Oo lore

Interesting history..

azavii 😍

Lets never forget our heroes. Demod this cunt who posts on IT bbw_gaming and bring back azavii

None of them are a female.*

The only honorable ones were carkudo and azavii


Go to hell

Ur a dick

  • mod team gets a subreddit banned by being fucking idiots

  • everyone wants said mod team back

I'm starting to think most incels are just literally incapable of absorbing new information.

r/incels was banned because it wasn't modded by white knights and women, unlike this sub.

would you prefer this sub was banned

also i'm not a white knight lol

What a fucking cuck. This is why this sub is garbage.

The fucking golden age of incels. This sub just bends over and lets cucktears peg them relentlessly.

That cuck dannymason started the downfall of r/incels by approving so many normies and IncelTears members.

Didn't he get sent nudes for privileges or unbans?

oh ryo hazuki was the name of a mod

i swear he's a chad in the game tho

when he made his surgeon say hi to angryman. top kek

No he was just a retard

he is on .me

ryo is good he still posts .me