Dating advise for FEMALES: “don’t settle honey, don’t just pick any guy, you should choose the perfect guy for you.” Dating advise for MALES:

90  2018-03-15 by RippedR1chAndIncel

“It’s a numbers game, bro. Keep asking and eventually, maybe, one will say yes to a first date.”


wrong. dating advice for men: "date in your league, you fucking subhuman, you not allowed to touch norman girls"

Date far below your league*

Date far below your league after looksmaxing*

That is pretty much how mating worked for most animals. The men try to impress the women and try to get as many children as possible, while females choose the most impressive to get the best genes.

And nobody told you to follow this concept. Choose wisely, maybe you‘ll find the one.

It is almost an axiom of nature and yet normies have the gall to come before us and deny it.

A glance at any period of human, or even animal, history will confirm what you have said.

I read an article about how it used to be that 22 women reproduced for every one man. Sad.

if it was really evolution then why men who cheat be blamed?

Society. It‘s the same reason washing your hands after you pee and being disrespectful exist.

It‘s the same reason washing your hands after you pee and being disrespectful exist.

ok, women being shallow is disrespectful. aren't they both a result of evolution?

With both, do you mean women being shallow and the whole thing with mating? If yes, then no.


Again, because of society. A woman that only goes for money is a bitch, a nobody. At least from society‘s view.

it's over bro, let's just raise incelistan already

wed hate the presence of one another.. right? ultimate blackpill

A spider web’s potency comes for its separation. There is more space in it than silk. We do not need to be close to be together; we do not need to be close to be strong.

that sounded cool as shit, but is it true?

The blackpill is an idea and we are its medium. When close together, our reach is limited. But we are not close, and our reach is infinite. Every continent has an Incel; every country has an Incel; every fucking city has an Incel dropping blackpill bombs online and elsewhere. The truth is what binds us, not proximity.



From the ashes of mankind, which normies have burnt, and with their spit, the flame, extinguished, Incelistan shall rise, glorious and eternal.

Praise be to St BlackOps2Cel. May our lord look upon us as we fight for honor, personality, and showers!

How will you guys maintain the population?

For as long as people reproduce, incels will be born. They will be welcomed with open arms.

I trust the fatcels will be quarantined and underfed until we can be sure of their truecel status. We have no need for cryptochad saboteurs

Of course... my suggestion is an incel gestapo that would patrol the streets looking for volcels.

With 100% immigrant population, no native-born citizens.

Yeah I've noticed this as well. Dating advice is based on the premise that men have to put in a fuck tons of effort and get lucky, while women are prizes whose you have to earn. Men = self improve and prove their worth, women = don't worry hun you'll find someone, you already have innate worth

Nicely stated

Nothing in life is more valuable than a female's womb and its associated genitalia.

Eggs > sperm (seriously)

Females, by this virtue, are born worthy, whereas males must establish their worthiness through ability and superiority

Brutal eggpill.

It's ova


Eggpills for breakfast, a good source of omega3s and protein.

That's how most of nature works. Very few species compete for males.

Biology doctates that some males will be losers.

Can confirm, biologically troll looking


Biology dictates that someone will always be a loser. That doesn't mean that it's predefined who will be the loser. It's all just probability.

Yeah one thing feeds another in a continuous loop.

Its only a numbers game for 4/10+ males.

More like sub8s but yeah

5/10 males too, if they want a LooksMatch or even a 4/10.

A 5/10 male who gets his looksmatch will be called "lucky"

Because of hypergamy.

Advice I've gotten: "don't be boring", "be more interesting". I will keep trying until I get a boyfriend. I'm still hopeful.

Well, what are some of your hobbies? Your passions?

  • Board games
  • My cats
  • Watching shows
  • Bowling
  • Trying new restaurants

I would have no qualified any of those as a hobby/passion, wow

Got any board games you'd recommend? Board games are underrated

Codenames is a good game. It's both cooperative and competitive at the same time.

Thanks for the suggestion! I appreciate it!

Do you mean you love your cats and are very attached to them or are you involved in animal rescue? Either way is perfectly fine of course. I adore my cats as well, along with my other animals. You could try volunteering with an animal rescue or getting involved in a group that works on spay/neuter programs and caring for strays and feral colonies. Some of the most kind hearted and compassionate people I have ever met are those I met through animal rescue activities. I had no intention of posting on this sub because I didn't want to attract attention from some of the posters here but I think speaking to your is worth the risks. I don't think you should be posting here for assistance. It looks sensible on the surface since you are going through a similar struggle but they are just being cruel and insisting you don't actually have such a struggle. They are right about one thing. You will find someone. The difference is the person you find won't treat you like garbage and accuse you of playing games because you don't want to be demeaned and insulted. Try the sub TwoXChromosomes or dating advice. they will be kind to you and try to help and can also direct you to other communities that may be beneficial as well. I would tell you to message me if you want to talk or if you want any help but after posting here I'm not going to check my inbox. I have no desire at all to see the tirade of hate that is going to come flooding in. If you reply here I'll check back though.

Go on any dating website and make a profile now. You can have a boyfriend by the end of the week. Assuming of course you are what you say you are

I just posted a personals ad on Monday. Not a response or comment. I posted on OkCupid last year and didn't get any guys to message me.

I'm going to keep it real with you chief, we all know thats horseshit. unless your personality is that cancerous in which case god help you

It's 100% true. I don't lie.

Yeah yeah you’re not lying okay pal. Even fat ugly whales like you have a plethora of dicks at your beck and call. Now go troll somewhere else.

I don't want a "plethora of dicks". I'm looking for a decent boyfriend for a long term relationship.

If a guy’s willing to fuck you, chances are he’s willing to date you. But it’s pretty clear that you’re trolling and probably laughing at us as we reply to you. Have a nice life.

Definitely not always the case. Arousal does weird things to your standards, and the light of day sets that straight.

How long were you on OkCupid before you deleted your profile? Did you even use the match thing? Why didn't you message any guys? Did you have pictures?

Seems like you put in minimal effort, got no result and then decided that you can't find a boyfriend? Why don't you just try again...

  • Yes I had a picture. It was a selfie I took right then.
  • I didn't get messages from guys.
  • I messaged guys.
  • I didn't get any dates.
  • I deleted my profile after 2 weeks.

Two weeks is not enough time... I've been on these sites for years.

How much is enough time that I need to be on a site to get a single message?

More than two weeks... I'd give it a couple of months at least. It's odd that you didn't receive a message. Would you consider showing your profile / letting me help you with it?

lmao I get called boring too. Or referred to as their "little sister"

Judging by your posts, the "don't be boring" platitude actually applies for once. If you're anything like you are on here, in real life, you'd come across as too rigid. Its also highly likely you have a monotone tone of voice and expressions to match. I wouldn't say construct an artificial persona but you might want to consider finding some person you admire and try emulating them. Change yourself little by little, not all at once. People you already know will be resistant to sudden alterations in your behaviour. You might also be highly-inhibition. Stretch your boundaries until you're just outside of your comfort zone, but don't overwhelm yourself.

Tl;dr: You aren't boring, you just seem like it/present yourself in that way. Monitor your interactions with people and ask yourself if the way you act accurately depicts your inner personality.

"work on yourself man!" "focus on what you like and they will come naturally"

"Don't try to actively be boring, just be yourself!"

Pure crap

Advice I’ve gotten: “don’t be boring”, “be more interesting”. I will keep trying until I get a chad. I’m still hopeful.

Why do you want a Chad?

Maybe you can't get a boyfriend because you're so obtuse, aswell as being overweight.

205? What's that mean?

Haha fuck off. You could literally get ANY incel as a bf from this sub.

There have been several guys on this sub who've said they don't want girls who are overweight. And some guys want children, so I wouldn't be right for them either.

I will literally take ANYTHING

You sure know what to say to make a girl feel special ...

Wow queen you are so special and beautiful! You deserve nothing but the best. I would strap 45lb plates to my ball sack and swim up the Amazon river with Rosie O'Donnell's queef as my air supply to prove my value to you


See? You're literally playing hard to get.

While complaining about not getting dates.


I was being sarcastic.

And he was responding to you like you're being sarcastic...

Women: "You're perfect just the way you are", "if he can't handle you at your worst, he doesn't deserve you at your best", "because you're worth it"

Men: You suck, improve you pussy


Double standard at its finest

Its screwed in favor of women. The reality of the situation is that women dominate the dating game. Men weed through woman in hopes for a decent 5/10 at least, or a few numbers. Woman weed through hundreds of men and pick the cream of the crop. Men search, woman pick.

Tell that to my 60 year old mom... she hasn't dated in ten years, whereas my father has had multiple girlfriends since their divorce.

Different time.

All the men die off at that age.

its cultural I think. women get the advantage of being able to pick and choose what man they want, while men are constantly trampled down and told they don't deserve women. that they aren't good enough. normies, if you're reading this than tell me honestly that you have never looked at a female and thought "I don't deserve her" or "she's too good for me" or "I am not worthy of her "

its cultural I think.

Wombs, pregnancy, propagation of species is cultural?

You infinite retard

right, its definitely not cultural, thats why this sort of thing doesn't happen in other countries. you colossal fucking fool did you even read my comment?

Of course I didn't read your comment, anyone who assumes anything at all is "cultural" is a tool.

thats incredibly stupid of you to say. you're telling me that womens advantage over men in terms of dating isn't cultural? when the fuck were wombs pregnancy and propagation of species brought into this? ,maybe if you'd have read my comment you wouldn't have made yourself look like a fucking moron

Nothing that ever happens is ultimately cultural, because culture is human biology applied to a particular environment.

Stop posting and get the fuck out.

"culture is human biology applied to a particular environment"

this sentence is just not true in the slightest sense, culture is a set of beliefs that people develop in a particular area over time, having sometimes not much to do with their biology whatsoever.

but otherwise you are correct about the original argument probably. however, pro tip, you might have a better time on the internet if you don't come out swinging the bat with "you infinite retard" next time. I'm not the guy you are arguing with, just a casual observer.

this sentence is just not true in the slightest sense

Stop posting and get the fuck out.

Oh ok I guess you can't read. You are actually retarded then. And also, no.

listen here you infinite retard, you can put whatever fucking label you want onto the term culture but it doesn't change the fact that its definitely a thing. you're literally trying to invalidate one of the most influential factors in human behavior and its making you come off as a fucking dumbshit of epic proportions. its time to stop bud

Wombs, pregnancy, propagation of species is cultural?

oh because culture has never controlled reproduction before you idiot

what do you think marriage even is

It's biological.

Women are programmed to be like this, just like men are.

Why is this post being downvoted? It's the truth lmao, women's hypergamy is biologically programmed into each and every one of them.

so why is it not like this in countries like the UAE and India and other countries without large feminist movements?

Because men took control and suppressed their biological urges, which is a good thing.

right, so why is that happening there but not here? because of the difference in culture obviously. some of the people in this comments section are fucking brain dead

Yes, culture can shape the way people act, but it only acts to suppress their true biological urges.

Chad is the only law.

Does the concept of individual self even exist here?

Sure it does. It doesn't at places like /r/offmychest of which you might like to go check out if you're triggered by this place. They don't abide opinions there.

I'm just pointing out that generalizations don't help either party. Sorry I voiced my opinion.

Generalizations are a byproduct of being a judge and profiling people, seeing such patterns to avoid bad things is an instinct of intelligence humans have. It blatantly is designed to construct our society, to mold it, to see it's current shape and change it. Calling out people on bad behavior lets the world know that they are a problem.

sorry to have voiced my opinion

How ironic of you.

You make a lot of sense, but I didn't exactly mean that type of generalization. Perhaps I am using the wrong terminology. This is quite possibly the case.

The whole statement of one type of dating advice per gender is an odd generalization. Every ones experience is different.

Dating advice is bogus to begin with. No matter which end of the stick you are on.

I don't disagree that expectations on men when dating are ridiculous. They definitely are.

Well it's normal that the advice should be get with the best person you can get, but if you can't get anyone, and you would rather kill yourself than be alone, then take anyone.

maybe it's your personality? no one wants a sad sack who ranks men as 'low value'

Yeah, I made a big, long, rambling post yesterday not only talking about what you just said, but also explaining why 'the game' is becoming increasingly unfavorable for males.

Ah yes I read this yesterday. Frankly it should be stickied. Every Norman who comes here ought to read this

It‘s the same reason washing your hands after you pee and being disrespectful exist.

ok, women being shallow is disrespectful. aren't they both a result of evolution?

205? What's that mean?

I would have no qualified any of those as a hobby/passion, wow

Got any board games you'd recommend? Board games are underrated

Do you mean you love your cats and are very attached to them or are you involved in animal rescue? Either way is perfectly fine of course. I adore my cats as well, along with my other animals. You could try volunteering with an animal rescue or getting involved in a group that works on spay/neuter programs and caring for strays and feral colonies. Some of the most kind hearted and compassionate people I have ever met are those I met through animal rescue activities. I had no intention of posting on this sub because I didn't want to attract attention from some of the posters here but I think speaking to your is worth the risks. I don't think you should be posting here for assistance. It looks sensible on the surface since you are going through a similar struggle but they are just being cruel and insisting you don't actually have such a struggle. They are right about one thing. You will find someone. The difference is the person you find won't treat you like garbage and accuse you of playing games because you don't want to be demeaned and insulted. Try the sub TwoXChromosomes or dating advice. they will be kind to you and try to help and can also direct you to other communities that may be beneficial as well. I would tell you to message me if you want to talk or if you want any help but after posting here I'm not going to check my inbox. I have no desire at all to see the tirade of hate that is going to come flooding in. If you reply here I'll check back though.