An Incel just killed himself

37  2018-03-15 by Cristalline144hz

I'm obviously not going to link the video but he livestreamed his suicide on r9K.

Godpseed brother.


Can you PM me the stream?

Me 2

pm me hte clip

me too

This. I need the pm

Me too




Comments say he wasn’t an incel, he was just a fag who got into a fight with his mom and shot himself to spite her.

He was subbed to ER.

Anime profile pic subbed to ER

Definitely incel

pm me the stream

It's all on /r9k/ right now.

more blood on roast flaps

No. That’s not how this works.

The girl was crying and telling him not to. Once someone has made up their mind, that's it.

Pretty sad, but I respect his decision. He looked young though...too young to have thought this through. He did it properly though, and he didn't suffer.

his mum said he was 18

which girl?

In the video. His friend was crying and begging him not to do it.

ill try finding the video when i get home.

If you are young or easily affected by such things, don't watch it.

I'm 20 years old is that too young

age doesn't matter. Just understand you're going to watch an 18 year old kid shoot himself in the head with a shotgun with a lot of brain matter covering his walls.

It depends on the person. i don't recommend watching.

It depends on the person. i don't recommend watching.

I don't recommend it.

The stream is on vimeo.

Listening to his mom and that bitch on the chat crying is pure life fuel.

You're fucked up.

Anyone who doesn't see that was life fuel is a fakecel cuck. Gtfo you normshit faggot.

You know what, if not viewing that video as life fuel makes me a FakeCel and a cuck then so be it. At least I haven't lost my humanity.

Nothing life fuel about this, You're a sick fuck.

holy shit, that was intense as fuck. I dislike that roastie crying crocodile tears, the mother was genuine though


The bitch part was quite satisfying tbh. The mum part not so much.

mom crying over her son's death is life fuel

You're a literal subhuman

Lol come on man.. life fuel??

Was it taken down? I'm gonna need a mirror if anyone has one.

Highschool girl kills herself, national news, inquisition into bullying at our schools.

Incel kills himself. Not news, media continues to encourage everyone to hate on them and spit at them when they complain about the world and their lives.

Women aren't disposable. People are also somewhat hardwired to act when they see a woman/girl in distress or danger. We are left on our own, pretty much.

True. Imagine a woman doing this live. There would be people walking out of schools for her in these times.

Let's be honest, people just want a reason to walk out of school.

because society doesn't care about men, they care only about women.

which is why I say - fuck society.

Jesus fucking Christ that was so hard to watch. Poor fucking bastard. Listening to his mum after she found him just fucked me up. Hopefully he's in a better place. I hope he found what he's looking for.

Fuck me... I need a break from this shit. That was just too much.

His mom's reaction made me feel sick to my stomach. I really regret watching it. Jesus Christ.


Yeah, that hit me the hardest. I kept imagining that it was me and that my mum finding me dead in my room. Made me bawl my eyes out. This is why if I ever do rope i'll do it after my mum is dead.

read Siege.

This is why i'll never rope until my parents are gone from this world, i can't imagine the pain my suicide would put them through, especially my mother who would probably die from a heart attack if she saw me like that.

Same here bru.

Same. I love my mom too much to do this to her.

read Siege.

Wheres the video?

I really don't recommend watching it, like seriously. I'm still shaken from watching it.

Wellshit now i just have to.

Mirror anyone?


There's a short gif on /r/watchpeopledie

That sub isn't available in my country. Lol.


Here it is.

I'm just a lurker here (who has no hatred for incels, and is friends with some incels irl) and I feel a little conflicted sharing the video here, since I'm afraid certain people might find it to be noble or correct in some way. Please, if you ever consider suicide, find some way to help yourself. I've known many incels in my life who were depressed for years and fed up of leading such a lonely life. Eventually, though, they all found someone to confide in and have since been very happy. I'm sure plenty of you will think that that's impossible, and that you're an exception to that possibility, but you have to continue nonetheless. Everyone of those "cured" incels had thought the same for almost all of their life, until they were able to repair their life. You guys can all make it, no matter how much it seems otherwise.

Shut up and give me a link

The mom was such a bitch. You can hear her. She isn't crying. She's like "WHY WOULD HE DO THIS? THERE'S BLOOD EVERYWHERE!" She sounded more mad than heartbroken. And she went straight for the camera too wtf?

Fucking probably didn't even love her child.

Femoid enters a room with her dead son. Her first instinct? Grab the nearest camera she can find and point it at her face. AWALT.

Nah. Leave moms out of this.

Moms give birth to and raise incels

Unless the said moms get to genetically engineer their offsprings and incel's mom fucked up, no, can't blame them for that.

Nah. They're pieces of shit.

Validation in ANY situation

This video has really affected, holy fucking shit.

If you are affected deeply by this video, then maybe you need to think more about whether suicide is right for you. We all talk about it, but it is not for young people. Anyone under the age of 30, I strongly urge you to give yourself time to try to fix your life. There is still hope. Hell, I'm 30, and I still think that I should really wait until 40 at least.

my mind has not changed about killing myself when the perfect opportunity comes, there is nothing for me in life, I will definitely do it if I ever get a gun in my hands. Just seeing it in action was something else.

How old are you?

If you are under 30, I think you should give it some time.

yeah under 30 but I really hope to end it before 30

I was the same way, but now that I am 30, lol. I'm pushing it back and grasping for reasons to continue. Truth is that we will all have our time anyway. While some aspects of life are quite unpleasant, there are times when I enjoy new things, like learning something new or eating nice new food at a new restaurant. There is also still the remote, but unlikely possibility of connecting with a femoid. I think that's reason enough. Funnily enough, these were the same reasons I used to justify NOT killing myself at age 18.

Ultimately, the decision to die lies with each individual. It is his or her decision, and he or she must face it alone. That is one great equalizer of life. Even Chad must face his death alone. Others may be there with him, but in that final moment, he will be truly alone.

18 is too young. 30 is too damn old.

he was NOT AN INCEL. At least there is no proof of that.

There is a very strong chance. He posted on r9k, had anime all over his walls and seemed like a manlet. He also had a beta voice. He was no Chad and I don’t see femoids being attracted to his type

Girls like that, too, and date guys who like it also. You really are lost in your own little world, aren't you?

Oh Jesus fucking Christ don’t pull your snowflake shit on a thread like this. All of us incels are somewhat similar to the attributes I posted earlier, if females like that would we be fucking incel? There is a reason we are incel and Chad isn’t. One of our bros just died and you post about him being cute teehee

Cope. He wasn't an incel.

What difference does it make if he is incel or not? He was a poster on r9k, and he is dead now. That's sad. Stop making this about you guys. This is about him.

The girls that are into that kind of stuff act so fucking entitled it's unbelievable. Either that or unattractive as fuck and not willing to take the steps to change that

C. O. P. E.

How is this cope? Do you even know what you are saying?

yeah girls totally like men who are into little girl borderline paedo cartoons, are you trolling or not?

Okay that does increase the chances. But if you browse r9k regularly you will see that incels are a small part of their user base. Many of them are not physically ugly but rather just have fucked up upbringing or fucked up view of the world, sometimes downright autistic. Incels aren't all like that, we just face difficulties with girls. That is literally all we are complaining about here.

yes but they're still incels? there's no fucking gatekeeping to being an incel moron, if you're a male virgin who can't get sex you're an incel

very strong chance.

The shit you guys make up to increase your victim status, fucking astonishing.

Oh the fucking white knighting cuck who orbits is all day.

Who am I white knighting here, dipshit? And as usual, I'm here because one of you user-pinged me. Stop doing that and you wont see my posts near as often.

White knight cuck is triggered naww. Why not post about it with your other pathetic friends, they will console you

Heh. I'm the one who's triggered? You little cupcakes can't seem to keep my name out of your mouths. Don't user ping daddy if you don't want his attention.

Oh man I can see the froth coming out of this one. Are your hand shaking. Close the 12 tabs of incel websites and take a break

I would daddy you mate.

You need to get laid even more than I do.

Lol you're so heated

he was subscribed to elliot rodger

I just got off work i cant believe this shit

Anyone care to paraphrase what he said and describe the video?

He didn't really say anything. People over voice chat try talking him out of it, he pushes a note with a key under his door, puts the gun to his forehead and pulls the trigger. His mother finds him and has a breakdown while talking to emergency services, paramedics show up and confirm his death.

I'm getting a bottle of booze. This was too heavy.

So every detail is complete bullshit? I’m reading stuff about his foreskin, his religion, is failure at getting laid, and his sexual orientation, but if all we have is comments by other people and nothing by the victim, then we don’t have proof.

I didn't follow the kids posting history, nor do I know his reasons. I can just say what happens in the stream and that's that ._.

There is no proof about him being an incel. He is an outcast and and probably extremely autistic edgelord.

There is no proof about him being an incel. He is an outcast, weabo and and probably extremely autistic edgelord.

Like people outside of incels can even tell the difference tbh.


There’s proof of this?

Yes. His reddit history, youtube likes, his posts on r9k, taste in anime. Lurk moar.

Holy shit. That is heartbreaking.

Damnnnn 0.o

This is his channel (no suicide video), look at the liked videos:

likes foo fighters, linkin park, videos on 'how to stop school shootings'. This guy is not an incel, he is a downright autist. Incels aren't necessarily social outcasts, just fail when it comes to girls.

They seem to desperately want to claim every shooter or suicide is an incel.

True. We are all probably mentally ill but none of it manifests in our actions or outside socially except when talking to girls. Suicide is probably common but this guy was not an incel. He was just another r9k weabo and an attention whore.

r9k was literally /r/incels before /r/incels was a thing, it's where all of /r/incels culture came from

This guy is not an incel, he is a downright autist

Incels aren't necessarily social outcasts, just fail when it comes to girls.

We can still relate to him, he was a social outcast that probably had lots of trouble connecting with others due to his "weird" interests. He was probably bullied and hated being alive due to the everlasting loneliness and depression that comes from isolation.

Although he isn't explicitly one of us, he experienced the very same symptoms that we do. Regardless this is a tragedy and i wish people would take mental health more seriously in this degenerate society.

Even if someone does take mental health seriously, what kind of solution do you think exists? There are drugs, punishing bullying turns men into faggots and not doing it leads to shooters. You can't censor vidya/movies/cartoons/media for violence because freedom of speech. You can force religion or discipline your child because child services might fuck you up. Public/private schools are leftist indoctrination centers.

This is Kalyug, there is no escaping it in our lifetime.

He's not an incel in the sense that he does not participate in the incel communities, sure. But I highly, highly doubt that this guy was sexually active.

So he's an incel, got it

if you post on r9k you are definitely incel

He was incel dumbass. Just because you don't post in braincel doesn't mean you aren't incel. Dude literally likes anime and was an outcast

anime is a huge category. He literally just liked the shit meant for under 10 kids. Probably was jerking off to loli. Incels aren't outcasts, just failures when it comes to women. They probably are suicidal and would've shot themselves up, but this guy wasn't an incel. He was an autistic weabo who still listened to linkin park and foo fighters.

If you are an autistic weeaboo you probably aren't getting laid and probably are incel. You think this guy had a gf? Probably not.

huge cope. 5th video is "life is neet" and a bunch of anime weeb shit? definitely incel

Inceltears will celebrate this.

/u/FoetusCorruptus is probably jumping up and down with glee.

except he wasn't an incel man. check my previous comment.

Don't be a douchebag, I don't celebrate the death of anyone.

He said while preparing his next batch of screenshots.

One has nothing to do with the other. I enjoy bringing the lunacy that is "incel culture" to the attention of others, I don't celebrate death of incels (or glorify it, hint hint). There's nothing to screenshot here.

Some people on this sub are pretty crazy but you can't deny the inherit double standards that exist right now between the sexes. Therefore it's not really lunacy since it's based in some sort of fact.. Don't try to sound matter of factual when you're being very hyperbolic

1) Your sub has started tweaking the definition of incels.

2) Your sub has started venturing everywhere outside of incel subs and started labelling them by themselves.

3) Your sub has started targeting others who have nothing to do with us.

All so that you can justify the continuance of the sub.

You enjoy hitting on those who you percieve as lower than you. That's the reason why so many adjustments and recycling and rehashing old contents. You just can't let go of the high when you post a thread and gather others so that they can join you in your rage and pat you on the backs

This is some pervaded, mutated form of outrage culture. Most of all you are just thirsting for an internet fight.

You best stop pretending to be a justice warrior or crusader. You are just an internet bully and thug.

Don't bother trying to reason, Foetus is fucked in the head and believes that people here deserve all the bad things in the world.

damn, high IQcel over in this joint

lunacy? You people spend every waking moment obsessing with incels and were lunatics? lmao, you people are deranged whackos

Incels as people are cooler than you, cuck. Just lol @ your life and what you do online. Cuck faggot.

virgin calling people cucks


I'm a black pilled norman, boyo.

Jesus Christ, do you even hear yourself? "I enjoy bullying and obsessing a subreddit that I claim to hate and despise" is what you're trying to say. You IT folks are absolutely pathetic. Imagine spending your free time screenshotting another subreddit just to mock it, lol

Oh that's why you said fuck you to Stagetail's suicide, accused him of making it all up and then made fun of his username by calling him snailtrail twice? Fucking disgusting piece of shit.

Yeah, no one should ever accuse someone of making it up when they are suicidal. It's wrong and makes it hell of a lot worse on the person.

You come to bully suicidal virgins.

I would not celebrate that. It's heartbreaking to take your own life or attempt to. This made me sad and want to give people hugs.

And like that you're already a better person than most from IT.

Eat shit you roastie whore. You bully incels daily hoping we will kill ourselves.

Whatever you say captain.

So stop posting on inceltears? This is most of our fate

Nah theyl look at this and get a sobering sobering reality check. Only now will they believe it. Smh

It’s a fucking dead kid and you think we’re happy about this? The poor guy killed himself, but no, y’all gotta make this about hating other people.

IT is literally based around judging and hating other people.

50-60% of the people you are making fun of in your sub will go out like this, 90% of us already want to but don't have the courage.

I'm more upset about the backlash Kel-Tec will get.

As a mom, this fucked me up. I will never claim to understand wanting to die, but don't make your mom deal with the aftermath. That's the lowest last thing you can do as a person.




SHUT THE FUCK UP ROASTIE. Don't make this about you. Don't think you're special because you fucking procreated. Fuck off. It was HIS life, and it was HIS decision. Yes, it was sad, but this isn't about you or his mom. This is about HIM. SO FUCK OFF.

but don't make your mom deal with the aftermath.

I get you what mean here, but you make it sound as if mom dealing with the aftermath of her child's suicide was worse than the kid not actually being alive anymore.

I'm pretty sure the mom has now considered suicide herself after this. What a shitty last thing to do on Earth.

I doubt it. She said she had a daughter.

as a mom

fuck of this sub you goddamn roastie. Fuckin hell, who lets cunts like you in here, or rather, why do you think you belong here




You are a terrible mother and a horrible person.

I hope one day you will feel like the people in that video.

I felt pretty shitty when my grandfather killed himself... but, I also felt like he was a selfish prick and still feel that way. Perhaps I'm projecting from personal experience, but idgaf. This kid made a stupid choice. I pray he finally finds peace, but that isn't likely, assuming there is an afterlife.

Just look at 'mom's' username.

Keep making someones death about yourself. You lack empathy.

She also failed as a mother. Can't even give empathy for her own kids.

What a shit user.

True. If it was a good parent, it would have not died. Plain and simple.

Dude, I just feel bad for the mom.

Sure. Apparently not for the kid who felt that the only way out would be to paint his walls with his gray matter though, given your first comment.

Fuck you, seriously.

I can't feel bad for both? Lol, ok.

i hope youre raped with a chainsaw

No thought about the kid himself and what he went through? Your first thought is just being mad at him for the inconvenience he caused?


As always, stupid femails trying to play the victim card. Fuck off

My child had such a horrible life he chose suicide over living? My biggest concern is that selfish little shit leaving a big mess for me to clean up.

I'm so worried about that mom!11!!! What an inconsiderate fuck to put her through this, who does he think he is?


11!!! = 880

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He even used a cover to make it easier to clean up. Considerate guy.

youre a piece of shit

Just lol this comment is so fucked up.

Lol. All this hate over my opinion.

Given that you're pos void of empathy trying to make this kids death about yourself, you deserve the hate.

Fuck off.

Oh, I love it. You guys assumed that I didn't feel bad for the kid at all and I went with it. Suicide is selfish, imo. Don't like my opinion? Too bad. Judge me all you want.

Go fuck yourself then.


Go to hell :)


And now you pull a [deleted].

Of fucking course.

Are you a normie or an incel?

Normie, used to identify with the term til I got lucky once.

lucky once

Having sex once doesn't make ya a normie MAH DUDE


Get a life :)

I win!!!

I always hate the reply "suicide is selfish" what now? The kid gets shit on his whole life and then does one thing for himself, and everyone is shitting on him again? What's truly selfish is trying to prevent people from escaping this grueling reality and making them suffer even more just because you don't want to see or deal with the clean up. YOU are selfish. I'm not advocating for suicide but I do believe people should have the right to their own choices.

Lol. All this hate over my opinion.


Don't like my opinion? Too bad. Judge me all you want.

Make up your mind normshit.

lol silly incels no wonder you get made fun of, you all just have stupid beliefs

why am I getting hate for my shit opinion???

First off, I don’t even care if this kid was an incel or not. He just killed himself. But your thought process is “damn, now I have to clean this up? What a stupid kid” ???? I hope you literally never have kids.

very nice i hope the rest of you tards follow him

Damn, RIP. Women did this by not having sex with him. It is all their fault.

I'm watching the whole video while eating. Also womens' fault.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Is this sarcasm or are you actually blaming women for not having sex with him?

Women are to blame. You must be low IQ if you don't know this. Would he have shot himself if women had sex with him? Nope.

I wasn't even gonna comment here anymore but LOL women are to blame cause they didn't give him none? My goodness, Incel's automatically all our faults, we got blood on our hands cause we didn't give ourselves up to him *sighs

have fun when your son born from Chad #55's spermatazoon turns out to be the next ER

Have fun spending your time on Reddit wailing about women/relationships and blaming women cause you can't get laid or whatever instead of doing something productive with your life, good day.

No amount of productivness will undo my crippling loneliness and insecurities

You are the truly unintelligent one here. What this guy should of done is seek emotional support from friends and family. Perhaps even get professional help for his suicidal tendencies. Through this process he would have improved his character and built up the courage to go and talk to female and get laid. Incels believe they are stuck in a pit of virginity that they can’t climb out of yet they haven’t even tried to drag themselves out of the pit. Find a partner with similar interests to you. If you have a common hobby between you and your partner or personalities with good synergies looks become unimportant. A companionship between one another transcends all preconceived notions of beauty.

For those of us who don't have any friends and are complete rejects from society? Like this guy most probably was? People don't want to associate with subhumans like us. Get a grip.

Try your hardest to meet new people. This guy clearly wasn’t a complete reject because if you watch the video he is talking to his friends on skype before he shoots himself. One of his friends being female. For all we know that could have been his girlfriend.

Here, have my vagina, you are cured of your suicidal tendencies and The entire female population is no longer responsible for your death....?

Here, have my vagina,

I don't have it, so I cannot answer that. Femails are responsible the all virgin mens' deaths.

Haha okay. Apparently we’re into witchcraft and voodoo now because we can now cause ALL virgin male deaths by whatever means? Car crashes, cancer, you fucking name it.

I would no longer be depressed if I wasn't a virgin.

You might see it that way but there’s more to life than any hole as a goal. Additionally, depression is an illness and sex won’t rebalance your brain chemistry.

You don't know me. I know for a fact sex with a girl that likes me will cure my depression.

I'm not saying he's right, far from it, but you have no fucking idea how pretentious you sound assuming you are a girl who has always had a fine sex life.

You have no idea what it's like to be without it for years or in some cases decades. This type of "a hole won't cure you" is so fucking cliché. it's more than a hole you stupid fuck. It's intimacy, kissing, fucking, sharing your life with someone.

I guarantee you a large % of the people around here would mostly re-stabilize in life if they could just get fucking laid, I'm sure this is hard to understand from your platter-sex life but it's the way it is.

It's fun, but sex is not a cure all to all life problems. As a guy that is averagely attractive, most of the time sex is just too hard to work for and I'd just rather masturbate or save up for one of those high-end sex dolls. Sex will not magically make your problems go away. All the shit you're dealing with will still be there when your 10+ minutes are over with. I'm not going to try to change you or tell you that you need to do a 180, but as someone who didn't lose his virginity until 19, I've had sex a handful of times since then and I can promise you it changed nothing in my life. Honestly, sometimes I wish I could take it back.

I remember when I was like a lot of you guys. I wanted to have sex so badly I would have willingly fucked anyone, basically. I remember wondering why guys at my HS were having sex and why I wasn't, and what they were doing that I could learn from. Even after HS I would flirt with basically any girl that would give me attention and do my best to lead things into sex.

With a lot of things in life, getting a girlfriend, having sex, being in a loving relationship, etc., all boils down to waiting and being patient. Which is a loaded answer, but it's the truth. This past year or two almost all of my friends had bfs/gfs, and I was always so envious because I wanted that SO badly. And every time someone told me to just be patient I wanted to punch them in the face. Because waiting is the hardest part. Doing everything you can and waiting for change is the hardest, most soul crushing thing you can go through. I wish I could connect all of you with who you were meant to be with right now, but I can't. All I can do is ask you to be patient, because realistically that's all that can be done. I waited patiently and I finally was able to find the girl of my dreams. We're in a committed relationship going on 7-1/2 months. We've already had our fair share of fights and arguments. Our relationship hasn't cured any of my problems, but I will agree with you by saying that it makes them indirectly much easier to deal with.

I don't want to take up too much more of your time, but I'll say I love each and every one of you, and have no ill will against y'all. The only thing I can ask is please be patient. Your time will come, I promise.

It's fun, but sex is not a cure all to all life problems.

Literally nobody said that. It is a cure to our problems though.

As a guy that is averagely attractive, most of the time sex is just too hard to work for and I'd just rather masturbate

Someone killed themselves and all you can think of is bragging about yourself. Fuck off you cunt.

It is a cure to our problems.

You're wrong.

None of what I said was bragging. I'm sorry that I don't sink to levels of misery so low because women choose not to sleep with you.

You're wrong.

How am I wrong about it being a cure to our problem of not getting laid?

None of what I said was bragging. I'm sorry that I don't sink to levels of misery so low because women choose not to sleep with you.

"As a guy that is averagely attractive, most of the time sex is just too hard to work for and I'd just rather masturbate" sounds an awful lot like humble bragging.

Because you guys seem to think that your lives will be better if you have sex. The only thing that will change will be that you've had sex. That's it.

It's not bragging. I'm sharing my experiences. If I was bragging I would call you all virgin beta fags that will always be losers and any girl that sleeps with you will be out of pity. You'll never amount to anything because you'll always let your virginity bear a burden on your shoulders over everything else in your life. Nothing you do in your life will matter until you get laid. I gain nothing from making fun of a bunch of people who've never had sex.

Exactly ^ pretty much what I tried to say but failed lmao

Sorry but I stopped reading your comment a few lines in because if I was talking to you in person I’d have to stop you there. I’m not a girl who’s had a fine sex life, and just assuming so because I’m a female is pretentious of you.

I’m a rape survivor who apart from that one time has never had sex. When I was raped I became pregnant at 15 and at the timeI lived at boarding school where I didn’t have any help because I couldn’t tell anyone. It was not my fault, I was essentially a child at the time, and what happened was an attack that I survived. I’m not a victim. I have been too frightened to have normal relationships with boys and unlike all of my friends I have not been able to enjoy dating and parties, etc etc.

I stand by my statement that there’s more to life than any hole is a goal. Bitch, There are mountains to climb.

Well I'm sorry to hear you had gone through that, but then I would begin to question why are stating things about "a hole won't cure you" when a) you're female b) you've never had the gender equivalent opposite of it (by this I mean a healthy relationship with a male and a good sex life)

This is like a person who has never driven a car telling people who want to drive cars that it's not all the bees knees. That is pretentious, at best.

You're making the assumption he had clinical depression as opposed to situation depression based on what evidence? Also your magic brain chemistry pills have a habit of turning people from just plain old self destructive to mass murderers.

Don't want to watch because it'd be too gruesome. Was he curry?


fuck i knew it

Looks like he was Middle-Eastern.

I thought he might be a spic.


A teenage kid officially is officially braver than me

Lol at my life


Masturbation fuel for inceltears members.

Nah theyl look at this and get a sobering sobering reality check. Only now will they believe it. Smh

They will still say incels don't commit suicide or claim that this guy wasn't an incel. I've seen that cope several times in this thread.

They're sick.

Suck on this one inceltears you fucking deplorable fucks you try to downplay incels experiences and keep your stranglehold on dating and look what it leads to. Show your faces you scum parasites come on lets see who your ugly asses are

You can’t blame others when a person commits suicide.

that will be me one day

That was pretty soul crushing

You wanted this shit. You've posted many antagonistic things here.

You wanted this shit.

Not at all

You've posted many antagonistic shit here.

Targeted antagonism and I also discouraged suicide

Nah you've put out whole threads telling us to go gay, blatantly bullying us. Keep it up loser, might as well

Of all the things I said, I feel like that shitpost was one of the most mild.

Fuck off bitch. You come here and bully incels daily then pretend like you care when we off ourselves. This is what you wanted from the beginning you bloodthirsty cunt.

Yeah I’m gonna stop fucking with people here now.

You stupid thing... Thats what it takes huh? Couldnt you see that before it happens? Smh. dumb as.

I actually still think things I said have nothing to do with when people choose to do this, so it’s not like seeing it convinced me. It’s more like I don’t want to see this stuff anymore so I won’t be visiting the sub other than when I’m replying.

Just go away. You're a disgrace and should feel ashamed of yourself.


Please do the world a favor and follow his lead you piece of shit

Why would I do that?

Cuz a mean man on the internet told you to

Removed for harassment and violence

Braincels is a place most encounter when thinking "hey I'll show them what the world is really like, help 'em out" and you get pissed and claim blackpill bullshit.

When we get angry back and attack, you claim we never tried to help.

When you do something damnable stupid, we come to pay our sympathies and you still scream like a god damned baby.

What do you actually want you manchild?

Why do you assume we want your help? You act like you're Jesus coming to us with the word of God then get all pissy when we don't want you unsolicited advice. The truth is you're a self-absorbed arrogant asshole that thinks you have all the answers to our problems in your head

Oh, I know you don't now. I just drop in every now and then. Poking fun and such. I'm just saying that the logic here is fine. Even if you don't want it, you people do always say "why aren't you helping instead of hurting etc etc"

"hey I'll show them what the world is really like, help 'em out"

This smug, arrogant, narcissistic self righteousness is one of the reasons we dont want you here. Do you even hear your self talk? Lmao @ being this full of yourself, you're literally 18 years and act like you have some sage advise to impart. Literally cringe

The amount of childish cynicism in this comment hurts.

The amount of childish pretentiousness in this comment hurts

Thanks for proving my point

I never needed mine proven. Everyone sees it on the sub daily. Cheers, though.


For your crimes against inceldom, you should date an incel as reparation

You really think an incel would date me? ❤️

Bitches, listen. You can't wipe off that blood from your roast beef vagina. Retribution is long due.

I’m too much of pussy to do it.

This kid has balls

Brave soul. I would never be able to do this.

Also im angry at that fact the normie cunts who gave him shit, will sympathize with him now, fucking virtue signal

Nah they'll talk about toxic masculinity and other shit they reward Chad for.

What masculinity? He was a lonely kid on r9k that anhero'd on a livestream.

I'm not gonna hamster ITs content for them but you can easily imagine 5 different ways they can blame anyone but themselves for it.

I understand.

Pm me the video thanks

I'm going out just like that guy and very soon

Livestream it as well.

For incel eyes only

Oh okay my bad. Hope it all goes well.

Livestream it dude

I'm sorry you feel that way dude, I know a random guy on the internet doesn't mean much, but let me know if theres any way I can help

definitely not if you're a canucks fan

Feel free to message me if you change your mind

That's all i have to say to cuckfans

I want to be clear, I’m not trying to pretend I’m some hero. But seriously? When someone extends you the most basic human courtesy all you can do is attack them? Why?

I want to be clear, I’m not trying to pretend I’m some hero. But seriously? When someone extends you the most basic human courtesy all you can do is attack them? Why?

I hope one day you reach out to someone who can help you feel better

You can help him by offering your sister, daughter or niece to fuck.

Why are you The way you are?

Don’t actually have any of those, but also what the fuck you’re a piece of shit

How? I’m just being real here. Your words mean nothing to him. He needs pussy and affection so unless you’re willing to donate a female from your family, kindly fuck off.

If you want to pretend sex is literally the only thing that matters, that’s fine, but it’s wrong. Sometimes it’s nice to have people support you, even f you don’t have sex with them.

Also, I don’t have the right to give away someone else’s body, and you don’t have a right to own someone else. So using words like “donate” to refer to a person is a cock move

No a man has the right to give away any female to an incel if he wishes.

Sex will solve all his problems. No amount of therapy or conversation will solve them.

I really fundamentally fail to understand this. Like there has to be an assumption that women are worse than men right? Otherwise I don’t know how you justify the infringement of rights of women like that.

But I also really really hope that’s not actually the belief, it makes me so sad that there are people so willfully ignorant

Men are superior to femails so a man can determine what he wants to do with his Femoid.

Okay. We do fundamentally disagree that we can’t discuss this. All I can say is that I hope in a few years you can look back and reflect on how wrong you are here

Fuck off im not wrong you're a cuck. Either give me a female from your family or piss off.

Have you considered that maybe that you’re such a shitty human being is why you don’t get laid and it’s nothing to do with genetics?

Hey news flash, Jeremy Meeks is a far worse human being than me. Experiments with attractive pedophiles were conducted on tinder and guess what, LOOKS ARE THE ONLY THING THAT MATTER.

I can only speak from experience, but I’ve had precisely one girl ever interested in my just from my looks, and I’ve been with a lot of girls interested in me because I don’t view them as worse than I am

Females are all whores who chase Chad. Stop coping.

Bro don't, but if you do , do something awesome you've always wanted to first

I'm going to get me a shottie. That is both an awesome thing and something I've always wanted to do


It just looks so effective

At what, dying? The world will go black and there will be nothing forever. Might as well find a way to enjoy now, since we'll die eventually anyway.


What the heck pm the liveleaks link

Dm me for the vid

Rip kid hope the afterlife is cool

May St.Blackopscel bless his soul..

HE will be along shortly.

Only memes now.

Another cleansing of the gene pool.

Or at least, if he was part of the gene pool in the first place.

Damn... His mom fully walked into the scene... She wont be forgetting that...

This is how women hurt other women.


He might be referring to the fact that the guy left a note saying not to let the kids see, then the younger sister walks up into the situation anyway whilst the mother loses her shit for a long while.

Anime profile pic

And nothing of value was lost.

RIP to this kid for having the balls to do it


Suicide is never the answer. If you feel you're about to do that just save money and buy cocaine and hookers. It's better than suicide

I don't want cocaine and hookers.



Why not? Cocaine directly stimulates dopamine production producing strong feelings of pleasure and euphoria. Sex and orgasms from hookers do as well.

I'm not saying it's a wholesome activity but it will provide temporary happiness.

All happiness is temporary.

How to change your outlook on life:

Buy 1 ounce of good cocaine

Rent a nice hotel suite for a weekend

Find the best looking prostitutes in your city online

Have an incel meetup in your suite

Live like a bunch of degenerate Chads for a weekend

As long as you don't fall in love with the hookers or get addicted to the cocaine, I can almost guarantee you will change your outlook on life. Sure, its not true love and you wont get a loving relationship out of it, but you will have a pretty fucking good time and lose your virginity in a stress-free environment.

I knew a legitimate 1/10 guy who was probably the worst looking human I have ever personally known. He lost his virginity by butt-fucking a Malaysian prostitute at a party not unlike the one I described. He was incel before incel was a thing. He is now happily married to a legit 7/10 with whom he has 2 children.

If your thinking about eating a 12 gauge slug like this poor bastard, try the hookers and cocaine first. It might change your life.

I already have a walther p22. Paying to have sex is the epitome of omega. I don't desire sex with prostitutes or the use of expensive drugs.

Most incels have access to sex this way. But they do not have the approval of society and they will be addicted to this lifestyle with no way to attain it.

Suicide solves that.

No, the pain sometimes will never end. Hookers and other pleasures won't suffice

Umm OK.. Wouldn't hookers make you even more sad? You literally had to pay her to sex you.

What if the hookers reject you, though?

Hookers don't come from some alternate universe where the women operate according to different rules. They come from the same universe as all the regular women who have sexually evicted you.

Because they’re paid... to have sex... if they don’t have sex... they don’t get paid. That’s why they won’t reject you

But paying for sex doesn't change the fact these men will never experience being loved or wanted at all. No women will go for low value men and these men can't just pay for sex and change how the world sees them.

Well no but TECHNICALLY they won’t be incels

That's not the point. How many men pay hookers and end up worthless and kill them selves.

I dunno, probably a reasonably low percentage of the population?

No. Its many. And even the ones who don't kill themselves die alone and worthless.

well i'm just saying, theres a pretty low percent of the population that commits suicide(relative to the entire population) and theres a relatively low percent that pays for hookers. so if you do math than thats a very low population that pays for hookers then kills themselves

That's really rare. There is only one thing that hookers love, and it is money. If a hooker does turn you down, you simply offer more money until she says yes

Suicide is never the answer

bullshit it isn't.

I'd disagree with you, but in his case his gun plus the ammo cost him a grand, so he probably could have had some fun with drugs.

But might have been too autismal to get them, but guns are legal so...

The shot was pretty brutal, but it's probably a better way to go than roping. Roping would have been much more drawn out.

It would have been quick and painless. He likely felt nothing, and died in under 2 minutes.

Life granted him no mercy and brought him suffering. Hopefully death showed him the kindness of a quick end.

wait...2 minutes!?!? what did he go through for 2 minutes

He would have been unconscious, but not dead during that time. Possibly some very limited brain activity.

Naw, you black out pretty quickly after hanging.

There are two different kinds of hanging.

Drop hanging and suspension hanging. Most countries that used hanging for executions would use drop hanging. The trick is to give the prisoner enough drop with the noose correctly positioned so it snaps the neck. To little and its a suspension hanging and you die horribly by suffocation which can take 20-30 seconds or more. To much and the head pops off and you get to see your headless body for about 11 seconds. There's even a formula to work it out.

Give me too much

i cant look at this without hurting

Hopefully all you bullies feel great about your accomplishment. You're bringing wonderful change and positivity to the world.

Here's where you justify getting people to kill themselves by saying it was "mild shitposts" or "jokes." You bullies should follow his lead.

Did you just tell people not to bully, and then you told people to kill them selves? You’re seriously fucked up in the head

This is so sad. Society would rather have people brutally blow their heads off rather than giving them the option of peacefully taking a pill by a doctor.

Gangster way to go. I’ll be using the charcoal method tomorrow evening.


My chosen method too.

Let me know how you get on.

hes up in Vaghalla with st.blackops2cel rn

I'm only interested in vaghalla if they also serve actual roast beef.

He didn't livestream it on the /r9k/ that's not even possible. He showed a note on a youtube livestream with "bye /r9k/" and the date written on the note.

Then it was deleted from liveleak, the most interesting thing about it, along with 4chan's boards all being frozen right now.

Poor guy...

fuck that loser. oh boo hoo I'm an incel. fuck off. self improvement and not being a cringey weeb faggot was obviously too much for his lazy self. also what an asshole- putting his mother through that shit- she walked in on him with his head literally exploded. what a piece of shit. no sympathy. he should have started working out, learned interpersonal skills and actually tried. instead he chose the lazy and cowardly way out. what a faggot.

His name was Shuaiby and he was not an incel. He was blackmailed by Reiko and took the easy way out. Dont turn him into a martyr.

He was subbed to ER.

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I really don't recommend watching it, like seriously. I'm still shaken from watching it.

yes but they're still incels? there's no fucking gatekeeping to being an incel moron, if you're a male virgin who can't get sex you're an incel

read Siege.