How to attract your life partner: men vs women

61  2018-03-15 by randomaabetaplayer


Some guys are attracted to overweight women, so "Don't be a landwhale" is not a hard-and-fast rule.

Necrophilia is a thing, so even "Be alive" or "Have a heartbeat" aren't even hard-and-fast rules. The only real rule is "Don't be a vegetable." It's over for us men.

Being a woman is playing life on tutorial mode.

More like life on in-store-demo mode. It literally plays itself, you just have to sit back and watch.

Sony exclusive mode.

game shark and game genie in the 90s mode

*Have perfect chin/nose/eyes

Jaw in stead of chin, front face is infinitely more important than side profile.

Pretty good point. Meeks chin is nearly recessed, but his jaw is so good that from the front he is still an Uber chad

Women: Look pretty, be cute and feminine and make sure you give men the sex they want, remember you have to keep as thin as you can for maximum dates.

Men: Success in a good career, tall, attractive, outgoing

Attractive is a pretty broad term. A guy with a decent face and a skinny fat, lazy fuck coach potato body with a beer gut at 25 might have some problems. Good career is misleading as well. The hot nightclub DJ is a broke mother fucker who gets laid regularly. My weed guy (I don’t smoke weed, but I have a weed guy) doesn’t exactly have a good career, but, again, there’s no stopping the pussy train he gets. It’s kinda nuts.

I’d sum up male attractiveness as being prestige, dominance, and resources. Being physically attractive (lol it’s all about fave) is a type of dominance or prestige, depending on how a woman views the man in question.

Men: Be born with good genetics, have good luck fall your way, maximise what you've been given Women: Exist; makeup exists and being thin only matters if you want Chad

Am I supposed to want to be with literally any person on the planet? I had zero dating life in high school. I had crushes on guy friends, one was literally 5'6" and fat but we were best friends and I had a huge crush on him. I told him and he rejected me because he was only interested in my gorgeous friend. I've never held that against him or felt like I was entitled to anything. And he's married now. I mean, maybe I could have found some homeless man who would have screwed me in a dark alley, but that's happiness to you just because it's sex?

No, just stop being shallow.

In what way have I been shallow?

It was in answer to your question about what you're "supposed" to do. You don't need to want to be with every person on planet Earth, but ideally you shouldn't have such high standards that excludes the majority of men. Also, there's a lot more to a persons value than what they look like.

If you don't want to change your standards then don't complain when people point out the double standard.

Maybe you should actually read what I wrote? In what way is 5'6" and fat high standards? And my point is that I'm not complaining unlike all of you. My friend didn't want to date me. It sucked. I moved on.

And later on I did find guys, tall, short, fat, lean, etc. who were interested. People are allowed to not like me. Even if some jobless, sloppy, ugly, fat guy only dated supermodels, who gives a shit? I had zero standards and I'm still not going to sit here and act like the world owes me something.

People are entitled to date or like whoever they want, but people are also entitled to be critical of those choices. We here will be critical of your choice to reject all but the top tier of men while not being a top tier woman yourself.

If they're being too picky then obviously they won't get any dates, right? But if they're picky and still get dates then why should they have to lower their standards?

Because. It's. All. About. You.

Your preferences are not immune to criticism.

Have you considered women don't want to date you because you don't even have the brain capacity to answer a question?

I did answer your question. Their standards or preferences could be immoral, unfair, or hypocritical to hold, hence why they're open to criticism.

That's like saying it's immoral, unfair, or hypocritical to not like ice cream. There are a lot of picky eaters out there too. Is that immoral to you?

You don't think there are any preferences that are immoral, unfair, or hypocritical? Really?

No. The reason they have that preference might be an immoral one, but the preference itself isn't immoral. If it's not immoral to only be attracted to certain genetics. That's like saying it's sexist to be straight because you're unwilling to date half the population. I have no control over my gender and yet another woman doesn't want to date me? So unfair!!!! /s

I don't have a problem with a guy not wanting to date me for literally any reason. Just so long as there isn't any hate directed toward me or any belief that I'm somehow inferior.

The reason they have that preference might be an immoral one, but the preference itself isn't immoral.

This is just dumb semantics. If the reason behind their preference is immoral then their preference is immoral.

But they could have the preference that doesn't have an immoral reason behind it. Like there's nothing wrong if you're not attracted to redheads, right? Nothing against redheads, your brain just doesn't find that attractive. Now if you're not attracted to redheads because you literally believe they have no souls, that's immoral. Just like skin color. Plenty of guys out there who aren't attracted to white women. I don't care. Maybe they just like dark skin, there's a reason the tanning industry is so big after all. Nothing wrong with that. But if you don't want to date a white woman because you think whites are inferior to you, that's immoral. I'm not sure why you find it difficult to see the difference.

You still have more dating options than the average guy can ever dream of.

Literally any of us Incels would love to take you out. All you have to do is lower your standards to Incel. We don't have anywhere to drop to.

First, I'm married now. My husband was a virgin when we met. Didn't matter. But I still wouldn't have ever dated someone if I knew they self-identified as an incel. It's exhausting just being in this sub for five minutes. I don't want to be around someone who hates themselves and blames everyone else for their problems. People in general don't want to be around downers. I used to always be "woe is me" and try to bleed people of their sympathy. And as a result I had no friends and guys did not want to date me. Since spending years trying to turn around and be positive and upbeat I finally have friends and I've found my husband who's my best friend.

And you all say terrible things about women! Why would any woman want to date you? Your dating options may have been severely limited before you found this sub. But getting sucked into this mindset you have gone from limited to zero. Maybe you think it's unfair that you have to try. Maybe you think the world is telling you you have to be someone you're not. But short guys get laid, not as much as tall guys, but they do. Ugly guys get laid, not as much as handsome guys, but they do.

I had a friend in college who was shorter than me, bald, and overweight. And even though I've dated guys uglier than him, more overweight, shorter, etc. I would never have dated him because he's just not interesting to me. All he posts on Facebook is nice guy stuff. He has zero confidence. And he comes off as a bit rude and elitist and I don't think he even knows it. Yet nothing about his appearance turned me off. It was just not hot, and not an interesting personality. You can make up for not having one by having the other. But when you're not attractive and have an unlikeable personality, then you have to go find something else to offer someone like money, a sense of humor, or just something.

What do you have to offer someone else?

What do you have to offer someone else? Why would a woman enjoy being around you?

Why do you act so surprised at the fact that there are reasons for us being incel? If we had anything to offer, of course we wouldn't be alone, duh.

Exactly. You have nothing to offer another person. So why is that everyone else's fault? There are a lot of things you could offer that are completely in your control. But you all do nothing about it.

I don't blame everyone else, I wouldn't want to be with me either.

Tee hee


Not really. I've been to Wal-Mart in Alabama and I've seen the ugliest couples on earth. You just won't lower your standards to match what you're worth.

You are a fucking cuck


The only real Incel here is you. These others are bitter and delusional. This is acceptance. I have hope for this community.

(I'm not an Incel but by Jeebus you are a beautiful person, grossly incandescent, etc etc)

I don't know any of these memes, but I yam what I yam

Grossly Incandescent is Dark Souls. There's other references here but that's probably the most known.

Ah, the lower your standards meme. I miss the old subreddit with the autobot for this. :’)

I mean I'm two posts into your history and I see ((())), you're not exhibiting socially acceptable behavior. Why would someone tolerate that and risk their social status dropping? Even rich handsome people can't do that. Oh yeah, he's a great guy but he's vocally antisemitic. You're the one forcing people away from you.

I’m not a great womanizer, but my only ever gf didn’t care that I am vocally against globalist influences in the world, Europe and my country. I actually never ever met a woman who cared about politics.

And yes, lower your standards is a meme. The ugliest woman can get a much better guy than you, lowering your standards doesn’t work.

They might be able to get sex but that isn't what they enter relationships for. Once they see that none of the guys they let smash stick around, they settle.

You're the one forcing people away from you

The truth should be told literally no matter how bad the consequences are.

What consequences? Getting called a cuck by the world's biggest losers? I don't see a downside.

The consequences are for the incels, not you retard. You don't have any interesting viewpoints for which there would be serious consequences for expressing them.

And what exactly are the consequences of telling an incel "you have control over your own life" other than them getting a headache?

My standards are already as low as humanly possible yet it still hasn't worked unless I get to be with somebody who hits and verbally abuses me.

Let's say you are so repugnant that you scare off 99/100 people. This is unlikely to be the case but there are some. You won't find the one unless you are willing to cast your fishing rod 100 times

The only truly backed in reason complaint approach I see here is that men have to approach most of the time. That's true, it's part of our biological gender and there's nothing you can do. And the lower status you are the more you have to approach because you get rejected more often. And it isn't really fair but that's just the world. It isn't fair.

So if 99/100 people reject you which is pretty unlikely assuming you pick women that are in your league, you have to approach a women a week for two years. If you get lucky it's less if you get unlucky it would be more.. but all the meanwhile you get better at it. And it is a skill.

So ur here for 80 years unless you are one of the few who get the sack up to kill themselves. I wish I was one of them. Even with my knowledge and understanding of what I need to do, I don't really think the deal is worth it. But I just can't do it. I fear death more than the work. So instead of letting my abilities atrophy and sit around sad or mad about what I don't have or wasn't given, I figure out what work I need to do and make plans. Because it's going to get worse if I do nothing and I have no way to escape.

You won’t necessarily find that girl if you cast your rod 100 times. You have a 1/100 chance every time. The fact that you were successful or unsuccessful previously doesn’t have any effect on your next trial.

Of course, this is also a fallacy. Your next trial is going to be harder because the previous failure affected you negatively. If you’re successful, you will also be more successful in the future, because you’re convinced you can’t lose.

So if 99/100 people reject you which is pretty unlikely assuming you pick women that are in your league, you have to approach a women a week for two years. If you get lucky it's less if you get unlucky it would be more.. but all the meanwhile you get better at it. And it is a skill

Of course, this is also a fallacy. Your next trial is going to be harder because the previous failure affected you negatively. If you’re successful, you will also be more successful in the future, because you’re convinced you can’t lose.

That depends entirely on how you decide to handle rejection.

Just because something has 1/100 chance to happen, it won’t necessarily happen if you try it 100 times. Or 1000 times. Or a million times.

I addressed that in my post. I said if you're lucky it could happen much sooner or if you're unlucky it could take far longer.

I know all this. Life isn't fair that's the whole reason I'm an incel. That's why I'm going to complain and be bitter about it because I got dealt the shit hand and people who were born into this world with every conceiveable advantage try to tell me what the problem is when they have no idea what it's like. How can you not be bitter. I just want to leave this bullshit pissing match too but I'm afraid whatever waits on the other side is worse, like having to be reborn into this fucking mess.

I'm probably just like you I simply realized that complaining and being bitter only makes me feel bad. I had to attack my emotions with logic to dissipate them. And I had to realize that I had started a weird enjoyment of feeling bad, and break it. Now if I have a depressing thought I stop and ask myself, do you want to feel sad or bitter or angry? No? Then don't follow that line of thought.

Same thing with my anxiety. Cue random pain in chest, brain goes !!!!, then my trained logic takes over "Ok we aren't likely to be dying right now but even if we are, do you want to be panicked while dying or calm, your choice." And I wait to see if anything else happens and it doesnt

'Jus a numberz game bro'

It literally is. There are people who have done the math to figure out how many women you should date and where you should stop to have the best chance of finding the best life partner. If you're unwilling to face rejection your pool shrinks to near 0

No. Just cause it theoretically could happen, doesn't mean it will.

Man you're delusional af. You're so attached to your identity of a unlovable being that you actively promote it

It more sounds like you are spewing red pill bullshit and I'm living in reality.

Red pill are a bunch of cocksucking armchair psychologist manipulators

??, but.. you brought up one of their ideologies and strategies... The numbers game.

That's not a redpill conspiracy you fucking dolt. That is how life works. You can accept it or live the rest of your miserable life being miserable. We have no stake in your future. Call us stupid cucks and redpills but every single one of you would do just about anything to not be miserable. Everything except look inward or make a genuine effort.



Plastic surgery will maybe. If I can afford it

Until you open your mouth

My teeth are actually pretty nice. (As my dentist says)

Hey man, thats great. Im glad you have something to be proud of. Seriously.

Lol just teethmax guys, You will get the babes.

Its a start man. If you learn to have confidence in yourself like you have confidence in your teeth you can beat inceldom. You dont have to be unhappy forever. Call me a red pill cuck, i deserve it for coming onto your sub and not playing nice. But i would rather ALL my fellow dudes be happy and succeed than have losers to make fun of. I was not always a normie. I struggled with girls until college. Its never too late.


Just laughing at your own future man :(

Are you done? Is this funny to you at this point? I just wanna let you know u have said the same advice every normie says.

Nah man its sad. Because im being genuine. We aren't ALL full of shit. We don't win when you lose. Call be a bleeding heart libtard but i truly believe everyone should have the chance to be happy.

I do plenty of trolling on this sub, but only to those who wollow in their misery with no desire to get better or be happy. If you want to be happy, there are a ton of people out there that would like nothing more than to help you in any way possible.

Read some of my post history. I have more in common with you than you think.

And say if they do the numbers game right, eventually they will give up. You lose hope and confidence when things don't go your way

I <3 U. You're a positive role model in the sub of shame. 👏👏👏

Eh I don't stay here. It's draining to be positive and not attack people when half of them seem to be in love with their misery and the other half hate women for not passing out pussy. I just followed a link and I like to spew

I get it completely. I come here to shit on those who want to watch the world burn and wont accept responsibilty for their own failures. Those who love misery deserve their misery and i am happy to tell them that. I have been pleasantly surprised to find some reformed incels and not-yet-gone incels who have been nothing but pleasant. These interactions make the idiots worth it.

I myself am a former not-yet-gone incel (didnt call it by that name tho) with mental health issues. I get where these guys are coming from. They need truth, good or bad. I am glad to see you fighting the good fight.

Lol it's not binary. It's not either have bad skin or wear makeup. It's called taking care of your skin. Use facewash, shower regularly, the acne that comes from under the skin and isn't a normal one is usually due to a shitty diet/consuming shit you're allergic to. Like if you're lactose intolerant and have dairy anyway. Skincare isn't gay either, it's just hygiene.

The biggest misconception people have is that people with acne don't take care of themselves. Usually people with acne have a more extensive skin care regiment than people without acne.

Yea obviously people who have none don't need the extra care someone who does have it does. Same way someone without cancer doesn't need chemo and cancer meds.

That’s not the best comparison. Most people without acne would still benefit from using skin care products but I doubt that someone without cancer would benefit from chemo.

Yea it's not the best, it's just the first thing that came to mind. And I meant products specifically for acne. People who don't deal with acne aren't going to notice much change since they don't have it. In that case it's probably just gonna work like a regular facewash for them depending on the ingredients.

Acne is a problem with hormones, not with hygiene.

acne has mostly to do with hormones and genes, not with hygiene. Common misconception that people with acne are somehow less hygienic than people without acne.

Yea no shit genes play a role in if you have it or not/how much you have, I'm saying controlling it. It's not impossible to control it. Majority of people would rather sit and bitch about it.

Idk man, u make it seem like people with acne don't shower or take less care of their skin than people with good skin. Or somehow have shittier diets.

But yeah its true what u say that theres factors you can influence, but it's hard to figure out which factors. You will have 2 people with exactly the same diet, not allergic for milk or anything, and who drink a minor amount of milk. But cuz person B has shitty genes, that minor amount of milk might be the part of the reason why he's breaking out. But he would never guess that milk is his problem. He likes milk, is not allergic to it, and doesn't drink it in large amounts at all.

A dermatologist, which he would have to pay for himself out of his own pockets, would maybe not even tell him of that small amount of milk being the cause of his acne. He will get on some skincare routine for a few months and notice no change, go back to the dermatologist, do some other skincare shit, not see change, and then be like: yeah fuck this shit.

My own situation for example. My parents told me acne was normal and it would go away on its own, no need to worry about it. That kind of bullshit advice just fucks you up since it makes you accept your inferior skin as unchangeable.

The milk thing was only with the condition of you being lactose intolerant by the way. Just used that example because I deal with acne and that was the reason I had that internal acne shit I mentioned. As far as I'm aware, that internal acne is only a result of something you might expose yourself to that you don't know you're allergic to, or part of your diet one way or another. As far as I'm aware, diet isn't really a factor in the regular type of acne though aside from maybe if you consume a high amount of fat which might end up making your skin produce more oil. The showering comment was because me and other people I've asked who have acne have mentioned they don't shower at least once a day so it could be a factor. It really all depends on the person though.

Glad u managed to find what worked to fix your acne. For other people it's hormonal imbalance or shitty genetic immune system and there's little they can do.

Your ignorant comment makes it seem like acne is a life-choice due to choosing for poor hygiene, poor diet, etc. and that makes your comment a prime example of the just-world fallacy. Oh that guy has shitty acne skin? It must be his fault, he must deserve it.

Too bad you're wrong though since it has been widely documented that diet and hygiene have only minor influence on the formation of acne, unless you are willing to go as far as getting urself a prescription of Isotretinoin. A drug which is only prescribed in really bad cases of acne because it has some nasty side effects.

Lol you must have missed the numerous times I mentioned it all depends on the person. There's many cases of people eating certain things and breaking out because of it so you can't say diet doesn't change anything. And I haven't found what fixed it. I haven't fixed it. I still deal with it. In my case, showering regularly, washing my hands, washing my face properly, and not touching my face is helping to clear it up. You get hostile as if I wasn't also dealt a shitty hand of genetics. Also never once did I say it was a choice, stop putting words in my mouth and taking shit out of context.

some guys prefer a girl with acne than with make-up

I have no problem with that. People have their own opinion. I don't prefer acne I just generally prefer no makeup/natural so I know what they actually look like. What I said was mainly directed towards guys. Most guys think skincare makes you gay/feminine and weak

Top kek @ wanting a non landwhale in 2018. Thats a unicorn.

Have your own home/apt

I thought apt was located in the root folder?

It’s not even hard to do any of those things at all

"be taller than her" haha yes it's pretty easy

Normans who comment in denial as always, but the fact this hasn't been downvoted to oblivion speaks for itself.

How to win life:

  1. Be born with vagina.
  2. Congratulions. You've won.

What a moron you are

Nice argument brooo

To be fair, your post wasn't carefully argued either.


Even landwhales get married to Chads with fat fetishes

There aint enough chads in the world to be marrying all these landwhales and sub8s that incels claim to be happening.

To be 9+ chad is a very RARE occurrence.

Jfl at this redpill shit. To be attractive as a man you need 2 things: Face and Height. This post is cope.

I’m 5’5 lol not hard at all

And yet men still manage to find someone without having most of those qualities.

I'm not seeing a huge issue with most of the male requirements list. I don't agree with it, but even this list is attainable.

This is fucking sad you’re all retarded

You know you aren't forced to browse here, right?


Actually landwhales still get men

Yea no shit genes play a role in if you have it or not/how much you have, I'm saying controlling it. It's not impossible to control it. Majority of people would rather sit and bitch about it.

Exactly. You have nothing to offer another person. So why is that everyone else's fault? There are a lot of things you could offer that are completely in your control. But you all do nothing about it.

Yea it's not the best, it's just the first thing that came to mind. And I meant products specifically for acne. People who don't deal with acne aren't going to notice much change since they don't have it. In that case it's probably just gonna work like a regular facewash for them depending on the ingredients.

The reason they have that preference might be an immoral one, but the preference itself isn't immoral.

This is just dumb semantics. If the reason behind their preference is immoral then their preference is immoral.

That's not a redpill conspiracy you fucking dolt. That is how life works. You can accept it or live the rest of your miserable life being miserable. We have no stake in your future. Call us stupid cucks and redpills but every single one of you would do just about anything to not be miserable. Everything except look inward or make a genuine effort.