Remember to care about & help others, especially the "weird kids".

194  2018-03-15 by a-l_n


But he’s weird.

have sex with him to prevent violence

Lol toughass behind a keyboard


He's right though. If people really cared, they would stop bullies.

Fucking A plus truth.

But he has such a great personality! He didn't mean to bash that nerd's head against the wall, tee hee

Don't tackle the bullying, Just the guns. Smart!

Yep, Disarm all low abiding citizens and make them sitting ducks for shootings, bombings, vehicular murder, acid attacks and plenty of other shit, great idea!

Gun control saves more lives than self defense weapons or vigilantes with guns do. The fewer guns, the fewer massacres.

Doesn't work when the guns are already out there, people who have that intent will just not hand their gun in

like how Chicago banned guns but they have the most gun violence. there's no moat around Chicago to keep guys with guns from driving in!

Gun violence in Chicago is related to social problems that nobody wants to address, more guns wouldn't solve anything.

true. the problem is the economy and only left wing economic policies can fix that. ems are bribed by the rich just like repubs tho so we only get far right policies. and dems losing on purpose so they're not blamed. and the rich like seeing gun violence because it gives the dems something besides the economy to squawk about.

Yes, but continuing down the current path doesn't help. It could take a long time for gun crime to decrease but it won't ever get better if you don't implement gun control.

Do you want everyone to be sitting ducks waiting to be shot? because that's what it sounds like...

I have a lower risk of being shot in a country where I'm not armed and we have sensible gun laws, than in a country with less regulation where I could potentially defend myself with my own gun.

I doubt you'd have a lower risk of getting shot, definitely a higher risk of getting mugged though, compare the crime rates of mexico and the US for example, the sensible gun laws are the less restrictive ones, dearming everyone also means there is no chance of rebelling if things go absolutely tits up. Guns wouldn't be enough to succeed but it would be enough to cause damage and draw attention.

Mexico is a third world country, glad to see that you accept America is on that level though.

What? since when is mexico third world? That's pretty much I imagined most of Europe to be,

Since the term was introduced? It's literally a third world country.

And no, European countries aren't anywhere near third-world unlike Mexico and America. Sorry.

But the crime rate has been decreasing or decades with no concomitant changes to gun laws. So you are wrong.

Violent crime has risen in the US in recent years, actually, or stayed relatively even. Violent crime rose generally in 2016, while in 2017 violent crime fell but homicides increased.

Crime rates are falling in developed countries generally, definitely. There's still proportionally (and in gross terms) more gun crime in the US than somewhere like the UK. There's still more homicides full stop, but proportionally a lot more gun crime. How can you possibly think that gun control is not entirely sensible given that stark difference?

There are tons of confounding factors here. Demographics, economics, law enforcement policies, ...

Also, most crime rate increases have been localized in inner cities, heavily dominated by democratic politicians, with very strict gun laws already in place.

Oh fuck off, the only reason stats look like that is because gun lawas are too extremeist left and nobody carries them enough, for example, in a school everyone should be armed.

The only reason gun crime is low is because there are left wing gun laws? Yes. Because those laws work.

Despite the US having the most armed civilians in the world, they have a higher gun homicide rate and, critically, a stupid number mass shootings. Having an armed populace evidently isn't working.

The facts are obvious; the fewer guns the safer everyone is statistically. For every circumstance where more guns are beneficial, there are more situations where it leads directly to deaths. There's a reason why school shootings are practically unheard of elsewhere in the world, and it's because we don't have retarded gun laws.

Your guns laws ARE retarded though, there wouldn't be school shootings if the schools had higher security, and of course you need guns to back that security up, it makes everyone a sitting duck, there are plenty of other reasons for our high homicide rates such as high general crime rates. Schools are bad by design having children i a small enclosed space is basically asking for shit to happen. I think it's horrible people like you are agaisnt being able to defend yourself. fuck you. Gun laws will only affect people already obeying the law, other wse they are sitting ducks with no way to fight back of they were mugged or anything. The reason school shootings are less heard of else where is because they are less reported(just swept under the rug), most countries aren't as big as the US and the kids who would do them are instead getting involved in terrorist organization trying to do larger scale shit.

for example, in a school everyone should be armed.

Do you understand that giving kids guns isn't a good idea? Or even twenty something women straight out of college? What the fuck are they going to do in a mass shooting situation besides make the whole thing more confusing when Law Enforcement turns up and it's known there's 30 armed teachers in the building and the shooter hasn't been identified?

Am I being trolled or are Americans this stupid?

If someone can't be trusted with a gun they shouldn't be trusted to walk free, I honestly kinda forgot that the teaching industry was female dominated, but regardless it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to identify the original shooter if there were cameras.

but regardless it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to identify the original shooter if there were cameras.

Please engage your fucking brain dude. How are the cops who arrive at the scene going to have instant access to camera feeds that are usually stored in the school back offices, while there's mass panic and people dying? If you read or listen to the cops who speak about what they see when they attend school shootings they say it's fucking chaos. Are all PDs going to have cameras set up for every school in every classroom?

nobody wants to disarm law abiding citizens you fucking idiot. that's a viewpoint pushed by the hard right. gun control is reasonable and keeps guns out of the hands of dangerous people. even republicans started to see this and that's why florida, the fucking heaven of gun lovers, passed gun control recently

Because criminals love following the law right?

because all mass shooters were criminals beforehand right?

Yes. You think people just wake up and decide "I'm going to shoot someone today"?

You're an idiot if you think all shooters were criminals beforehand. It literally takes like 5 seconds to look it up. Just look at the Parkland shooting, that guy bought all of his weapons legally and had no record

Parkland dude had been reported to the fbi twice and to the local police 39 times. His host family told the FBI he was holding guns to people's head and threatening to shoot long before he shot up the school. He was a known criminal and the police didn't do anything about it.

Reported does not mean he was a criminal. He had zero criminal record

He should have been convicted but the parkland police admitted they let highschoolers get away with crimes to drop the local crime statistics

Should have means it didn’t happen. He was not legally a criminal, end of story. Which proves my point

You seem to think you have to be convicted to be a criminal. Are murderers that are not caught not criminals? You seem to be clinging to technicalities to back up your weak argument.

Our entire system of law is based on technicalities. We are talking about the law, so yes of course technicalities are important. In the eye of the law being technically right is the only thing that matters. And in the eye of the law you must be convicted to be a criminal. Your opinion isn’t worth shit in the eyes of the law. The whole point of this conversation is that the laws need to be updated to restrict guns from dangerous people, not whatever bullshit you believe

We already have laws in place that do restrict guns from dangerous people. The laws we have in place would have stopped Nikolas Cruz from getting a gun * if the police did their job right *. They decided to ignore the reports, and now they are trying to shift the blame on gun laws.

All I see are excuses and a want for no change, which is what causes mass shootings in the first place

Dude should have been publicly executed he said TBH, would have saved everyone a lot of headache, but who would want that when they could use it to push their anti-gun agenda?

For real. The police failed to convict a kid so they could keep crime rates down? Better go after the NRA! The mob mentality makes me laugh. Then when another shooting happens in a month we will repeat the process all over again.

Yep, and they will use every gun related thing to use against us, someone shoots themself to kill themself? their death was the fault of the gun! they wouldn't have killed themself otherwise! Fake gun used as a bludgeoning weapon? still the guns fault! The stupidity of people drives me crazy...

Right.. but they are taking away our ability to get them our make them more effective... they are disarming us dude.

If you are a dangerous person then yes, your ability should be taken away. You deserve to be disarmed

Fuck off, I'm not dangerous, anybody who thinks I am is delusional, if I ever did something it would be out of self defense even if not legally seen that way(at worst like attacking someone if they misinterpreted me and accused me of rape for example and tried to slander me on the spot without proof.) anything I'd do that would be seen as legally unprovoked or not justified would be so minor anyways that I'd want to just harm someone rather than kill them and would only do it out of self defense.

If you’re not dangerous you have nothing to be scared of then

Sure I don't...


Spree shootings are statistically a low probability event. Most “gun violence” (itself a Orwellian term) and/or gun deaths are suicides and gang related activity. The parkland tragedy strikes me more as a case of law enforcement negligence than anything else.

Gun control is just another dumb continuation of the culture war for the Chardonnay sipping female crowd of the Democratic Party. Most proposed laws would have changed nothing.

Do you normally just believe stuff with no proof or is it just when you are biased about gun control?

There is over one mass shooting per day in the US. Over tens of thousands of gun deaths are not suicide related per year (27,000ish in 2015).

Being against any type of gun control, without even knowing what the control is, basically means that you accept all of these deaths and want no change.

There is literally nothing factually wrong with what I wrote. 2/3 of gun deaths are suicides, the rest is mostly gang activity almost always involving small caliber handguns (not assault-rifles or the much maligned “AR-15”).

But you are right, we should definitely give the police carte-blanche to form anti-gun squads to rove around the country confiscating arms, that is definitely going to go swell and not inflate tensions or result in violence at all.

All that so some old progressive shrew can feel some tingles in her cow-web ridden cunt for the first time in years by exercising brute power over other innocent people.


Literally no one is asking for anti-gun squads to confiscate guns from law abiding citizens. Again, more bullshit you are spouting with no factual basis

This is dumb, BBC isn't a serious news site and hasn't been for a long time

" killing 475 people and wounding 1,870, according to the Mass Shooting Tracker"

This is an extremely amount of low dead and injured in a country with 310 million people. Car accidents, alcohol, tobacco, Medical MalPractice, all kill more people hundreds of times over than mass shootings.

"I shall quote one Doctor Edgar Suter, who, in 1994, wrote the following in the San Francisco Chronicle’s opinion column: ‘The data from the 1990 Harvard Medical Practice Study suggest that 150,000 Americans die every year from doctors’ negligence, compared with 38,000 gun deaths annually. Why are doctors not declared a public health menace? Because they save more lives than they take. And so it is with guns. Every year, good Americans use guns about 2.5 million times to protect themselves and their families, which means 65 lives are protected by guns for every life lost to a gun."

", FBI statistics for 2012 show 678 people were murdered that year with "personal weapons" (hands, fists, and feet), 518 were killed with blunt objects (hammers would be in that group) while rifles (322) and shotguns (303) lagged behind."

Anything more than a surface level investigation by (((BBC))) would reveal that the majority of Americas "Mass shootings" is something with only 3 or more involved victims and the majority of mass shootings are gang members killning other gang members especially in liberal gun regulated cities or even gun free cities like Chicago.

Being against any type of gun control, without even knowing what the control is, basically means that you accept all of these deaths and want no change.

Read where guns save more lives than they kill.

Being against any type of gun control, without even knowing what the control is, basically means that you accept all of these deaths and want no change.

We know what gun control they want. They want to limit assault rifles, bumb stocks, and magazine sizes. In Florida specifically they want to raise the age from 18 to 21. Then you have some politicians like Senator Diane Feinstein that want to remove all guns from the America and countless other politicians like Mayors, House Represenatives, State Legislatures etc.

Assault rifles do not save more lives than they kill. Bump stocks turn semi automatic weapons into automatic weapons. Raising the age limit would have prevented the last several school shootings. Those are all good ideas and that’s why some of those have already been passed in Florida, an extremely heavy NRA state

Assault rifles do not save more lives than they kill.

You have no data on this. You just think it sounds right. Assault rifle deaths are low to begin with. As I pointed out hammers and other blunt objects kill more than assault rifles per year. Furthermore the main purpose of assault rifles is to do as the founding fathers intended, protect citizens from corrupt governments that have slaughtered 100's of millions of people, mostly in countries with gun bans and where the goverment took the guns not too long beforehand.

Assault rifles can also be used as protection from animals in wilderness areas or for riots where large magazine and high power are needed.

Or general self defense.

Furthermore, weapons were more common in the past and we had less gun deaths and shooting sprees. The guns haven't changed much in capacity to kill what has changed is the culture, so blaming the guns is wrongly placed.

Like I said, nobody wants to take away guns from law abiding citizens. Restrictions like these, however, help everybody, including gun owners

Cuck AND a liar. Any basic research will show that politicians do indeed want to take away guns

The "we don't want to take away guns we just want restrictions teeheehee argument" Is tired out and illegal. Read the Constitution

It's say shall not be infringed you cuck.

You don't trust BBC but you trust alt right brigadier news sources. Any article that starts with "Democrats want to take your xxx" is far right bullshit and you're an idiot to believe it. Go call people cucks more when you need a gun to feel like a man

which link was altright? i didn't know believing in the constitution and the bill of rights is alt right? because it's not.

Go call people cucks more when you need a gun to feel like a man

I don't own any guns.

NRA state passing gun control means other states will follow

No it doesn't. Florida had a mass shooting event happened that hastened the legislation. Florida is also mixed democrat and republican, Hilary almost won florida in the election. So red states are still going to have gun rights hun.

Any article that starts with "Democrats want to take your xxx" is far right bullshit and you're an idiot to believe it. Go call people cucks more when you need a gun to feel like a man

It's literally true, and gives clear examples in the article. Democrats overwhelmingly are for gun bans compared to republicans which is what the article points out.

This is dumb, BBC isn't a serious news site and hasn't been for a long time

Proceeds to link literal fake news blogs. I hope you're trolling.

which one is fake news. what facts there are wrong or deceptive?

Fake news generally refers to mainstream media btw so you're misusing fake news btw

Fake news generally refers to mainstream media

Not in any English dictionary I've ever read.

which one is fake news. what facts there are wrong or deceptive?

The literal fake news wordpress blog in your post.

Mainstream media has been called fake news for decades now and was popularized by president Trump and the alt right against the mainstream media. I don't like the alt right or Trump but mainstream news is often fake news and the origins of saying fake news is to go against the mainstream media. Maybe you caught on later when the mainstream media stole that narrative to attack alt right and conspiracy news sites.

Which website?? Link it and tell me whats wrong with what it says.

you're gaslighting

fake news is mostly used in common discourse to refer to the factually incorrect information constantly being spread by conspiracy wordpress blogs and facebook pages, that is the most common usage of the term so no i am not at all confused

either you are too lazy to actually read through the post but no i'm not spoonfeeding you, there's clearly a fake news wordpress bullshit blog posted there and the fact the guy wrote off the BBC (one of the most intetnationally reputable journalistic outlets in the world) while literally spreading links to fake news blogs is hilarious and sad

No look up fake news, it was and is popularized by altright and Trump and before that conspiracy theorists who have been calling fake news for decades now. Media only adopted the term fake news in defense against altenernative news well after alt new used it.

which website sheesh link it for christsake. I've linked like 15 different websites, i'm not going to go through multiple posts to see your bs. tell me why my posts are bs and provide the link. i don't even think i link wordpress? if i did what was bs about it? link and tell me.

No it wasn't popularised by the alt-right and Trump, it was used before that to describe the literally false shit made up in Russian/conspriacy blogs to spread disinformation.

Just fucking Google it dude, nobody cares what the alt-right uses words for.

links fake news journalist sites to disprove origins of fake news


Just look at the dates of the articles, and they're not about the origins of it. Conspiracy theorists have been calling fake news for decades, with the fake CIA osama video tapes, fake weapons of mass destruction evidence, fake childs testimonial before congress of babys being killed in incubators in iraq in the 90's etc. Fake news has always referred to the manstream medias fakery and only recently has been turned to describe alt right news. Which also pushes a lot of fake stuff, some of it is conspiracy stuff is true and a lot of it right anyways. Trump is a cancer on truth but fake news started in the mainstream first.

Just look at the dates of the articles, and they're not about the origins of it.

The first article is LITERALLY the recent history of the word. Nobody fucking cares what conspiracy theorists on the internet say. The word wasn't popular until the 2016 election, and Donald Trump said it for the first time it in 2017 after his inauguration to refer to CNN who had at that point had being saying for months that fake news won Donald Trump the election.

Why are you spreading shit that is actually clearly false? I don't understand. What you are saying is fake news. It's not true yet you fucking are so obsessed with trying to maintain this delusion that is. Either you are purposefully gaslighting or you are confused.

Here's the first time Donald Trump is recorded saying this phrase. This was after his inauguration, in January 2017. It was at his first press conference as President.

Here's fucking articles by the mainstream media in 2016 using the term:

I don't need to say anything else. The fucking evidence is right there. Either you're so far down the rabbit hole that you just can't admit you're wrong even when the facts are put right clearly in front of you or you're struggling with paranoid delusions. Either way I'm just going to block you because it's not worth reading the shit you spout.

Yes and the phrase goes back much further than the early 2010's

"Nobody fucking cares what conspiracy theorists on the internet say."

before there were internet podcasts there were radio shows critcizing fake news.

The word wasn't popular until the 2016 election No you posted the most obscure sources from OTHER COUNTRIES and call that popular lol no. Trump popularized it the msot but he didn't invent it as I said it has been used for decades. The mainstream media only responded with calls of fake news of the alt right. If i had the time to i can dig up conspiracy hosts calling the maisntream fake news from the 90's referring to the now proven fake news of the mainstream like incubator babies, or the early 00's like iraqs nuclear weapons which were reported as fact. or CNN faking a bomb attack in the country when the reporter was in the USA etc.

Fake news was always a term used by conspiracy theorists/ altenerative news sites (not the same as alt right news) first.

Yes and the phrase goes back much further than the early 2010's

I literally don't care man. Nobody does. Donald Trump doesn't use the word because of godlikeproductions posts back in 2008. Why are you even trying to argue this? The term clearly has two meanings, the first of which (referring to conspiracy bullshit) is the more prevalent in the English speaking world and the other being a derogatory term for mainstream media used by a tiny percentage of internet conspiracy theorist morons and Donald Trump supporters. I can't believe you actually tried to "correct" me for using a phrase that's in common parlance for using it it one of the correct ways? I don't understand what sort of point you were trying to make.

I literally don't care man. Nobody does.

because you can't admit i'm right


The term clearly has two meanings

Cope. They mean the same thing, both referring to fake news that is published. It just so happens to be that the origins of the term was used against the mainstream media and not alternative media.

because you can't admit i'm right

Nah you got blown the fuck out and kept changing the goal posts from your original post. You tried to "correct me" by saying:

Fake news generally refers to mainstream media btw so you're misusing fake news btw

Now you're having to admit that the mainstream media were in fact the ones who popularlised the term and that it wasn't Donald Trump and the alt-right at all. Which you said it was...

was popularized by president Trump and the alt right against the mainstream media.

Which you've now seen is actually bullshit, Trump used the term to flip the tables on CNN and other MSM outlets who were using "fake news" allegedly run by Russians for being the reason he won.

So no I wasn't wrong to use it that way because "generally" it's actually used to refer to fake news bullshit blogs. That's what it means to the vast majority of people in the English speaking world. Sad!

Blocked because no matter what you refuse to accept you are wrong and got BTFO. Bye dude.

Nobody moved the goalposts. You 100% are wrong and admitted fake news was used by alt news before mainstream media while you just claimed that the mainstream invented it moments ago.

in fact the ones who popularlised the term and that it wasn't Donald Trump and the alt-right at all. Which you said it was...

Fake news wasn't popular before Trump, it was a sanitized phrase with no bite to it. Trump turned it to a full blown meme. But i guess this part could be opinion. I'm still right about the origin of the phrase fake term which was the original point.

Sorry you're wrong buddy

It's like trying to prevent suicides instead of catering to male mental health.

Just stupid honestly

we need guns for the coming beta uprising

Bullying doesn't matter, it's lack of female affection, I've dealt with a bit of bullying and didn't effect me too much, lack of female affection has screwed me up far more.


By women refusing to give me affection they make targets of themselves for me to direct my aggression towards.

all violence on earth ever have been due to lack of sex for men

A hell of a lot of it has been, you don't know what it's like to never have had anyone who shows affection.

I do know that

this is the least violent time in history of humanity tho. and that is because we have outlets to put our violent tendencies that don't get anyone hurt, such as sports, video games, violent movies, things repubs want to outlaw so there is more violence. basically we have ways of coping. in the past men would cope by going out raping and commiting real violence. I mean I know they still do especially in shithole countries just it could be far worse.

Video games, sports and movies don't help with coping at all, just at wasting time while you look back on all the things you missed out on. Even with an incredibly low sex drive like I have(and I still want it to be lower...) there is still the lack of physical validation from females and desperation. Just lowering mens libido does nothing to change the degenerate behavior basically all women partake in which is fucked up, women should be forced to be on something to drasticly lower their sex drive and premarital sex should be illegal to prevent them from being as slutty.

disagree. they help with coping . . . until one takes the black pill. then of course the only cope is rope. this is why society and cucktears in particular are so desperate to keep men from waking up and taking the black pill. you are correct on all else tho just remember we were all bluepilled once.

Even when I was bluepilled I felt like I was wasting my life...

yeah you sensed something was wrong. maybe thought there was something wrong with you and it wasn't a prevalent, common thing? possibly coped with the things mentioned above? possibly first came to reddit or a website like that and coped with that? possibly first learned of red pill there and tried that and wondered why it didn't work? possibly saw incels mentioned and wondered what they were and why everyone seemed to hate them?

just wild guesses from me not putting words in your mouth

I mean when you are told "someone will come along, just continue living normally even though you haven't met anyone in about a decade" you will know something is wrong, and lack of affection feels like shit. When your only advice is basically just "wait" you are going to feel like you're wasting your life while you are single knowing that the only advice you have been able to get just doesn't make sense. It wasn't until I was 18 that I even mentioned an attraction to females and my desperation because I was too nervous to and did't want to deal with the bullshit I knew I'd get. The first thing I did was just try to find out where to even find girls. Everywhere I went basically I just found the same bullshit advice that doesn't work for my situation. For picking up women the advice I found was either demanding outlandish amounts of approaches far exceeding the amount of women I even see if I go specifically looking for them or they gave me the same bullshit advice I expected. Basically went straight to black pill, and funnily enough it was the people showing hate for the incel community that made it seem like I was looking for based on their accusations.

yeah I don't know what to tell you but reality is unfair as hell. they say ignorance is bliss. but you can't untake the black pill. if you could yeah, you could go back to using all those things to cope. There may be some self aware chads out there who momentarily realize women don't like them for their personality just their face and that kind of hurts their feelings but then they can easily push that thought out of their head as they bang a roastie. We don't have that option.

Like I said, they weren't even really an effective cope, even when I was somewhat bluepilled I felt like I was just wasting my life, now I feel slightly better knowing I don't have a chance so I might as well waste my time. It isn't even a desire for real affection, I'd be fine with just indirectly paying for it. I don't give a shit about if my personality is liked as long as I'm liked.

yeah in some ways I know it is a waste of life but in other ways, what am I supposed to do about it? gymcel? pua? I hear you. all copes don't work. But I do occupy my time doing a few things besides just ldar. For example typing this right now. What is the point really? Just occupying my mind.

You're being downvoted, but this is the truth. It's easy to criticize bullying, because not bullying is just something you don't do. But it's a completely different thing to get girls to date incels. That's forcing someone to do something.

In any case, the truth is harsh. Men who go into their late teens and early twenties without any physical intimacy with a woman are statistically the most likely to engage in school shootings and otherwise have mental/emotional disturbances. Sex is a need.

Exactly, and I'd say lack of female intimacy is far worse than bullying, if your body is fully functional or at least will eventually heal than it isn't that bad, if you are mocked not that bad, you can fight back in either situation, lack of female intimacy is something that can ONLY cause someone to target a massive group of people rather than specific individuals, when you hate half the world by default and hate most other men for validating women or being able to get women then it's only expected that when someone sees the world as being almost fully populated by people who deserve to die that when they finally decide to end their life from their suffering they are going to make damn sure they take as many other pieces of shit with them as possible.

Basically by a man not having any intimacy whatsoever it causes them to hate the vast majority of people. It causes deep seeded hatred for them because they have been denied a basic human need and they see everyone else as below them and worth less than nothing.

You're right. All the bullying in the world wouldn't matter if I had a single girl that liked me for who I am.

Have you ever seen someone who was constantly mogged and bullied be sucessful with females? No. They choose the bullies. They are just as guilty, maybe more so than the bullies.

Btu that ins't the part that matters it's lakc of affection that matters.

Nobody likes the weird kid, not even the weird kid likes himself. Assisted suicide should be legal under a broader range of circumstances.

They only care about preventing normalfags from dying, the don't give a fuck about bullying. All of society is run by psychopaths.

They don't give a shit about ugly subhumans getting bullied. Those kids get bullied so much that gunning down their classmates seems like the best option in their head. People only care when Normfags die.

A man's only value to society is his reproductive convenience to women. If a male is unattractive to women, he has no value.

Kind of easy to speak up if you're a crisis actor hired by CNN and get the script beforehand.

Oh shut the fuck up

Gr8 argument

Are you dense? You actually believe in "crisis actors". You're telling me all school shootings are scripted with crisis actors? How disrespectful of the dead. Honestly, like how does such stupidity exist today. Lets say your conspiracy theory is true, who would that benefit?

People who want to grab guns, so that you won’t defend yourself. I live in Europe, in a country where I can’t get a gun. We can’t defend ourselves from the migrants or the tyrannical governments. That’s what (((they))) want. That we surrender all our freedoms in exchange for protection.

Okay and once they "take our guns" what's the next step? Surely they're not just going to give up millions of dollars of annual revenue they make on taxing gun sales and permits. So what's the end goal? Putting their own citizens in danger?

The end goal is, when you are in such danger from either migrants or school shootings or whatever, you will voluntarily give up your rights. This is their end game here in Europe. They settle them here, we feel threatened, and they step up as saviors, and the make order from chaos. The refugee crisis doesn’t benefit the refugees, it doesn’t benefit Western countries, it doesn’t benefit anyone else, but (((them))).

But how do they make money from that? What is the long term goal/benefit to ((them))

Power >>> money

Gaining power over the population is preferable to having lots of paper money.


Flair checks out

I was agreeing with you


america is far more dangerous to live in and certain cities of it resemble war zones, the place is already a shithole

Have you heard of no-go zones?

Do you know that more people are murdered in Chicago than the whole of England in one year? America is a different level of shit. It's literally a fucking warzone in some cities.

hogg was primed and ready and trained since birth by his fbi dad for this very thing

Might explain why the FBI/Sheriffs dept didn't do anything.

They are desperate to get peoples guns. They flooded Europe with violent third world migrant dregs and arrest people for making jokes on twitter or complaining when migrants riot, burn peoples cars and use the street as a toilet but you yanks still have a chance.

lel america is still 1000x more violent than europe right now, chicago alone has more homicides in a year than the entirity of england

Well look at who does the killing and who the typical victims are. Blacks killing blacks for the most part. America has so much violent crime compared to Europe/Anglosphere because it is a lot less white and has a greater proportion of Hispanics/blacks.

As white people are replaced in Europe the violent crime will skyrocket accordingly. The migrants will bring their own ethnic/tribal grudges with them and start fucking Europe up like they fucked their own countries up.

are you schizophrenic

They don’t give a shit about socially awkward ugly men.

They do when they kill themselves and they can use it for their arguments.

They do when they kill themselves

They'll forget about it in a week and continue the shitty arguments.

They do. They actively hate them and want them dead. Do you know how awful it is. Especially for femoids to have to see ugly degenerate worthless males and how terrible it is they have to be in the same room?

Just read what you said here over and over again.

blackpill facts

Actual nonsense

painful truth

And not even Chads want socially awkward fat ugly women either. Basically society hates ugly people.

This thread is cancer. Gross.

You're fucking cancer you piece of shit.

Fight me

Where do you live bro?


I'm in England. I'd fight you in a second.

is that where the groundhog phil lives

sorry that not everyone agrees with what the msm says. some of us like to think.

What’s the msm

Mainstream media

Ahh okay thanks

You're a brainletcel.

Girls reward bullies with sex.



I befriended a "Weird" and "ugly" kid, sometimes I feel so horrible for him because he's treated way worse than I have ever been treated at school, especially because of his looks, he's always the laughing stock in one of my classes where I sit with him :(

he's always the laughing stock in one of my classes where I sit with him :(

Wait what? How old are you and the kids bullying him?

I'm 17 and we are all around the 16-17 range, I'm in high school

wut , take a look at /r/IncelTears/

no thanks

Fuckin preach

I was bullied for 5 years in grade school. Thankfully, it stopped in middle school, but there is no god damn way I’m going to let someone bully an innocent person and let them get away with it:

Blackest of black pills:

Women have the power to stop school shootings overnight by sleeping with the weird kid rather than the bullies. It’s “just sex,” right?

Women would rather use their sexual power to reward bullies and have their peers shot, than be responsible for the social climate they helped create. Women create school shooters through what would in the past be considered scamming of social power and wasn’t possible since they were kept on leashes.

Women could change the entire world overnight, like they insist they would with power, but as we see, they don’t have the goodness inside them to create the world they insist they would. Which ironically is what most men would have told you throughout history—that women lack goodness.

Women want to engage at the highest levels of human interaction but don’t want to acknowledge the nuances of the highest levels of human interaction and their own sexual power so play stupid. Women should NEVER have been given rights.

Kek. Are you fucking insane or just joking?

He's right.

He's not.

You really need to see a psychiatrist

Sex is just sex when it's hooking up.

It's incredibly serious otherwise.

Have you ever had sex?


I pray to God that I never meet someone like you in real life.

Oh shut up. Not the same, one is a tragedy, the other is a few jokes being cracked on some creep. Not supporting bullying, but if some "bullying" victim shoots up a school, it's only his fault

If we admit we're bullies who make other people react and do bad things, that makes us bad people.

NO! We are justified in our negative behavior because buzzwords, excuses_!

"Der they made fun of me today, and the girl I "deserve" is going out with someone else. That means it's ok to kill people" Stfu

Feminist whore

not just one day being bullied endlessly for years increases problems in the brain until one finally snaps

Victim blaming bullshit. Lol if you think someone shoots up a school ruining their own lives forever because "they made fun of him one day".

School shooters aren't victims. Objectively

Because someone who gets bullied continously until the point they become fucking insane enough to do something like that arent victims at all. Someone who ends up killing peoplr and ruining their own lives do it because of nothing. Go see documentaries about school shootings and suicides and inforn yourself before victim blaming unattractive males, idiot.

They got up some day and suddenly had the idea of "hey know what would be funny? lets shoot up my school!" sure lmao

I hate just world fallacy. People like you are scum.

You may not agree with their decision to kill but regardless of what you think bullying is what is driving them to kill. So if you want mass murder to stope bullying needs to stop. Stupid fucking cunt

"on some creep."

And there it is, everybody. This norman couldn't even hide his innate disgust for socially ostracized children in a thread about bullying.

Pack animals will always hate you and will always pick on the weakest among them. Never forget it. Defend yourselves.

Exactly. The key for people to remember is that the herd animals will always justify it in their heads. Whether you call this "lying" "the hamster" "deflection" doesn't matter. It's a way to justify negative behavior without owning up to it.

Interestingly enough, this same "logic" is why it isn't "sexist" to be awful to men, and isn't "racist" to discriminate against whites (or Asians). You can see why feminists love it so much.

I wish you get your balls fed to you, you fucking psychopath.

Lmao you are a terrible piece of shit

a few jokes being cracked

It's more than that

Not interested

Right, ignore everything. Good strategy.

"on some creep" who probably did nothing wrong more than being an unattractivr male.

I hope you die.

It's so cute I've got this many grown ass many pissy and whining

Dude I was bullied pretty hard. They straight up told me to kill myself plenty of times.

Not supporting bullying

other is a few jokes being cracked on some creep.


TIL: Seung Hui Cho's mental state wasn't deteriorated by years of harrasment and isolation.

Every bullying victim is a "creep" to you? Well I hope your son gets bullied one day, which will most likely happen being raised by a feminist cunt like you, and you best not get pissy at the bullies or the school, you tell your faggot kid the reason he's getting bullied is because he's a creep.

Coming to this sub was a bad idea

Lol triggered normie much? How old are you 12 u baby

I was a "weird kid" who thought of shooting up my school multiple times but I didn't end up doing it. I'm a female, but I still think to myself I should've done it just to get back at the Chads and Stacies that wronged me.

No one gives a shit stupid cunt

19 hour hold account

Yeah i wish i murdered the people i didnt like too

be my gf

Uh sure that 80% of them treated the weird kids terribly. It’s not really about helping others it’s about helping others as much as their on safety or perception of it.

Those kids skipping school to protest gun control are just doing it to get out of class and maybe sneak out to smoke weed. If they really gave a fuck, they would try to stop bullying.

You're a piece of shit.

bullying the defective is an intrinsic and important part of youth socialization

fun fact: the young adults of today are some the first to graduate having gone through all of middle and high school with a “zero tolerance” policy

put the pieces together yourselves

Or could the hyper-competitive modern dating world be a cause?

an effect

get bullied for years in school

get pushed to absolute limit and mentally crack

purchase (il)legal firearm and shoot those who made his life miserable

commits suicide after his spree

"i-i-i don't know how and why this happened! he was a quiet short kid that we just played pranks on! we never knew this would happen! it was all just a joke!" - interviewed stacy on television after the shooting

"bullying and harassment from other students are NOT the source of why the shooting happened! it was VIDEO GAMES!!!!" - media

lmao what a joke

its societally acceptable to bully incels. you do any of this shit to a woman and you've have 12 million of her friends screaming at you and the entire school frowning down upon you. but no one cares about incels. I don't even think most incels care about other incels.

Since when was being bullied a good reason to kill innocent people? Most people get bullied, and it sucks but you have to learn to deal with it appropriately. You're going to have to deal with bullies for rhw rest of your lives. Even in your 30s, you will have bullies.

And this is why men kill themselves. Because time in time out they are told to suck it up and deal with it.

If they're killing themselves they still arent dealing with it properly now are they?

That's the point smartarse.

Most people get bullied

Not even close to the extent that incels get bullied.

And how the hell could you possibly know that.

Triple digit iq.

Umm thats really not impressive, and still doesn't prove your claim in anyway. No one cares about your iq I promise.

You're right, it's not impressive, wich is why it's so amazing that most people can't understand such a simple, objectve fact.

Lol, that 'fact' is the epitome of subjective, not objective.

It has nothing to do with IQ, you quasi-literate fuck.


Yeah it's almost like they think mass murder is worse than being mean in school. Weird.

People die to bullying all the time. Whether they are killed by bullies, or commit suicide.

It is absolutely comparable to murder.

Well considering alot of these muders are due to bullying it should be fucking talked about

afaik, the shooter in Florida was the bully

Not true at all.

Ahh, classic incels, sympathizing with a mass child murderer. And you wonder why your other sub got banned?

Another kid just shot up a school in Maryland.

Congratulations. You just did it.

Keep bullying more incels.

Yeah, I totally caused some guy to shoot up a school a few states away because I posted a mean comment in /r/incels. You're fucking sick, and you will always be lonely, always be an incel that nobody wants, so I can't be upset that you sympathize with school shooters, because you're being punished enough by being yourself.

How am I sympathizing with a school shooter? I don't remember saying that.

Calling bullies out apparently means I sympathize with school shooters? You're kind of admitting that bullying DOES cause them by that logic.

You're saying that it's the victims' fault. You're saying the shooters are only doing it to take revenge on bullies, which is not the case.

It is the case

And it's also the victims responsibility.

Just as it's the responsibility for people to not wander through brooklyn at 2am waving around $1000. They get robbed.

Also how it's the responsibility for women to not drink to pass out and get raped.

You'll see people say "LOL IDIOT, WHY DID YOU HAVE SO MUCH MONEY IN THE HOOD". And those same people will say "ohh sweetie it's not your fault."

On the other hand, many women do want to be raped. See /r/rapekink

You people need to form opinions on matters. You can keep ignoring that bullying doesn't cause school shootings. That won't change the fact that it does.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/Rapekink [NSFW] using the top posts of all time!

#1: [18F] Sleep baiting on a friend's couch. Picture by him. | 37 comments
#2: I love rape role-playing
#3: The best forced scene I've ever seen. | 13 comments

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What about Nikolas Cruz, who hadn't been to the school he shot up in a couple years? Or the grown man who shot up Sandy Hook? Or the fact that most shooters walk in and just shoot everybody they see, not targeting specific people that could have bullied them?

This Maryland case could have been the result of bullying, I give you that, since he targeted his ex-girlfriend. But still, she doesn't deserve to be murdered over teenage relationship drama.

being bullied doesn't make you a school shooter. being a psychopath does

Classic ignorant incel. Try informing yourself by taking the time to read this. School shooters do have people around them who tried to give them a chance, but they're too deranged from a young age to be capable of forming meaningful friendships without letting their psychopathic tendencies bleed in.


Parkland dude had been reported to the fbi twice and to the local police 39 times. His host family told the FBI he was holding guns to people's head and threatening to shoot long before he shot up the school. He was a known criminal and the police didn't do anything about it.

disagree. they help with coping . . . until one takes the black pill. then of course the only cope is rope. this is why society and cucktears in particular are so desperate to keep men from waking up and taking the black pill. you are correct on all else tho just remember we were all bluepilled once.

Our entire system of law is based on technicalities. We are talking about the law, so yes of course technicalities are important. In the eye of the law being technically right is the only thing that matters. And in the eye of the law you must be convicted to be a criminal. Your opinion isn’t worth shit in the eyes of the law. The whole point of this conversation is that the laws need to be updated to restrict guns from dangerous people, not whatever bullshit you believe

Being against any type of gun control, without even knowing what the control is, basically means that you accept all of these deaths and want no change.

Might explain why the FBI/Sheriffs dept didn't do anything.

They are desperate to get peoples guns. They flooded Europe with violent third world migrant dregs and arrest people for making jokes on twitter or complaining when migrants riot, burn peoples cars and use the street as a toilet but you yanks still have a chance.

What? since when is mexico third world? That's pretty much I imagined most of Europe to be,

How am I sympathizing with a school shooter? I don't remember saying that.

Calling bullies out apparently means I sympathize with school shooters? You're kind of admitting that bullying DOES cause them by that logic.

You're right, it's not impressive, wich is why it's so amazing that most people can't understand such a simple, objectve fact.