Women do not like male virgins.

34  2018-03-15 by BF8211


"Women don't care if you're virgin bro, just be confident. There's no such thing as virgin-shaming".

lol, this is so deplorable in every way. wanting to meet some random Chad to take your virginity away - "Please be experienced!!!" LMAO. Can you imagine how many Reddit numales are getting shot down/ignored in their private messages? Unbelievable that women are so brainwashed that they're actually willing to get pumped & dumped for their virginity, something special, once-in-a-lifetime that they should be sharing with their husbands. They'd prefer the diseased cock of Chad which has travelled over 100,000 miles of cavernous pussy.

Yep... and of course those women would never settle for someone even average...

Lol and they call us entitled.

Most of these say they would be fine with another virgin, but prefer experience because they don’t know what they are doing and want to learn. A couple of them even say looks and age aren’t important. Just pointing that out if you didn’t read the whole thing. Downvote away.

Most of these say they would be fine with another virgin

If it came down to experience vs. inexperience, who would win?

prefer experience because they don’t know what they are doing and want to learn

Entitled much?

5 of them are also in their mid 20s and still virgins which some people seem to think isnt possible.

A lot of people also say it would be unreasonable for someone in their mid 20s to only want to sleep with a virgin. Tables turned i have seen incel posts in their mid 20s only wanting to be with a virgin.

Guys... come on. My comment only has 2 downvotes right now. If it could get to like 20-30 downvotes, that would be stellar.

what sub do you think you’re on? incels are the minority here. dumb bullshit never gets downvoted

Actions, not words. These people then go on to write posts on online spaces about how horrible it is to have an experience with a virgin.

Sex isn't fucking chess. It's not difficult and it's easy to learn together.

Omg bro, what name am I seeing there? Welcome back!

Women generally want a good time with someone hot. Who is going to be able to give them that? A very thirsty virgin who has below average genes and does not have any technique or confidence and might get clingy and get oneitis for her, or a hotter more experienced confident guy? My bet is on the 2nd.

Both women and men are hypergamist, everyone wants to sleep with an 8/10, but only women can.

So females are sluts and want diseased slut Chad cock. We find more reasons to hate them every day

Don't you also want to sleep with many 10/10 females, rather than a single 1/10 or whatever you could find? I would.

It's hypocritical to call females sluts without saying the same about males.

A single female who likes me. I fucking hate Chads who horde. This kissing Chads ass is ultimate cuckery

And you give me more reasons to wonder if having sex with a virgin guy is worth it, seeing how bitter you are.

lol yeah cause you were totally going to do it

Not with you at least, seeing how there's a screen in between us. Too bad there isn't a way irl :c

you would never do it with me I'm a subhuman. My comment wasn't even that inflammatory, it was responding to that asshat about females only liking sluts. If femoids truly were like that then I feel as an incel that is a perfectly valid reason to hate them. Given your emotional response you think that females are sluts who like sluts and you holding my comment hostage for banging an incel is further evidence backing that. So from this it can be asserted you think femoids are attracted to sluts and you are one of those femoids.

Emotional response? Me? Golly gee I better stop being so god darn emotional~ I have never said anything about females being sluts or even myself. Assume whatever you want, I mean you could ask me directly or even PM me if you wanna take this privately, but why would you want to do that? Assumptions are so much more better, yeah?

Then why did you hold hostage having sex with a virgin with my comment? If you actually liked virgins you would not say such an asinine comment like that. It's that condescending attitude that also fuels the incel's anger. Have sex with whoever the fuck you want, don't fucking pretend to dangle a carrot saying we will be rewarded if we are a good boy teehee.

Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt. You would never have sex with a virgin anyway don't pretend like we are changing your opinion.

Both women and men are hypergamist

Yet somehow there are no incel women.

True, because while both women and men strive for a hotter partner, it is only truly possible for women to get one.

I'm sure there are, but probably in denial or go by another term (pssst it's feminazis and SJWs imo)

Blood pressure is fucking out of control. Why are these flapped beasts so horrible

Ah yes the old catch 22. Women, like employers want men with experience but you need experience to get experience. Also good looking candidates are more likely to be hired.

It's called lying

Does Craigslist actually work? Or is it full of scams??? It isn't popular in my country.

I heard craigslist actually got rid of that part of the website.

There are no virgin girls over 20. If a femoid is over 20 and virgin it's definitely an obese beast.

The correct term is "obeast", I believe.

As usual it's okay when women do it.

Wow! They like someone who knows what they're doing, crazy!!

That's not the point of this post but okay.

WHY are you so retarded

Aww says the incel

You conveniently ignore the part where they say they feel awkward due to the lack of experience, they are afraid of guys figuring it out etc. The second girl admits that as a 25 year old virgin she is likely to scare the guy away and it is so. That’ s a big red flag.

Being a virgin as a girl isn't a red flag lmao

Oh yes it is, especially if she is 25. In anatomy class in the second year of medschool, we had this 8/10 girl who was a virgin. One of her female friends informed me of that. They were mocking her that the first dick she has seen in her life is that of a dead man. She is totally awkward and somehow manages to scare guys away. Simply can’t have a normal convo with her. Finally managed to lose her virginity at the age of 26. But I forgot you have so much experience with women and have figured them out a long time ago.

Why are you acting like dudes wouldn't want to fuck a virgin.

Because we are not talking about a teen here. In your mid -late twenties to most guys it means something is wrong in exactly the same way as it does to girls when talking about virgin guys above a certain age. And surprise, surprise, most guys I know don’t want a girl who is only capable of lying on her back with her legs spread. In the above case I mentioned, it became clearly evident the moment she opened her mouth. It’s not that she was dumb, it’s her view on certain things in life that indictaes you won’t be able to get away if you pop her cherry, not to mention if she is your gf. Being held on a leash by overly ambitious parents as a teen is not good.

I'm not arguing that nothing's wrong with a 25 yo virgin girl. I'm arguing that it's way, way easier for them to get acceptance, compassion and help with being a virgin, while men get nothing but disgust.

Guys love virgin pussy wtf are you talking about. It's only weird if she's middle ageed, but 25 is still perfectly fine.

MILFs are all about the experience, but 25 is still young.

Cope. Womens "value" only goes up the longer they are a virgin. She could have married a Saudi prince and been rich for the rest of her life.

Yeah, cause it's very smart to rely on that.

Are you retarded? Where did I imply she should wait around for a Saudi prince to marry her?

Are you retarded? Why the fuck even bother mention that? She could have done many things. That doesn't mean shit.

totally awkward and somehow manages to scare guys away

That sort of sounds like me.

you'll never be an 8/10, /u/board_gaming.

I never said I would.

"The only people judging your virginity is yourself"

-bluecucked normfag

It's a sub for women who want to have sex with random people. It's literally just a sex exchange sub. They aren't looking to start a relationship, it's purely sex, so they might as well look for someone who is "good at sex". Beside, they are posting asking for a service ("someone have sex with inexperienced me"), they aren't offering a service ("I'll have sex with inexperienced you"). But of course men/incels think everything should be offered to them and women aren't allowed to want things for themselves.

Incels, taking media out of context since... 2014?


Its a virginity exchange sub. Thats why its infuriating and full of hypocrisy.

it's just sex bro

You're acting like women in a relationships have different standards when it comes to this. Also, ignoring the fact that in the modern world, relationships begin from casual sex. A nice fiction does not line up with the reality at ground floor, sadly.

I just rejected a virgin as a black pilled norman because I want sex. Beyond that I don't feel truly wanted unless the womyn has sex with me. Also she lives far away and I'm not willing to trek it so that I can hopefully smash sometime within the first year, lol. She just said that it never felt right and she's 30, I don't have time for that foolishness.

I hate this.

All of those but one said they would be fine with a virgin. PREFER experience =/= absolutely no virgins

Exactly, one

Yes, so the majority of those would be fine with a virgin. Good Yes?

You think these cunts only get one reply?

If non-virgins are preferred and five non-virgins + five virgins answer her ad who's getting laid? One of the non-virgins.

Wouldn't it be the virgin if he looked better

They wouldn’t be virgins then.

True, esp if it's a chadlite or above.

Women hate virgins because, it shows a lack of interest from other women (social proof).

It shows you are low value and women are hive-minded so, they want the men that other women want.

Yes, this exactly. Skip to 4:15 and listen to all the women laugh when she says "involuntary celibate." Women want what other women want.

I’ve said it a million times.

The female hive mind collective.

If you are a virgin Male at the age of 24 (like me)... you’re screwed.

It says a few things about how women view your face and your value. I’ve given up and just watch porn now. No Point

Lie. Use drugs to deal with nervousness. Drink so you don't get nervous in front of pussy like a nervous loser virgin bitch. Take Viagra so you won't lose your boner in front of pussy like a nervous loser virgin bitch. Numb your cock with anesthetic so you can handle the pussy and don't prem ejac like a nervous loser virgin bitch when she's looking for the stamina of an overused, worn-down pornstar cock.

Well no shit.

Women are the custodians of sex.

Male virgin = no woman has chosen him; must be defective in some way

Female virgin = she has chosen me above everyone else

A girl who’s been with a few guys = well at least I’m in the top five of every guy she’s ever met

Not understanding why women don’t like male virgins is on par with wondering why women are labeled as sluts if they sleep around but guys aren’t.