[NSFW] Average /r/IncelTears dad

41  2018-03-15 by divergentdracula



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What are your thoughts on this pic?



What about this pic?


This is what happens when you stop fathers from being fathers. She's a worthless whore now.

Do you think dads who support their daughter being a slut secretly wanna fuck them? For example, what are your thoughts on this dad?


Yes. It is incestuous.

How do we stop the degenerate trend of dads encouraging their daughter to be a slut? Or do we promote it?

Restore the traditional family in which the man of the house is exactly that. He is the MAN of the house.

What if dads start encouraging their daughter to even let incels fuck them? Shouldn't we support that?

It would only create a new subsubhuman caste that would consist of the lowest of incels if that were to actually happen. Though the reality is that the females would not do it and would just go for Chad like they are hardwired to.

(((Steinmetz))). I don't need to read any further.

Angela White

Angela White (born 4 March 1985) is an Australian Adult Film actress and director. Having started her career in the adult industry in 2003, White has earned several industry awards. In 2007, Angela White enrolled in a Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne and studied gender studies. In 2010, she graduated with first-class honors.

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What are your thoughts on this reply by her?


Reliable, professional, respectful, intelligent, ethical, creative, respects boundaries, has stamina, stays hard, has good hygiene, can follow directions, has a good attitude, loves sex (notice I did NOT say "has washboard abs and an 11 inch cock").

Even porn stars have high standards. Note that this is the same slut in this gif:


Men have to live to very high standards. It's just the way of things.

Do you have standards? Or would you fuck any woman in the world like I would?

Since my standards do not mean anything I have raised my standards to unattainable heights.

What were your standards before?


Would you have fucked a landwhale?

What are your thoughts on this article?

I can't stand "Good Men Project" as they are totally subvert little bitches to the anti-male & sex negative factions of the feminist movement.

That said, I give credit where credit is due, they are mostly correct in this article, but they don't go far enough. It's not enough to not slut shame, sluttiness needs to be outright encouraged. They're likely not encouraging sluttiness as a way to serve their feminist overlords, as feminists hate a free market that they can't control.

You're an idiot if you think sluttiness helps society.

What if dads start encouraging their daughter to even let incels fuck them? Shouldn't we support that?

I've been saying that Incels should be in favor of sluttiness instead of being against it. Slut shaming isn't good for anyone, but it's really hard on guys who are even slightly dorky, nerdy, eccentric, etc.

Women care alot about what their friends & society think, she is going to fuck someone no matter what, but if she is going to be shamed for fucking, she is gonna be more picky about who she fucks.

She might actually like a guy that isn't high in looks, that isn't high in money, that isn't high in "normalness" but slut shaming is going to make her more picky about all 3 of those things, cause she isn't going to fuck such a "low tier" guy if her friends or society are going give her shit for fucking, she will risk the shame for someone of higher status. Like I said, she is going to fuck someone, no matter what.

If you want less women to only pick Chads & high-tier normies, then you have to eliminate slut shaming and outright encourage sluttiness. Not for "muh women's rights" but for yourself and all men.

I agree about encouraging sluttiness. But do you think it's possible for women to become too slutty? What if all women become like this?


if girls aren't willing to be promiscuous how would you ever have sex? lol incel forever

Must go to ucla

if this exist my inceldom would be less painfull

Girls that slutty are rare but they exist. What are your thoughts on this video?


wow i never seen a body like that wooow, those dudes are gay i can never wipe out my penis like that and let it being touched by others people semen

So, you'd turn down the chance to be in a blowbang? What about a fan blowbang with porn star Jenny Jizz?


i would never do that , disgusting

What about an MFM threesome?

we would need a tall girl so we can be as seperate as possible

What about a gangbang with a tall girl?

no there would be dicks next to me and thay will be gay, what about you?

Yeah, I'd participate in a gangbang. Would you really turn this down?


i cant click atm will tell you later , were you jackinh off ?

Of course I jerked off to that video. Did you watch it yet?


i didnt play it just watched the first pic , yeah no thats not for me man.

i am glad i censored that with my finger , those are just paid actors for spectators with a fetish.

What about doing this?


That's the exact opposite of a gangbang.

the picture is gay but i wouldnt mind having this

What's gay about that pic?


Would you suck it for a billion dollars?


How desperate are you, anyway? Would you fuck your mom?

no i would not fuck my mom, i am very desperate for a gf and not just sex

What about sniffing your mom's used panties?


Do you have any pics of your mom?

her body her rules

wtf this is some pedo shit that girl isnt even 10 and he already says her body her rules wtfff

he seems like a great, loving father who she will have a healthy relationship with

ya for sure. It is at least much more healthier than that dumb ass trope of the father with the shotgun or asking what their intentions are with their daughter. Its just creepy to be that obsessed about what your daughter is doing with her body. But then again I doubt you guys here can even conceptualize what it would be like to have a daughter or even a healthy relationship with any women

Would you be okay with your daughter becoming a porn star?

lol those are very different things from what that article was about but ya whatever. You guys sure obsess over this shit for a bunch of people who wont reproduce. would you be ok with your son doing porn?

Yeah, I'd be okay with my son doing porn. Would you be okay with watching one of your porn star daughter's videos?

lol no thats completely a different issue, wtf would i want to see my daughter get fucked on camera? What about if your son was gay for pay?

I meant if your porn star daughter wanted you to watch one of her videos. Would you watch it?

no. Gay for Pay?

Yeah, I'd be fine with my son being gay for pay. Are you incestophobic?

that's not a thing lol

just read the headline. Those people are retarded and should not procreate if they do have sex

Are you proud of being an incestophobic bigot?

lol sure man. The only way you faggots will get laid is if your own mom pity fucks you so i guess this is the hill you will die on lol

Do you think there's anything wrong with this video?


yes wtf lol

What's wrong with that video?

Why have a daughter when you could have an abortion?

Put it in the trash when it’s born

Without sluts, no one will get laid. Is that what you want?

Sluts are only sluts for Chad. They are 12th century Benedictine nuns to us. I would actually be happy if no one got laid.

What about this slut?


Would reject me

What about this slut?


That's Larissa Harumi (a 24-year-old pole dancer in Brazil).

no femoid likes us, I want them all to be cut up into little pieces and would be happy that no one gets laid because I don't

What about this slut?


She's literally grinding with an incel in that video.

Not an incel, he mogs me

Really? Make a post in /r/amiugly.

I got told I was ugly

How desperate are you? Would you fuck your mom?

there's more than one type of ugly. He's ugly in an endearing way, we're ugly in an offensive way


What is the definition of a cuck to you little one?


Would you be okay with having a porn star daughter who fucks random guys at your house? One who has arguments with you while topless?

What is the definition of a cuck to you little one?

A guy who's okay with having a porn star daughter is a cuck. Would you really be okay with that?

So you cant give me a definition? Seems like how 8th grade boys used "fag."

I already gave you a definition. A cuck is a guy who's okay with having a porn star daughter. Would you be okay with having a porn star daughter?

This is not a definition; this is an example.

What about you? Would you be okay with having a porn star daughter?

He just gave you a definition retard

you are a cuck

Would you become a cuck if it meant you got laid?

no, maybe I would play along for sex but thats it

What do you mean by playing along for sex?

just acting like a cuck but not being one if that makes sense lol

Does that ever work?

no idea but maybe if you act like a mega cuck and femoids think you are a good cuck candidate it may work, just play along get sex and then leave her. but I think its easier to get an escort lol

Do you mean acting like this?


Sauce plz

It's from the Playboy reality show Swing:


Thanks OP. That girl looks hot.

Would you fuck her in front of her dad?

He seems fine with it.

Do you think this dad fucks his daughter?


Bro what

I know her bro fucks her but I'm asking about her dad.

LMAO nice one.

What are your thoughts on the trend of feminists wanting their dad to see them topless? Here's another example by feminist photographer Elinor Carucci:


It's kind of weird, but I am sure if you are the dad, you don't see your daughter in that way. I am sure most dads have seen their daughters naked and do not view them in that way. You'd have to be mentally ill. That's a human who you literally potty trained and fed. That's a person who you held in your arms and raised and taught. The idea that you could view them sexually is disgusting.

Would you go to a nude beach with your daughter?

I don't see why we couldn't go to a regular beach.

If they like to be nude at home with me, I wouldn't have a problem

Girls trying to arouse their dad is the problem. Do you think this girl didn't know her dad was gonna walk in?


IDK. The dad was like whatever in that. If you're a dad, I don't think you naturally get aroused by your daughters. Biologically, they are a last resort. Why would you want them when you can just fuck their mom or literally any other woman?

People who lust after their own kids have a mental problem. I have seen it first hand and there is something wrong with people like that. Imagine watching a child get pulled out of her mom's vagina, potty training her and teaching her to read, and being the only guy she will ever 100% trust. How could you betray all of that? It's not supposed to happen.

As a man, you just don't see your kids in that way. Also, kids trying to seduce their parents or having a parent fetish is somewhat normal to an extent. As a father, you have to be immune to that. If a child is confused and idealizes her dad as the perfect man, she may fantasize about her father or someone very similar by proxy. It's your job as a parent to not allow your child to act on that fantasy with you or irresponsibly with someone older than her who may exploit and abuse her.

It is probably part of some sophisticated desire patterning to help people find mates. People often choose mates with similar traits to the opposite sex parent, and milf/daddy are some of the top searched porn terms. It probably has to do with the fact that if you have good parents, you idealize them to some extent. Obviously, physically realizing these fantasies is disgusting and biologically maladaptive, but finding someone who has the best traits of dad/mom might be helpful and that is why these fantasies have lasted so long.

A similar fantasy exists for teachers, bosses, and mentors, but due to the lack of being directly related, there is more often a breach of this type of trust. There is less of a biological cost to fucking someone in these situations, and they can sometimes lead to fulfilling relationships and families. But it is still something the person in power should be aware of...there is a big difference between love and fetish idealism. As a person in authority, you have to understand the vulnerability of your underlings to these fantasies, and unless you think it will lead to a sincere family, you should not abuse your power and trust.

If you're a dad, I don't think you naturally get aroused by your daughters.

I agree. Like I said, girls trying to arouse their dad is the problem. Whose idea do you think this was?


I think it's retarded

That feminist photographer (Elinor Carucci) also posted these pics of her son touching her nipple and peeking at her pussy:



What's her endgame?

I feel like this is illegal

It's not illegal if a woman does it. Do you think actress Amber Rose is going to jail for this?


this cant be real. I would have decapitated my daughter in front of the camera

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

Why are you posting that everywhere?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /r/Braincels. Contribute or GTFO.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

What would you have done in this situation?


too long didnt watch. I dont see a problem in being nude in front of your family. Having sex with niggers in front of your family is a major problem though. That bitch btw needs to hit the gym.

What about a girl fucking white guys in front of her family?

if the guy has been approved by the father of the femoid then it's okay. The dad in your gif obviously doesnt approve. His only solution is to kick her slut daugher out. Absolute cuck.

So, you'd be okay with an approved white guy fucking your daughter in front of you?

no,in their room

Removed for violence

Jfl if you think inceltears landwhales are hot enough to do cam shows

They posted that for free and without solicitation. Ain’t nobody sane paying money to watch that live.

Would you fuck a landwhale? If not, you're not an incel.

Lmao landwhales wouldn’t fuck me


Becoming a meme. The worst shame.

Or is it hope? As long as you get some, it's worth it. Would you turn this down?


I don’t think I could physically fuck a landwhale:

  1. My dick couldn’t get hard seeing all that blubber

  2. My tiny pathetic dick even if it did get hard is too short to get beyond the layers of blubber to actually penetrate the vagina. Maybe that’s why landwhales love Tyrone: only BBC is long enough to reach the vagina.

Reminder that in 2018, its ILLEGAL for a father to discipline his daughter. This is why society has become rotten.

He should just pay someone to rape her that way she'll have no degenerate sexual thoughts for years.

Is that why this is happening?


He's scared of what she can accuse him of, if he tries to discipline her.

He's scared of what she can accuse him of

Sexual harassment? Girls are going pretty far nowadays to arouse their dad. Have you seen this?


Dad of the year. Seriously, if I had a daughter, I would physically restrain her from doing this, and if she brought boys over who weren't in a serious, committed relationship with her, they would be brutally butchered in front of her. No daughter of mine is going to be a whore. Period. I'd force her to go do math homework or something.

If she is an adult and brings a boy who she has been dating for a long time over, and the boy is a respectable boy who will likely marry her, then they can do whatever.

Luckily you'll never have a daughter.

oh heaven forbid I want my daughter to have a good relationship with a nice boy rather than be a whore...get over yourself

What you just described is abuse dude. Get over yourself

How is it abuse? You're saying you'd just let your daughter fuck random guys?

I'm fairly sure psychically restraining your teenaged daughter and "butchering" boys you don't approve of in front of her would be abuse.

lol whatever you say cuck

if you ever have a daughter, I am sure you will change your mind

I'm sure I won't decide to emotionally fuck up my daughter and abuse her like you would. Luckily you're an incel and will hopefully never have a daughter.

How is raising my daughter to save herself for someone who actually loves her abuse? Are you retarded? Wtf is wrong with you?

Are you so stupid that you do not realise that dictating every thing that your child does and never letting them make there own decisions will fuck them up? Are you so stupid that you don't know "butchering" one of your daughter boyfriends you don't approve of would fuck her up? That's abuse dude I'm done talking with you if you cannot see that for yourself

My daughter is going to find herself a nice responsible boy who will love her and respect her. He will be a responsible father to my grandkids. I will NOT allow my daughter to date some trashy womanizing Chad who will pump her and dump her or run out on his kids. Period. You can call it abuse. I don't give a fuck. I will make sure my daughter has a good life.

Well 1. Since you are such an abusive asshole your kids will probably end up taken away from you. 2. You're an incel who hangs out on this forum i highly doubt you'll ever get a wife or a girlfriend so you probably won't even have a daughter so that's good. 3. You do realise that your daughter won't have a good life if her dad gets arrested for "butchering" someone she wants to date right?

"wants to date" is different from bringing to the house and fucking she can date whoever, but if she wants to get serious and fuck him, he is going to have to really love her and be committed to her. Period. No exceptions.

Nice try, Norman.

And we will see. And I will never abuse my kids. Fuck you. I was abused. I will never let that happen to my children.

Well how will u know they are fucking? They can easily hide it. Also what will you do when your daughter turns 18 and can do what ever she wants?

Just because she turns 18 doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants. She will always be my daughter. I will always be her father, and she will respect my word, period. I still respect my dad's word, and I'm 30. The girl I am orbiting is very religious, and I would need her parent's approval to marry her before we could ever fuck. So, you are wrong. Some people believe in family. That's not abuse. It may be hard for her to save it for the right guy, but it will be worth it in the end. Their marriage will be much more stable, and it will be built on a foundation of love and trust.

If your 18 your parents don't get to control you anymore you can respect there word and listen to there advice but you no longer have to do what they say there's no guarantee your daughter will be one of the people that still listen and do as you say. And again you said that you'd butcher her boyfriend if she brought him home right in front of her. That's what I called abusive

Maybe if your parents had raised you properly, you'd know the difference between "there" and "their". Clearly, your family failed.

You're 14, right? Are you a guy or a girl?

Yes. It is incestuous.

Do you have standards? Or would you fuck any woman in the world like I would?

Not an incel, he mogs me

there's more than one type of ugly. He's ugly in an endearing way, we're ugly in an offensive way

He's scared of what she can accuse him of

Sexual harassment? Girls are going pretty far nowadays to arouse their dad. Have you seen this?



What about a gangbang with a tall girl?

Of course I jerked off to that video. Did you watch it yet?
