Why it's called 'getting lucky'

61  2018-03-14 by Mr-Mercedes-

Here's some cold, hard, blackpill truth.

The very reason it's called getting lucky when an average guy gets with a girl, is because he is REJECTED by the vast majority of females.

The universal SEXUAL STRATEGY for males is to approach, continually, as many females as he can until he finally succeeds with one. Unless you are a very attractive male, you will never be approached, nor will you succeed with many of the females you eagerly talk to, hence the statistical 'getting lucky' element of the whole mating game.

On the other hand, a female's sexual strategy is to test each candidate, and then select an optimal partner from the pool of men who approach her. Now, if she had a psychological break, and deviated from her natural strategy, that is, if she decided to not be incredibly selective, she would just be taking as much cock as the day is long.

Now check this out:

Due to the advent and mass proliferation of internet-enabled technology, it has gotten exponentially easier for both men and women to implement their respective strategies: men can now 'approach' far more females than ever in history; females have more men to choose from--therefore females can, and in fact, must be much more selective.

However, the utility of each strategy, has not proportionally benefited the members of both genders on an individual level.

The typical female literally has to do nothing new. Rather, she just carries on living normally, and reaps all the rewards of a tremendous spike in demand.

Whereas males witness a massive increase in competition between themselves. Instead of every female having 50 guys to choose between, they now have 500. This means, if we actually want to be selected, we have to approach a fuck-ton more girls than we were before. That requires a lot more effort in and of itself, but the new difficulties don't stop there. We must also constantly think of ways to positively distinguish ourselves from the masses of men; we have to tailor our style and physique to that which we see women most admiring. We have to keep girls laughing, impressed, etc or they seem to immediately lose interest. Our entire game, as subChad males, has to be on lock, or it's over for us.

Young women are very much like a corporation that is seeking high-quality employees, but has many times more applicants than available positions. This analogy actually holds too, because in the world of dating or even casual sex, only a certain amount of 'work' needs to be done at any one time, and pretty much anyone who is out of work, and then gets offered the job they applied for, will consider themselves 'lucky' and take the offer on the spot. Basically, there will always be a significant portion of the female population who is not dating or who goes at least a few days without sex, but as soon as she makes herself available, there will be tons of 'unemployed' males, vying for the opportunity.


To clarify the last point/anology even further, understand that you are never going to nearly have the entire population involved in a monogamous relationship, unless literally everyone, all at the same time, chose to commit to a serious relationship. This means (and keep in both sexes' unique stratgies in mind here) that there will always be enough men of some specific attractiveness level (whatever hypothetical level that may be) available for women to date. Thus, women can just hold back, and wait for the 'good' men to cycle in and out of a relationship, and they never have to bother with males below a certain level of attractiveness. Same applies to any sort of sexual relationship.


Well said, you should consider a career in journalism or the social sciences. You have a great knack for explaining complex social phenomenon.


I'll do prodigious work and research into social systems of the 21st century, and call my magnum opus: The Survival of the Chadliest

getting lucky

this is actually a very simple yet good point. you didn't even need the body of your post, the expression itself says a lot. and it surely isn't a new term coined by incels


Just wanted to drive the point home that the normy sentiment of "there's someone out there for you", really translates into, "present your best self to females over and over, thousands of times, and eventually you'll 'get lucky'"

However, due to the rapid acceleration of technology-driven hypergamy, the amount of luck required to find that 'one' is increasing every day.

For some of us, it's too late, and already passed the threshold where even luck can save us

Well put and well said

Get lucky is a good song

High IQ post good work

IT destroyed again. It's like the US vs iraq

Very good thread, and there's evidence all over the place for this idea for any that try to deny it.

Need more of this and less teenagers karma whoring

No Norman can deny this, either. In fact, they use the 'get lucky' phrase all the time -- without really thinking of its meaning.

Bagging a chick is 'getting lucky' -- Well, why? The very phrase implies getting sex, for a man, isn't easy, but rather a process of luck. Which, largely, it is, though it's more than luck.

Somehow normies will deny this.

says the normie.

most normies dont

Normie here... absolutely agree with this.


It's not even a blackpill truth. I thought it was universally accepted that that's the strategy of the majority of people.

It's a blackpill truth IT cucks refuse to swallow. They think if u just B URSELF, shower, and get a haircut, a girl will magically show up at your door.

IT users deny it to their dying breath

But it's literally how it works. The dating strategy of males is typically to spread their net wide because biologically speaking it's the best survival method. Whereas females have fewer shots therefore would naturally be more selective. These strategies are easily visible to this day. Even if a woman is approaching a lot of guys it's highly probable she's selected the ones she prefers out of the group before starting.

you're waking up now take the next step

I've had these beliefs for ages. But I'll never agree that looks are everything because if we chose purely on looks we would be putting ourselves at a disadvantage.

deep truth

If you're "unemployed " then often the company will test you and see if you have what it takes to be employed. As you said it's a cycle.

might let you be an unpaid volunteer intern at first with the possibility of being hired with pay later.


It's all true. This is blackpill 101.

It's true but what frustrates me is that you need to be somewhat of a narcissist in order to display these things that the female looks at on dating profiles to validate you.

My personality is very sensitive and as a result I have to be very careful who my friends are.

I don't care really about social media profile or any of that rubbish because I find that the people that are into that shit are not good people for me to ally myself with.

Now I am a highly successful, attractive and fit male who cannot find a partner because I don't care to invest the time in the bullshit facade that is social media / online dating.

I like this scientific black pill.

List of things I don't have: -8+ looks -Popular social media presence -A 6+ figure income -Luck

This is why I'm incel. No cunfuhdunce or puhrsuhnaliteehee will fix this.

Excellent post! Just want to comment that approaching 1000s of girls is not a great strategy in my opinion. Time would be better spent building friendship with girls so that you learn how girls work and wont be nervous around them, getting male friends to further increase your social score, and self improvement of looks and career. Work on having more to offer to fewer, than having little to offer to many.

Life is not a statistic, people arent all the same. Theres no typical woman or man. Stop living in your head, incels. Its simply bs what you say, theres more chicks than guys. Not getting any yourself is no reason to spit out such hilarious "facts". The problem isnt that there are too many guys, the problem is that you are that type of a guy that chicks do not want. You are not considered into the pool of males they want, thats what you need to fix.

Modern day foids are basically all copies of each other, stop bullshitting lol. Peer pressure and peer approval of a possible mate is very important to wymyn. They come to a consensus of who is worthy and will constantly tear down a guy who they deem to not be good enough. They will harp on it until the poor guy gets dumped.

It never stops to amaze me that back in the 50s or 60s, femoids at least had individuality. These days each one is another's clone. Every reaction, every step can be predicted. They all share the same dream, lust after the same thing - chad's cock



You basically said everything incels are already saying about themselves and calling it your own opinion. Just lol at you.

The blackest pill. Black as midnight, black as pitch- blacker than the foulest witch!

it's similar to economic theory, the fed reserve says their goal is 100% unemployment but that's a lie, the rich want a reserve army of unemployed to depress wages.

In Germany we say:

Always being lucky equals ability

But I've lost my virginity when I was 14 years old, please form a straight line for your subhuman questions.

Please learn proper English verb tenses.

Lutsch meinen Schwanz, Jungfrau.

I'm a married man, not an Incel and definitely not a "Jungfrau". Why don't you get back to gassing Jews you Nazi bastard? Hitler's gonna punish you when he sees you've only gassed 100 Jews this week. Arbeit macht frei!

Relax Untermensch.

Yeah, I am an Untermensch. I'm the descendant of Poles who had to leave Poland because the "master race" needed their Lebensraum. But I'm also a proud American who thinks it's hilarious that your country still has American military bases in it thereby turning your "master race" into the biggest cucks on the planet. 73 years after your Fuhrer committed suicide you still aren't allowed to take pride in being German for fear of people calling you a Nazi. Now your women are being raped by Arab rapefugees and what do the men do? Absolutely nothing. Russian men would have killed the rapefugees and thrown their bodies into the river.

Dude I'm not a nazi. You just get triggered very easily. Don't give a fuck about Atsche, my grandma is from Schlesien. Seems like you know what that means. Just relax.

But the ratio of men to women hasn’t changed. I don’t see how any of this relates to the real world.

You’re right in that men pursue and women choose.

You’re right in the more men are persuing

But that means more women are choosing, right?

You’re right.

And it falls directly in line with my observation that the ages of 21 to about 26 are the hardest time for a man to get laid. Good find on those stats.


Well it’s an observation. Why it happens is anyone’s guess, but I do have a few of my own.

Social circle collapse. Most relationships form within social circles. After college social circles shrink, so the available pool of dating partners becomes smaller. Most men aren’t having one night stands, or at least fewer men than women are (the “80/20 rule”/Pareto principle).

Widening age differential among male competition. Generally speaking, women date men the same age or older, but not younger. As women grow older the maximum age of a man they’ll date increases. The available women for a 23 year old guy are women 23 and under. Combined with the above social circle theory, that would mean non-college aged women, so girls about 21 to 23. But the available pool of men for a 23 year old girl are guys 23 to as old as she’s willing to go (usually late 20’s).

Men in their early 20’s are losers compared to older men. Most live with their parents, don’t make much money, have pretty lame jobs, drive shitty cars, have no experience with the world (and less with women). Most just play video games, smoke weed, and watch porn all day InB4 it’s all about face. That’s some seriously autistic shit.

Anyway, this is all just my theory on my observation. Of course there are exceptions (again, InB4 the autists). And those exceptions run to both sides of the bell curve.

You hit the nail on the head. The one thing you're missing is "the wall" which is that most women fall out of consideration by most men as a potential sexual partner starting in their early thirties. It's well known in redpill theory that for women, starting in their late twenties, it's more or less all downhill. There's the old adage: men age like fine wine.

Eg. a successful, charming and reasonably good-looking (not Chad by any means) 35-year-old man will be considered as a potential sexual partner by women of almost all all legal ages, but he's probably looking for a woman in her early to mid twenties. For a 35-year-old woman, the only men considering her are men in their early forties and older.

I wish that were true, Im 36 and men of ALL ages shoot their shot with me. Last week a 22 yr old (baby) asked me out and when I told him my age yes he was shocked but he said said he didnt care and still wanted to date me.

That may be your case, I'm just talking about the general trend.

Not mad at cha, just saying I guess it depends on how well preserved? you are. Anyways, good luck to you and have a good day :)

Bro, just wait until you're 70+ years old, and then you'll be having vaginal intercourse with prime, teen pussy!

I spent much of the post explaining why the most important ratio is how much 'work' is being asked of males (and also how highly that work is prioritized by females) relative to how many men are available to do the job at that time.

If every woman were always insatiably wanting sex or a serious monogomous relationship, then they would definitely do a great deal more 'settling'. But a females is usually quite content holding out for periods of time, sometimes prolonged periods of time, in order to secure a higher quality man than the ones who were immediately available to her. The wait is worth it in her mind, and this is actually an important aspect of females' biological calculus. All this means is that a disproportionate number of men at the top do most of the fucking/dating.

But that means more women are choosing, right?

Think of it this way, pretend before social media came along, a woman was asked to hang out by five different guys per day. If she only has the time to hang out with one of these guys, then she must reject four of them. You would be technically considered the 'lucky one' if she chose to spend her free time with you. Now, if a female has thousands of Facebook friends, Instagram followers, and 5,000 Tinder matches (easily doable in a large city actually), there are going to many times as many guys asking her to go out. Let's just say she receives 25 offers per day to hang out, and still only has the time for one guy. This means she must reject and/or ignore 24 of the other guys.

So to answer your question, females today are being more selective (it's a mathematical necessity that they are), which means it's much more unlikely that any singular female who you message, will choose YOU among all the other guys doing the same. You can counter this however by messaging a ton of girls and hoping one of them does not reject you. This takes a lot more effort on your part however. One of the main points of my post was to highlight how the two genders' dating and sexual strategies interact with each other, and how technology has impacted those strategies, that is, how have the strategies been forced to evolve.

I should add that most men do eventually find some success, and I suppose they continue to revolve mostly around the women they've already succeeded with. However, due to the fierce competitiveness among males, females' unique biological strategy, and the nature of the numbers-game, there will always be some fraction of men who get completely left out of the relationship-equation, and that's where incels are born.

Lol at your logic

if more people are selling, are more people buying? If that’s the case, prices wouldn’t drop.

Okay so maybe you should try to convince girls to do this and then you'll have the incel Armageddon you seek.

Asnof yet the vast majority of men are still neither Chad nor incel and definitely not wealthy enough to beta bux even himself

might let you be an unpaid volunteer intern at first with the possibility of being hired with pay later.