If you don't pay for your daughter's Spring Break trip to Florida, you're a bigot

42  2018-03-14 by TOP_FKING_LUL


just be black theory

Worked for me. Or maybe t was the charm

Tyrone for his cock. Chad for the emotional intimacy. And beta bux Tim for the provider.

His hands are fucking massive

u/foreignincel4 how badly does this dude handmog you?

he can censor all of my upper body with one hand

Kek damn

i never met someone with my wrists but my grandmother, i one time compared my wrists with my 5yo cousin she had bigger wrists and same hand size

Oh wow it's over. The dude in the pic's fingers alone are probably bigger.

sometimes where my friends takes pictures of me and my hand is showing , i look like an handicaped person because the hands are literally baby size while i have facial hair


It's like having five dicks on your hand


take a close look at black dudes shirt lol

OKC statistics dispute this meme. Black guys have a really hard time getting laid. Maybe Tyrone is out there banging femoids, but most black guys are in the trash tier with Indians, Asians, and Middle Easterners.

Out of all the non-whites blacks still have it the easiest though

You're wrong. Black guys have a very hard time getting laid. A lot of black women only want white guys. Black guys also tend to make less money and have lower status. It is a hard life. Most white people just imagine some gangster Tyrone or NFL player when they think of black people. They don't think about that quiet janitor, cashier, or construction worker. Pay closer attention to the black people in your community. You will see a huge portion of them are incel.

No they don’t lmao. I live in England and literally everyday I see a black guy with a white girl and they have a mixed child. Also whenever I see black girls they’re always with black guys many of them like black guys who are thugs. It’s pretty ridiculous to say black guys have a hard time getting laid lmao. I remember checking the hottest white girls profile in my school and she was dating a black guy. Maybe where you live it’s different but over here black guys slay lol.

Maybe things are different in the UK since you guys are cucked as hell, but here in the US it is a different story.

The US is just as cucked lmao and I don’t think blacks struggle to get laid there either but it doesn’t matter.

They do. Most black guys I know are still single and didn't make it. It's not what you see on TV.


Nah I'm American and roasties love black guys. The BBC fantasy is real.

Actually blacks get laid the most. In a survey blacks males were he most likely to have 4+ partners in the last year. Whites are the msot likely to have one or none. You'd have to be really stupid t actually think "a lot" of lack women are only dating white men. The vast majority of interracial marriages in America are between whites and blacks are BMWF.

Can you show more details about the survey?

Interesting...it seems black people are getting laid a lot more than I thought. This was a survey though so people may have been lying.

Then... What am I?

Rubber and he's glue!

Being black isn't enough. It usually comes with being tall and hung. But not every black guy is

Yeah I definitely agree but I think it’s a stretch to say a whole race struggles to have sex lol


This is really the only thing that matters for black guys


It's probably a hard time getting dates, but they just pick women up and bend them over, and ream them and then don't ever call back.

Bbc theory

lol he's so happy. Good for him.


No Cute girlfriend


Being in a military town is just being surrounded by fat, drug addicted, used up whores who've taken so many cocks because they can have any man they want since there are twice as many women as men. And then they'll date some guy fresh out of boot camp so they can live off his money and he can feed her two kids from a previous relationship lol

Why not go get a fat dependa?

I want someone who loves me for me, not my benefits.

Me too but it's never going to happen for incels in the military. There are hundreds of chads on base who just live at the gym when not at work. A woman around base can have so many cocks shoved into her from superior men. I know they would never date a guy like me. I'll probably find some fat single mom bitch who wants to get military money, then wear a blindfold, ream the nasty hole between her legs, and then scadaddle.


daughters hahahahah, ur assuming im gonna get laid to conceive hahahahahaha

Lmao femoids are literally just pieces of meat to fuck.


With each day my urges grow stronger.