"Lol, jus liek, ask her out bro! You don't know what would happen unless you try!"

47  2018-03-14 by SmolderingPieces

Yes I fucking do. I don't have to fight Iron Mike to know he could kick my ass. I don't swim to the bottom of a lake to find out if I can breath underwater. I just know what would happen.

Normies, man. I don't even fucking get how someone could survive kindergarten being this stupid.


and do they think multiple rejections will have no adverse effects on a persons mental health especially someone who isn't in a good place to begin with

great so i took normans advice, now i have no gf and string of deeply cringey and embarrassing experiences which solidify my negative feelings

They really are so privileged.

I'm sorry it has been tough, rejection sucks ass. No real advice, just encouragement to keep trying if you can.

I think the point of his post was that you can't, you slack-jawed junkslut.

The argument is dumb then. You can easily predict that a fighter that his trained his whole life can beat someone who hasn't and no one is able to breathe underwater without a scuba tank. Social interactions are a lot harder to predict. This is coming from someone with social anxiety.

Is your bf supportive of your social anxiety?

Nah but my gf is. And my friends help a lot. It is rough meeting people when no one I know is around though.

Yea, you have no social anxiety. Just fucking lol.

Where's the hope in you, hopecel? I have been working at it for years.

My hope is that I get lucky somehow but the odds are just as likely as winning the lottery.

I'll spare you all the blue pilled "advice" or encouragement and just say I hope you get lucky. I know it isn't worth much to ya though

It's tough when you don't even have friends.

I've got 3 people I would consider friends, including my girlfriend. At work I am never invited to the non-work outings. I absofuckinglutely dread having to give any presentations and can never sleep the night before having to give them.

People with social anxiety don’t have gfs. Stop stealing our terms

Not one person with social anxiety has ever had a girlfriend? You know it is possible to get help, right? I have been seeing a therapist for it for 4 years.

Getting a gf is the opposite of social anxiety. Stop appropriating our things

I didn't know only incels could suffer from social anxiety. I'll go ahead and start calling it anxiety arising from simply thinking about meeting new people, clients or giving presentations but not limited to these constraints. Actually, fuck it. I'm gonna keep calling it social anxiety because that's what it is. You're not the only group of people who get to claim it.

Do you get panic attacks in social situations? Drenching sweat? Begin to stutter? That’s what social anxiety is. It’s normal to have small little doubts and be nervous when meeting new people, doing a presentation...

I haven't gotten panic attacks and no, it's not a normal level of stress caused by presentations. It's getting nausea and even throwing up right before a presentation. I took a medical leave of absence to deal with it when I finally got a job with good health coverage. Sweating, heart beating out of my chest and I have had issues with stuttering my whole life. I can't even order a fucking Arnold Palmer at a restaurant without word farting it, so I just say half lemonade and half iced tea. I have no problem saying this aloud to myself. But once I'm in front of a server? Good bye brain. To this day, have issues calling in phone orders to restaurants. I have to mentally prepare every little thing i'm going to say. It has taken me years to get to this point and I'm still working hard at it. I don't really want to argue this any more so this will be my last response.

Good luck.

u 2

keep tryin bro

Normoids should be forced to approach top tier supermodels so they know what it's like for an incel to approach any female, period.

This. So much this. Approaching women is impossible if you've only got rejections in your life.

They should be forced to approach pig woman and get rejected.

You know rejection is a part of life right? Being rejected for a loan, being rejected from a university, being rejected from a job you applied for, being rejected for financial assistance, and of course being rejected by a love interest. If you can’t handle rejection and all the awkwardness it brings no matter where it comes from then you really aren’t equipped to be an adult.

That's not the point. Normal people don't have to cold approach dozens of women.

They absolutely do. The thing about this sub is that you guys experience a lot of similar things that us "normies" do, but for some reason the stresses of rejection, doubt, and self loathing can only apply to you.

These are things that are part of human existence, but while most people are able to push forward against these things, even when it's hard, (and I know I'm generalizing) it seems like incels just give up and imagine they are this marginalized group and they're the only men who've ever had their feelings hurt.

I admit I come on this sub because of a morbid curiosity, but for you guys who see the sub as gospel, get out before it's too late for you.

They absolutely do.

Maybe you aren't normal then.

the stresses of rejection, doubt, and self loathing can only apply to you

When have we ever said that we are the only ones who can experience rejection, doubt, and self loathing?

You're a group so I'm not saying you specifically, but all these posts that compare your lives to Chad lives, like "You'll never have this, because you can't be Chad" and other people's happiness being "suicide fuel", and how Chad's and women have life so easy.

Every group that isn't incel seems to have such a comparitively privileged life to incels (OP made a comment above me saying something to that effect).

But like I said, so many people experience these feelings, it's more apt to say for some reason I can't wrap my head around, incels dwell on it rather than trying to move forward. Looking at so many young people on this subreddit, it makes me wonder if it only takes one hit to an "incels" confidence, rejected by a few girls to turn bitter and sour and start identifying as an incel.

Anyway, like I said, it's a morbid fascination, but the views on this sub on what is "normal" and the projection onto other people ("normies" and "females" is absolutely delusional).

it makes me wonder if it only takes one hit to an "incels" confidence, rejected by a few girls to turn bitter and sour and start identifying as an incel.

lmao @ 'rejected by a few girls'

How about bullied and rejected by tens of women, barely tolerated by the rest of them and good enough as an acquaintance for a few dozen?

Ahhh...yup there it is.

They absolutely do.

I respectfully disagree. In my experience, it's really not common for guys to approach dozens of women, especially strangers. All of my friends and acquaintances who are in relationships got to know their partners naturally, such as in classes (college) or through common interests/activities. For most normal people, relationships just naturally develop, yes there may be a few rejections but the average guy is not going out and asking out dozens of women.

I am not saying cold approach can never work, but it is not a common thing for "normies" in my experience.

Being rejected for a loan, being rejected from a university, being rejected from a job you applied for, being rejected for financial assistance

All mean that you weren't good enough.

LOL you couldn't prove his point any harder. When you get rejected by any of these things it isn't some kind of "it didn't work out" or "not my soulmate" or other cope bullshit you normtards tell yourself to keep up the just world fallacy.

It means someone LOOKED AT YOU


and you were found NOT GOOD ENOUGH

you have FAILED. You are a FAILURE.

The difference is we know how to move on and get over it, even if we can’t make up some sort of reasoning. You guys seems to obsess and make it your entire life, and for that I really feel sorry for you but that’s not what adults do.

This dude....am I right?! TOTALLY cruising for a banning from this sub!!!!!!!!!! All kidding aside, SmokeWine, you are making too much sense and ruining the woe is me narrative. I think you may be commenting on borrowed time. As probably am I for agreeing with you.

you don't understand how the brain works, do you?

Maybe not the mentally impaired brain, no, I don’t.

do you ever wonder why some people get consumed by their past and other don't? or why others succeed and some fail?

Ok, so I'm not equipped to be an adult.

Guess that’s what it boils down to.

anotehr person to block.

Remember guys i'm on a holy crusade for at least a week. BLOCK All tHE CUCKTEARS. They thrive on replies, they worhship us 24-7. we live in their head RENT FREE. if we block them WE WIN.

Follow me brocels and block the cucktears until it's just us brocels and some alright normies.

Yeah block sounds good for you, could definitely use a little less coocoo.

It’s normal to get rejected sometimes. You brush off the first rejection, the second rejection, the third rejection... but eventually you realize that you didn’t have a single positive experience and then you think back... Normies get rejected a couple times too but they eventually succeed and have positive memories to fall back on. If you never had any validation in your whole life it’s hard to keep going after dozens of rejections.

I understand that whole heartedly, maybe on a different level but yeah. It’s discouraging but the only thing to do is keep moving forward. Why would you want to think back on that stuff when it’s all been said and done? I mean what’s the point?

Even if you’re rejected a thousand times, what’s in the past is in the past and nothing will change that. There are billions of people in the world, setting your mind in one area on one focus group will get you nothing but disappointment, the generalized assumptions about women and relationships are what’s holding this group back. I mean 7 billion people in the world, you can’t tell me you’ve met every single one.

Normies are funi XD

[who knows what could happen!](do any of you guys really think it will get better?)

If you have a friend whose a Chad youll get that literally everyday.

I had my first ever acceptance of a date at 23. It really felt unreal that it could happen.

Yea, I know it has a small probability, might not even happen to me another time. But you never know. Not saying you should try to ask women out though if getting rejected hurts - I know it does.

Hey, I read your post on r/asktrp. How are you doing ever since?

Could be better, could be worse. Found out she was really cheating on me, that hurts a bit, but what can I do now. I took a week off from work to rest and recharge, now it’s almost over, but I could really get used to this NEET life. I wake up at about 10, go to the gym, play some video games, in the evening I meet up with friends, get drunk then go home. I always went somewhere for vacation, this is the first time I’m home doing nothing, and it’s fucking awesome.

I feel you, man. I've thought about taking a part time job and living the NEET life before too. I mean what's the point of working if you will never have anyone to share your wealth with. There isn't much motivation, you just live an empty unfulfilling life. Atm I have semester break and I live a lifestyle similar to yours. I wake up at noon or afternoon, eat, play video games, go to the gym, eat, play video games, go to sleep in the morning hours.

normans only ask average bishes in fear of rejection, and they rarely get rejected but this kinda success is worth nothing.

If you're a 5 who has the confidence of a 1 and asks out a 9 then that's life. No one is obligated to date you. Try asking out a 5 and you'll be struggling to find the clit in no time!!

ive asked out 2s and im a 6 on truerate me and a 8-9 on r/amiugly

women only want chads not brainlets gymcels mentalcels


It's projection.

Women have to "lower" their standards from chad to chadlite sometimes so since they never think about men's lives for half a second they assume men are in the same position. Most men aren't willing to be honest with themselves about the position they are in so they go along with it.

Imagine believing this unironically

I'd rather be incel than be with a 5

Elbows too pointy 2/10 wouldn't bang.

Give me an example of a 5/10.

This guy gets it 😅😅😅😅😅

Do you retards honestly believe we're shooting for 9/10s?


You people are so stupid I'm surprised you can breathe on your own.

I'm surprised you made such an honest username

I have nothing to be happy about.

And for that i truly am sorry. You deserve better.

I really don't. Society has made it perfectly obvious I'm worthless because of my height, so I get to spend what little life I have left alone and miserable.

I am 5'7. I am also currently single. I struggle with depression just like you seem to. I just CANNOT agree that society inherently hates short people and we are destined to fail and die alone. We can all be happy, to an extent, if we do the best we can and make the best of our own situations.

I am also currently single

Not helping your argument lol

I just CANNOT agree that society inherently hates short people

No, society doesn't hate short people, just short men. You cannot tell me we aren't treated differently than everyone else. Short women, tall woman, tall man? A-okay. Short men? You're seen as literal scum of the worth, and everyone expects you to prove yourself to them. It's bullshit. I don't get why I had to be born, especially if I have to deal with this dumb shit my entire fucking life.

We can all be happy, to an extent

Extent, lol. If that extent is the bare minimum, sure.

if we do the best we can and make the best of our own situations

Not really. Like I said, the cards are stacked against us, and no one likes seeing short men succeed in life. Look at Putin, people laugh at the fact he's 5'6 and say they cannot see him in the "same light" after realizing he's short. These retards want to act like they're on the 21st century, super progressive, and all that horseshit - but will conveniently latch onto this stoneage mentality where if you're short you're automatically undeserving of respect.

CANNOT do as short people

Like truly be happy; find a cunt that genuinely enjoys our company; get actual respect in the workplace without having to jump through flaming hoops; not get treated like absolute shit; making a decent salary; not be seen as an overcompensating faggot for trying to improve your shit life one iota, etc. Yea, there are a lot of this we cannot do as short people.

It sounds like you have faced plenty of bullshit/discrimination in your life but I simply don't believe it was all because of your height. I believe that YOU believe it was your height rather than an infinite number of other reasons. No one deserves to be shat on all the time, that sucks, but i think you shit on yourself about your height more than anyone else has. My height has never affected me professionally. I have never seen it affect anyone else professionally.

At some point a woman becomes so unattractive I would never want to have sex with her. She's basically a man, as far as I'm concerned.

I mean...If your self esteem is so low that you "know" she will reject you, you wont really feel that bad if she does, while also knowing you gave it a shot. Why don't you just give it a shot?

It's a waste of time. It's a detriment to my mental health and a surefire way to spiral deeper into depression. And if women are going to reject me on looks, especially when they are as ugly, or uglier, than me, then they're not worth my damn time or breath.

So then why don't you just give up on women all together instead of acting like a whiny pussy about being rejected them? Do something else.

Because bottling it up and not venting about it on an anonymous internet board for exactly that is also a detriment to my mental health.

Why can't you just forget about it and move on to things that make you happy?

Having a girlfriend is what will make me happy. I'm already doing the other things that make me happy.

What the hell is it to you what I do with my time? And Forever Alone/incel is not something you can just make your brain "forget about." Clearly you've never been in this situation, or you'd understand that, but since you haven't, you can't understand it. So just fuck off.


Why don't you give up on air?

If your self esteem is so low that you "know" she will reject you, you wont really feel that bad if she does

I don't really understand your thinking there. The worse I am, the more insulting is asking someone out to them (because it implies that I believe them to be in my league).

Yeah, let me boost some cunt's self esteem by approaching her and indicating I'm interested just to have her turn down my advances, and in the process destroying what little self esteem I have left. No thanks.

So don't fucking complain about not getting laid if you don't even try.

I wouldn't get laid even if I did try.

Why not go for it? Because it is work.

You have to be careful about what you mean when you say self esteem. Do you mean your view of how others see you, or how you view yourself, irrespective of what anyone else things? Because, when it comes to your view of how others see you, there is an objective, correct answer, that you can be more or less close to. If I have an accurate view of how low others see me, but I still love myself, do I have high or low self esteem?

Look at this video


Dude in the background is clearly not that good looking, yet he approaches the two women being interviewed and gets rebuffed.

My question is why isnt this guy an incel? i.e have crippling social anxiety due to his appearance and stay home all the time.

My theory (could be totally wrong) is these guys (ugly guys with confidence) exhibit psychopathic traits where in rejection or self reflection are not issues to them

"Oh no, someone might say no to me. The horror"

I think you have to be selective with who you ask out. I'm 5'11, and white, so I think I have a reasonable shot with some women. But my personality and negative attitude is a factor, and sometimes I don't dress well.

But if I travel the country and world and committed to ask out thousands of women with a simple one-liner, eventually I would find someone reasonably pretty who might like me.

But if you're incel, it's much harder. The 4-5 females will even put up some resistance.

Sooooo your plan is to wait for a girl to ask you out? Okay, good luck, friend.

You should still ask anyway. You know she will probably say no, but if you don't try, then it's over anyway.i

Sad man is sad.

Interesting how you guys are allowed to not ask girls out, yet if I don't ask a guy out it means I don't really like him.

Incel tries...

Her: #MeToo, I got catcalled by this creep.

I think the point of his post was that you can't, you slack-jawed junkslut.

keep tryin bro

ive asked out 2s and im a 6 on truerate me and a 8-9 on r/amiugly

women only want chads not brainlets gymcels mentalcels

Imagine believing this unironically

I'd rather be incel than be with a 5

Do you retards honestly believe we're shooting for 9/10s?

I really don't. Society has made it perfectly obvious I'm worthless because of my height, so I get to spend what little life I have left alone and miserable.

At some point a woman becomes so unattractive I would never want to have sex with her. She's basically a man, as far as I'm concerned.